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Vin DiCarlo - Pandoras Box (Complete PUA System)

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her through new adventures, smile and tease her whenever she is being a “chickenfingers” (this is what I call girls who order chicken fingers at dinner – it’s safe, lame, and boring. Try something different and crazy!)

Date ideas

*Plan on 2-3 activities for a first date with Deniers

A quiet wine bar

A low-key dive bar

A café

Have a picnic in the park or on the beach

Cook dinner at your place


Cinderella (NJI)

By the lines

iNvestor Cinderella is also looking for your long-term potential. Remember that this does NOT mean you should give her your life resume. In fact, the less details she knows about you, the better, as she will fill in the gaps with her own fantasies, which are much more exciting than anything you could come up with. The real key to conveying a possible future together is simply by having fun together and sharing experiences. The Cinderella seduces herself, so the only way you can screw up is by ruining her fantasy of you, and not letting her use her imagination. Unfortunately, most guys screw this up.

Justifier The NJI combination is POWERFUL. It makes the Cinderella extremely passionate, whimsical, and sexual. This creates the opportunity for rapid sexual escalation. You don’t have to do much to get this woman going. You’re real challenge will be to not turn her off by placing too much emphasis on her looks, or making other mistakes to convey that you are very interested in sleeping with her.

Idealist The conversation should focus on the past and future – leave your current details vague. Talk about your memories of childhood, and your hopes and aspirations for the future. Find out hers too. The most powerful conversation you can have with Cinderella is silent. Comfortable silence, with eye contact, is absolutely the most effective way to create a connection while simultaneously turning her on.


Date ideas

*Leverage her intense emotions by contrasting both physical and conversational scenarios


Go to an art museum

Go to the zoo

Play pool at a


Quiet bar or greasy spoon restaurant

A lake or park to walk around

Grill and have drinks in your backyard/balcony


Private Dancer (TDR)

By the lines

Tester The PD is very picky with the guys she’ll sleep with. That’s why it’s really important to not alert her tendency to reject men. Do this by having a plan, keeping it light yet stimulating, and not putting sexual pressure on her. You should plan for 2-3 venues or activities here. But remember, she is a Realist, so you must get her to play a role in the date.

Denier Again, sleep with her as soon as you can, otherwise you will be waiting awhile. A great date for a TDR is to cook dinner at your place. This is a really solid date for any of the types, but it takes a smooth set up, as laid out in our No Flakes DVDs.

Realist Her worldview is that relationships are a team effort. She wants to contribute, not necessarily to show off or prove herself, but because she wants to. Imagine being on a basketball team (or whatever your preferred sport), but never getting to play. Sure, it’s easy to sit on the bench, but that’s no fun!


Date ideas

*You can use the same date ideas as TDI, but you’ll want to create opportunities for the PD to contribute:

Go for a walk in a pretty natural setting, like a public park (don’t go hiking in an unpopulated area.) Have her bring a bottle of wine, or some snacks.

Take her to the arcade and play a bunch of games together. Have her get $3-4 in quarters ahead of time.

Get a group of people for a trip to the beach (she probably won’t want to get in a bikini if it’s just you and her). Have her bring some food or drinks, or a blanket – anything she can do is great!

Take her to a wine-tasting even, and go for a walk outside afterwards. Tell her to wear a black dress so you look like a hot couple.


Seductress (TJR)

By the lines

Tester The Seductress can be intimidating. But remember, your job is not to impress her. Your job is to get to know her and have fun – to become friends that sleep together. It’s likely this woman is very sharp, and has a lot of experience with men trying to impress their way into her pants. Interestingly, most Seductresses are more stimulated intellectually, than physically. They need a man who can hang with her, and is interested in how she thinks. Go for more high-brow type of activities. Don’t worry too much about moving her around or many different venues. One activity that envelopes the two of you, and stimulates thought and conversation is perfect.

Justifier Don’t worry too much about making her sexually aroused, or flirting. Treat her like a friend. She’s horny already and any attempt you make to “speed things up” or “heat things up” is going to look weak, unless you are supremely confident in your sexual abilities. Speak to her as an equal – show her you respect her thoughts and opinions. This translates to you being a good level – seriously! It shows that you are a giver, and care about her pleasure. She’s not a conquest. YOU are the conquest here (but remember, easy conquests are no fun).

Realist Make the Seductress work. Expect her to contribute, because she must earn sex from you. I don’t want to make it anymore complicated than that because that is the most powerful mindset you can have with this woman.


Date ideas

*In contrast to the TJI, the TJR requires lots of intellectual stimulation.

Museum or art gallery

Rent some cult or foreign films and watch together

I would say go to a poetry reading, but I hate spoken word poetry. Your call.

Go to a bar or restaurant that specializes in some category. For example, a whiskey bar (there’s a great one in San Francisco – 4 shelves of scotch and whiskey, dim candle lighting, and hidden places to sit and talk). Or check out an Ethiopian bar and sit at the traditional tables.


Connoisseur (NDR)

By the lines

iNvestor The Connoisseur isn’t interested in a fling. She may be cool with an open relationship, but she is picky, like the Private Dancer, and only wants a man she can have a future with. She’s expecting to take the long route, and she is mostly screening on your ability to match her contribution to the relationship (Realist). You’ll need to focus on originality in your date, and also, to get personal and engaged in your conversation. I’ll get you started.

Denier A great way to penetrate her Denying walls is to match your interest in her personality with your interest in her body. Don’t hide it. Be sexual, aggressive, passionate – but balance it with genuine warmth and interest in who she is as a person. Reward her physically with your touch whenever she impresses you or shows her true personality.

Realist Talk about your goals, but in a more practical way. Ask her about her personality – what kind of person she is, what she is good at. Be self-deprecating and talk about your vulnerabilities and weaknesses (in moderation). This will allow her to do the same, and then you can bond as two, authentic, vulnerable human beings, trying to make it in a crazy world.


Date ideas

*Go for originality

Check out a children’s science museum, and have fun with the hands-on exhibits

Go to an aquarium – no one goes to aquariums but they are really cool and have a dark, other-worldly ambience.

Go shopping together and have her help you pick some clothes, or pick out a gift for someone close to you


Modern Woman (NJR)

By the lines

iNvestor The Modern Woman is generally looking for a guy she can be with for the long-haul, but she is really easy to get along with and doesn’t get ahead of herself. She knows that it takes time to truly connect with someone, and only then does the sex get really good. So she’s cool with having something light and casual at first, to see if there’s the potential for more. She doesn’t get ahead of herself. She is very flexible and easy to date. You can do physical activities, or set up a more conversational context.

Justifier Don’t work too hard to create sexual tension. If she turns you on, don’t hide it. But relaaaax. There’s no need to rush. She is horny and likes to have fun. The more you can relax and allow her to feel comfortable with you, the faster she’ll be ready to have sex. In fact, this type may make the first move, or carry the torch once you do.

Realist The MH likely has at least one talent or area of expertise. Get interested and appreciate her for it. If you can incorporate it into the date, that’s even better. Remember, with a Justifier, getting compliance over sex is crucial. Since she’s a Realist-iNvestor, she already wants to contribute. Leverage this to create the mutually beneficial dynamic where you are the sexual prize in the relationship.

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