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Vin DiCarlo - Pandoras Box (Complete PUA System)

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Date ideas

You can do any of the above dates. It doesn’t matter. The key is to get her involved in some way as far as contributing to the success of the date. Here are some more compliance ideas:

Have her wear something special – a skirt and heels is my standard.

Tell her to do her hair in a style you like, or to just surprise you.

Have her buy or bring something relevant to the activity

Have her bring a girl friend for your guy friend (double date)

Have her pick you up

Let her take you out to dinner (second date)

Have her help you with a task (shopping, cooking, etc)




Our primary intent for Pandora’s Box was to encourage men to explore and learn about women. It is only once you understand something, or

someone, that you can truly love them. And that’s our ultimate goal – for men to love women. Because this is what has taken our own personal success to an amazing level (Even at the time of writing this, I still wake up in awe of the lifestyle I live), and what drives everything we teach at DiCarlo Coaching.

So first and foremost, just get a feeling for cultivating an intention of loving and giving pleasure to women. Make them feel good – it’s fun!

This can only be accomplished by exploring and learning about each individual woman you meet. My hope is to have clients calling or emailing me with their own insights on how to enjoy and interact with the female mind!

The most important element to consider when dealing with women is that they think differently than men, for evolutionary reasons. Observing the principles that are the same, AND different will make you profoundly intelligent when it comes to interacting with women.

When you understand the mental differences between men and women, you’ll see why what I’m about to say is so crucial. When you can wrap your mind around The Sexual Paradox you can navigate and escalate naturally and confidently.


One thing of primary importance is the concept of submission. Submission means giving up control. Trauma is caused by a sense of loss-of-control. Feeling like your body is controlled by someone else, is scary. But also exciting, for a woman. In, fact, feeling totally submissive is the way most women achieve orgasm during sex.

So you must intuitively navigate this paradox!

In this article, I’ll explain how to satisfy every type of woman. It’s actually really easy, but first you need to know the universal principles. I use a fun acronym to break this down to our clients:



Women feel like they are giving up a lot when they have sex. It’s important to make a woman feel safe about letting go and giving you her body.


When you feel like you know what you are doing, you feel confident. Apply this to sex. If you’ve ever had the feeling that you can blow a woman’s mind with your hands, tongue, or dick, you know what it means to be sexy. For a woman, she needs to feel that her body, her moves, and her effort to please


you, are all amazing, wonderful, arousing, exciting. Encourage her: “HELL YEAH, DO YOUR THING WOMAN!


A woman’s body takes in a man’s love. She is a nurturer first. But this means she puts herself last, including her own body. That’s ok, because as a woman, it’s a huge turn-on to be out of control and have a strong man use her for his enjoyment. Accept this and embrace it. Learn what helps your lady to let go and give you control!


Work for your lady, all your ladies. This is sooo important. It’s not about your dick. It’s about your attention. Convey this loving attention through your eyes, hands, tongue, and dick. Always say “I love you,” with everything but your actual words, (until you are ready!).


“Ex” means Expression. Say and show what you are really feeling. The more “you” you are, the more attractive you are. When you are YOU, all the way, you more of a man, because you are a man. You don’t need to be a rockstar. Just move your expression towards fullness.


A big part of your expression is how you talk to women during intimacy. For example, you can use language to establish control and make her feel submissive. The term ‘dirty talk’is a misnomer in my opinion. It’s not about being dirty, it’s about leading her, and communicating your feelings, your desires. Most, if not all, women need this because it stimulates their minds.


Playette (TDI)

What to expect

The Playette takes some time to warm up because she feels that sex is special, sacred even. Once you get past her protective shell, she is extremely passionate and likes to explore new activities.


The Playette’s biggest fear is that you will abandon her after sex. It’s important that you treat sex as something that brings you both closer together. When you show your sexual interest, with your eyes, hands, or words, make sure it’s with warmth, and because of who she is as a person. Don’t lust after her body. Tell her you that her laugh is sexy, and when you touch her, go slow and use a protective intention, rather than simply “feeling her up.”


A Playette may not be aware of how beautiful and arousing she is. As you become more intimate, be very reassuring. Be specific. Don’t focus on the normal hotspots like her breasts or ass. Tell her you like her lips, the back of her neck, her perfect little toes.



The Playette, of all the types, may have the most difficulty letting go and letting you be in control. Again, having a very warm, protective, reassuring attitude with her will help her relax and trust you.


Go very slow when things start heating up. If you rush, she will get nervous and put her guard up. Her satisfaction is based on her ability to relax with you. Learn about her body. Find all her “spots” and how she likes to be touched. Take your time, and bond sexually by learning about how to pleasure each other.


Social Butterfly (TJI)

What to expect

In contrast to the Playette, the Butterfly is quite playful sees sex as fun. She likes to try different men, even if she has a specific physical type. One issue you may find with the Butterfly is a lack of depth or passion.


Your biggest challenge with the Butterfly won’t be making her feel safe. Match her attitude by having a fun, playful attitude - treat sex like a casual activity. Getting too serious or intense about sex will make her uncomfortable.


Teach her to pleasure you and compliment her skills. If you chase her by giving her too much approval or initiating intimacy, she’ll lose interest. She’ll heat up fast with some basic kissing and touching. Guide her hands to touch you – not just your dick, but wherever else you like to be touched. Teach her how you like to be kissed. Take a dominant, leader role, while keeping a light sense of humor.



A Butterfly is comfortable playing a submissive role – she knows that sex is hot when there is a power dynamic. She likes to be bent over, spanked, grabbed, and she likes dirty talk. But this is standard fare. As you become closer sexually, become more dominant. Call her your little slut, put her over your knee and spank her, have rougher sex, and take control with wild abandon.


Variety is the key with a Social Butterfly. Go through a couple different positions, have sex in different places, etc. You can even evolve into using toys, roleplaying outfits – as long as you’re having fun, and taking her to deeper depths of submission, she will keep you in her roster.

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