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Макроэкономика курсовая.doc
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Influence of ethics on economy: theory and practical aspects

The article views the fundamental problems of interdependence and interconnection of ethics and economy. The author shows the constituents of ethical-economic model of the social-economic system development. The historical-economic principles of such model in Tatarstan are analyzed. Special attention is given to the analysis of the role of different nationalities and confessional structures in the economy development. The author states the necessity to take into account various cultural-ethical values of urban and rural citizens. The article also presents the ethical-economic problems of globalization and suggests the three stages of elaboration of the ethical-economic model of the country development. In general, according to the author, the due regard for the citizens’ ethical-cultural value system is one of the factors of economic growth.

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Иванова А.А.

Подписано в печать ________. Формат 6090 1/16

Гарнитура Times New Roman Cyr, 10. Усл. печ. л. – 1. У.-изд. – 1

Тираж 300 экз.

Типография «Познание» ИЭУП

Лицензия № 172 от 12.09.96 г.

420108, Г. Казань, ул. Зайцева, д. 17

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