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Harry Potter (англ.яз.).doc
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Episode 2 (Scene 5-9)


Professor Quirrell, Diagon Alley, Nimbus 2000, Gringotts, Ollivanders, Weasley, Percy, George, Fred

Key words

  1. to be equipped with;

  2. standard size;

  3. pewter cauldron;

  4. toad;

  5. to be on official business;

  6. school supplies;

  7. Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher;

  8. a fearfully fascinating subject;

  9. quill;

  10. ink;

  11. bits and bobs for doing wizardry;

  12. racing broom;

  13. wizard bank;

  14. beast;

  15. to make a withdrawal;

  16. vault;

  17. to leave smb smth;

  18. to mention smth to smb;

  19. wand;

  20. curious;

  21. phoenix;

  22. tail feather;

  23. reside

  24. to be destined for;

  25. scar;

  26. follower

  27. to stand up to smb;

  28. to end up dead;

  29. forehead

  30. curse, evel ~, to be touched by ~;

  31. reckon;

  32. carry on;

  33. to stump smb;

  34. to be packed with smth/smb;

  35. to walk straight at the wall;

  36. at a bit of run

Good phrases

  1. Bless my soul!

  2. Welcome back!

  3. At last!

  4. Best/Better stay close.

  5. It's about You-Know-What/You-Know-Which.

  6. Stand back.

  7. Why don't you do smth;

  8. I've got one more thing to do.

  9. Won't be long.

  10. Here we are.

  11. Well, give it a wave.

  12. Apparently/Definitely not.

  13. No matter.

  14. I wander...

  15. After all...

  16. Codswallop!

  17. Think you're being funny, do you?

  18. Honestly, you woman call yourself our mother!

  19. I'm only joking!

  20. Now, all you've got to do is + bare infinitive;


  1. What must all students have according to the instruction?

  2. Are these things possible to find in London?

  3. What was Hagrid suggested at the cafe? Did he take it? Why?

  4. What was people's reaction when they recognized Harry?

  5. Who didn't Harry expect to see in the cafe? What does he do? What is his reaction to Harry?

  6. What is Harry's reaction to his being famous?

  7. What is there in Diagon Alley according to Hagrid? What did Harry see at one of the windows?

  8. What did Harry worry about on the matter of buying all necessary things? Where did Hagrid take Harry to solve the problem?

  9. Who owned that place? How did Hagrid characterize them?

  10. What was the procedure?

  11. What were Harry's feelings when he entered his parents' vault?

  12. Where else did they go after that? Did Hagrid explain anything to Harry about the matter?

  13. Where did they go to buy a wand? Could Harry do that at once? What was curious about the situation?

  14. How did Harry feel after that? How did Hagrid try to calm him down?

  15. What story did Hagrid tell about Harry's parents?

  16. What instructions did Hagrid give to Harry? What was the problem at the platforms? Was the station guard of any help?

  17. Who helped Harry out of the situation?

  18. What can you tell about the relations in that family?

Episode 3 (Scenes 10-14)

Names: Neville, Hermione Granger, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco Malfoy, Dark Forest, Mr Filch, Sorting Hat, Professor Snape, Bloody Baron

Key words

  1. trolley

  2. lot = tray

  3. Bertie Bott's every flavour beans

  4. to mean

  5. spinach

  6. liver

  7. tripe = cow's stomach

  8. frog

  9. spell

  10. to hang around all day

  11. to change into one's robes

  12. dirt

  13. to be sorted into the houses

  14. triumph

  15. rule breaking

  16. to earn points, to lose points

  17. to be awarded the house cup

  18. momentarily

  19. hand-me-down

  20. wrong sort

  21. ceiling

  22. to be bewitched

  23. a few start of term notices

  24. to be strictly forbidden to smb

  25. caretaker

  26. to be out of bounds to smb

  27. to die a most painful death

  28. to come forth

  29. courage

  30. thirst to prove oneself

  31. feast

  32. nasty shock

  33. potions

  34. dismal

  35. nearly headless

  36. password

  37. common room

  38. dormitory

  39. belongings

  40. assessment

  41. to transfigure smb into smb/smth

  1. to get lost

  2. foolish wand-waving

  3. silly incantations

  4. to appreciate

  5. subtle science and exact art of potions

  6. to possess predispositions

  7. to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses

  8. to bottle fame, brew glory, and put a stopper in death

  9. formidable abilities

  10. feel confident enough to not pay attention

  11. celebrity

  12. powdered root of asphodel

  13. an infusion of wormwood

  14. bezoar

  15. monkshood

  16. wolfsbane

  17. Remembrall

  18. acknowledging

  19. breach

  20. in question

  21. odd

Good phrases

  1. Do you mind?

  2. Everywhere else is full.

  3. Not at all.

  4. Wicked!

  5. I'm all set.

  6. That's rotten luck!

  7. Pleasure = My pleasure.

  8. By the way...

  9. Hurry up!

  10. Come on!

  11. This way!

  12. Don't be shy!

  13. I can tell the wrong sort myself!

  14. Follow me.

  15. Will you wait along here please!

  16. Let's see.

  17. Your attention, please!

  18. That was bloody brilliant!


  1. How did Harry and Ron get acquainted?

  2. Why did Harry buy the whole lot of candies?

  3. What candies did they discuss? What did Ron tell Harry about it? What happened with one of them?

  4. Who entered their compartment when Ron was trying to do magic? What did she say to the boys? Could she do magic herself? What did she tell the boys and Ron personally after that?

  5. Who was meeting them on arrival? How did they get to Hogwarts?

  6. Who met them at the staircase? What were the children told about their studies?

  7. Who approached Harry? What did they do?

  8. Why did the conflict with Ron start? What did the boy tell Ron?

  9. What did the boy tell Harry after that? What was Harry's reaction?

  10. What did Professor Dumbledoore announce?

  11. Describe the Sorting Ceremony.

  12. What did they have after the Ceremony?

  13. What were the children talking about at table?

  14. Where did they go after it? What was the problem there?

  15. Was it easy to get into the bedroom? How did Harry feel before going to bed?

  16. How did their first day of studies start?

  17. Was the second class more successful for Harry?

  18. What was in the Newspaper? What did Harry say to that?