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Business English Шерсткова.doc
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Leaving voicemail messages

Sometimes, there may not be anyone to answer the telephone and you will need to leave a message. Follow this outline to make sure that the person who should receive your message has all the information he/she needs.

  • Introduction (Представление) Hello, this is Nick. / Hello, My name is Nick Black (more formal).   Алё, это Ник. / Алё, мое имя – Ник Блэк (более официально).

  • State the time of day and your reason for calling (Время и причина звонка) It’s ten in the morning. I’m phoning (calling, ringing) to find out if ... / to see if ... / to let you know that ... / to tell you that ... Сейчас десять утра. Я звоню, чтобы выяснить …/  сообщить тебе, что … / сказать тебе, что … 

  • Make a request (Просьба) Could you call (ring, telephone) me back? / Would you mind ... ? Могли бы вы перезвонить мне?

  • Leave your telephone number (Оставить свой номер) My number is ... / You can reach me at ... / Call me on ... Мой номер…

  • Finish (Прощание) Thanks a lot, bye. / I’ll talk to you later, bye. Благодарю вас, до свидания. / Я перезвоню вам позже, до свидания.

Here are examples of voicemail messages


Telephone: (Ring... Ring... Ring...) Hello, this is Tom. I’m afraid I’m not in at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep..... (beep)

Ken: Hello Tom, this is Ken. It’s about noon and I’m calling to see if you would like to go to the Mets game on Friday. Could you call me back? You can reach me at 367-8925 until five this afternoon. I’ll talk to you later, bye.


I’m sorry I can’t take your call at the moment. Please leave your message after the tone and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Hello, Margaret, it’s Dagmar here. I’d like to come to Poznan next week to see you and Alex. There are some things we need to discuss relating to the arrangements for the conference. Any day next week except Friday would suit me. Could you check with Alex and get back to me? I think we’ll need about three hours. Look forward to hearing from you.

9. Now practise leaving your own voicemail messages. You can make return messages to callers in ex.8. Going on a business trip by air

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake.

The great affair is to move.’

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894), Scottish novelist, poet

Discuss the questions below.

  1. How often and where do you travel?

  2. What way of travelling do you prefer? Why?

  3. What do you enjoy about travelling? What don’t you enjoy?

  4. What is the best/worst travel you have ever had?

  5. If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, where would you go? Why?

  6. Do you like going on business trips? Why?

Buying air tickets

Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.’

Author Unknown

1. Remember the following words and expressions.

  1. to travel by air – путешествовать самолётом

  2. adults fare – стоимость проезда для взрослого (взрослый тариф)

  3. childs fare – стоимость проезда для ребенка (детский тариф)

  4. a single ticket (BE) / a one-way ticket (AmE)– билет в один конец

  5. a return ticket (BE) / a round trip ticket (AmE)– билет туда и обратно

  6. an open return ticket / a fixed return date ticket – обратный билет с открытой / фиксированной датой

  7. a flight to (London) - рейс до (Лондона)

  8. a direct / non-stop flight – беспересадочный рейс

  9. transfer flight / connecting flight – рейс с пересадкой

  10. to make a stop-over – сделать пересадку

  11. destination – место назначения

  12. domestic flight – внутренний рейс

  13. international flight – международный рейс

  14. first / business / economy (class) seat – место в первом /бизнес /эконом классе

  15. non-smoking / smoking section - места для некурящих / курящих

  16. window / middle / aisle seat – место у окна / в середине / у прохода

  17. to cancel / to confirm a reservation - отменить / подтвердить резервирование билета

  18. confirmation number – код брони

  19. to book a ticket – купить (заранее) билет

  20. booking office – билетная касса

  21. available seatsсвободные (имеющиеся в наличии) места

  22. Do you have a seating preference? / Where do you prefer to seat? / What seat do you prefer? – Где предпочитаете сидеть? (о месте в самолете)

  23. to board (a train, a plane, a ship) – сесть (на поезд, самолет, корабль)

  24. departure / arrival time – время вылета / прилета

  25. check-in – регистрация (на рейс в аэропорту)

  26. take-off – вылет самолета

  27. to keep on schedule – идти по расписанию (о транспорте)

  28. to be behind schedule – опаздывать (о транспорте)

  29. London via New York – в Лондон через Нью-Йорк

  30. What time is the flight due to depart? - Какое время отправления самолета?

  31. The flight is cancelled / delayed. – Рейс отменен / задерживается.

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