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Упр Прилагательное_сокращ

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«Степени сравнения прилагательных»

Задание 1. Напишите степени сравнения данных прилагательных.

Sad, happy, big, grey, far, honourable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, unusual, brilliant, lovely, little, ugly, low, productive, heavy, strong, slender, famous, messy, polite, slow, remarkable, tall, young, good, hot, tasty, cheap, large, high, busy, many.

Задание 2. Составьте предложения, используя сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных, где возможно.

1. His brother is talented.

(than he) - His brother is more talented than he.

(person I have ever met) - His brother is the most talented person I have ever met.

2. His work was careless. (than mine) - … . (in the class) - … .

3. Basketball is popular. (than tennis) - … . (in the USA) - … .

4. This watch is expensive. (than that one) - … . (in the shop) - … .

5. Tuesday is convenient for me. (than Friday) - … . (of all week-days) - .

6. My book is very interesting. (than yours) - … . (in the group) - … .

7. The Nile is very long. (than the Thames) - … . (in the world) - … .

8. The Smiths garden is nice. (than the Browns) - … . (in the street) - … .

9. My room is cold. (than the parents’) - … . (in the house) - … .

10. His poems are popular. (than his novels) - … . (at the university) - .

Задание 3. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного или наречия.

1. Is the station much (further/ farther)? 2. You’ll find the explanation (further/ farther) on. 3. your record is (worse/ worst) than mine. 4. It’s the (less/ lesser) of two evils. 5. She always wears the (last/ latest) fashion. 6.We have no (further/ farther) information. 7. Nick skates (good/ well). 8. His (latest/ last) words were : “The end”. 9. She is the (oldest/ eldest) member of our family. 10. My flat is (littler/ smaller) than yours. 11. I’ve got (less/ lesser) patience than you. 12. He is much (older/ elder) than his wife. 13. This is the (more/ most) beautiful picture I’ve ever seen. 14. His English is (best/ better) than mine. 15 She is (better/ best) now. 16. It’s the (furthest/ farthest) point west. 17. It’s the (oldest/ eldest) building in the city. 18. He is my (older/ elder) brother. 19. I’m not hurt in the (least/ less)! 20. It is the (more/ most) I can do for you.

Задание 4. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

1. I’m cleverest than my brother. 2. New York is moderner than London. 3. Mary is pleasanter than Jane. 4. Jannet is politer than Mary. 5. They are busyer than we are. 6. Please be quieter! 7. My sentence is correcter than yours. 8. This exercise is more easy than that one. 9. You must be more carefuller. 10. I was most surprised than he was. 11. This machine is the simplest than the others. 12. He gets stupider every day. 13. Can you come more early next time? 14. I am handsomer than my brother. 15.Spain is drierest than Britain.

Задание 5. Дополните предложения конструкцией “as…as”.

Образец: I still smoke but I used to smoke a lot more. – I don’t smoke as much as I used to.

1. The weather is still unpleasant today but yesterday it was worse. - The weather isn’t … . 2. I still feel quite tired but I felt a lot more tired yesterday. – I don’t … . 3. I was a bit nervous before the interview but usually I’m a lot more nervous. – I wasn’t … . 4. Volleyball is popular but basketball is more popular in the USA. – Volleyball isn’t … . 5. My father works much but he used to work much more when he was younger. – He doesn’t … . 6. Basil is busy on Sundays. He is busier on weekdays. – He isn’t … . 7. I’m quite tall but you are taller. – I’m not … 8. My salary is high but yours is higher. – My salary isn’t … . 9. You know a bit about cars but I know more. – You don’t … . 10. It’s still cold but it was colder yesterday. – It isn’t … .

Задание 6. Дополните предложения переводом слов и словосочетаний данных в скобках.

1. This jacket is too small. I need (больший размер). 2. He is not so keen on his studies. He’s in (больше интересуется) sports and music. 3. You’ll find your way around the town (легче) if you have a map. 4. You’re making too much noise. Can you be (немного потише)? 5. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was (более заполненным) than usual. 6. You’re late. I expected you to be here (раньше). 7. You hardly ever write to me. Why don’t you write (немного чаще)? 8. The hotel was surprisingly cheap I expected it to be (гораздо дороже). 9. It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived (поближе).

Задание 7. Дополните данные предложения по образцу.

Образец: Jack is younger than he looks. Jack isn’t as old as he looks.

I didn’t spend as much money as you. You spent more money than me.

1. The station was nearer than I thought. The station wasn’t … .

2. The meal didn’t cost as much as I expected. The meal … .

3. I go out less than I used to. I don’t … .

4. Her hair isn’t as long as it used to be. She used to… .

5. I know them better than you do. You don’t … .

6. There were fewer people at this meeting than at the last one. There weren’t … .

Задание 8. Поставьте прилагательные в нужную форму.

1. The sound grew (faint) and (faint). 2. He’s a far (intelligent) person than my brother. 3. She was the (practical) of the family. 4. He thought how much (advanced) and broad-minded the (young) generation was. 5. I wanted to ask you both what you thought of my (late) film if you saw it. 6. The first edition of the dictionary is (good), the new one is still (good). 7. He turned out to be (angry) than I had expected. 8. Today I’m no (wise) than yesterday. 9. The (much) we go into the matter, the much (complex) it becomes. 10. Jack is the (clever) of the three brothers. 11.They are (good) people, far (good) than you. 12. He felt (bad) yesterday than the day before. 13. The (near) house is three miles away. 14. He was the (last) man to come. 15. The (long) the night, the (short) the day. 16. He is the (tall) of the two. 17. She is (amusing) in a small company. 18. My brother is much (young) than myself.

Задание 9. В части I даны известные поговорки и пословицы. Найдите значение каждой из них в части II.


A. Two heads are better than one.

B. Blood is thicker than water.

C. Better safe than sorry.

D. Better late than never.

E. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.

F. The least said, the better.

G. It’s easier said than done.

H. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

I. The best things in life are free.

J. The grass is always greener on the other side.


1. It’s better not to talk about it.

2. Take precautions.

3. An unpleasant but familiar situation is better than a new one.

4. It’s a nice plan but not very practical.

5. Other situations always seem more attractive than your own.

6. Money does not buy happiness.

7. In every situation in life (a man and a woman say this when married).

8. It’s easier to find an answer if someone thinks with you (helps you).

9. Family ties are very strong.

10. Doing something later is not as bad as forgetting it completely.

Задание 10. Дополните предложения нужной формой сравнения прилагательного.

1. That was his (clever) step. 2. They got down to business without (far) delay. 3. This problem is as (serious) as the others. 4. He always chooses (easy) way. 5. It was the (last) thing I had expected of him. 6. Are there (cheap) seats available? 7. Which is (high) mountain in the world? 8.Davy was (talented) of the two brothers. 9. What is the (late) news? 10.The (old) brother was twenty years (old) than the (young). 11. This is (sunny) room in the house. 12. Things went from bad to (bad). 13. It’s (hot) in here than it in the street. 14. In the (far) end of the exhibition hall we saw a group of young people.

Задание 11. Используя образец, переведите на английский язык.

Образец: Чем раньше мы выедим, тем скорее мы приедем. – The earlier we leave, the sooner well arrive.

1. Чем дольше он ждал, тем больше он терял терпение (become impatient). 2. Чем больше я его узнаю (get to know), тем больше он мне нравится. 3. Чем больше ты занимаешься английским, тем быстрее ты изучишь его. 4. Чем больше ты говоришь по телефону, тем больше ты должен платить. 5. Чем больше товаров вы продаете, тем больше дохода (make profit). 6. Чем теплее погода, тем лучше я себя чувствую. 7. Чем больше ты устаешь, тем труднее. 8. Чем больше ты занимаешься спортом, тем лучше для твоего здоровья.

Задание 12. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Киев – более древний город, чем Москва; это один из древнейших городов России. 2. В XVI веке Испания была самой могущественной державой мира. 3. Волга длиннее Днепра; это самая длинная река Европы. 4. Ватикан – самое маленькое государство в Европе. 5. Это самый короткий путь. 6. Сегодня не так тепло, как вчера. 7. Мария – наша старшая сестра. 8. Станция была не такой дорогой, как я предполагал. 9. Ждите дальнейших инструкций. 10. Язык этой статьи полегче. 11. На этот раз у вас меньше ошибок, чем было в прошлом сочинении. 12. Она на пять лет младше меня.