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EXAM Test Straightforward Upper Intermediate.docx
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Exam Test

Variant 1

  1. Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box. Be careful! There are three extra words or phrases.

a bug going round deathbed fitness freak go down with something good shape

high temperature melodramatic at death’s door run-down stiff muscles throbbing headache

My brother is such a (1) _______. The only time he has (2) _______ is after he’s been down the gym for hours. He’s in really (3) _______ and he says he’s never been ill. Then, last week he started complaining that he was (4) _______. He said he had a really (5) _______ and a (6) _______. I knew there was (7) _______ but I also knew my brother was being (8) _______. I mean, who’s ever died from a cold?!

B Match the sentences in column A 9–16 with the sentences in column B a–h to make ten mini-dialogues.


(9) What’s wrong?

(10) I’m sorry, I just don’t feel very well.

(11) Please don’t sniff.

(12) I’ve got an upset stomach.

(13) I can’t believe how lazy you are.

(14) So am I OK, doctor?

(15) How long have you had that hacking cough?

(16) Why don’t you talk to him?


(a) I don’t want to tell him because he’ll probably fly off the handle.

(b) About a week and I feel really run-down.

(c) I guess it must be the fish you ate last night.

(d) I’m sorry, but I’ve got a runny nose.

(e) I think I’m going down with something.

(f) Why don’t you go to bed and rest?

(g) Are you calling me a couch potato?

(h) Yes, you’re in great shape. I’m going to give you a clean bill of health.

C Complete the conversations with the phrasal verbs in the box.

telling off sort out put up with put up to put off get back to


Leah: I’m not sure how you can (17) _______ him. He’s always complaining and it must really annoy you.

Maria-Elena: He does, but I love him.


Chris: I’m sorry, there’s someone knocking at the door. Can I (18) _______ you later?

Dave: Sure, my number is 020 343 5467.


Elsie: You really shouldn’t (19) ____ it ____ any longer. If you don’t tell him soon he’ll find out from someone else.

Georgia: OK. What do you think I should do?

Elsie: I think you need to sit down with him and (20) ____ it ____ straight away.


Artur: I’m blaming you.

Sasha: Me?

Artur: Yes. I know you (21) ____ him ____ it. He wouldn’t do it without you encouraging him.


Boy: I’m really angry.

Mum: Why?

Boy: You’re always (22) ____ me ____ in front of my friends.


D Tick the sentence, a or b, that has the same meaning as the first sentence.

(23) He probably just made a mistake.

a) He might have made a mistake.

b) He must have made a mistake.

(24) I’m sure you’ve been to the doctor’s.

a) You may have been to the doctor’s.

b) You must have been to the doctor’s.

(25) He certainly would have told you to wear warm clothes.

a) He may have told you to wear warm clothes.

b) He must have told you to wear warm clothes.

(26) It’s unlikely you’ll still be ill next week.

a) You could be ill next week.

b) You can’t be ill next week.

(27) I’m sorry, but it’s impossible for that to be true.

a) That could be true.

b) That can’t be true.

E Choose the correct words to complete the conversations.


Sue: Have you seen Gordana today?

Dora: No, but she was ill yesterday. She (28) must / can’t be at home.


Alex: My head feels really hot.

Pete: You (29) might / must have a temperature.

Graham: Look at this rash. What do you think it is?

Louise: I don’t know. Have you got a temperature?

Graham: No.

Louise: Well, it (30) could / can’t be too serious.


Jay: I’ve been sniffing all day.

Amy: Have you got a sore throat?

Jay: Yes, I have.

Amy: Well, you (31) may / can’t have a cold.


Sanjay: I didn’t sleep at all last night.

Chandra: Really? You (32) might / must be tired.


Rick: What’s wrong?

Leon: I’ve hurt my back.

Rick: Well then, you (33) mustn’t / don’t have to lift that. It’s much too heavy.

F Choose the correct meaning for the sentences.

(34) We can take a coffee break when we want.

a) permission b) obligation c) lack of obligation d) prohibition

(35) You don’t need to come in at nine o’clock.

a) permission b) obligation c) lack of obligation d) prohibition

(36) You mustn’t be late for your appointment.

a) permission b) obligation c) lack of obligation d) prohibition

(37) You’ll have to take the medicine for another two weeks.

a) permission b) obligation c) lack of obligation d) prohibition

(38) You aren’t allowed to drink alcohol when you’re taking this medicine.

a) permission b) obligation c) lack of obligation d) prohibition

(39) Excuse me sir, I have to ask you to breathe in here.

a) permission b) obligation c) lack of obligation d) prohibition

G Choose the correct phrases to complete the text.

When I hurt my back my doctor gave me a list of things I (40) could / didn’t have to do. He told me I (41) mustn’t / was allowed to go swimming, but that I (42) had to / couldn’t stay in the pool for more than thirty minutes. He told me that I (43) had to / wasn’t allowed to do some stretching exercises every day and that I (44) need to / wasn’t allowed to sit in the same place for too long. Now that I’m better I (45) won’t have to / must worry about things as much, but I should still be careful. After all, I don’t want to hurt myself again, so I really (46) must / could take care of myself.

Functional language

H Complete the conversation with the expressions in the box.

anyway, as I was saying come to think of it talking of as for

Sally: How’s your cold?

Jacky: Oh, it’s fine. I just stayed in bed for a couple of days.

Sally: Are you coming back to work tomorrow?

Jacky: Yes, (47) _______ work, has anything interesting happened since I’ve been off?

Sally: Not really.

Jacky: Oh?

Sally: (48) _______ work was fairly boring without you there.

Jacky: You’re just saying that to make me happy.

Sally: No, honestly. When you’re not there I’ve got nobody to chat to.

Jacky: What about Betty and Harriet?

Sally: Are you joking? Betty only wants to talk about her boyfriend and (49) _______ Harriet …

Jacky: OK, OK.

Sally: (50) __________it’s really boring at work without you, so when are you coming back?

Jacky: Next week, I hope.

Sally: Great!

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