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Тесты по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный

английский язык» для дизайнеров

$$$1 Choose the right variant. Design as a noun can refer to a …….. or a sketch.

$$ drawing

$ building

$ cooking

$ dancing

$$$2 Choose the right variant. ……. is a design style.

$$ Art Deco

$ Film Art

$ Muz.Zone

$ High Tech.

$$$3 Choose the right variant. ………..paper, which has had the acid removed from the pulp during production so that it has a neutral 7.0 pH.

$$ Acid-free paper

$ Oil-free paper

$ Gasoline-free paper

$ Sugar-free paper

$$$4 Choose the right variant. ………application software developed by Adobe to create PDF files.

$$ Acrobat

$ Microsoft Word

$ Power Point

$ Excel

$$$5 Choose the right variant.……… When the curves and other lines in a graphic become jagged, the resolution of the graphics file is too low.

$$ Alias

$ High

$ Medium

$ Full

$$$6 Choose the right variant. …….is animated image, used primarily in web design.

$$ Animated GIF

$ Colored GIF

$ Constructed GIF

$ Molded GIF

$$$7 Choose the right variant. ……. A series of graphic images pieced together in a timed sequence to give the appearance of continuous movement.

$$ Animation

$ Decoration

$ Illustration

$ Imagination

$$$8 Choose the right variant. ……… softening of the jagged edges in images that have become aliased.

$$ Anti-alias

$ Anti-color

$ Anti-décor

$ Anti-measure

$$$9 Choose the right variant. ……. . The person responsible for managing the creative and production process for a given project as well as the people working on the project.

$$ Art Director

$ Engineer

$ Office-Manager

$ Shop Assistant

$$$10 Choose the right variant.……….. are graphic images created to be placed as advertisements for products on websites.

$$ Banners

$ Titles

$ Articles

$ Brushes

$$$11 Choose the right variant.……… The full area of an image.

$$ Canvas size

$ Shoes size

$ Clothes size

$ Hat size

$$$12 Choose the right variant.……… Typically a logo where a cartoon character - like a dog, robot etc. - is developed as a mascot. The mascot character is then combined with a rendering of the company name.

$$ Cartoon logo

$ University logo

$ Cinema logo

$ Clothes logo

$$$13 Choose the right variant. …….. . A set of colors that make up an image or animation. It is also the set of colors available to be applied to images.

$$ Color palette

$ Decoration

$ Drawing

$ Brushes

$$$14 Choose the right variant. …….. …….. Logos created specifically for construction companies.

$$ Construction logos

$ Film logos

$ Food logos

$ Clothes logos

$$$15 Choose the right variant. …………… consultants were commissioned by manufacturing companies to produce variety of goods, made from the latest materials, such as plastics, chrome and aluminum, domestic goods had a modern, high-speed look.

$$ Industrial design

$ Television design

$ Landscape design

$ Clothes design

$$$16 Choose the right variant. The paintings of renaissance scientist, inventor and musician …………….. have always attracted controversy.

$$ Leonardo da Vinci

$ A.Kasteyev

$ Pablo Picasso

$ Nikolai Dubovskii

$$$17 Choose the right variant. Blarney Castle, home of the famous Blarney Stone, which is situated in the …………………… .

$$ South Ireland

$ France

$ Switzerland

$ The USA

$$$18 Choose the right variant. Another occupation is that of a ………., where you will design the packaging of books, magazines, catalogs, posters, and CD inserts.

$$ graphic designer

$ television designer

$ industrial designer

$ clothes designer

$$$19 Choose the right variant. …… create contours and form, and are often used to convey a specific kind of feeling or point to an important feature in a design.

$$ Lines

$ Cubes

$ Triangles

$ Squares

$$$20 Choose the right variant.………. is the part of light that is reflected by the object we see.

$$ Color

$ Smell

$ Voice

$ Feeling

$$$21 Choose the right variant. The …………. are red, yellow, and blue, because they are not mixtures of other colors.

$$ primary colors

$ warm colors

$ cool colors

$ medium colors

$$$22 Choose the right variant. Another way to organize color is by color "temperature." Colors are either "warm" or "cool." Blue, green, and violet are considered ………..

$$ cool colors

$ primary colors

$ mixed colors

$ medium colors

$$$23 Choose the right variant. Colors directly across from each other on the color wheel are called ………. . they are: orange and blue, yellow and violet, red and green.

$$ complementary colors

$ cool colors

$ mixed colors

$ medium colors

$$$24 Choose the right variant. An ……. color space is an electronic color space.

$$ additive

$ cool

$ primary

$ complementary

$$$25 Choose the right variant. ………… is used to create surface appearance, and relates to the physical make-up of a given form.

$$ Texture

$ Flower

$ Ornament

$ Banner

$$$26 Choose the right variant.………. is the applied art dedicated to the design of clothing and lifestyle accessories created within the cultural and social influences of a specific time.

$$ Fashion design

$ Landscape design

$ Television design

$ Industrial design

$$$27 Choose the right variant. Fashion design differs from costume design due to its core product having a built in obsolescence usually of one to two ……... It defined as either autumn/winter or spring/summer.

$$ seasons

$ years

$ months

$ weeks

$$$28 Choose the right variant. ………….. is the process of shaping the experience of interior space, through the manipulation of spatial volume as well as surface treatment.

$$ Interior design

$ Television design

$ Fashion design

$ Landscape design

$$$29 Choose the right variant.……….. is the process of communicating visually using text and/or images to present information, or promote a message.

$$ Graphic design

$ Landscape design

$ Fashion design

$ Industrial design

$$$30 Choose the right variant. Tools graphic designers use is the mind, eye, hand, traditional tools, and ………..

$$ computers

$ water

$ oil

$ paint

$$$31 Choose the right variant. …….. is the design of web pages, websites and web applications and other media.

$$ Web design

$ Television design

$ Landscape design

$ Industry design

$$$32 Choose the right variant. Home ……….. is a wonderful pastime that the whole family can enjoy.

$$ gardening

$ listening to music

$ computing

$ reading

$$$33 Choose the right variant. A ………. is essentially a visual brand identity of a company.

$$ logo

$ stamp

$ sign

$ envelope

$$$34 Choose the right variant. The origins of logos can be traced to the 19th century, when industries added a ……….. to represent their companies and to help customers easily identify their products.

$$ symbol

$ sign

$ stamp

$ envelope

$$$35 Choose the right variant. In most towns of England, there are streets of houses joined together in long rows, which are called ………….

$$ terraced houses

$ apartments

$ flats

$ cellar

$$$36 Choose the right variant. Most people in England live in ………. areas.

$$ urban

$ villages

$ mountains

$ farms

$$$37 Choose the right variant. Most houses in England are made of ……… or brick from the local area where the houses are built.

$$ stone

$ plastic

$ copper

$ alumni

$$$38 Choose the right variant. A ………………. is a single free standing residential unit built on a lot.

$$ detached house

$ apartment

$ flat

$ cellar

$$$39 Choose the right variant. A ……………… is a pair of housing units that shares one common wall.

$$ semi-detached house

$ apartment

$ flat

$ detached house

$$$40 Choose the right variant. A flat or an …………. is a unit of a self-contained housing that is a part of a larger building.

$$ apartment

$ detached house

$ semi-detached house

$ cellar

$$$41 Choose the right variant. ………. is the color of good luck in Asia and is the most popular color in China.

$$ Red

$ Black

$ brown

$ Blue

$$$42 Choose the right variant. ……………. global similarities are significant: in almost every culture ………… represents sunshine, happiness, and warmth.

$$ Yellow's; yellow

$ Red’s; red

$ Black’s; black

$ Brown’s; brown

$$$43 Choose the right variant. ……… is the favorite color of all people. It’s nature’s color for water and sky, but is rarely found in fruits and vegetables.

$$ Blue

$ Red

$ Yellow

$ Black

$$$44 Choose the right variant. . …….. is now the symbol of ecology .

$$ Green

$ Red

$ Black

$ White

$$$45 Choose the right variant. ………. mostly refers to as darkness, death, fear and horror, but on the other hand it represents the corporate culture, power, credibility and seriousness.

$$ Black

$ Red

$ White

$ Pink

$$$46 Choose the right variant. ……….. means in European: Marriage, angels, hospitals, doctors, peace, milk; in Japan: Mourning, death.

$$ White

$ Black

$ red

$ Green

$$$47 Choose the right variant. Picasso’s first word was “lápiz” (Spanish for ……….) and he could draw before he could walk.

$$ pencil

$ candy

$ spoon

$ plate

$$$48 Choose the right variant. Picasso’s genius as an artist was soon recognized by many people, but others were shocked by his strange and powerful ……………. .

$$ paintings

$ dancing

$ singing

$ cooking

$$$49 Choose the right variant. Walt would talk about sketching the farm ………, which he did when he could find pencil and paper – rare commodities in the dirt-poor Disney home.

$$ animals

$ people

$ students

$ children

$$$50 Choose the right variant. Once Walt Disney was punished for ………. a cartoon on the wall of the house.

$$ painting

$ dancing

$ cooking

$ reading

$$$51 Choose the right variant. Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practiced by landscape designers, combining ………. and culture.

$$ nature

$ season

$ weather

$ ecology

$$$52 Choose the right variant. Many landscape designers have an interest and involvement with ………….., personally or professionally.

$$ gardening

$ dancing

$ testing

$ reading

$$$53 Choose the right variant. As with the other interrelated landscape disciplines, there can be overlap of services offered under the titles of landscape designer or professional …………. .

$$ gardener

$ packer

$ grocer

$ scientist

$$$54 Choose the right variant. A …………… conceives garment combinations of line, proportion, color, and texture.

$$ fashion designer

$ television designer

$ industrial designer

$ landscape designer

$$$55 Choose the right variant. A ………….. (or pattern cutter) drafts the shapes and sizes of a garment's pieces.

$$ pattern maker

$ hairdresser

$ master

$ packer

$$$56 Choose the right variant. A teacher of …………. teaches the art and craft of fashion design in art or fashion school.

$$ fashion design

$ landscape design

$ television deign

$ industrial design

$$$57 Choose the right variant. A ……….. specializes in custom-made women's clothes: day, cocktail, and evening dresses, business clothes and suits, trousseaus, sports clothes, and lingerie.

$$ dressmaker

$ hairdresser

$ grocer

$ customer

$$$58 Choose the right variant. A ………….. predicts what colours, styles and shapes will be popular ("on-trend") before the garments are on sale in stores.

$$ fashion forecaster

$ fashion designer

$ stylist

$ dressmaker

$$$59 Choose the right variant. A ……… wears and displays clothes at fashion shows and in photographs.

$$ model

$ actress

$ dressmaker

$ stylist

$$$60 Choose the right variant. A …………… writes fashion articles describing the garments presented or fashion trends, for magazines or newspapers.

$$ fashion journalist

$ fashion director

$ dressmaker

$ stylist

$$$61 Choose the right variant. What is the term given to the process of cropping, resizing and modifying the pictures found while searching with search engines and using them for one’s own site?

$$ google ganking

$ creative cropping

$ edge treatments

$ resizing and modifying

$$$62 Choose the right variant. ______ is anything that gives a distinctive appearance to the surface of a design.

$$ texture

$ color

$ a pixel

$ typography

$$$63 Choose the right variant. Which of these adds richness and visual interest to all types of design?

$$ pattern

$ economy of line

$ typography

$ pixels

$$$64 Choose the right variant. ____ and ____ are the most important visual cues we can use to determine or create depth and volume in compositions.

$$ light, shadow

$ proportion, perspective

$ width, height

$ height, perspective

$$$65 Choose the right variant. By which ‘magical number’ should a line’s length be divided so that it can be bisected using the golden ratio?

$$ 1.26

$ 2.16

$ 1.62

$ 2.61

$$$66 What is the imaginary horizontal line on which most of the characters sit called?

$$ baseline

$ crossbar

$ cap height

$ serif

$$$67 Choose the right variant. Which of the following colors is associated with enthusiasm and creativity?

$$ orange

$ red

$ white

$ green

$$$68 Choose the right variant. Which of these is not a possible value for background-repeat?

$$ repeat-xy,

$ repeat,

$ repeat-x,

$ repeat-y

$$$69 Choose the right variant. A/An ______ color scheme consists of a single base color and any number of tints or shades of that color.

$$ monochromatic;

$ analogous;

$ complementary;

$ split complementary

$$$70 Choose the right variant. What does the term ‘typo’ stand for?

$$ writing mistakes

$ impression or mark

$ creating

$ subject

$$$71 Choose the right variant. ___ is a principle of design that has to do with the differences in the scale of objects.

$$ proportion

$ contrast

$ placement

$ proximity

$$$72 Choose the right variant. ____ is the process of adjusting the space between individual letters.

$$ kerning

$ tracking

$ ligature

$ playing

$$$73 Choose the right variant. Which is the most common and expressive element of a graphic design?

$$ line

$ points

$ shape

$ figure

$$$74 Choose the right variant. Most font families include the regular font face along with italic, bold and ____ variants.

$$ bold italic

$ HTML text

$ modern serif

$ old serif

$$$75 Choose the right variant. Which of the following color is used in a laser printer toner cartridge?

$$ yellow

$ red

$ green

$ blue

$$$76 Choose the right variant. Which of these is a fundamental element of digital images?

$$ a pixel

$ a pint

$ a line

$ a shape

$$$77 Choose the right variant. In photoshop adjustments, the Hue color affects the overall ____ of the image.

$$ color

$ brightness

$ layer style

$ freshness

$$$78 Choose the right variant. Colors are displayed in percentages of red, green, and blue light in an additive color model.

$$ true

$ false

$ the same

$ it depends on the model

$$$79 Choose the right variant. Any area of a page that is not covered by type or illustrations is known as ___

$$ negative space

$ blank space

$ white space

$ black space

$$$80 Choose the right variant. Complementary color schemes consist of colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel.

$$ true

$ false

$ it’s the same

$ it is not true

$$$81 Choose the right variant. A graphic software tool used to make the edges of an image appear blurry.

$$ Feathering

$ vector graphics editors

$ photo retouching

$ threshold

$$$82 Choose the right variant. A graphic software tool used to______ selected parts of images or their backgrounds with a color.

$$ fill

$ pint

$ line

$ shape

$$$83 Choose the right variant. Vector graphic animation software from Macromedia that creates browser-independent graphics (graphics that look the same across all browsers).

$$ flash

$ layout

$ logos

$ external links

$$$84 Choose the right variant. A _____ is applied to images or art works to easily create special effects or to achieve a look that would be too difficult to create manually.

$$ filter

$ vector graphics

$ color adjustments

$ raster

$$$85 Choose the right variant. ___________ is a function available in most page layout software, allowing the user to change fonts and point sizes of all copy elements.

$$ format text

$ text

$ a line

$ a shape

$$$86 Choose the right variant. A color matching system used for process color.

$$ focaltone

$ pantone

$ process colors

$ color chart

$$$87 Choose the right variant. A ________is a complete set of characters in a particular style and typically consists of a full letter set, number set and all other special characters you get by pressing the shift, control or option keys. Examples of it include "Arial", "Courier New" etc.

$$ font

$ a pint

$ a line

$ a shape

$$$88 Choose the right variant. Visual representation of an idea or concept. The term is used as a collective name for all activities relating to visual design, including web design, logo design etc.

$$ graphic design

$ art design

$ color design

$ fine art

$$$89 Choose the right variant. ____________ includes fountains, arbors, pawn bridges, sculptures and garden furniture.

$$ small architectural design

$ buildings

$ houses

$ interior design

$$$90 Choose the right variant. Strong visual differences between light and dark, varying textures, sizes, etc.

$$ contrast

$ visual variety

$ size difference

$ a shape

$$$91 Choose the right variant. It’s what the photographer places within the boundaries of the photograph.

$$ framing

$ a pint

$ a shadow

$ a shape

$$$92 Choose the right variant. The distribution of visual elements in a photograph.

$$ balance

$ frame

$ vision

$ color

$$$93 Choose the right variant. The object(s) which appear(s) most prominently and/or most clearly focused in a photograph.

$$ сentral focus

$ shape

$ form

$ vision

$$$94 Choose the right variant. The surface quality of material, either actual (tactile) or visual.

$$ texture

$ interface

$ worktop

$ exterior

$$$95 Choose the right variant. A balance in which elements are alike and will appear to demand one another as a line that falls in one direction demands a line that falls in another direction.

$$ symmetry

$ asymmetry

$ trigonometry

$ geometry

$$$96 Choose the right variant. A balance achieved through the use of unequal parts or elements.

$$ asymmetry

$ symmetry

$ ergonometry

$ logging

$$$97 Choose the right variant. Use of opposites in close proximity (light and dark, rough and smooth).

$$ contrast

$ opposition

$ contradiction

$ collision

$$$98 Choose the right variant. The difference in importance or emphasis of one aspect in relation to all other aspects of a design.

$$ dominance

$ prevalence

$ elevate

$ eminence

$$$99 Choose the right variant. ________ images display up to 256 colors. The low quality resulting from compression makes them unsuitable for professional printing.

$$ GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)




$$$100 Choose the right variant. That is a common compression method that shrinks a file's storage size by discarding non-important picture detail. Excessive jpeg compression can cause poor image quality

$$ JPEG (Joint Photographic Electronic Group)




$$$101 Choose the right variant. Unique visual business identifiers. An image that acts like a business signature, identifying the company and differentiating it from others.

$$ logos

$ label

$ motto

$ credo

$$$102 Choose the right variant. An example of a page ______ is the pages in magazines or brochures. Every single page layout was created on a blank page by placing text, text columns, images etc. on the page.

$$ page layout

$ making

$ editing

$ resizing

$$$103 Choose the right variant. The smallest picture element (used to display an image on a computer), that can be independently assigned a color.

$$ pixel

$ points

$ dot

$ spot

$$$104 Choose the right variant. Most imaging software allows you to adjust _______ in order to "move closer" or "move further away" from an image.

$$ zoom

$ increasment

$ cutting

$ resizing and modifying

$$$105 Choose the right variant. TIFF

$$ Tagged Image File Format

$ Temporary Image for Fonts

$ Target Identified Front File

$ Template Image For Files

$$$106 Choose the right variant. A common graphic file format used for saving bitmapped images such as scans, photographs, illustrations and logos.

$$ TIFF (Tagged Image File Format )




$$$107 Choose the right variant. A term used in page layout software, referring to the way text can be shaped around the edges of images.

$$ text wrap

$ layout

$ image

$ edition

$$$108 Choose the right variant. A function within graphic software that enables a user to _______an image or pixel by any number of degrees.

$$ rotate

$ insert

$ download

$ cut

$$$109 Choose the right variant. ________is a form of communication that combines text, still or moving images, sound etc.

$$ multimedia

$ e-mail

$ message

$ telegraph

$$$110 Choose the right variant. The outline of an object or shape.

$$ contour

$ a size

$ a line

$ a shape

$$$111 Choose the right variant. Areas appear clearest or sharpest in the photograph

$$ focus

$ a pixel

$ a line

$ a shape

$$$112 Choose the right variant. Design element are the basic units of a ………… .

$$ painting

$ dancing

$ building

$ teaching

$$$113 Choose the right variant. Colour can play a large role in the elements of …….. .

$$ design

$ construction

$ ecology

$ medicine

$$$114 Choose the right variant. Colors play an important role in ………. design.

$$ interior

$ building

$ medicine

$ education

$$$115 Choose the right variant. Red is also a magical and religious ………. .

$$ color

$ brush

$ paper

$ pencil

$$$116 Choose the right variant. Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum. It’s the color that captures our attention more than any other ………….. .

$$ color

$ stamp

$ sign

$ letter

$$$117 Choose the right variant. In the natural world, yellow is the color of sunflowers and daffodils, egg yolks and ………., canaries and bees.

$$ lemons

$ strawberries

$ carrots

$ tomatoes

$$$118 Choose the right variant. Today, blue is embraced as the color of heaven and authority, denim jeans and corporate ………. .

$$ logos

$ telephones

$ addresses

$ surnames

$$$119 Choose the right variant. In our contemporary world, orange is the color of marmalade, …………, traffic cones, life rafts, Cheetos.

$$ Halloween

$ Christmas

$ Wedding

$ Funeral

$$$120 Choose the right variant. Blue, the color of the sky where gods and fates lived, held powers to ward off evil, so baby boys where dressed in ………. .

$$ blue

$ red

$ green

$ yellow

$$$121 Choose the right variant. My friend Jack, … parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland.

$$ whose

$ who

$ that

$ which

$$$122 Choose the right variant. The meal, which wasn’t very tasty, was quite expensive.

$$ which

$ whose

$ that

$ who

$$$123 Choose the right variant. Have you received the parcel, … we sent you?

$$ which

$ who

$ whom

$ whose

$$$124 Choose the right variant. I don’t believe the story… she told us.

$$ that

$ who

$ whom

$ whose

$$$125 Choose the right variant. Their new house ……yet.

$$ hasn’t been finished

$ wasn’t finished

$ hasn’t be finished

$ haven’t been finished

$$$126 Choose the right variant. I don’t think that you …..to show your passport.

$$ will be asked

$ are being asked

$ were being asked

$ will being asked

$$$127 Choose the right variant. I’m sorry, madam, but this carpet …already …

$$ has been sold

$ had been sold

$ have been sold

$ is been sold

$$$128 Choose the right variant. Why didn’t you tell me? If you … me, I …you.

$$ had told, would have helped

$ has told, would has helped

$ have told, would had helped

$ had tell, would have help

$$$129 Choose the right variant. I don’t like this flat. I think I….happier if I …in a house in the country.

$$ would be, lived

$ will be, lived

$ would be, living

$ will be, live

$$$130 Choose the right variant. If you … at once, I….the police.

$$ don’t leave, will call

$ didn’t leave, will call

$ don’t leave, would call

$ doesn’t leave, will call

$$$131 Choose the right variant. I got …the station just in time to see Jack getting … the train.

$$ to, off

$ at, of

$ in, off

$ to, on

$$$132 Choose the right variant. The café is ….chemist’s and the butcher’s and …the library.

$$ between, opposite

$ between, across

$ among, across

$ opposite, between

$$$133 Choose the right variant. I was brought up …an island …the cost of Scotland.

$$ on, near

$ in, next to

$ at, by

$ by, near

$$$134 Choose the right variant. … the key, I couldn’t get into the house.

$$ having lost

$ as I loosing

$ lost

$ loose

$$$135 Choose the right variant: … a married person has its advantages and its disadvantages.

$$ being

$ been

$ to be

$ was

$$$136 Choose the right variant: She seems …life now that the trial is over.

$$ to be enjoying

$ enjoy

$ enjoyed

$ enjoying

$$$137 Choose the right variant: Mr. Harry Benson …one of the greatest war photographers.

$$ is considered to be

$ consider

$ to be considering

$ considered

$$$138 Choose the right variant: I don’t enjoy … business with her.

$$ doing

$ making

$ having

$ being

$$$139 Choose the variant. The teacher said us, “Stop writing!”.

$$ The teacher told us to stop writing.

$ The teacher tell us to stop writing.

$ The teacher told us stopped writing

$ The teacher teld us to stop writing

$$$140 Choose the right variant. Look at the girl …..at the window.

$$ standing

$ stand

$ standed

$ to stand

$$$141 Choose the right variant. She watched the children …in the yard.

$$ play

$ was playing

$ are played

$ has played

$$$142 Choose the right variant. I don’t like the idea of ….in the rain.

$$ walking

$ to walk

$ is walked

$ been walked

$$$143 Choose the right variant. I think I’d rather have coffee ………….. of tea.

$$ instead of

$ according to

$ by means of

$ because of

$$$144 Choose the right variant. The café is …………. the chemist’s and the butcher’s.

$$ between

$ inside

$ under

$ above

$$$145 Choose the right variant. ………….. fire, smash the glass and push the button.

$$ In case of

$ Instead of

$ According to

$ Because of

$$$146 Choose the right variant. ……….. rain, the match was postponed.

$$ Because of

$ According to

$ Instead of

$ In case of

$$$147 Choose the right variant. Ann had a hat …… her head and a veil …… her face.

$$ on, over

$ under, near

$ above, inside

$ at, near

$$$148 Choose the right variant. A new marketing manager ……. appointed last Thursday.

$$ was

$ is

$ were

$ are

$$$149 Choose the right variant. Jane ……just a few minutes ago.

$$ left

$has left

$ leaves

$ had left

$$$150 Choose the right variant. Timson ……..13 films and I think her latest is the best.

$$ has made

$ had made

$ made

$ was making

$$$151 Choose the right variant. ……..Robert lately?

$$ Have you seen

$ Did you see

$ Do you see

$ Are you seeing

$$$152 Choose the right variant. When I was a child…… the violin.

$$ I played

$ I'm playing

$ I play

$ I was playing

$$$153 Choose the right variant. He ……..for the national team in 65 matches so far.

$$ has played

$ has been playing

$ played

$ is playing

$$$154 Choose the right variant. Sorry we're late, we …… the wrong turning.

$$ took

$ were taking

$ had taken

$ are taking

$$$155 Choose the right variant. Next month I ………..Derek for 20 years.

$$ will have known

$ know

$ am knowing

$ will have been knowing

$$$156 Choose the right variant. You……. mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money.

$$ must be

$ are supposed to be

$ should be

$ ought to be

$$$157 Choose the right variant. I ……..happy to see him, but I didn't have time.

$$would have been

$ would be

$ will be

$ will have been

$$$158 Choose the right variant. We …….Switzerland four times during the 1970s.

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