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My future profession

I am a student of the Institute of Economy and Law of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda.

Our institute trains specialists for schools, universities, law offices, courts, Notary offices, Prosecutor’s offices, the organs of the Ministry of Interior, etc. The graduates can work as teachers of law, lawyers, judges, investigators, prosecutors, notaries, etc.

There is no need to say how responsible the work of lawyer is.

A lawyer is a person who stands on guard of the state interests, and defends the rights and interests of our citizens and public order. A lawyer is a person who is qualified to advise people about the law and represent them in court.

If a crime has been committed it is necessary to investigate the case, to find the criminal. A person who is to guarantee careful and just investigation is a prosecutor. A prosecutor acts according to the principle of the inevitability of punishment.

To possess high professional qualities one needs higher general education as well as special training. Future lawyers should thoroughly study the theory of law and know the legislation in force.

A lawyer is a person of high moral qualities. He must strictly keep to the rules of the Law, his conduct must be irreproachable. He must be truthful, honest and just person.

Actually I should say that the profession of lawyer is very respectable in any country. I am proud of my future profession.

Comprehension Questions.

  1. What specialists does the law faculty train?

  2. What are the duties of a lawyer?

  3. How would you describe the duties of a prosecutor?

  4. Is the work of a lawyer responsible?

  5. What qualities should a lawyer possess?

Vocabulary Practice

  1. Fill in the blanks. Use the information from the text above.

    1. A professional who is licensed to advise and represent others in

legal matters is________.

  1. Future lawyers should thoroughly study __________ and know _____ in force.

  2. No person can be arrested without the sanction of _________.

  3. If a crime has been committed it is necessary to __________, to find the____.

  4. A person who is to guarantee careful and just investigation is a _________.

  5. The profession of lawyer is _________ in any country.

(A lawyer, a prosecutor, to investigate the case, respectable, the theory of law, the legislation, the criminal, a prosecutor).

2. Translate into English.

1. Я – студент інституту економіки і права ХНПУ ім. Г.С.Сковороди.

2. Ми можемо працювати викладачами права, юристами, адвокатами, суддями, нотаріусами та ін.

3. Робота юриста, на мій погляд, дуже відповідальна.

4. Юрист – це людина, яка стоїть на варті інтересів держави, а також прав наших громадян.

5. Адвокат консультує людей, представляє їх інтереси у суді.

6. Якщо скоєно злочин, треба розслідувати справу та знайти злочинця.

7. Людина, яка гарантує ретельне та справедливе розслідування, - це прокурор.

8. Юрист повинен йти в ногу з часом; його поведінка має бути бездоганна.

9. Професія юриста є поважною в багатьох країнах.

10. Я пишаюся моєю майбутньою професією.

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