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Language Study assign. 11

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Language Study Vocabulary Notes

A. Words

1. breathe vi & t 1) дышать

w.-c. to breathe through one's mouth — дышать ртом

to breathe a sigh of relief — вздохнуть с облегчением

In the text:

...he snored gently because he breathed through his mouth.

2) существовать, жить

He is still breathing = He is still alive — Он еще жив.

e. g. A better fellow doesn't breathe. — Лучше него нет человека.

breath п дыхание, вздох

е. g. His breath came fast. Somebody was breathing.

Or was it his own breath which sounded to him as if it came from a distance. w.-c. to speak (say) below (under) one's breath — говорить тихо, шепотом

to catch one's breath — затаить дыхание

to lose one's breath — задыхаться, запыхаться

to get one's breath — передохнуть, перевести дух

to take smb's breath away — удивить, поразить кого-л.

e.g. 1. She caught her breath sharply.

2.The boys talked little and only under their breath, for the time and the place and silence oppressed their spirits.

3.Huck found himself drawing closer and closer to the alley, fearing all sorts of dreadful things, and expecting some catastrophe to happen that would take away his breath. As soon as Tom got his

breath he said: "Huck, it was awful!"

w.-c. to gasp, to pant for breath — дышать с трудом, задыхаться, ловить ртом воздух

e.g. 1. Mrs. Corney covering her eyes with one hand, placed the other over her heart and gasped for breath. 2. Panting for breath, the old man stammered for a word.

w.-e. a breath of air — глоток воздуха

to get a breath of air — подышать (свежим воздухом)

e.g. I just went out to get a breath of air.

2.awaken vt & i — пробуждать; просыпаться; пробуждаться

In the text:

1.She saw despite the fact that Eddie's back was toward her, that he had awakened.

2....he hit himself smartly on the cheek with the back of his hand to awaken himself.

N. B. The verb to awaken has a number of synonyms which maybe used both transitively and intransitively. Take care not to confuse the forms of the verbs:

to awaken — awakened — awakened - будить; просыпаться to awake — awoke — awoke (awaked)

to wake (up) — woke (waked) — waked (woken, woke) — просыпаться; будить to rouse — roused — roused — будить, поднимать; пробуждаться

The verb to rouse in the meaning of будить, поднимать is more commonly used in the passive.

In the text:

...he hopefully pretended he hadn't been roused.

e. g. 1. Both awoke out of a dead stupor of sleep, and resumed their daily duties.


2.Becky woke up with a breezy little laugh. But she was very weak. She had sunk into a dreary apathy, and wouldn't be roused. "I wish I never, never had waked!" she exclaimed.

All these verbs can be used figuratively in the meaning of будить, пробуждать, the verb to awaken being more preferable.

w.-c. to awaken (awake, rouse) interest, attention — пробуждать, (возбуждать) интерес, (привлекать) внимание

to awaken (wake up, rouse) feelings (fear, suspicion, curiosity, desire, etc.) — пробуждать

(возбуждать) чувства (страх, подозрение, любопытство, желание и т. д.)

е. g. Fagin then relapsed into his former state until his attention was again awakened by the voice of his partner.

awake (predic. adj) — бодрствующий

w.-c. to be awake — бодрствовать, не спать

to be wide (completely, fully, thoroughly) awake —совершенно очнуться от сна

In the text:

She knew that Eddie was wide awake listening to her... and he knew that she knew it, but he hopefully pretended he hadn't been roused.

e. g. "Yeah?" said Krebs, who was not fully awake.

3. shake vt & i —* трясти(сь), встряхивать; сотрясать(ся); качать(ся)

In the text:

II. Arline' sobs shook her...

III. She just sat there crying silently, her round, soft shoulders shaking now and then under his arm.

w.-c. to shake one's head — покачать головой в знак неодобрения или несогласия; скорби

In the text:

1.Arline shook her head obstinately. "There is nothing to do in New York," she said.

2."I just don't want to get beaten up," Eddie said shaking his head.

Ant. to nod — покачать головой в знак одобрения или согласия

In the text:

"You happy?" Arline sat up and nodded.

w.-c. to shake one's shoulders зд. передернуть плечами

In the text: She shook her shoulders to send him away...

w.-c. to shake one's fist (finger) at smb — погрозить кулаком (пальцем) кому-л.

In the text: She shook her fist at him in derision.

w.-c. to shake hands with smb — обменяться рукопожатием, пожать руки друг другу or to shake smb by the hand — пожать руку кому-л.

e. g. Не showed no sign of moving and Jane, shaking hands with me, introduced me to him.

w.-c. to shake with horror, fear, cold, excitement, rage, laughter — дрожать от ужаса, страха,

холода, волнения, гнева, смеха

The verbs to tremble and to shiver can also be found in combinations with the same nouns. However, shaking is generally the result of violent emotions:

to shake with horror, terror, dread, rage, etc. — дрожать от ужаса, гнева

to tremble with fear, nervousness, excitement, anger — дрожать от страха, волнения, гнева to shiver (with cold) — дрожать от холода

w.-c. to shake with age, weakness — дрожать (трястись) от старости, слабости to tremble at the thought of — трепетать, дрожать при мысли о...

е. g. 1. Suddenly I found myself shaking with laughter.


2.Tom was trembling from head to foot with excitement and a sense of the hopelessness of the situation.

3. The sharp wind blew, and straight before it the old man went: trembling and shivering...

shakily adv нетвердо, неуверенно

In the text: "I was surrounded by my family," Arline went on shakily.

4. grief n горе; печаль, огорчение

In the text:

She stopped sobbing aloud and turned the grief inward upon herself and wept all the more bitterly, in silence.

w.-c. to die of grief — умереть от горя

e. g. Joe was for being a hermit, and living on crusts in a remote cave, and dying, sometime, of cold, and want, and grief.

w.-c. grief takes possession of smb (seizes smb) — горе охватывает кого-л. (овладевает кем-л.)

In the text:

She bent over and grief took possession once more. w.-c. to give way to grief — предаваться горю, печали

e. g. Annette felt, however, that in such a crisis she must not give way to a private grief.

to grieve vt огорчать, печалить

vi горевать, убиваться (at, for, about, over)

e.g. 1. It grieved him to find that his children were indifferent to him. 2. Perhaps in time you'll grieve for him less,

grievance n — 1) обида

2) жалоба; повод для недовольства w.-c. What is your grievance? — На что вы жалуетесь?

e. g. The trade-union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers. w.-c. to rake up old grievances — ворошить старые обиды

5. care vi (for, about) 1) интересоваться; обращать внимание; беспокоиться

w.-c. I don't care (a pin, a farthing, a dime's worth). — Мне безразлично. Мне совершенно все равно.

Меня ничуть не интересует.

In the text:

"You don't care," she murmured, "You don't care one dime's worth if I break my heart." "I care," Eddie said... "Honest, Arline, I care."

2) любить; интересоваться

In the text:

"You don't care for me. All you wanted was somebody to give you a kid and cook your goddamn steaks and lamb chops."

e.g. 1. It had never occurred to him (Hans) that Annette might care for anyone else.

2.He doesn't care much for television.

3."You never seemed to care about famous preachers," Martini said to Gemma.

3)заботиться; ухаживать

e.g. 1. The children are well cared for.

2.The lawn is vast and green and well cared for.

4)иметь желание (сделать что-л.)

е. g. If you care to join us at lunch I'll have a place laid for you.


care n 1) забота, попечение; уход

e. g. The cares, and sorrows, and hungerings of the world change faces as they change hearts. w.-c. under smb's care — под чьим-л. присмотром, наблюдением

to take care of smb (smth) — (по)заботиться о ком-л., о чём-л., смотреть за кем-л.

Syn. to look after smb

In the text:

1."The kid!" Arline cried defiantly. "I take very good care of the kid."

2."I am not so young as some people any more, I got to take care of myself." e.g. 1. I must leave him under your care. I know you will look after him.

2.He's never had anyone to look after him properly. But we have taken care of that.

Care killed the cat. (посл.) He работа старит, а забота.

2) внимательность, осторожность е. g. Do your work with more care.

w.-c. Take care! — Берегись!

to take care (not) to do smth — остерегаться, стараться (не) делать что-л.

e.g. 1. Julia grew irritable before the first night, and Michael, having learnt from experience, took care to keep out of her way.

2.Hans was able to get to the farm much oftener now. He took care never to come without bringing something,

careful adj осторожный; внимательный; аккуратный

In the text:

"In two years," Eddie said, "taking it very easy, and careful, making sure I don't get knocked apart..."

Ant. careless — невнимательный, небрежный; неосторожный; беззаботный, легкомысленный

In the text:

He looked unhappily across at his wife... her face covered by her careless hair, sorrow and despair in every line of her.

e. g. There was something so open and frank and careless about her.

carefully adv внимательно, тщательно, аккуратно; осторожно

Ant. carelessly—небрежно; беззаботно, легкомысленно; неосторожно

e.g. 1. We examined all pieces of evidence pretty carefully — but there was not a scrap of evidence to connect any of them with the crime.

2.Arthur glanced carelessly at the letter and laid it aside.

6.hit vt & i1) ударять; нанести удар

w.-c. to hit smb on the head (on the cheek, on the shoulder, in the face, in the back) — ударить

по голове (по щеке, по плечу, по лицу, по спине)

In the text:

...he sat on the edge of the bed and hit himself smartly on the cheek with the back of his hand to awaken himself.

e.g. 1. Hans let go of her and with all his might hit her father in the face.

2.Just as I reached the door, a stream of water hit me in the back. w.-c. to hit back — нанести ответный удар

e. g. "They saw I had only one hand that I could hit back with," said the Gadfly. w.-c. to hit smb a hard (heavy) blow — нанести кому-л. сильный удар

to hit smb hard (also fig.)

e. g. The slump came and hit young people hard.

2)попасть во что-л., в кого-л. (ранить)

e.g. 1. He hadn't been gone ten minutes when a six-inch shell hit the hotel.

2.He had been hit in the spine.


w.-c. to hit the mark (target) — попасть в цель, поразить цель (also fig-)

е. g. "There is no use in our trying to persuade ourselves that the pamphlet doesn't hit the mark — it does!" said Gemma.

w.-c. to hit it — попасть в цель, правильно угадать

е. g. "You've hit it."— Вы попали в точку.

3) поражать; затрагивать; тяжело сказываться

е. g. Cuts in government spending hit workers in construction laying off building workers and the other trades which produce building materials.

4) найти, напасть, натолкнуться; обнаружить

w.-c. to hit (up)on an idea, the right answer, place; a plan — придумать что-л., найти правильный ответ, попасть в нужное место (туда, куда нужно); придумать план

an idea (thought) hit me — мне пришла в голову мысль

е. g. 1. How did you hit on it?

2.I had almost fallen asleep again when the thought hit me.

3.At last the children conspired together and hit upon a plan that promised a dazzling victory.

7. despair n отчаяние; безнадежность

In the text:

He looked unhappily across at his wife, sitting on the other bed... her face covered by her careless hair, sorrow and despair in every line of her.

w.-c. to be in despair — быть в отчаянии

to drive smb to despair — довести кого-л. до отчаяния out of despair — с отчаяния, с горя

е. g. 1. Now in his despair George needed his sons, especially Anthony, by him. 2. Your recklessness will drive me to despair.

desperate adj 1) отчаянный; доведенный до отчаяния; безрассудный (что касается опасности) w.-c. to be (grow) get desperate — быть в отчаянии, быть доведенным до отчаяния,

быть готовым на все

a desperate resistance, effort, attempt — отчаянное сопротивление, усилие, попытка

е. g. uThe robber didn't make a very desperate resistance, miss!" replied the old servant. "He is wounded."

2) безнадежный, безвыходный

w.-c. in desperate condition — в отчаянном, безнадежном положении

е. g. Here they made friends with others in as desperate condition as themselves. w.-c. a desperate hope; appeal — отчаянная (тщетная) надежда; мольба, просьба

е. g. 1. Fagin began to turn off into side avenues at random, in the desperate hope of finding the one, that was wanted.

2. Nancy was staring at Sikes with wide and terrified eyes. They held a desperate appeal.

desperately adv отчаянно; безрассудно, безнадежно

e.g. Arthur struggled desperately for breath as another handful of water was dashed into his face.

despairingly adv безнадежно, отчаянно

In the text:

"I am linked for life to a health enthusiast," Arline said despairingly.

8. uncomfortable adj 1) неудобный; некомфортабельный

w.-c. (an) uncomfortable chair, bed, room, furniture, position, etc. — неудобный (-ая, -oe) стул,

кровать, комната, мебель, положение и т. д.

е. g. Skelton followed him into a small sitting-room. It was an uncomfortable, overcrowded room.


2) испытывающий неудобство, стеснение, неловкость, беспокойство w.-c. to feel (be) uncomfortable — чувствовать себя неловко

Syn. to feel ill at ease, to feel awkward, to feel uneasy Ant. to feel comfortable, to feel at ease

In the text:

Eddie began to feel more and more uncomfortable.

w.-c. to make someone uncomfortable — заставить кого-л. чувствовать (испытывать) неловкость

е. g. It made Stroeve uncomfortable to see someone sitting in an uncomfortable chair. w.-c. uncomfortable silence — неловкое молчание

e. g. Arthur murmured the first commonplace that he could think of at the moment, and relapsed into uncomfortable silence.

w.-c. an uncomfortable feeling (sensation) — чувство неловкости, беспокойства Syn. an uneasy feeling

e.g. An uncomfortable sensation came over Gemma, as though she had somewhere seen that gesture before.

The antonym of uncomfortable is:

comfortable adj 1) удобный; комфортабельный; уютный

w.-c. a comfortable chair, bed, room, position, hotel, train, home, etc. — удобный (-ая, -oe) стул,

кровать, комната, положение; комфортабельный

отель, поезд; уютный дом и т. д.

е. g. 1. Не used to sit in a comfortable canvas chair in the shade.

2.There must be other comfortable trains that don't go so fast.

3.It was the Marseilles that I knew, sunny, with its expensive comfortable hotels and its restaurants crowded with the well- to-dtfr

2) спокойный, довольный

w.-c. to feel (be) comfortable — чувствовать себя (быть) спокойным, довольным

e.g. 1. I'm afraid just at first he'll be rather lonely and I shall feel more comfortable if I can count on your keeping an eye on him.

2. I don't feel comfortable a bit.

3) (разг.) приличный, достаточный w.-c. a comfortable pay — приличная зарплата

a comfortable income, fortune — приличный доход, (-oe) состояние e. g. He left her a comfortable fortune.

N. B. Don't confuse the adjective "comfortable" (удобный, комфортабельный) and the adjective

"convenient" (удобный, устраивающий кого-л. по времени, местоположению и т. п., подходящий). They have entirely different meanings.

e.g. 1. Will the 3.50 train be convenient for you?

2. We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting.

Ant. inconvenient неудобный, неподходящий, неустраивающий кого-л.

е. g. She was so ill that they wouldn't let her do anything tiresome

or inconvenient, uncomfortably adv неудобно, неловко, беспокойно

In the text:

Eddie licked his lips uncomfortably.

Ant. comfortably adv 1) удобно

e. g. He stepped into the boat and comfortably settled down.


2) достаточно, прилично

w.-c. to be comfortably off — хорошо зарабатывать, быть обеспеченным

Syn. to be well off

e. g. They were quite comfortably off running a theatre. w.-c. to live comfortably — жить в достатке

e. g. She had a bit of property and could live quite comfortably.

9. easy adv (разг., обыкн. easily) 1) легко, без труда

In the text:

"You could make the money easy!"

e.g. "I could cry very easy when I was on the stage," the old actress said.

2)спокойно, неторопливо

Ant. uneasily беспокойно, тревожно

In the text: Eddie stood up and padded around the room uneasily in his socks.

w.-c. to take smth easy а) не торопиться, не усердствовать; не утруждать себя

In the text:

"In two years," Eddie said, "taking it very easy, and careful, making sure I don't get knocked apart..."

б) относиться спокойно, не принимать близко к сердцу; проще смотреть на вещи

w.-c. Take it easy! — Не расстраивайтесь! (Не принимайте это близко к сердцу!)

е. g. Take it easy and don't worry when things look black.

Easy come — easy go. — (поел.) Как нажито, так и прожито.

easy adj 1) легкий, нетрудный

w.-c. an easy book, matter, language — нетрудная (-oe, -ый) книга, дело, язык easy gestures — легкие движения

an easy person (to get on with) — легкий человек, покладистый, уживчивый easy money — «легкие» деньги (деньги, доставшиеся легко)

е. g. 1. Italian seemed such an easy language to me that I couldn't take a great interest in it; everything was so easy to say.

2.The people were so intent on not being involved that they turned down a chance of getting easy money.

w.-c. (as) easy as ABC — легче легкого, сущие пустяки

е. g. For almost as long as she could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing seemed to her as easy as ABC.

2) удобный

w.-c. an easy coat — просторный пиджак

an easy-chair — (легкое, удобное) мягкое кресло an easy attitude (pose) — удобная поза

e. g. He was sitting in an easy pose of a resting man.

3) непринужденный, естественный w.-c. easy manners — непринужденные манеры e. g. His manners were gay and easy.

w.-c. an easy-going person — добродушно-веселый, беспечный, беззаботный человек an easy-going atmosphere — непринужденная атмосфера, обстановка

е. g. The Commanding Officer was an elderly, easy-going fellow and he was content not to drive his men too hard.

4) спокойный

w.-c. Make your mind easy. — Успокойтесь.


ease n 1) свобода, непринужденность

w.-c. to feel (ill) at ease — чувствовать себя свободно, непринужденно (неловко, не по себе) to set (put) smb at (one's) ease — успокоить, ободрить кого-л.

ease of body and mind — физический и душевный покой

e.g. 1. Mary felt ill at ease, and, as she poured out the tea, her hand shook.

2.Mr. Kelada trying to set me at my ease used no formality.

3.He stretched out comfortably on the bed with mind and body fully at ease for the first time that day.


w.-c. with ease — непринужденно, легко, без труда

е. g. Father Cardi at once began talking to Arthur about the Sapienza with an ease and familiarity which showed him to be well acquainted with college life.

3) досуг, отдых

w.-c. to take one's ease — отдыхать (особо удобно расположившись), наслаждаться досугом e. g. Не found it very comfortable to lie on a mattress and take his ease.

ease vt облегчать; смягчать, ослаблять w.-c. to ease pain — облегчать боль

to ease one's mind — облегчать душу

to ease tension — смягчить, ослабить напряженность

e.g. 1. Time, he was convinced, would ease the pain.

2.Mr. Fagin eased his mind by the discovery that Nancy suspected nothing.

10.suggest vt — предлагать (вносить на рассмотрение), советовать

In the text:

"You ought to have friends," Eddie suggested without hope.

w.-c. to suggest a plan, an idea, a theme of a report, a topic for discussion, a walk, a trip, a title for a story, a method, etc. — предложить план, идею, тему доклада,

тему для обсуждения, прогулку, поездку, название рассказа, метод и т. д.

The verb "to suggest" is used in the following constructions: to suggest smth (to smb)

to suggest doing smth

to suggest that smb (should) do smth to suggest that smth (should) be done

N. B. No Infinitive is used after the verb "to suggest"!

e.g. "I never suggested that we should all rush into work for which we are unfitted," Gemma said. "I would suggest that we start organized propaganda and agitation." —

"Then do you suggest that we should print the pamphlet?" inquired Martini.

11.offer vt & i — предлагать (предоставлять в чье-л. распоряжение); вызваться что-л. сделать

w.-c. to offer a cup of tea, a job (a post), a reward, a cigarette, a chair, a ticket, assistance, money,

a chance, hospitality, entertainment — предложить чашку чая, работу, награду, сигарету, стул, билет, помощь, деньги; предоставить возможность, гостеприимство, развлечение

In the text:

Jake Blucher called up this morning and he told me he offered you a thousand dollars to fight Joe Principe.

Constructions: to offer smb smth to offer to do smth


to offer smb help — предлагать кому-л. помощь to offer to help smb — вызваться помочь кому-л.

w.-c. to offer to marry smb - сделать предложение (to offer one's hand - выйти замуж)

to offer resistance — оказывать сопротивление

to offer an apology — извиниться, принести извинения

e.g. 1. And now that he'd offered to marry her Annette must see that he was a decent sort of fellow.

2. Tom offered less resistance than she had expected when she brought up the question once more.

N. В. Care should be taken not to confuse the verbs "to suggest" and uto offer". Though they are both translated into Russian as предлагать, they have different meanings and are used in different constructions.

Compare the following:

1.Nick suggested going to the cinema.

2.Nick offered to go and buy tickets.

Коля предложил (подал мысль, идею) пойти в кино. Коля предложил (вызвался) пойти и купить билеты.

12.clear vt —очищать, расчищать; убирать

w.-c. to clear away the dishes — убирать посуду со стола

to clear the table — убирать со стола

to clear away — убирать (нежелательные предметы)

In the text:

"Two and a half months are a long time," Arline said, clearing away the mascara lines from her cheeks, but still weeping.

w.-c. to clear away doubts (suspicions) — устранять, рассеивать сомнения (подозрения) to clear away difficulties — уладить, устранить, разрешить трудности

е. g. They hoped that something would happen that might clear away their difficulties.

to clear up 1) привести в порядок

e. g. You'll have to clear up the things on the desk before you leave.

2) выяснить, распутать; разрешать; улаживать

w.-c. to clear up a point, a matter, circumstances — выяснить вопрос, дело, обстоятельства to clear up a mystery — распутать (разгадать) тайну (загадку)

to clear up misunderstanding — уладить недоразумение e. g. At last the mystery was going to be cleared up.

w.-c. to clear one's throat — откашливаться

e.g. The prime feature of the examination evening was original "compositions" by the young ladies. Each in her turn stepped forward, cleared her throat and proceeded to read her manuscript.

13.search vt & i 1) искать

to search for smb (smth)

e.g. "But they would search for him, all these people, they would be sure to make inquiries at the docks," thought Arthur.

Syn. to look for

2) обыскивать, обшаривать to search smth, smb (for smth, smb)

e. g. Every corner of the cave was going to be thoroughly searched.

w.-c. to search one's pocket for a handkerchief — искать носовой платок в кармане to search one's purse for money — искать в кошельке деньги

to search one's drawers for missing papers — искать в ящиках стола пропавшие бумаги

е. g. Не searched his pocket for a match box.


w.-c. to search one's memory (one's brain, one's wits) for a man's name, a suitable word, a phrase, an explanation, etc. — вспоминать (придумывать, подыскивать) имя человека, подходящее

слово, фразу, объяснение и т. д.

to search smb's face (for some signs) — вглядываться в чье-л. лицо

In the text:

He searched his brain for a helpful phrase.

e. g. The school master searched face after face for signs of guilt.

search n— поиски (It has no plural form!)

e. g. Tom said that they must have been missed long ago and no doubt the search was going on. w.-c. to make a search for smth (smb) — разыскивать (искать) что-л. (кого-л.)

in search of smth (smb) — в поисках чего-л. (кого-л.)

е. g. Не looked anxiously about: shading his eyes with his hand, as if in search of some particular person.

14. derision n 1) высмеивание, осмеяние; презрительная насмешка w.-c. in derision — с насмешкой, с иронией

In the text:

She shook her fist at him in derision.

2) посмешище

w.-c. to be the derision of — быть посмешищем e. g. He became the derision of the whole school,

derisive adj1) насмешливый, иронический, презрительный

w.-c. a derisive remark, tone — насмешливо-презрительное замечание, иронический тон

derisive laughter — иронический смех

derisive manner — насмешливая, презрительная манера

е. g. Dirk Stroeve was one of those persons whom, according to your character, you cannot think of without derisive laughter or an embarrassed shrug of the shoulders.

2) смехотворный, ничтожный

w.-c. derisive attempts — смехотворные, явно неудачные попытки (жалкие потуги) a derisive offer — смехотворное, несерьезное предложение

Syn. absurd — нелепый, абсурдный; смехотворный; глупый ridiculous — нелепый, смешной, смехотворный

е. g. Tom's attempts to put a good face on the matter seemed next to derisive.

derisively adv — насмешливо, с иронией

e.g. "Dirk is a very bad painter." — "But a very good man." — "And an excellent cook," Strickland added derisively.


1.to sit up 1) приподняться, садиться (из лежачего положения)

In the text:

Eddie sighed and turned around and sat up, rubbing his hair with his hands.

2)выпрямиться, сидеть прямо

In the text:

She sat up erect now and looked at him.

3) не ложиться спать, бодрствовать; засиживаться до поздней ночи

е. g. Huckleberry came and went at his own free will. He could sit up as late as he pleased.


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