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Step-by step guide: Some aspects of British and American life


Study Material


Creative task: *choose one of the following and get ready for class presentation

17-23. 11.

Read the texts “Attitudes” and do the guide, Horizons, pp. 214-222;

Word study Ex.5-10 p.84-86.

Fill in the following chart:

British stereotypes that are still true-to-life

Stereotypes that are no longer true

Plan or write down the speaking point “The British stereotypes”.

Conduct an opinion poll among your friends / colleagues / pupils about the British stereotypes (the way they see the British people, their customs and traditions).

Make up you own questionnaire. It may have 3 -10 questions.

14-30. 11.

Listen to the tape “Living in New York and London”.

Do the guide to the tape and write down 10 differences between American and British lifestyles, traditions, character.

Write an essayThe Belarusian character”. Write about Belarusian people, our customs and traditions.

01-08. 12.

Read the text “Character and characteristics: a humorous look at stereotypes”, Horizons, pp. 223-224.

Plan or write down the speaking point “The British versus the Americans”.

Find some detailed information about a British, Belarusian or American tradition that you find very interesting. Make a short presentation in class.

09-16. 12.

Read the texts “The Monarchy”

Horizons, pp. 230-233;

“Adapt or die?”

Horizons, pp. 234-236.

Plan or write down the speaking point “Monarchy or Republic in GB?”.

Find some detailed information about the British royal family that you find very interesting. Make a short presentation in class.

17-31. 12.

Test for unit “Some aspects of British and American life”

Vocabulary revision

Put down the vocabulary definitions in the language learning diary.

Step 2. Listen to the recordings; “Who killed Evelyn?”; “Left - Right”; “BBC English: Family matters”; “Living in New York and London”. The tapes are available in room A -317 (MSLU).

Study the vocabulary. Do the guides. Add to the file of useful information and vocabulary items.

Step 3. Find some additional information and plan а project.

Project work

Nature or nurture?”

In this project find some information to discuss the following problems:

  • Is genetic inheritance important for a person’s development /studies / career / success in life?

  • What do you know about hereditary studies?

  • Are geniuses born or made?

  • Who is a genius?

  • Are geniuses happy?

  • What is the Nature Theory?

  • Which role does education and upbringing play in the life of a person? (nurture)

  • What can you say looking back at your childhood?

  • How should parents educate their children?

Which point of view do you support?

Give examples from your own teaching experience, from the lives of some famous people.

Step 4. Get down to Home Tests 1-3. After you are through with the tests, check your answers with the key given below.

Step 5. Study the list of the relevant vocabulary items. Make sure you are able to explain the meaning of each item in English (consult a good English-English dictionary if necessary). Put down the definitions in English in your language learning diary.