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Unit 1.doc
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Exercise 2. Find Russian equivalents for the words and word combinations from the text:

  • to store, process and display data

  • digital

  • hardware

  • software

  • on the Internet

  • a gadget

  • to spring to life

  • to switch on

  • a microchip

  • to access goods and services

  • to book a holiday

  • to do one’ banking online

  • online auction

  • multimedia

  • online gaming

  • to download online music

  • podcast

  • portable

  • a device

  • blog

  • appropriate

  • to make financial calculations

  • filing cabinet

  • to manage large collections of data

  • to interact with

  • entertainment

  • a word processing program

  • presentation software

  • distance learning

  • online learning

  • a Virtual Learning Environment

  • virtual classroom

  • to access information via the Internet

  • a pal

  • to handle mundane task

  • to monitor

  • storage capacity

  • to communicate with somebody

  • to telework

  • e-commerce

  • spreadsheets program

Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the following to express your opinion:

In my opinion, I agree that, I disagree that, to my mind, according to the text, as far as I know (think, remember)

  1. A computer can be described as a machine.

  2. A computer can be used to store, process and display data.

  3. Computers have changed the way we do things.

  4. The mobile phone, the music player or the car ignition use microchips.

  5. Computers have many uses for individuals and businesses.

  6. But people prefer to go shopping to supermarkets.

  7. A blog is a website where a user creates and regularly updates a journal of his deeds and ideas.

  8. Teleworking is the process of working in front of a television.

  9. Kids aren’t allowed to use computers.

  10. People digitize home movies and photos to store on the home computer.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences from the text:

  1. Computers are electronic and … .

  2. The actual machinery of the computer … .

  3. The instructions and data … .

  4. We use gadgets that … .

  5. Millions of people also use the Internet to access goods and services, such as … .

  6. Many Internet users actually add to the Internet by… .

  7. The Internet is also an important educational tool, and is used

  8. Many people now work at home, and they … .

  9. With the appropriate hardware and software, a PC can do … .

  10. If you like electronic entertainment, … .

  11. Through its website, a company can offer computer users … .

Exercise 5. Match the given definitions with the words from the text in bold. There are more words than definitions:

  1. a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities

  2. the machines, wiring, and other physical components

  3. the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer

  4. to turn information into a form that can be read easily by a computer

  5. a very small piece of silicon inside a computer

  6. the process of keeping data on a computer.

  7. the programs and other operating information used by a computer

  8. a small mechanical device or tool

  9. working from home using equipment such as computers, telephones, faxes etc

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