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Task VIII. A well balanced nutritional diet is very important in preparation of a sportsman. Learn the words and word-combinations and read the text:

1. nutrition n питание

2. nutritious а питательный

3. protein n белок, протеин

4. carbohydrate n углевод

5. fat n жир

6. vitamin n витамин

7. mineral n минеральная соль (вода)

8. tissue n ткань

9. tendon n сухожилие

10. ligament n связка

11. due n причитающееся

12. undergo v испытывать, подвергаться

13. enzyme n фермент

14. coenzyme n кофермент

15. intake v поглощение, потребление

16. hydrate v гидратировать

17. serving n порция, кусок


Swimming involves a wide range of skills and movements that require speed, strength, power, endurance, coordination, and flexibility. In order to progress and achieve your maximum potential as a swimmer takes not only intense and focused practice sessions, but also a well balanced, nutritional diet. This means athletes should make sure they are getting the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, dietary fats, vitamins, minerals, and plenty of water.

Protein is primarily used to build and repair muscle tissue, tendons, and ligaments, as well as other body tissue. Athletes need to make sure they consume larger amounts of protein than normal due to the stress their body undergoes during training and competition.

Carbohydrates are a major source of energy and are especially important for athletes to be able to function at their highest level.

Fat is also a major energy reserve. Fats are essential to hormone production which serves many purposes including assisting in the repair and growth of muscle.

Minerals enable enzymes to function, producing hormones that assist in regulating body functions.

Vitamins regulate the chemical reactions of enzymes and act as coenzymes to regulate body functions.

Water is especially vital to the health of athletes. It enables chemical reactions to occur, ensuring that energy sources are fully utilized, muscles can grow and repair, and the numerous body processes can occur efficiently.

Swimmers should be sure they are consuming an above average amount of both protein and carbohydrates to ensure proper energy levels, muscle growth, and muscle repair. Nutrients intake prior to practice or a meet should be around 55 % carbohydrates, 25 % protein, and 20 % fat. The large amount of carbohydrates will provide enough energy for intense physical exertion. After a practice or a meet a meal should consist of 40 % carbohydrates, 40 % protein, and 20 % fat. The increased protein intake will provide muscles with the material for recovery, muscle growth and repair.

Calorie intake before a meet/practice: Calorie intake after a meet/practice:

Recommended fluid replacement for athletes

• Drink 1 to 2 cups of fluid at least one hour before beginning of practice or a meet.

• Drink 4 to 8 ounces of fluid for every 15 minutes during practice or a meet.

• Drink 1 to 2 cups of fluid after a meet or practice.

• Drink water consistently throughout the day to make sure body is adequately hydrated at all times.

Swimmers should also eat 2 to 3 servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day as well as a multivitamin to maintain proper levels of vitamins and minerals that are quickly used up during intense physical exercise.

The basic swimmer's diet or the minimum a swimmer should eat each day

Food group

Representative foods

Minimum for each day

Milk and Dairy Products

milk, (skim, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, ice cream)

5 servings or glasses

Meat and Meat Substitutes

beef, pork, chicken, pork liver, eggs (1 each day), nuts

2 servings – 2 eggs equals one serving

Bread and Cereals

bread (whole grain), cereals (dry or cooked), rice, pasta, granola

5 servings (1 slice of bread equals 1 serving)


broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts, lima beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, corn, potatoes, cabbage, (some of these should be raw)

3 servings


tomatoes, bananas, oranges, apples, grapes, strawberries (whole fruit or juices – the synthetic substitutes are not as good)

2 servings or glasses

Most sedentary people average three meals a day Swimmers that have been studied eat four to five meals a day. Ideally, six meals a day would be best for most swimmers for the following reasons:

1) a hard training swimmer needs 5,000 or more calories per day Obtaining this quantity in three meals is difficult without being stuffed and feeling heavy and lethargic;

2) six meals a day maintains a continued, balanced mixture of amino acids in the blood for protein synthesis;

3) this method prevents hunger;

4) it does not interfere with training because huge meals are not eaten, yet all essential nutrients are obtained;

5) small meals are faster to eat.

A six meal per day plan tied in with two daily work-outs and school attendance is shown in the Table. The quantities of food may be more than a small female swimmer needs, but would certainly not be too much for a 175 pound male. It is important to eat before the first work-out, although some athletes do not like this. For them, small but increasing quantities should be eaten over several weeks until about 350–400 calories can be tolerated shortly before training. The second meal (breakfast to the rest of society) should contain carbohydrate to replace much of that used up. Good protein is also necessary Optimal protein synthesis by cells requires the presence of a balanced blood amino acid pattern. Small frequent meals enhance this.

Six meals per day plan for elite swimmers



Food eaten

Other activity

5.20 a.m


milk (8 oz), instant breakfast, wholewheat toast (1), orange


Training session #

1 – 5,700 m plus flexibility



cheerios, hard-boiled egg, two pieces of toast and peanut butter, tomato juice (6 oz), milk (10 oz)



12:10 p.m.


2 tuna sandwiches on wholewheat bread, raw vegetables, yogurt cup, milk (10oz)





2 homemade muffins piece of cheese,



Training session #2 – weights and 4300 m swimming



beef (4 oz.), 2 potatoes, broccoli, peas, spinach salad, milk (10 oz.), orange juice (8 oz.)



ice cream with strawberries

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