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Абсолютная номинативная конструкция (The Nominative Absolute Construction)

Оборот, в котором причастие имеет свое собственное подлежащее, выраженное существительным в общем падеже или местоимениями this, it и there (от оборота there is) называется абсолютной номинативной конструкцией.

The weather being fine,

they practiced on the stadium.

Так как погода была хорошая,

они тренировались на стадионе.

It being very late, they

returned home.

Так как было очень поздно, они вернулись домой.

Абсолютная номинативная конструкция всегда обособляется запятой. В зависимости от контекста номинативная конструкция может переводиться на русский язык:

а) обстоятельственными придаточными предложениями с подчинительными союзами «так как», «поскольку», «ввиду того, что», «после того как», «если», «когда».

This being so, we shall have to postpone the competition.

Поскольку дело обстоит таким образом,

нам придется отложить соревнование.

б) самостоятельным предложением с сочинительными союзами «причем», «в то время как», «а».

The sportsman tried to get up, the coach helping him.

Спортсмен пытался встать,

а тренер помогал ему.


  1. The man coaching the national football team graduated from the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture.

  2. In her compulsory routine she demonstrated some frequently used elements.

  3. We study at the University founded more than 70 years ago.

  4. The player taken to hospital has got a serious injury.

  5. Having demonstrated high performing skills this athlete qualified for the finals.

  6. My team-mates were saying “good-bye” to their parents before they left for the World Cup.

  7. The losing team will not get the prize.

  8. When asked about the penalty, the referee couldn’t say anything.

  9. Team relays are among the most exciting swimming races.

  10. The combined movements of legs and arms are called swimming strokes.

  11. The coach watched a group of javelin throwers mastering the technique of throwing.

  12. The FINA recognizes world records set only in long-course pools.

  13. Having heard the gun the sprinter rushed forward.

  14. Having been shown the wrong direction to the stadium they lost their way.

  15. Not knowing the language it is sometimes rather difficult to guess what the referee means.

  16. He is a playing coach of our University soccer team.

  17. Two hammer throwers participating in the city championship are our group-mates.

  18. Having graduated from the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture with honours he could become a highly qualified rowing coach.

  19. In rhythmic gymnastics gymnasts perform a dance routine while executing maneuvers with a piece of hand-held equipment.

  20. If used this device will help athletes recover quickly.

  21. Having been disqualified the triple jumper left the stadium.

  22. The freestylist being awarded a gold Olympic medal is A. Grishin from Belarus.

  23. He is a good swimmer and once saved a drowning child.

  24. The girl performing on the uneven parallel bars demonstrated explosive power and agility.

  25. Inna Zhukova is one of the most decorated gymnasts in the history of Belarusian rhythmic gymnastics.

  26. The performed vault was particularly difficult.

  27. Having shown the best result he qualified for the Master of Sports category.

  28. Having been explained how to perform the exercise the student managed to do it.

  29. I know some of the athletes taking part in the race.


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