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1.14 Complete the sentences:

1. A computer is a person or a machine which ... 2. Computing is a process during which the computer… 3. Any computer can perform … 4. Most modern computers can do ... 5. The first automatic digital computer started operating … 6. The achievement of the first revolution was to … 7. The task of the second one is to use electronic computers … 8. Most modern electronic compu­ters can do over… 9. a human being aided by a pencil and paper may be… 10. Likewise a machine is able to take in …

1.15 This quiz will help you "hack" terms you may encounter while surfing the Internet.


  1. cursor, n

  2. network, n

  3. download, v

  4. virus, n

  5. browser, n

  1. cracker, n

  2. hit, n

  3. authenticate, v

  4. emoticon, n

  5. boot, v

  6. server, n

  7. modem, n

  8. glitch, n

  9. compress, v

  10. pixel, n

  11. link, n

  12. scanner, v

  1. log on, v

  2. shareware, n

  3. gigabyte, n

  1. coarse speaker; indicator; moneychanger; technician.

  2. TV channel; digital design; system of computers; filter.

  3. to copy; scramble; erase; belittle.

  4. flaw; poison; fatigue; infection.

  5. software that allows you to: explore the Internet; eavesdrop; send a fax; save a file.

  6. fanatic; intruder; burglar; expert.

  7. accident; stumbling block; unit of measurement; visit.

  8. to fade; complicate; confirm; test.

  9. robot; radiation; trick; illustration.

  10. to fail gradually; enlarge; adjust; start up.

  11. central computer; speed control; power supply; trouble-shooter.

  12. digital code; keyboard; visual display; connecting device.

  13. flash; excitement; error; stroke of luck.

  14. to shrink; understand; fix; soften.

  15. picture element; programming oddity; brief blur; long delay.

  16. missing piece; space station; related site; warning signal.

  17. machine that: reproduces images; translates files; searches a document; adds color.

  18. to pile; gain access; waste time; stretch.

  19. hand-me-down clothing; free hardware; relic; trial software.

  20. sudden shutdown; unit of storage; wide gap; high pressure.

Text1b Computer

Read the text without a dictionary & make your own dialogue.

The word computer come from a Latin word which means to count. There are people who think that a computer is a mechanism capable to perform the four basic arithmetic operations. But that is not so. There is a difference between calculating machines desk calculators and computers. The calculator can perform arithmetic operations but must be controlled by a hu­man being. A computer is a very special kind of counting machine. The computer is a device which is capable to perform not only arithmetic but also logical operations automatically. Computers are «big brains» which can solve the most difficult problems of science and engineering. They are powerful tools, which help to change our lives and the world around us. In a few years no home will be complete without a computer. But there can be unexpected side effects of new technology. For the computer has such a seductive appeal for some users that they become «computer addicts». It may seem that computers are the modern-day equivalents of less technologically oriented hobbies, but their possibilities, rewards and challenges are endless. A computer for many is a «living thing» in that it responds to what you do and might even talk to you, so a lot of people get «hooked» on it. So we may speak now of «computer addiction». *hook крючок; addiction пристрастие.

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