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Your Home Assignment

I. The Uncle’s Answer

Dear Boy,

Don’t worry! The postman has lost your letter.

Your affectionate uncle,

Thomas Jones

II. Translate the dialogue into English.

  • Я слышал, что ты переехал в новую квартиру, Steve. Это правда?

  • Да. На днях мы готовим празднование новоселья. Я хочу, чтобы ты и твоя жена Carolприсутствовали.

  • Спасибо за приглашение. Как тебе нравится новая квартира?

  • Очень удобная. Пятикомнатная с современными удобствами: электрической плитой и множеством встроенной мебели.

  • На каком этаже?

  • На десятом этаже высотного жилого дома. У нас два лифта, которые работают круглосуточно.

  • Далеко от центра?

  • Довольно. Мне нужно час, чтобы добраться до центра на автобусе или метро. Если я еду на машине, то 30 минут.

  • Понимаю. Вы купили новую мебель?

  • Мы купили секцию, два кресла и прекрасный холодильник. Мы планируем купить два ковра и столовый набор.

  • Удачи!

  • Спасибо. А ты собираешься переезжать в новую квартиру?

  • Нет. Мы живем в нашей двухкомнатной квартире восемь лет и не хотим никуда переезжать.

  • У тебя удобная квартира, не так ли?

  • Да, очень. Моя жена сделала все очень красиво, и мне она очень нравится. У нас не много мебели, но у нас есть все, что нам нужно.

  • Рад слышать это.

III. Read the dialogue and then reproduce it.

(In case you would like to rent a room \lodgings)

  • A: Good morning, Mrs. White. We’d like to see the rooms you’ve got to let.

  • Mrs. White: Oh, are you the students from University College? I’ve had two students looking round this morning.

  • A:Oh, have the rooms gone?

  • Mrs. White: No, they didn’t say they’d take them. They really wanted a room with central heating.

  • B: We don’t mind about that so long as there’s a good electric or gas heater.

  • Mrs. White: You’d better come in and see the place.

  • A:Well, this is a big room.

  • B:It’s quite nice. Do you provide bed linen?

  • Mrs. White: Oh, yes! That’s included in the rent, as well as the laundering.

  • A:What about the vocations?

  • Mrs. White: You have to pay a retaining fee (предварительная плата) if you go away. You could move in next week if you decide to take it. I like the rent monthly in advance.

  • A:I certainly like the look of this place. What do you think?

  • B:It’s much better than any of the other rooms we’ve seen and the rent is quite reasonable.

  • A: Yes. Four guineas [giniz] a week isn’t bad. Let’s take it.

  • Mrs. White: I hope you’ll like the place.

IV. Read the text and translate it with the dictionary.

If you are invited to an English home, at 5 o’clock in the morning you get a cup of tea. You must not say ‘Go away’. On the contrary, you have to say, with your best five o’clock smile: ‘Thank you so much. I love a cup of early morning tea, especially early in the morning’.

Then you have tea for breakfast; then you have tea at 11 o’clock in the morning; then after lunch; then you have tea for tea; then after supper; and again at 11 o’clock at night.

You must not refuse tea under the following circumstances: if it is hot; if it is cold; if you are tired; if anybody thinks that you might be tired; if you are nervous; if you happy; before you go out; if you are out; if you have just returned home; if you have had no tea for some time; if you have just had a cup.

You definitely must not follow my example. I sleep at 5 o’clock in the morning; I have coffee for breakfast; I drink innumerable cups of coffee during the day.

The other day, for instance, I wanted a cup of coffee and a piece of cheese for tea. It was a very hot day, and my wife made some cold coffee and put it in the refrigerator, where it froze solid. On the other hand, she left the cheese on the kitchen table, where it melted. So I had a piece of coffee and a glass of cheese.