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Кафедра Английского языка №1


на тему:

Сварка алюминиевых конструкций

Welding aluminum structures

Исполнитель: магистрант МТФ

Комарова Т.Д.

Руководитель: Педько Л. В.

Минск 2015


В реферате исследуется трудность свариваемости алюминиевых материалов. Высокая электро- и теплопроводность алюминия, очень малый вес в сочетании с отличными механическими свойствами его сплавов, сделали этот материал просто незаменимым во многих сферах человеческой деятельности. Как бы в компенсацию своим достоинствам "крылатый" металл очень трудно сваривается. Умение качественно варить алюминий - это то, что отличает сварщика высокой квалификации от сварщика-любителя.

Существует много способов сварки алюминия с использованием различного оборудования и разных сварочных материалов, с защитой зоны сварки инертными газами или флюсами.

Независимо от применяемого способа, сварке должна предшествовать тщательная подготовка свариваемых кромок, цель которой - очистка последних от загрязнений и окисной пленки.


The abstract explores the difficulty of weldability of aluminum materials. The high electrical and thermal conductivity of aluminum is very light weight combined with excellent mechanical properties of its alloys, made this material is simply irreplaceable in many spheres of human activity. As if to compensate its merits "winged" metal is very difficult to be welded. Ability to cook quality aluminum - this is what distinguishes the welder qualifications of welders amateur.

There are many types of welding aluminum using different equipment and various welding materials, weld zone protected by inert gases or fluxes.

Regardless of the method used, welding should be preceded by careful preparation of the welded edges, the purpose of which - the last cleaning of dirt and oxide film.



1.Welding aluminum piping………………………………………………………..5

2.Aluminum filler metals: What you should know about selection, storage, operation, and equipment……………………………………………………….…9




A large number of fabricators manufacture carbon and stainless steel piping systems, and in general, the welding procedures and techniques for manufacturing them are well-known.

But few fabricators manufacture aluminum piping systems, and the manufacturing techniques aren't as widely known. In fact, the material differences between steel and aluminum make the fabrication practices for them decidedly different.

From trailer fabrication to shipbuilding and aerospace applications, companies rely on aluminum for its versatility, its strength, and, in certain service environments, its corrosion resistance. Aluminum, however, requires special attention during the welding process. Proper precleaning procedures, careful control of heat input, and the use of appropriate welding equipment all are critical. Proper filler metal selection is equally important.

The most common aluminum filler metals are 4043 and 5356 alloys, both of which are available in wires for gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and cut-lengths (often called filler rods) for gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Knowing the basics for selecting these alloys for a given application, as well as the characteristics of each and their welding requirements, is critical to obtaining the best results. Here are some guidelines to assist you.[3]

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