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2.1 Match the two parts of the sentences:

1. On week days I usually

2. After I have breakfast

3. Students take a taxi bus

4. We have English

5. Many students of our University need to know English well

6) During lunch time

7) At our University library I can find

8) We don’t study on Saturday or Sunday

9) In my free time I often

10) Though I’m rather busy with my studies

a) almost every necessary book

b) not to be late for lessons

c) get up early in the morning

d) I try to find time for fun too

e) I leave for the University

f) once or twice a week

g) visit friends or listen to music

h) I go to the students’ canteen

i) because they want to study abroad or to work in England during summer holidays

j) they are our days-off

2.2 Dialogues

- Do you like coffee, Ann?

- Yes, I do.

- Do you want sugar in your coffee?

- Yes, please.

- Do you want milk?

- No, thank you. I don’t like milk in my coffee. I prefer black coffee.

* * *

  • I’ve not been to any café or bistro in Ufa yet. What about you?

  • Last month my friend invited me to the bistro “Lido” to her birthday.

  • Did you like it? Was food good there?

  • Oh, yes. Everything was tasty and the prices were quite reasonable. We had pizza, coffee and cakes.

  • Didn’t you have ice-cream?

  • Oh, I forgot. Their ice-cream was delicious. I have got an idea. Let’s go to “Lido” on the nearest Saturday.

  • Great. I agree.

* * *

- What are the most common hobbies of Englishmen?

- That isn’t an easy question. Many Britons like sports and games, others are fond of gardening or collecting things. I, for example, enjoy carpentry, that is making shelves, boxes and so on from wood.

- Your hobby seems both interesting and useful for the house. I think your wife likes your pastime, doesn’t she?

- Oh, yes. When I come home after work she’s ready to give “orders” to repair this or that.

* * *

- Популярен ли баскетбол в США?

- Yes, very. Basketball is played at schools, colleges and clubs. Both boys and girls are fond of playing basketball.

- А какие еще игры популярны в США?

- Well, baseball and tennis, football and golf are very popular.

- Мне бы хотелось посмотреть игру в бейсбол. Где это можно сделать?

- At any University stadium and at sports-grounds in many parks.

* * *

- Какое у вас хобби?

- I am fond of plying tennis.

- Не могли бы вы научить меня играть в теннис?

- I can try. But I must tell you that it is not very easy.

- Я знаю об этом и я готов учиться терпеливо. А теперь я бы хотел пригласить вас на чашку кофе с пирожными.

- Oh, no. Not coffee and cakes. Those are unhealthy food. I’ll take a glass of apple juice.

- Что вы называете здоровой пищей? Соки, молоко, овощи, фрукты? Yes, all that. And dairy products, fish and meat. But nothing fried or spicy. Not too much salt or sugar. No alcohol at all. Just simple food and soft drinks.Понятно. Здоровая пища это интересная идея. Об этом надо подумать.