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6. Syntactical expressive means and sd.

Inversion – SD, in which the direct word order is changed completely.

Suspense – deliberate postponement of the completion of the sentence.

Detachment – SD, which is based on singling out a secondary member of the sentence with the help of punctuation.

Ellipsis – deliberate omission of at least one member of the sentence.

One-member sentence – SD, which is used mostly in descriptions, where they produce effect of a detailed but laconic image.

Apokoinu constructions – omission of the pronominal, creating the connection between main and subordinate clauses.

Break – SD, which promotes the incompleteness of sentence structure.

Types of connection:

Polysyndeton – repeated use of conjunctions.

Asyndeton – deliberate omission of conjunctions.

Attachment – the second part of the utterance is separated from the first by a full stop.

7. Phonetic stylistic devices.

Onomatopoeia – is a combination of a speech-sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced in nature, by things, by people and by animals.

Alliteration – SD, which aims at imparting a melodic effect to the utterance. The essence of this SD lies in repetition of similar sounds.

Rhyme – repetition of identical or similar terminal sound combination of words. Words are generally placed ay a regular distance from each other. Functions:

- adds a musical quality

- makes the poem easier to remember

Types of rhyme:

- the full rhyme (the same vowels and following consonants)

- incomplete rhyme (syllables in words are identical)

- broken rhyme (in consonants)

Models of rhyme:

1) couplets (AA)

2) triple rhyme (AAA)

3) cross rhyme (ABAB)

4) ring rhyme (ABBA)

Rhythm – combination of the ideal metrical scheme and the variations of it. Most common:

- iamb (one unstressed syllable followed by one un. syl.)

- trochee (one stressed syllable followed by one un.)

- anapest (two un. syl. followed by one st.)

- dactyl (one st. syl. followed by two un. syl.)

Graphon – intentional violation of the graphical shape of a word used to reflect its authentic pronunciation. Adds information about the speaker’s origin, social and education backgrounds or physical defects. Very popular with advertisers. Adds vividness and memorability.

All changes of type (italics, capitalization), spacing of graphemes (hyphenation, multiplication) refer to graphical means. Italics used to add logical or emotive significance. Intensity of speech is transmitted through the multiplication or capitalization.

8. Stylistic grammar.

9. Belles-lettres style.

The b-l style is a general term for 3 substyles:

- the language of poetry

- emotive prose

- the language of drama

The common features:

Aesthetic-cognitive – get the idea of the text and get pleasure while reading

Certain linguistic features of belles-letters style:

Imagery, the use of words in contextual meaning, a vocabulary, which will reflect the author attitude, individual selection of vocabulary and syntax.

Language of poetry

Based mostly on rhythmic and phonetic arrangements. Rhythm and rhyme are studied under the term of prosody.

Emotive prose.

Allows the use of elements from other styles as well. Not so rich, as language of poetry. Two forms – dialogue and monologue. Fragmentation of syntactical models and gap-sentences link are introduced in modern emotive prose.

The language of drama

The language of plays is entirely dialogue, it is always stylized and characters utterances are generally much longer.

The Style of Official Documents

1) Language of business letters; 2) Language of legal documents; 3) Language of diplomacy; 4) Language of military documents; The aim: 1. to reach agreement between two contracting parties; 2. to state the conditions binding two parties in an understanding. Each of substyles of official documents makes use of special terms. Legal documents: military documents, diplomatic documents. The documents use set expressions inherited from early Victorian period. This vocabulary is conservative. Legal documents contain a large proportion of formal and archaic words used in their dictionary meaning. In diplomatic and legal documents many words have Latin and French origin. There are a lot of abbreviations and conventional symbols. The most noticeable feature of grammar is the compositional pattern. Every document has its own stereotyped form. The form itself is informative and tells you with what kind of letter we deal with. Business letters contain: heading, addressing, salutation, the opening, the body, the closing, complimentary clause, the signature. Syntactical features of business letters are - the predominance of extended simple and complex sentences, wide use of participial constructions, homogeneous members. Morphological peculiarities are passive constructions, they make the letters impersonal. There is a tendency to avoid pronoun reference. Its typical feature is to frame equally important factors and to divide them by members in order to avoid ambiguity of the wrong interpretation.

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