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стилистика экзамен.docx
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1. The object of the stylistic.

Problems of the stylistic research:

- the problem of style definition (belles-letters, scientific, neutral, low colloquial, archaic, pompous);

- the aesthetic function of language;

- expressive means in language;

- synonymous ways of rendering one and the same idea;

- emotional coloring in language;

- the interrelation between language and thought;

- the individual manner of an author in making use of the language.

Stylistic of language and speech.

The difference between SL and SS:

- the SL analyses permanent stylistic properties;

- the SS studies stylistic properties which appear in a context.

Types of stylistic research and branches of stylistic:

- literary and linguistic stylistic (literary language, individual speech and poetic speech);

- lingvo-stylistic (functional styles);

- literary stylistic (various literary genres);

- comparative stylistic (study more than one language);

- functional stylistic (study functional styles);

- stylistic lexicology (study the semantic structure of the word);

- stylistic phonetic (study style-forming phonetic features);

- stylistic grammar;

Stylistic and other linguistic disciplines:

- S and semasiology (meaning of the words);

- S and onomasiology (theory of naminy);

- S and psycholinguistics (mechanisms of speech production);

- S and rhetoric (correctness of speech production).

S neutrality and S coloring.

The stylistically coloring is the knowledge where, in what particularly type of communication the unit is current. The majority of words are neutral. Stylistically colored words possess permanent stylistic connotations.

Stylistically neutral words will have only occasional stylistic connotations acquired in a certain context.

2. Lexical Stylistic Devices

Metaphor – is transference of names based on the associated likeness between two objects. Both words possess at least one common semantic component.

Metonymy – is based on contiguity of objects or phenomena. Transference of names in metonymy proceeds from the fact that 2 objects have common grounds of existence in reality.

Irony – SD in which the contextual evaluative meaning of a word is directly opposite to its dictionary meaning. Irony doesn’t exist outside the context.

Zeugma - is a SD in which a word, usually a verb or an adjective, applies to more than one noun, blending together grammatically and logically different ideas.

Pun - is a play on words in which a humorous effect is produced by using a word that suggests two or more meanings or by exploiting similar sounding words having different meanings.

Decomposition of a set-phrase – SD in which direct and figurative meanings of a word within the set-phrase are realized at the same time.

Semantically false chains – is a variation of zeugma; the last member of the chain that falls out of the semantic group and producing humorous effect.

Nonsense of non-sequence - SD which include the statements, sayings and conclusions that do not follow the fundamental principles of logic and reason.

3. Lexical Stylistic Devices

Epithet – SD, which expresses characteristics of an object, both existing and imaginary. Basic feature of epithet – emotiveness and subjectivity (fixed, affective, figurative).

Oxymoron – SD which combines in one phrase two words whose meanings are opposite and incompatible.

Antonomasia – lexical SD, in which a proper name is used instead of a common noun or vice versa.

Hyperbole – SD in which emphasis is achieved through deliberate exaggeration.

Understatement – SD based on a peculiar use of negative constructions in the positive meaning.

Simile – is an imaginative comparison of two unlike objects belonging to two different classes.

Periphrasis – SD which consists of using more or less complicated syntactical structure instead of a word.

Euphemism – word or phrase, used to replace an unpleasant word or expression by a mare acceptable one.

Allusion – indirect reference to a historical, literary, mythological or biblical fact.

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