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Семестровые работы Семестровая контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку для студентов I курса экономического ф-та


I cеместр

The Teenage Tycoon

I. Complete the text with the verbs in the correct verb - form.

(1) Teenager David Norton has just put $ 9 000 in the bank working part - time as a computer consultant for only 6 months. Though he ……. (be) only 15 he ……. (gain) reputation as one of the country’s best computer programmers.

(2) When David Norton. ……(be) three, he ……. (start) using a calculator and his parents …… (be) very happy. At the age of 9 they ……. (buy) him a computer and he soon ……. (learn) how to program it. However he …… (decide ) to get more serous about computing and ……. (do) a correspondence course with an American college. At the same time he …… (go) to a night school to learn to write computer programs.

(3) Since then David has progressed from computer to computer with such an ease that he now ……. (sell) his own programs to business firms. He also ……. (get) in touch with computer sellers, Eltec, who were so impressed that ……(give) him computers worth more than $ 3000. In return he has to send them a monthly report saying what he has done and what his plans ……. (be). He ……. (help) companies by suggesting which computers they should buy or by writing individual programmes for them. He can work more quickly than many older professionals. Once he …… (go) to a company where a professional programmer ……. (work) for 5 months but couldn’t find the problem. David ..…… (finish) the job in 4 days.

II. Answer these questions about David:

1. What is special about David?

2. How did he learn to write computer programmes?

3. What does he do in his job now?

4. Why is he so successful?

III. Here are the answers to some questions. Work out the questions.

1. Nine thousand dollars.

2. Only fifteen.

3. At the age of three

4. By suggesting which computers to buy and by writing programs for them.

5. for 5 months

IV. Translate paragraph 3 into Russian.

V. Translate into English.

1.Почему он кричит (shout) на них? Он всегда кричит, когда сердится. 2. Не мешай

ему. Он пишет сочинение.3. Завтра в 8 часов утра я встречаю свою сестру в аэропорту.

4.Надеюсь, что он сдаст экзамен на отлично. 5. Когда они собираются обедать? 6.Они

вернулись домой в 9 часов вечера.7.Кому вы отдали эти журналы? 8. Погода была

хорошая и мы с друзьями пошли в парк.

Составила: Недоспасова В.Г

Семестровая Контрольная работа № 2 по английскому языку для студентов II курса экономического ф-та (“Таможенное дело”)