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Семестровая контрольная работа №1

1Курс (1 семестр)

I. Complete the sentences in the following text. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect.

James Dyson, one of the UK’s most successful inventors, began his career when he ……………… (be) a student at the Royal College of Art. He ……………….. (launch) the Sea Truck in 1970, and a few year later he ………………. (think) up the award-winning Ballbarrow.

In 1978, he ……………….. (built ) a new kind of machine for removing dust, and this ………………. (lead) to the idea of a new kind of vacuum cleaner. It ……………….. (take) him 15 years to finish, but when the first DC01 vacuum cleaner ………………… (come) out in 1993, it ………………... (become) an instant success.

Dyson’s company is inventing products all the time, and they ……………….. (just/develop) a new kind of washing machine which ………………… (already/have) considerable success.

II. Complete the following sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. A: Where …………………………… (you/come) from?

B: I’m Indian – my home town is Mumbai

  1. I’m in the pharmaceutical research division. Currently…………………….. (develop) a new drug for heart disease.

  2. I’m afraid Mr Brasseler is out – he ……………… (have) lunch with a client.

  3. As a rule, cuts in interest rates ………………… (help) companies to create jobs.

  4. TJR Systems is a small company that ………………. (produce) software for engineering firms.

  5. I ……………….. (use) a company car this week because mine is at the garage.

  6. As a rule, my manager ………………… (go) abroad once or twice a month.

  7. Because of global warming, sea levels ………………… (rise) slowly.

  8. I’m on the 18.30 flight that ………………… (get) in at 21.25.

  9. I’m sorry this is a bad line – where ……………………….. (you/call) from

III. Translate into English

  1. В следующее воскресенье к нам приезжают друзья из Глазго.

  2. Что-то дети очень присмирели. Сходите, пожалуйста, и посмотрите, что они там делают. – Они что-то рисуют.

  3. Он всегда пьет кофе утром, а сегодня он пьет чай.

  4. Вы понимаете, что говорит лектор? Конечно.

  5. Каждая звезда имеет свою собственную орбиту.

Аттестационная контрольная работа №2

1 Курс (2семестр)

1. Read the text, put the correct form of the verb.

Robert and company, a British firm, (to send) an enquiry (запрос) for boilers (котлы) to Mashinoexport. The buyers were interested in boilers of different models. Mashinoexport (to receive) the enquiry from the firm and the president of our office (to ask) Mr. Bunin to be ready for the talks. On the 3rd of April Mr. Camp, a representative of Roberts and Co(to come) to Moscow. The next day he (to have) a talk with Mr. Bunin and (to get) the necessary materials from him. Mr.Camp and Mr.Bunin (to make) an appointment for the 6 th of April.

2. Put different types of questions to the sentence.

The buyers were interested in boilers of different models.

3. Answer the questions to the text.

1.Who sent an enquiry for boilers?

2.Who was the representative of Roberts and Co.?

3.When was the appointment made?

4. Translate from Russian into English.

Я никогда не был в Лондоне. Кто только что получил новую квартиру. Вчера секретарь получила деловую почту. Она меня заинтересовала. Там была интересная статья о новых моделях котлов. Мы хотели купить их. Но у нас нет достаточного количества денег. Думаю мы сможем купить их в кредит. (incredit) Завтра мы пошлем письмо по факсу (byfax) в эту фирму.