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15.21. What measures would you take to protect the environment if you were the leader of your country? Write a short paragraph.

Complex Sentences

Table 15.6

Subject Clauses






What you say is not quite clear.

Who will do it depends on the circumstances.


Whether these two phenomena are related has yet to be discovered.

15.22.Translate the following sentences. Point out the subject clauses.

1.Whether or not this synthesis will take place is not known.

2.What a decision problem is must be clearly defined.

3.That the method is too complicated is obvious.

4.How it has been done does not matter.

5.What has been said above indicates one of the limitations of the method.

6.Whether these statements are true is another matter.

7.What we usually call a nature law is a statement about a particular model of the universe.

8.What we mean by questions and what we mean by acceptable answers is becoming a topic of interest to more and more researchers.

9. That these patterns can be critical has been demonstrated by Dr. Brown.

10.Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is irrelevant from the point of view with which we are concerned in this chapter.

11.Whether this series has functional significance is not known.

12.That it is easy to confuse the two notions is indicated by this example.

13.How the plus and minus came into use is a matter of considerable conjecture.

14.Whether the methods have been used since then is not known.

15.Which method is preferred depends entirely on circumstances.





Predicate Clauses

Table 15.7















The difficulty of distance education is that it

demands great efforts

from the students.





The question remains whether these data are reliable.

15.23.Translate the following sentences. Point out the predicate clauses.

1.The question is how he does it.

2.The question remains whether this method is of great importance.

3.The decision was that the similarities and differences should be explored in detail.

4.The question is whether this scientific model will apply to the industrial plant.

5.What we really mean is that this explanation fits well all our experience.

6.The question remains whether the mathematical interpretation of the physical event is adequate in a strict sense, or whether it gives only an inadequate image of physical reality.

7.The key point is that the deterministic nature of a deterministic system is not something dependent on the ability of a man’s brain to detect it.

Table 15.8


Object Clauses





Everybody knows that one must work regularly to master a foreign language.

I am not sure if (whether) he will take part in this conference.

who whom whose which that when where why

They ask when they should deliver the apparatus.

I think we will complete our research in time.


15.24. Change the complex object into object sentences.

Model: – He has shown the density to vary within certain limits.

He has shown that the density varies within certain limits.

1.He has found the temperature to be a determining factor in this process.

2.We have considered these processes to be interconnected.

3.He has recently reported this factor to be an integral part of the mechanism.

4.We consider the process to be reversible.

5.We believe this conclusion to be erroneous.

6.We have assumed the substance reactivity to be reduced.

15.25.Change the following statements into object clauses introduced by whether, as in the model.

Model: – This conception is erroneous.

We do not know yet (We are not sure) whether this conception is erroneous.

1.This law holds for all these cases.

2.This factor plays an important part in the process.

3.These processes have much in common.

4.The side effect will disappear completely.

5.This hypothesis will hold true.

6.Our theory will be confirmed by observation.

7.These particles predominate in the medium.

8.This work will give conclusive results.

9.The data analysis will give an answer to the question.

10.The commission will approve our project.

Table 15.9

Attribute Clauses






He was the first who referred to her work.

The text (which) the student reading is about latest achievements in computer science.


15.26.Combine the two sentences without a conjunction, changing the second one into an attribute clause.

Model: – I am sending you the book. You asked for it.

I am sending you the book you asked for.

1.He described the work. He is doing it at the moment.

2.I know the work. You referred to it.

3.I have heard about the seminar. You attended it.

4.I have seen the papers. You told me about them.

5.I want to see the results. You have obtained them.

6.I am familiar with the subject. He is working on it.

7.I can give you the article. You are looking for it.

8.We observe the rules. They insist on them.

9.I can answer the question. You are asking it.

10.I am familiar with the research. You are engaged in it.

15.27.Combine the two sentences without a conjunction, changing the first one into an attribute clause.

Model: – I have read the paper. It concerns cosmology.

The paper I have read concerns cosmology.

1.He has read the paper. It concerns computers.

2.You have suggested the method. It seems practicable.

3.You have done the work. It interests me.

4.You have described the method. It has some advantages.

5.I have referred to the work. It was done by my colleagues.

6.You are looking for the answer. It cannot be given today.

7.We are working on the problem. It causes much attention.

8.You have talked about the problem. It concerns all of us.

9.You need the book. It is available in the library.

10.I have heard about the seminar. It is to be held in April.

15.28.Combine the two sentences with which, who or that.

Model: – We look forward to the meeting. It is to be held next week.

We look forward to the meeting which (that) is to be held next week.

1.I appreciate his assistance. It was most helpful.

2.I have met the man. He heads the physics laboratory here.


3.We have obtained some results. They disapprove the idea.

4.He made some comments. They should be taken into consideration.

5.He touched upon the problem. It interests all of us.

6.I have met some people. They are engaged in similar studies.

7.I know the man. He pioneered this research.

Table 15.10




Adverbial Clauses
















Clause of place

Where there is will there is a deed.





Clause of time

Problems cannot be solved until they are accurately










Although the new method can be used to study these

of concession

systems we shall use the old one.






Two different sources were used lest there be

of purpose







They gathered together round the table so that they

of result

could review the procedures they now follow.






I went away because there was no one in the classroom.

of reason







If the temperature is low, the reaction will proceed

of condition





We would test the device if we got it.

(see also

We would have tested the device if we had got it.

Units 5, 7)

He could (might) complete the test if he had time.




He could (might) have completed the test if he had had









15.29.Point out the type of the adverbial clauses.

1.He went to the lecture early so that he got a comfortable seat.

2.Some television programs are recognized everywhere you go to over the world.

3.When you finish your work, you may be free.


4.Although there is no generally accepted theory, there is much data.

5.Since you have finished your work, you may be free.

6.I spent a year in France in order that I might learn French.

7.As soon as the date of the symposium becomes known, we will go to Moscow.

8.We have made some progress in the understanding of these regularities, although some critical aspects of the problem still remain unclear.

9.When I complete the work, I will write the article.

10.We’ll start the experiment if the material is ready.

15.30. Make the following sentences negative, as in the model.

Model: – We’ll be able to do this work if we have precise instruments.

We won’t be able to do this work unless we have precise instruments.

1.We’ll know the answer if we solve this problem.

2.She’ll be satisfied if she gets a positive result.

3.They’ll be able to upgrade their research if they concentrate on theoretical studies.

4.You’ll get the same result if you observe these conditions.

5.We’ll be able to guarantee effective work if our needs are satisfied.

6.This problem will be solved if we cooperate.

7.He’ll be able to control this process if he understands its nature.

8.We’ll resolve many of our difficulties if we have a good theory.

9.We’ll save time if we take the right line in this discussion.

15.31.Change the clause of condition into the one of concession, as in the model.

Model: – We’ll start the experiment if the material is ready.

– We’ll start the experiment whether or not the material is ready. (or: We’ll start the experiment whether the material is ready or not.)

1.His presentations are always interesting if he speaks about his own work.

2.He will go to the conference if he has some new results to report about.

3.They will miss the next seminar if they are assigned to go to Moscow.

4.He likes to make digressions if time permits.

5.This substance dissolves in water if it is heated.


15.32.Combine the two sentences with although, though or in spite of the fact that, as in the model.

Model A: – The work was difficult but we have done it.

– We have done the work although it was difficult.

Model B: – The work is not completed but we can make preliminary conclusions.

– We can make preliminary conclusions in spite of the fact that the work is not completed.

1.We know a lot about these processes but their nature remains obscure.

2.Many researchers are working on this problem but it has not been solved yet.

3.I have some difficulties but I am going on with my experiments.

4.We have learned a lot about the atom but some questions still remain unanswered.

5.These phenomena have been studied intensively but they are not well understood yet.

6.This work presents much difficulty but it is interesting.

7.Much attention is being given to theoretical studies but they do not satisfy the experiment’s needs.

8.It is difficult but we can upgrade our research.

9.Technology is developing rapidly but it cannot satisfy all the needs of research.