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2. Sale

For sale - a transaction between people, in which each of the participating has its task and pursues his goal . It is not a chance encounter , not a simple conversation that two members of plotting to spend time . No, it's a business meeting , it is a commercial activity , where each defending their interest , plays a role , using its capabilities and , in the end, the service communicates with a partner, making every effort to ensure that the conditions of exchange in this transaction were to him the most favorable.

In this sense, the act of selling can be considered as negotiations because the parties' interests do not always coincide . But if the sale - it talks , it is also a meeting , and the attitude and the relationship between its members .

This is a meeting between two related individuals defined ratio , each of which has its own status, role , motivation, real and imagined desires. Therefore, in the sales process , as in every meeting , there are streams of likes or dislikes and subtle way tied or broken emotional ties .

Deed of sale - it talks ( the parties' interests are not really reconcilable neither fully nor completely irreconcilable ) that give impetus towards ( it's part of the emotional ) , mediated by an object (this is part of the laws of the market and marketing techniques associated with them ) - subject to meeting the expectations and needs of persons called real or potential customers. ( Last - part of marketing and related methods. ) .

Negotiate : it requires first and foremost the ability to persuade , reasoning to respond to the objections put forward by the use of elaborate and expressive means of speech .

Establish a relationship : it is necessary mainly to know how to tie or take the client contact, the right approach to the matter, to follow closely the development of relations and to complete the transaction at the very moment when it is needed .

Finally, to satisfy the need which means catch ( understand ) or find a customer incentives to purchase , ie key moments of his interest , share concerns and listen carefully to the client of his complaint or criticism.

  Thus , grouping or combining all of these elements , one can imagine " scale sales ," which JF Krolar offers as a general approach to study the subject that interests us . Thus, the " scale sale " includes :

  • establish contact, identifying customer needs

  • argumentation and presentation of goods, work with objection

  • making the sale

3. Trends

The basic provision of technical analysis supports the assertion that the market develops lines or prices rise, or fall, or are in a horizontal range. Therefore, the identification of the trend, or the prevailing price trends is the basis of technical analysis and the key to successful trading.

There are three types of trends: bullish, bearish and sideways.

3.1 Rising trend

Ascending (upward) or bullish trend characterized by the fact that the lower the price fluctuations of the market increased.

Line around the bottom of this trend and passing through the minimum values​​, called the trend line. With increasing trend is important to have the border bottom, as in this case, the bet on the price increase. The intersection of the trend line, which limits the prices below, may signal that the overall trend in the rise of prices or weakens or even reverses.

Trend line, limiting the prices below, called the support line.