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Grammar focus: Forms of Participles (формы причастий)

В английском языке Participle I имеет 2 формы: Indefinite и Perfect.

Форма Indefinite выражает действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого в предложении.

He entered the room smiling.

Форма Perfect обозначает действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого в предложении.

Having written the letter, he left for work.

Participle I также имеет формы активного и пассивного залогов.

The house being built in our street is very good.

Having been examined, the patient was taken to hospital.








Having read

Being read

Having been read



В предложении причастия 1, 2 могут выполнять функции определения и обстоятельства.

В роли обстоятельства Причастие I поясняет когда?, почему?, по какой причине?, как?, при каких обстоятельствах? и т.д. происходит главное действие, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым предложения. Оно может переводиться на русский язык как:

1. деепричастие (деепричастный оборот)

I spent most of the time answering questions.

Having finished the work, he left the laboratory.

2. придаточное предложение

Having been given the right instructions, I managed to do the job.

1. State the form and function of the participles underlined, translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Buying a computer, you should be very careful.

  2. When entering the Internet, I always find a lot of interesting information.

  3. Being asked he couldn’t answer anything.

  4. While working on my report, I read a number of interesting articles.

  1. Well done the device will work properly.

  2. Though never built Babbage’s analytical machine was the basis for today’s computers.

  3. Finishing the work he could notice the changes.

  4. Having been coded the instruction was transmitted to the central processing unit.

  5. When written in a symbolic language programs require the translation into the machine language.

  6. Not knowing the address, we couldn’t write to him.

  7. Having been rechecked the program produced the correct result.

  8. Having executed the instruction, the program failed.

  9. When designing your site, think about whether it needs to be interactive or informational.

2. Translate the following word-combinations using participles.

Recorded information; recording information; doing the work; having received the telegram; the army defeated; the conference being held now; a falling star; the situation discussed in the paper; the man reading the manual; the article having been referred to; to produce the desired outcome; having modified the program; the program being updated; depending on the manufacturer; being tested by the programmer.

3. Translate into English.

Заканчивая работу; люди, ожидающие вас; забытая история; строящийся дом; применяемые методы; отладив программу; зависящий от результата; дорога, которую недавно отремонтировали; переводя статью; эксперимент, который сейчас проводится; проверив результаты; будучи опытным специалистом; человек, занимающийся научными исследованиями.

4. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the appropriate form of the participle.

1. She stayed (lock) in her room, (refuse) to come downstairs. 2. He has a good practical knowledge of the language, (work) as an interpreter for many years. 3. The new methods (use) in the building of houses proved to be more effective. 4. They went out (see) by no one. 5. I was terribly disappointed (discover) that he had lied to me. 6. The number of apartment houses (build) for the population of our city is rapidly growing. 7. He had an accident (drive) to work. 8. (Show) in, he was asked to wait for a while. 9. The problem (discuss) now is of utmost importance. 10. The lawyer didn’t consider the (give) explanation to be convincing.

5. Translate into English.

1. Они быстро шли, оживленно разговаривая о чем-то. 2. Вот список студентов, участвующих в конференции. 3. Конференция, проходящая сейчас в университете, посвящена проблемам ядерной физики. 4. Ученый, написавший эту статью, сделает доклад на конференции. 5. Прочитав письмо, он положил его в ящик стола. 6. она провела все утро за уборкой квартиры. 7. Так как он прожил в Лондоне много лет, он знал город хорошо. 8. Мы хорошо провели время, купаясь и загорая на солнце.

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