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Стиль английских официальных документов (Деловая речь)

Features of the style




стилевые черты

Стабильность, традиционность, замкнутость (ограничение типов языковых единиц, используемых в текстах), стандартизированность, точность, высокая степень повторяемости, полнота информации, неличный характер изложения (искл. деловая переписка).

стилевые разновидности

стиль дипломатических документов; стиль коммерческой корреспонденции; стиль юридических документов.

жанровые разновид-ности

Закон, указ, приказ, инструкция, договор, соглашение, распоряжение, деловая переписка учреждений и т.д.

Лексические особенности

Специфическая терминология и фразеология, употребляемая наряду с книжной и нейтральной лексикой

extra revenue; taxable capacities; high contracting parties; to ratify an agreement; memorandum; pact; casting vote; judicial organ; to deal with a case; summary procedure; a body of judges.

I beg to inform you; I beg to move; the above mentioned;; to constitute a basis; to draw consequences; discontinue; negotiable; to second the motion; provided that; provisional agenda; draft resolution; adjournments; private advisory

наличие множества архаических слов и выражений, а также использование не-которого количества латинских и французских слов и выражений, полу-чивших терминологическую окраску

hereby; henceforth; aforesaid; beg to inform, hereinafternamed; on behalf of.

persona grata; persona nongrata; pro tempore; the quorum; conditio sine qua non; status quo; mutatis mutandis

наличие всякого рода сокращений, аббревиатур, сложносокращенных слов

М. P. (Member of Parliament); Н. М. S. (His Majesty's Steamship); gvt (government); pmt (Parliament); i. e. (id est=that is); G. С S. I. (Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India); U. N. (United Nations); D. A. S. (Department of Agriculture, Scotland); D. A. O. (Divisional Ammunition Officer)

слова употребляются преимущественно в основных предметно-логических значениях

предпочтение отдается родовым, а не видовым понятиям

arriveto come, to fly, to sail up; vehicle (transport facility) train, bus, automobile; cluster- village, town, city.

Обилие штампов, устойчивых выражений

Yours very truly, nuclear weapon states, general and complete disarmament

I am writing to you to introduce our company, Hope to hearing from you soon

отсутствие каких бы то ни было образных средств: эмоциональные элементы языка теряют свою эмоциональную функцию, становясь условными форму-лами обращения, условными обозначениями просьбы, отказа, заключения и т. д.

BRISTOL. 21st January 1957.

Messrs. Morley & Baker present their compliments to Mr. Clifton and would feel much obliged if he would kindly furnish them, as soon as possible, with some information concerning the firm of Jausen Brothers, who have given Mr. Clifton's name as a reference.

Messrs. M. & B. beg to thank Mr. С beforehand for the information.

Yours trulyG. Clifton, Esq.

Морфологические особенности

глаголы в неличных формах (инфинитив, причастие, герундий) с значением предписания, долженствования

to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, to establish conditions….and to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security…

Строгое следование нормам английского языка

Синтаксические особенности

длинные предложения, развернутые периоды с разветвленной системой союзной связи

"Having been informed, that within the space of these eight or ten days past, there hath been divers times speeches made in the Lower House of our Commons, for a Subsidy to be at this time granted unto us; we have thought it convenient, that ye should in our name, acquaint the house with the sincere truth of our meaning in that matter; to the end that they, being at a point in that question may with the greater expedition, conclude such special things, as are necessary to be done before the ending of this longsome session of parl. . .

Использование инфинитивных и причастных конструкций, зачины, выраженные прич. оборотами

Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the City of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organisation to be known as the United Nations.

Expressing their common adherence to the principles…

Параллелизм синтаксических конструкций

Considering that the Charter of the United Nations is based on the principles…

Considering thatthe Universal declaration of the human rights proclaims that…

Активное использование атрибутивных групп

campaign strategy chief, disarmament package deal

Прямой порядок слов

Насыщенность клишированными фразами

We look forward to doing business with you.

We would be grateful for an early reply.

Hope for future cooperation.

Строгая организация текста.

1. From the following list choose all words and word combinations refer to official style and translate them.

Human beings, decision, long term contact, contemporary, racial repression, human rights, having taken cognizance, firmly believing, brand loyalty, cost control, paid tribute to one’s memory, referee report, sovereign equality, cash-poor, bargain price, national minorities, net profit, gross profit, fundamental freedoms, international détente, juridical equality, extra revenue.

2. Replace the italicized words and combinations with the appropriate synonyms.

Inviolable, of full age, rapprochement, coercion, universal and equal suffrage.

1. In order to contribute to peace, security, justice, co-operation and convergence the European nations decided to improve their relations.

2. The participating States regard as no-touch their frontiers.

3. The UN Charter and the Helsinki Agreement stipulate that States should refrain from forcing as an instrument of policy.

4. Men and woman of mature age have the right to marry and to found a family.

5. The will of the people is expressed in periodic and genuine elections by voting.

3. Make use of your dictionary to find out the meaning of the italicized lexical units. Translate the sentences.

1. The participating States have pledged themselves to achieve the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms. 2. Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this document. 3. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 4. He tried to seek asylum from persecution in other countries. 5. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 6. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. 7. The participating States recognized the indivisibility of security in Europe as well as their common interest in the development of co-operation throughout Europe and among themselves. 8. It is important now to promote in every way possible fundamental rights, economic and social progress and well-being for all peoples.

4. Choose the correct equivalent to the italicized word from the words in the brackets.

1. Генеральная Ассамблея провозгласила Всеобщую декларацию прав человека в качестве задачи (as a standard, as an objective, as a goal), к выполнению которой должны стремиться все народы (all peoples, all races) и все государства. 2. Никто не должен содержаться в рабстве или подневольном состоянии (in servitude, in subjugation, in subordination). 3. Семья является естественной и основной ячейкой (element, group unit, part) общества и имеет право на защиту (is entitled, is empowered, is authorized) со стороны общества и государства. 4. Материнство и младенчество дают право на особое попечение (aid, service, care) и помощь. 5. Возникающие между государствами споры (controversies, arguments, disputes) должны разрешаться мирными средствами, чтобы не подвергать угрозе международный мир и безопасность. 6. Одна из целей ООН — поддерживать (to retain, to keep, to maintain) международный мир и безопасность.