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3. Read the text and answer the question:

What “life activities” does a living thing show?

What is Biology

Biology is the study of living things. If something is alive, it will show "life activities." These are respiration (energy release), nutrition (feeding), excretion (getting rid of waste products), reproduction, growth, sensitivity (reacting to surroundings), and movement. Different branches of biology concentrate on particular areas, such as botany or zoology. So far, about 1.7 million species of living things have been identified. Millions of species have yet to be discovered and classified.

4. Read the text and tell about the differences in sensitivity of plants and animals.


To avoid danger and to find the best conditions for life, living things must be able to detect changes in their surroundings and react to them. This is sensitivity.

Animals usually react quickly because they have sense organs (such as eyes) to receive information, and nervous systems to carry information.

Plants react more slowly, growing, for example, toward a stimulus such as light. Light, sounds, chemicals, touch, and temperature changes are all examples of stimuli

5. Read the text and find equivalents to the Russian words:

Потомство, передавать, хромосомы.


All living things eventually die. In order to prevent whole groups of organisms from dying out, living things must produce young that are like themselves.

This process is called reproduction. In most species two parents are needed to produce offspring, whereas in some species only one parent is needed. During reproduction the parents pass on information about how their offspring will look and develop. This information is carried and passed on through the chromosomes.

6. Read the text and say what are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.


The way that organisms get their food is called nutrition. Food provides the building materials for growth and repair ,as well as energy for all the organism's life activities. The ultimate source of energy is the sun. Plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food. Organisms that cannot make their own food must feed on others. Herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat animals, and omnivores eat both.

7. Read the text and say if the statements are true or false; correct false sentences.

Food and Digestion

Organisms need food for energy, growth, and repair of old and damaged tissues. Most animals eat plants or other animals, so their food is made up of large, complex molecules. These must be digested (broken down) to simpler, smaller molecules before they can be absorbed and carried to all parts of the body. Proteins are broken down into amino acids. Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars. Fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.

1. Proteins are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.

2. Fats are broken down into amino acids.

3. Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars.

8. Read the text and find English equivalents to the Russian sentences:

  1. Митохондрии – это склады энергии клетки. Они выдают всю необходимую ей энергию.

  2. При дыхании отбирается энергия, хранящаяся в пище.

  3. Способ, с помощью которого организмы получают энергию для обеспечения жизненных процессов, называется дыханием.

  4. Углекислый газ и вода являются продуктами отходов.

  5. При этом процессе выделяется энергия в виде химического вещества, называемого АТФ.