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The Hermetic Centrifuge

(Part I)

Twin Town Cheese Factory, Italy (сыродельный завод в Твин Тауне, Италия) having at their disposal (имея в своем распоряжении) the Airtight Closed Centrifuge and somehow not using it in the production planned to use it solely (исключительно) for the waste-water system. But finally it was decided to try the centri­fuge on a milk run (в молочном производстве) instead (вместо этого) to see if they would get better separation than the separa­tors they were using. The result was brilliant. Thus the hermetic centrifuge designed previously for the final separation of whey was used in the long run (в конце концов) for the separation of the cream in milk.

The hermetic centrifuge assures gentle treatment of product and extremely good skimming efficiency, (высокая эффективность снятия сливок) while (в то время как) the old open-bowl separators provided 40 % cream or less (или менее того), the centrifuge now provides 60 %.

And at the same time centrifuge was installed, calculations (подсчеты) showed milk recovered with .the machine would make 43 more pounds (Lbs - фунты) of cheese per hour. That's enough to pay for the centrifuge in less than a year (выплатить ее стоимость менее, чем за год).

Efficiency is not limited to milk, however. The centrifuge is also self-cleaning (самоочищающаяся). The controls are set to automatically discharge sludge (грязь, примесь) collected in the separator bowl at regular periods. This occurs without interupting milk feed or separation. The system permits continuous operation throughout the 16-hour day, with no need (без необходимости) to dismantle the centrifuge for cleaning at the end.

In contrast, the plant has used open-bowl separators in the part. These were lower capacity, which operated at about 20.000 Lbs/hr (фунтов/час) each. As the plant grew and extra capacity was added, additional separators were installed and put on line (введены в линию).

The open-bowl separators couldn't keep up (не могли не отставать). The pasteurizer operates now at 50.000 Lbs per hour-and to keep up. They had to use three separators. The centrifuge now matches the flow rate (мощность потока молока) of the pasteurizer with even bettor separation than the smaller ones.

II. Письменно, переведите 3, 4 абзацы текста, обращая внимание на перевод причастий настоящего и прошедшего времени.

III. Разбейте текст на смысловые абзацы, найдите ключевые слова.

IV. Составьте план-вопросник к тексту.

V. Коротко перескажите текст, используя план упражнения IV.


I. Прочитайте текст В, не пользуясь словарем, и найдите предложения, служащие ответами на следующие вопросы:

1) Почему отсутствует пенообразование в герметической центрифуге?

2) В чем заключается отрицательный эффект пенообразования в ден­ном процессе?

3) Имеется ли необходимость разбирать центрифугу для чистки?

4) Какие три способа использования центрифуги предусмотрены конструкторами?

The Closed Airtight Centrifuge

(Part II)