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Unit 4. Dental care

Овальная выноска 70

Выноска-облако 69

Part I. Speaking and vocabulary

Lead – in

Exercise 1: Read the definitions below, and then label the permanent teeth.

Label the Teeth

Canine (also called cuspid) - the pointy tooth located between the incisors and the premolars. A canine tooth has 1 root. Adults have 4 canine teeth (2 in the top jaw and 2 in the bottom jaw). Canine means, "of or like a dog."

Incisors - the front teeth, used for cutting food. An incisor has 1 root. Adults have 8 incisors (4 in the top jaw and 4 in the bottom jaw).

Premolars (also called bicuspids) - the teeth located between the canine and the molars. A premolar tooth has 1 root. Bicuspids have two points (cusps) at the top. Adults have 8 premolars (4 in the top jaw and 4 in the bottom jaw).

Molars - the relatively flat teeth located towards the back of the mouth, used for grinding food. Molars in the top jaw have 3 roots; molars in the lower jaw have 2 roots. Adults have 12 molars (6 in the top jaw and 6 in the bottom jaw).

Exercise 2: Match the types of dental fillings with its function:

Types of dental fillings


Gold Fillings


This natural-looking dental material when placed on the affected tooth acts as a source of fluoride, which helps in remineralization. In addition, durability is a big disappointment as this filling need to be replaced after every 3 to 5 years.




Constructed from porcelain material, these tooth-colored fillings are sturdy and long-lasting. Their natural appearance makes them impossible to differentiate from natural teeth. They are expensive.




This material is very strong, and hence, can successfully withstand wear and tear for quite long. The filling does not wear away for at least 15 years.


Ceramic Fillings


Known as white fillings, they essentially consist of synthetic resin combined with plastic and glass particles. As the tooth-colored material cannot be detected, it is a sought-after filling for frontal teeth. This material does not last for more than 5 years.


Glass Ionomers


These fillings are a combination of multiple metals including mercury, silver, copper, and tin. In most cases, well-placed fillings last for about 12-13 years. Some dentists are of the opinion that this filling when fitted correctly, and complemented with proper oral care, may not require replacement for even up to 50 years!

Exercise 3: Complete the text using the words and phrases:

1. nutritional support

2. oral health

3. picture

4. remove

5. Chelation

6. alignment

7. mercury-free

8. Cranial-sacral

9. well-being