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I: S: Прочтите текст. What family did Ronald Ross come from?

Ronald Ross. Ronald Ross (1857 - 1932), an English physician, was born in India. He was the eldest son of the ten children of a British officer in Indian Army. He spent his childhood in India but was educated in England. Years later Ross returned to India as a doctor. In 1892 he began the study of malaria which with other fevers was killing thousands of India’s people. Ross discovered the life history of the malaria parasite in mosquitoes. He made two very great discoveries. First of all he saw the malaria parasite in the stomach of anopheles (a kind of mosquito). This showed that the malaria parasite is sucked up by the mosquito from the blood of a carrier of the disease. In later years Ronald Ross was known as “Malaria Ross” the man who showed how malaria was carried and how it could be prevented. He was given the Nobel Prize in 1902. Liverpool had just founded a School of Tropical medicine and Ross became its first lecturer. Later he became the director of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases. He died on the 15th of September 1932. He was a great man because he showed people how to conquer a felling disease.

-: His father was a physician.

-: His father was a scientist.

+:His father was an officer.

-: His father was a teacher.


S; Прочтите текст. Who is the carrier of malaria?

Ronald Ross. Ronald Ross (1857 - 1932), an English physician, was born in India. He was the eldest son of the ten children of a British officer in Indian Army. He spent his childhood in India but was educated in England. Years later Ross returned to India as a doctor. In 1892 he began the study of malaria which with other fevers was killing thousands of India’s people. Ross discovered the life history of the malaria parasite in mosquitoes. He made two very great discoveries. First of all he saw the malaria parasite in the stomach of anopheles (a kind of mosquito). This showed that the malaria parasite is sucked up by the mosquito from the blood of a carrier of the disease. In later years Ronald Ross was known as “Malaria Ross” the man who showed how malaria was carried and how it could be prevented. He was given the Nobel Prize in 1902. Liverpool had just founded a School of Tropical medicine and Ross became its first lecturer. Later he became the director of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases. He died on the 15th of September 1932. He was a great man because he showed people how to conquer a felling disease.

-: a malaria patient

+: a kind of mosquito

-: dirty water

-: a sick dog


S: Прочтите текст. Ross discovered the malaria parasite in … of anopheles.

Ronald Ross. Ronald Ross (1857 - 1932), an English physician, was born in India. He was the eldest son of the ten children of a British officer in Indian Army. He spent his childhood in India but was educated in England. Years later Ross returned to India as a doctor. In 1892 he began the study of malaria which with other fevers was killing thousands of India’s people. Ross discovered the life history of the malaria parasite in mosquitoes. He made two very great discoveries. First of all he saw the malaria parasite in the stomach of anopheles (a kind of mosquito). This showed that the malaria parasite is sucked up by the mosquito from the blood of a carrier of the disease. In later years Ronald Ross was known as “Malaria Ross” the man who showed how malaria was carried and how it could be prevented. He was given the Nobel Prize in 1902. Liverpool had just founded a School of Tropical medicine and Ross became its first lecturer. Later he became the director of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases. He died on the 15th of September 1932. He was a great man because he showed people how to conquer a felling disease.

-: the heart

-: the lungs

-: the liver

+:the stomach

I: S: Прочтите текст. What can’t medical analysis of blood help to determine?

Instant Blood Test. To a doctor, a patient’s blood sample is a special index. Medical analysis of a blood count can help to spot various infections, diseases and even some type of cancer. Usually doctors have to wait hours and sometimes days to test and get results in minutes, thanks to newly developed electronic instruments. Doctor devised a diagnostic system that consists of a centrifuge and an incubator for blood samples, and a reader that can diagnose the condition of the blood. The reader is a version of a microscope connected to an ultraviolet-light source. When beamed to the blood sample through filters, the light is able to detect red cells, white cells and platelets, the blood clotting component. All that a medical technician is to look through the microscope eyepiece. According to the developers, blood-tests analysis with this system may take about 15 minutes. Japanese scientists designed an instrument whish can detect the presence of cancer within a few minutes. A special reagent must be used. It coagulates the blood and the results of the analyses are displayed on a screen.

-: various infections

-: a type of cancer

-: hemoglobin level

+: amount of sugar


S: Прочтите текст. How long does it take to get results with a new electronic blood test?

Instant Blood Test. To a doctor, a patient’s blood sample is a special index. Medical analysis of a blood count can help to spot various infections, diseases and even some type of cancer. Usually doctors have to wait hours and sometimes days to test and get results in minutes, thanks to newly developed electronic instruments. Doctor devised a diagnostic system that consists of a centrifuge and an incubator for blood samples, and a reader that can diagnose the condition of the blood. The reader is a version of a microscope connected to an ultraviolet-light source. When beamed to the blood sample through filters, the light is able to detect red cells, white cells and platelets, the blood clotting component. All that a medical technician is to look through the microscope eyepiece. According to the developers, blood-tests analysis with this system may take about 15 minutes. Japanese scientists designed an instrument whish can detect the presence of cancer within a few minutes. A special reagent must be used. It coagulates the blood and the results of the analyses are displayed on a screen.

-: some hours

+: some minutes

-: an hour

-: some days


S: Прочтите текст. What can diagnose the condition of the blood in a new diagnostic system?

Instant Blood Test. To a doctor, a patient’s blood sample is a special index. Medical analysis of a blood count can help to spot various infections, diseases and even some type of cancer. Usually doctors have to wait hours and sometimes days to test and get results in minutes, thanks to newly developed electronic instruments. Doctor devised a diagnostic system that consists of a centrifuge and an incubator for blood samples, and a reader that can diagnose the condition of the blood. The reader is a version of a microscope connected to an ultraviolet-light source. When beamed to the blood sample through filters, the light is able to detect red cells, white cells and platelets, the blood clotting component. All that a medical technician is to look through the microscope eyepiece. According to the developers, blood-tests analysis with this system may take about 15 minutes. Japanese scientists designed an instrument whish can detect the presence of cancer within a few minutes. A special reagent must be used. It coagulates the blood and the results of the analyses are displayed on a screen.

-: centrifuge

-: incubator

+: reader

-: screen


S: Прочтите текст.Where was the instrument to detect the presence of cancer developed?

Instant Blood Test. To a doctor, a patient’s blood sample is a special index. Medical analysis of a blood count can help to spot various infections, diseases and even some type of cancer. Usually doctors have to wait hours and sometimes days to test and get results in minutes, thanks to newly developed electronic instruments. Doctor devised a diagnostic system that consists of a centrifuge and an incubator for blood samples, and a reader that can diagnose the condition of the blood. The reader is a version of a microscope connected to an ultraviolet-light source. When beamed to the blood sample through filters, the light is able to detect red cells, white cells and platelets, the blood clotting component. All that a medical technician is to look through the microscope eyepiece. According to the developers, blood-tests analysis with this system may take about 15 minutes. Japanese scientists designed an instrument whish can detect the presence of cancer within a few minutes. A special reagent must be used. It coagulates the blood and the results of the analyses are displayed on a screen. Задание: Where was the instrument to detect the presence of cancer developed?

-: the USA

+: Japan

-: Germany

-: Russia


S: Прочтите текст. Hypertension is ###

High blood pressure In very young children, high blood pressure may result from an underlying and possibly correctable disorder, such as kidney disease or a defect in the aorta, the body’s mail artery. More often high blood pressure, or hypertension has no apparent cause. It may develop in a setting of a high salt diet or obesity, but the underlying abnormality is not known. Hypertension is an insidious problem that may cause no symptoms for three of the nation’s leading killers – heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. If you have high blood pressure, your heart has to work harder that it should to pump blood, your kidneys have to work harder to try to regulate your blood pressure, and your arteries undergo excessive wear and tear and accumulate abnormally large fatty deposits that reduce their ability to transport blood. A person with so-called mild hypertension has twice the average risk of dying before age sixty-five, and a person with moderately severe hypertension is three times more likely to die before age 65 than someone with normal blood pressure. Children are just as likely as adults to suffer damage caused by hypertension. However, in nearly all cases the risk can be greatly reduced by effectively controlling high blood pressure through a combination of diet, weight loss, exercise, and, if necessary, drugs. Dr. Jennifer Loggie, professor of pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati, says that every child over the age of three should have his or her blood pressure taken once a year and at every visit to the doctor during adolescence and adulthood.

+: high blood pressure

The Novosibirsk medical institute was founded…

-: in 1941

+: in 1935

-: in 1950

-: in 1975

During the course of studies medical students have only practical classes at the University.

-: That’s true.

-: I think so.

-: You are absolutely right.

+: It’s not true.

: It is difficult to diagnose a disease but it is … to cure it.

-: the most difficult

-: the more difficult

-: difficult

+?: more difficult


S: Назовите сказуемое в пассивном залоге:

-: has discussed

-: was discussing

-: will discuss

-: was discussed


S: The remains of ancient Egyptians … signs of fillings.

-: not show

-: show not

+?: show no

-: do not show no


S: Назовите правильный вопрос к предложению :

In the crown dentine is covered with enamel.

-: What does dentine covered in the crown with?

-: What is dentine covered in the crown?

+?: What is dentine cover in the crown with?

-: What is dentine covered in the crown with?


S: Dentine is …enamel.

-: more elastic

+: more elastic than

-: the more elastic than

-: the most ekastic


S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: to operate

L2: to have operated

L3: to be operated

L4: to be operating

R1: Simple Active

R2: Perfect Active

R3: Simple Passive

R4: Continuous Active

R5: Perfect Passive


S: … teeth perform different functions?

-: Do

-: Does

-: Are

-: Is


S: Найдите предложение со сложным подлежащим:

-: Aristotle made the earliest attempt to discuss the teeth from scientific point of view.

-: Secondary dentine is produced to prevent exposure of the pulp.

-: The first dental extraction under anesthetic was known to be performed in Great Britain.

-: The cone shape of teeth is modified in different teeth to perform different functions.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ed является определением:

-: These changes were verified by laboratory studies.

-: The dentists observed decrease in the prevalence of dental caries in the elderly.

-: The grooved teeth are unsightly.

-: Secondary dentin is produced to prevent exposure of the pulp.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ing переводится существительным.

-: Systemic and local conditions may affect the form and structure of the developing teeth.

-: The Romans used a special powder for cleaning their teeth.

-: In ancient Egypt there were no attempts to replace missing teeth with false ones.

-: This disorder of a permanent tooth is sometimes associated with the retention of the corresponding deciduous tooth.