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V1: Грамматика

V2: Словообразование


S: Существительным является слово …

-: associated

-: excellent

+: confidence

-: special

I: S: Существительным является …

-: really

+: ability

-: national

-: analyze

I: S: Слово с отрицательным значением…

-: common

-: valid

-: possible

+: irregular

I: S: Наречием является слово …

-: particular

+: particularly -: particularity

-: particle

I: S: Существительным является слово …

+: development -: developed

-: develop

-: developing

I: S: Прилагательным является слово ….

-: restoration

-: particularly

+: continuous

-: located

I: S: Прилагательным является слово ….

-: estimate

-: exertion

+: responsible

-: dependence

I: S: Существительным является слово …

-: dependent

-: recognize

+: readiness

-: painful

I: S: Существительным является слово ….

-: painless

-: immediately

+: occurance

-: favorable

I: S: Прилагательным является слово…

-: environment

+: feverish

-: property

-: growth

I: S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: существительное

L2: глагол

L3: прилагательное

L4: наречие

R1: dullness

R2: differentiate

R3: purulent

R4: gradually

R5: thirteen

V2: Местоимения


S: The teacher asked … many questions.

-: I

-: mine

+: me

-: my


S: Местоимение в притяжательном падеже…

+: its

-: him

-: they

-: us

V2: Числительные


S: Порядковое числительное …

-: twenty

+: third

-: sixteen

-: thirty


Q: Распределите числительные в порядке возрастания:

1: nine

2: eleven

3: fifteen

4: fifty

V2: Предлоги


S: The operation was performed ### a new method.

+: by


S: Anatomy studies the organs ### the human body.

+: of

I: S: I get up ### 70’ clock.

+: at


S: He is very good ### biology.

+: at

V2: Глагол to be


S: Her son ### a student next year.

+: will be


S: When I studied at school I ### interested in chemistry.

+: was


S: Are you a first-year student?

-: Yes, is it.

-: Yes, he is.

-: Yes, you are.

+: Yes, I am.


S: Were you in Moscow this summer?

-: Yes, you were.

+: Yes, I were.

-: Yes, you was.


S: My friend … a dentist.

+: will not be

-: not will be

-: will be not

-: will be no

V2: Глагол to have

I: Yesterday she was away because she … a bad headache.

-: has

+: had

-: have

-: to have

I: S: У меня завтра не будет свободного времени.

-: Tomorrow I have no free time.

-: I tomorrow will have no free time.

-: I will no have free time tomorrow.

+: I will have no free time tomorrow.

I: S: У нас обычно две лекции.

-: We have usually two lectures.

-: We have two lectures usually.

+: We usually have two lectures. -: Two lectures we usually have.

V2: Порядок слов в предложении


S: В этом институте учатся друзья моей дочери.

-: At this institute study my daughter’s friends.

+: My daughter’s friends study at this institute.

-: At this institute friend of my daughter study.

-: At this institute study friends of my daughter.

I: S: Мой любимый предмет – анатомия.

-: My favourite subject anatomy.

-: My the favourite subject is anatomy.

-: Anatomy my favourite subject.

+: Anatomy is my favourite subject.

I: S: В нашей группе нет плохих студентов.

-: There are not bad students in our group.

-: No bad students are in our group.

-: Bad students are not in our group.

+: There are no bad students in our group.

I: S: Существует одна новая теория.

-: It is a new theory.

-: This theory is new.

+: There is a new theory.

-: There is a new theory there.

I: S: Назовите правильный вопрос к предложению My friend studies at the medical faculty.

-: When does your friend studies?

-: Where your friend studies?

-: What does your friend study?

+: Where does your friend study?

I: S: … the surgeon perform this operation successfully?

-: Do

-: Was

+: Did

-: Is

I: S: I … the answer to the question.

+: do not know

-: not know

-: does not know

-: is not know

I: S: Предложение, с усилительной конструкцией…

-: It is estimated that ventricles serve as the main pump.

-: It is known that conditioned reflexes are formed in the cortex.

+: It is the motor cortex that controls many movements of the body.

-: Everybody that nervous cells are very delicate.