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V2: Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

I: S: Profession of a doctor is ...

-: the newest

+ the most ancient

-: the most difficult

-: the latest

I: S: It is difficult to diagnose a disease but it is … to cure it.

-: the most difficult

-: the more difficult

-: difficult

+: more difficult

I: S: Превосходная степень прилагательного good…

-: the letter

-: the goodest

+: the best -: the most good

I: S: Anatomy is … than biology.

-: most difficult

+: more difficult

-: as difficult as -: difficulter


S: American education is … British.

-: as academic as

-: more academic

+: less academic than

-: less academic

V2: Модальные глаголы и их заменители

I: S: All medical students … know Hippocratic oath.

-: must to

-: have to

-: should to

+: must

I: S: Students … make operation

-: may not

-: must not


-: should not

I: S: We … complete the work two days ago.

-: must

-: had

-: must to

+: had to

I: S: Предложение, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение…

-: The surgeon has performed many operations.

-: The physician has many patients.

+: The surgeon has to perform the operation.

-: The surgeon has little time to perform the operation.


S: We … work hard to become good specialists.

-: can

-: could

+: must

-: may

I: S: Can the first-year students treat heart diseases?

-: Yes, they can.

-: No, they can.

-: No, we cannot.

+ No, they cannot.

I: S: Они не смогли помочь нам.

-: They cannot help us.

-: They not could help us.

+: They could help us.

-: They could no help us.

I: S: Предложение, в котором глагол to be имеет модальное значение…

-: The aеtiology of this disease is unknown.

-: Scientist are working of the development of new techniques.

+: The doctor is to stop the usage of this drug.

-: The patient with a deep wound was examined in the surgical department.

I: S: Предложение, в котором глагол to have является вспомогательным..

-: The patient had a normal coronary arteriogram.

+: The doctor has just examined the patient with vascular pathology.

-: The surgeon had to operate the patient with pulmonary pathology.

-: The nurse had to give the administered injections.

V2: Видо-временные формы глагола

I: S: Yesterday it … me an hour to get the university.

-: take

-: takes

+: took

-: taked


S: My friend … at the medical faculty.

-: study

-: to study

-: studys

+: studies

I: S: Назовите предложение в Past Simple.

-: He leaves home at 8 o’clock.

+: He left home at 8 o’clock.

-: He leaves home at 8 o’clock.

-: He leaved home at 8 o’clock.

I: S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: is preventing

L2: prevented

L3: was prevented

L4: will prevent

R1: Present Continuous Active

R2: Past Simple Active

R3: Past Simple Passive

R4:Future Simple Active

R5: Future Continuous Active

I: S: Сейчас они оценивают результаты эксперимента.

-: Now they estimate the results of the experiment.

-: Now they have estimated the results of the experiment.

-: Now they are estimated the results of the experiment.

+: They are estimating the results of the experiment.

I: S: Во время эксперимента определяли количество сахара в крови.

-: The amount of sugar has been determining during the experiment.

+: The amount of sugar has being determining during the experiment.

-: During the experiment the amount of sugar has been determined.

-: During the experiment was being determined the amount of sugar.

I: S: Сказуемым в Perfect является …

-: would take

-: was taken

+: has taken

-: is taking

I: S: Врач уже определил группу крови.

-: The doctor has determined already the blood group.

-: The doctor already has determined the blood group.

-: Already the doctor has determined the blood group.

+: The doctor has already determined.

I: S: Has he estimated the number of platelets yet?

-: Yes, he does.

+: Yes, he has.

-: Yes, he is.

-: Yes, he was.

I: S: Предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге. ..

+: A new method of treatment was developed not long ago.

-: Scientists have developed many new methods.

-: The new method will help doctors to treat patients.

-: Scientists are developing a new method of treatment.

I: S: The patients … for the heart disease.

-: treated

-: was treating

-: has treated

+: was treated

I: S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: has treated

L2: will treat

L3: is treated

L4: is treating

R1: Present Perfect Active

R2: Future Simple Active

R3: Present Simple Passive

R4; Present Continuous Active

R5: Past Simple Active