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8*. Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами.

  1. She can speak three foreign languages.

  2. He can both organize and motivate.

  3. Could I use your car today?

  4. Could you help me with my translation?

  5. When a child Bob could play the piano very well.

  6. May I take my test on Tuesday?

  7. You may not leave the hospital without permission (разрешение).

  8. They might come but I’m not sure.

  9. He might be ill.

  10. You must tell me the truth.

  11. You must think more carefully before set­ting up your own business.

  12. It’s 8 o’clock, they must be at home now.

  13. It’s dark outside, it must be about 7 now.

  14. They got married last week. They must be very happy.

  15. You should take some professional training.

  16. You should have informed me in advance (заранее).

  17. Teenagers shouldn’t drink alcohol.

  18. I think you should give up smoking.

  19. You shouldn’t drive so fast.

  20. Would you like to take part in the meeting?

  21. We would often visit our old teacher.

  22. You ought to write a letter to your parents.

  23. You oughtn’t to speak to your parents like this.

  24. You needn’t eat the salad if you don’t like it.

  25. We have a lot of time so we needn’t hurry.

9*. Переведите предложения с эквивалентами модальных глаголов.

  1. Stress is something I am able to live with.

  2. You will, probably, not be able to deal with stress that is a part of the job.

  3. You don’t have to answer my question if you don’t want to.

  4. The lecture is to begin in a minute, we must hurry up.

  5. In Britain you are not allowed to drive a car until you are seventeen.

  6. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come. I have a headache.

  7. I have to go to the library after classes because I am to make a report tomorrow.

  8. I wasn’t able to fall asleep for a long time because the traffic on the road was too heavy.

  9. She is better now. She is allowed to sit up.

10*. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

1. Any school-leaver can apply to enter the university.

2. The level of knowledge must be high enough.

3. To become qualified specialists the students have to read a lot of modern scientific literature.

4. They should pay attention to foreign languages.

5. During their practical training they have to work as hospital assistants.

6. The graduates ['grædjuits] (выпускники) can work at medical institutions.

7. He is allowed to continue his studies.

8. When (he was) at the university he had to work to pay his tuition.

11*. Translate the sentences from the speech pronounced by the chairman of the board of the nobel foundation.

1. I would like to welcome thе Laureates. I’d like to call special attention to a centenarian.

2. The King would appoint a deputy to the Chairman.

3. The Trustees of the prize-awarding bodies would appoint the other Board members.

4. They believed the prize-awarding bodies could not handle their task and there would be attempts at bribery

5. The fundamental concepts presented in the will could assume solid form only after four years of conflicts.

6. “Nobel made the greatest donation for the good of humanity that any single being has ever been able to make”.

7. Some people felt that the Swedish-Norwegian union might be harmed.

8. The Foundation may use not only the direct return (interest and dividends) but also realized capital gains from the sale of assets.

9. The Foundation was to be represented by a Board consisting of "five Swedish men."

10. The Chairman of the Board was to be designated by the King.

11. The provisions of Alfred Nobel's will stipulated that the capital for the prizes should be invested in "safe securities”.

12. Freedom of investment, tax exemption and new rules stating that the Board had to include at least two individuals with financial expertise, marked a turning point.