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грамматика ( окончательный вар.).doc
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2. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

1. Терапевт обследует больного уже полчаса, но еще не пришел ни к какому определенному заключению.

2. Вчера больной хорошо спал в течение нескольких часов до прихода врача.

3. Размер печени больного постепенно уменьшался в течение прошлого месяца.

4. Общее состояние больного постепенно улучшается, так как ему назначили витамины в инъекциях.

5. Температура больного держалась на уровне 38С в течение месяца.

6. Мой брат находится в стационаре уже 2 месяца.

7. Она работала в библиотеке весь вчерашний день.

Сложное дополнение

Complex Object

1. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The physician advised the patient to enter the hospital.

2. The data made the researchers think.

3. He wanted them to make clear the reason for the behavior.

4. They saw him turn pale.

5. She considers him to be a promising surgeon.

6. I want you to explain the following phenomena.

2. Употребите Complex Object вместо придаточного предложения. Переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.

1. We consider that this method is an interesting finding deserving confirmation.

2. I know that my friend has good knowledge of medicine.

3. I watched that the surgeon was performing the operation on the kidney very carefully.

4. Objective physical laboratory examinations showed that they were healthy.

5. The researchers have found that smoking and alcohol are the factors causing atherosclerosis.

6. The doctor expected that the disturbances in blood circulation would be eliminated by the administration of this drug.

3. Закончите предложения, используя Complex Object.

1. I have never seen как хирург проводит операцию на сердечном клапане.

2. I would like чтобы результаты моих анализов были отправлены в Москву для подтверждения.

3. We saw как профессор делает разрез на стенке аорты.

4. They didn’t expect, что рецидив наступит так скоро.

5. I want, чтобы вы стали хорошими специалистами.

6. We didn’t allow этому больному курить.

Сложное подлежащее

Complex Subject

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните в них Complex Subject.

1. Our data seem to support the theory.

2. The disease seems to have a pre-malignant phase.

3. Some drugs are considered to be valuable in pneumonia.

4. The temperature is unlikely to increase after administration of this medicine.

5. The patient appeared to have been discharged from the hospital several weeks ago.

6. The factors are known to be associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis.

2. Измените предложения, используя Complex Subject.

1. It is known that the levels are unaltered.

2. It is considered that the results support the views described above.

3. It appeared that mortality rates have been decreased.

4. We found that the phenomenon had a wide occurrence.

5. The doctors established that coronary patients were at an increased risk of cardiac mortality.

6. We saw that the cells divided during the experiment.

3. Переведите вначале предложения с Complex Object, а затем с Complex Subject. Подчеркните в них данные грамматические явления.

1. Injuries are most likely to have occurred in children.

2. The results proved very satisfactory.

3. The scientists watched the levels change with the increase of temperature.

4. Human milk is less likely to less to allergic problems than other foods.

6. She heard the child cough at night.

5. Let the children drink milk.

Самостоятельный причастный оборот

The Absolute Participle Construction

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1. Everything being ready, I ordered the assistant to begin the transfusion.

2. Heart transplant operation has a long history, the first successful operation performed in South Africa by Dr Barnard.

3. Mean survival was 6 month, with only one third of the patients surviving longer.

4. Liver transplant operations are most complicated, more patients undergoing the operation.

5. The patient’s condition being better, he was allowed to walk.

6. The patient having survived the operation well, the danger of heart failure was eliminated.