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3.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на индикаторы времени.

1. My parents always wait for me late at night.

2. They rarely find new friends during their vacations.

3. She sometimes visits us in autumn.

4. Her neighbours often see her son in the garden early in the morning.

5. I always help my grandmother at the weekend.

6. I shall never say so again.

7. Our teacher can sometimes work in this room.

8. I am always here оn Tuesday.

9. They are never absent from their lessons.

10. He usually speaks English with his students.

Модальные глаголы.

1. Переведите следующие предложения с модальными глаголами на русский язык.

  1. He can understand French.

  2. We may specialize in any field of medicine.

  3. You must gain a lot of experience in research work.

  4. She could become a good therapeutist.

  5. They should join any scientific society.

  6. I can’t achieve good results in sport.

  7. He could perform a complex operation on the heart.

2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.

Model: Can Tom hear me? – Yes, he can.

  1. Can you speak Italian? No, … .

  2. May I sit here? Yes, … .

  3. Can you remember her phone number? Yes, … .

  4. Must she finish the homework this evening? Yes, … .

  5. Must they return home early? No, … .

  6. May I fix the date of the examination? No, … .

  7. Can we examine the patient? No, … .

3. Поставьте предложения в утвердительную форму.

  1. Must medical student work hard?

  2. Must he listen to the lecture attentively?

  3. You may not come in.

  4. We can’t carry out numerous experiments.

  5. You must not take these vitamins.

  6. May I have a rest?

  7. Can I help you with your research?

  8. You may not return late.

4. Переведите предложения с эквивалентами модальных глаголов.

  1. We have to stay at home.

  2. He was allowed to go for a walk.

  3. Who is able to do this work?

  4. He had to leave for Moscow earlier.

  5. We are to take exams in June.

  6. Are they allowed to visit you?

  7. Were they able to do this work in time?

  8. I hope I’ll be able to pass my exams.

  9. After the treatment she’ll be allowed to watch TV.

  10. I have to work tomorrow.

  11. Will you be able to drive a car?

  12. He is to speak at the conference.

5. Замените модальные глаголы соответствующими эквивалентами

(are to; aren’t allowed; are…able; wasn’t able; am…allowed; have to; is able)

  1. He couldn’t explain anything.

  2. You must not stay here.

  3. Can you read the text?

  4. We must meet at 9 o’clock.

  5. Who can translate this fax?

  6. I must get up early every day.

  7. May I use this computer?

6. Поставьте вопросы и ответьте на них по образу, используя данные в скобках слова и словосочетания.

Образец: A doctor (to treat patients).

What does a doctor have to do?

A doctor has to treat patients.

1. A nurse (to fill in temperature charts of the patients)

2. A researcher (to carry on experiments)

3. A student (to work hard)

4. A dentist (to treat the teeth)

5. A lecturer (to deliver lectures)

6. A laboratory worker (to take gastric juice for analyses)

7. An oculist (to examine the eyes)

8. A surgeon (to perform operations)

7. В следующих предложениях замените модальные глаголы их эквивалентами.

1. You must be very attentive at the lessons in order to pass the exams successfully.

2. He may come later.

3. He could report about the phenomenon alone.

4. Microorganisms can multiply in a favorable environment.

5. The scientist must investigate the process of dangerous bacteria multiplication.

6. Koch could determine that penicillin was not toxic to the tissues.

7. You must cure this dangerous disease.

8. D.I. Ivanovsky could come to the conclusion that the living organisms smaller than bacteria existed in the environment.