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Анатомия бега (2010,иностр

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1.Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, with good posture. Each hand is holding a dumbbell that is relatively light.

2.Take a small step forward with one leg, lowering your hips as you step so that your quadriceps are parallel to the ground and your lower leg is at a 90-degree angle at the knee. Your rear leg provides balance.

3.Return to the original position by pushing upward, after reaching parallel, with the same leg that made the initial step. Repeat the exercise for a full set of reps on one leg, or switch legs after a rep with each leg.

Muscles Involved

Primary: quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus

Secondary: rectus abdominis, external oblique

SAFETY TIP One caution for this exercise is to not allow the kneecap to extend past the toes of the lead foot while performing the movement. The possibility of injuring the knee because of its relatively vulnerable, unstable position while performing a difficult, anaerobic exercise is real. This is a wise rule to follow for most people; however, in a few runners with longer femurs, it is difficult not to extend past the toes. Practice the exercise in front of a mirror, and if your form is spot-on and your knees extend past your toes, so be it.

Running Focus

The lunge is a difficult exercise to master quickly. Like the squat, a similar movement, it develops strength throughout the core, hamstrings, and quadriceps, but mastering the proper form is difficult. It is important to master the technique before adding weight. A barbell instead of dumbbells can be used, but holding the barbell on the shoulders is an unnatural hand position for a runner. Keeping the hands low while holding the dumbbells is normally more comfortable for runners.

This exercise fits nicely in the second, or strength (threshold), phase of training. It is functional and, with the added weight of the dumbbells, can develop significant strength.


Lunge With Long Step

By taking a longer step, the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus of the leg that is forward are strengthened more than with a regular step, and the iliopsoas and rectus femoris of the back leg are stretched.

Machine Incline Leg Press


1.Sit with the feet placed close together (narrower than shoulder-width apart) on the bottom part of the footplate. The back and the head are pressed against the back pads. The safety catch should be on. Flip the safety outward, rendering the weight active. The legs should be prepared to support the weight before the safety is released. Inhale.

2.Concentrating on the hips, glutes, and quads, extend the legs in a fluid movement to full extension by extending both knees.

3.Return to the starting position by gradually flexing the knees, allowing the weight to slowly lower back to the original position.

Muscles Involved

Primary: quadriceps, gluteus maximus

Secondary: gastrocnemius, biceps femoris

SAFETY TIP This exercise allows for a greater weight to be used because of its reliance on a machine; however, be careful not to add too much weight until proper form is established.


Do not hurry the movement, which results in the weight moving past the full range of motion and bouncing back to the legs.

Running Focus

The machine incline leg press is a safe exercise to perform, and it can increase strength in the quadriceps and glutes quickly because relatively heavy weights can be used because of the incorporation of the machine. Instead of using energy and strength by heavily incorporating stabilizing muscles (abdominals and adductors), the exercise effectively isolates the quads and glutes, strengthening both sides of the upper leg, helping to avoid muscle imbalances and potential injury.

Altering foot position on the footplate will change the muscle groups impacted. To incorporate more of the glutes, place your feet at the top of the footplate.

Due to its emphasis on the large muscle groups, this exercise creates explosive power for runners. Therefore, it is best used by runners training for shorter events such as a 5K or for track racing in sprints or middle-distance events. The exercise is suitable during the introductory phase of training for all runners because it is a general strength exercise, not a functionally-specific strength exercise.

Bent-Leg Good Morning


1.Stand with good posture, feet shoulder-width apart, grasping a barbell of light weight across the shoulders.

2.Lower the torso by bowing at the waist. The back should be lowered in a single plane, maintaining the lumbar (lower back) curvature. The glutes push outward during the motion. Inhale during the downward movement.

3.Return to the standing position by raising the torso, focusing on the rotation of the pelvis.