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15.4 Creating Your Own Session Factory

If none of the default or otherwise available sessioning implementations for Pyramid suit you, you may create your own session object by implementing a session factory. Your session factory should return a session. The interfaces for both types are available in pyramid.interfaces.ISessionFactory and pyramid.interfaces.ISession. You might use the cookie implementation in the pyramid.session module as inspiration.

15.5 Flash Messages

“Flash messages” are simply a queue of message strings stored in the session. To use flash messaging, you must enable a session factory as described in Using The Default Session Factory or Using Alternate Session Factories.

Flash messaging has two main uses: to display a status message only once to the user after performing an internal redirect, and to allow generic code to log messages for single-time display without having direct access to an HTML template. The user interface consists of a number of methods of the session object.

15.5.1 Using the session.flash Method

To add a message to a flash message queue, use a session object’s flash() method:


The flash() method appends a message to a flash queue, creating the queue if necessary.

flash() accepts three arguments:

flash(message, queue=’‘, allow_duplicate=True)

The message argument is required. It represents a message you wish to later display to a user. It is usually a string but the message you provide is not modified in any way.

The queue argument allows you to choose a queue to which to append the message you provide. This can be used to push different kinds of messages into flash storage for later display in different places on a page. You can pass any name for your queue, but it must be a string. Each queue is independent, and can be popped by pop_flash() or examined via peek_flash() separately. queue defaults to the empty string. The empty string represents the default flash message queue.



request.session.flash(msg, ’myappsqueue’)

The allow_duplicate argument defaults to True. If this is False, and you attempt to add a message value which is already present in the queue, it will not be added.

15.5.2 Using the session.pop_flash Method

Once one or more messages have been added to a flash queue by the session.flash() API, the session.pop_flash() API can be used to pop an entire queue and return it for use.

To pop a particular queue of messages from the flash object, use the session object’s pop_flash() method. This returns a list of the messages that were added to the flash queue, and empties the queue.


1 >>> request.session.flash(’info message’) 2 >>> request.session.pop_flash()

3 [’info message’]

Calling session.pop_flash() again like above without a corresponding call to session.flash() will return an empty list, because the queue has already been popped.






>>>request.session.flash(’info message’)


[’info message’]

>>> request.session.pop_flash() []

15.5.3 Using the session.peek_flash Method

Once one or more messages has been added to a flash queue by the session.flash() API, the session.peek_flash() API can be used to “peek” at that queue. Unlike session.pop_flash(), the queue is not popped from flash storage.



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