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5.1.3. Match the words and phrases with their definitions (Focus 4).

1.a new difficult task that tests sb’s ability and skill

a. disclosure

2.to start an organized activity

b. to steer

3.to state firmly and publicly that it is true or exists

c. to strive

4.the act of giving people new or secret information

d. to submit

5. to guide, to lead sb gently

e. hefty

6.to try very hard to achieve sth or to defeat sth

f. to cater

7. to give a document, proposal, etc. to sb in authority so that they can study or consider it

g. to blend

8.to take into account

h. to affirm

9.to mix substances together so that they become one substance

i. challenge

10.large in size, weight, or amount

j. to launch

5.2.1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from texts (Focus 2).

  1. to be up and running

  2. the bottom dropped out

  3. the war chest

  4. financially majinal

  5. seat-of-the-pants (operations)

  6. to stay afloat

  7. to sign up

  8. big stroke of money taking genius

5.2.2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from texts (Focus 3).

  1. celebrity anchors are fading away

  2. a noble stab

  3. news junkies

  4. to be a far cry

  5. a how-to program

  6. staff layoffs

  7. to thumb through newspapers

  8. to be on the ropes

  9. to hold the line

  10. short-term thinking

  11. visceral reactions

  12. unbiased truth

5.2.3. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from texts (Focus 4).

    1. steep drops in circulation

    2. to shell out

    3. the urbanite audience

    4. to be at the mercy

    5. bright spots

    6. lengthy and in-depth comment

    7. mature readership

    8. to be hard nosed

    9. to shill for a company

    10. to be on the receiving end of a marketing campaign

    11. unscripted strategy

    12. buzz tactics

    13. to get a shot

5.3.1. Find the English equivalents in texts for the following Russian words and phrases (Focus 2).

  1. подающий надежды, многообещающий, перспективный

  2. подавляющее большинство

  3. решительно, энергично

  4. деловая суета, суматошная активность

  5. сенсационная новость

  6. издательства

  7. вести борьбу, соревноваться

  8. прибыльный, рентабельный

  9. ничтожный, незначительный

  10. ненавязчивый, скромный

5.3.2. Find English equivalents in texts (Focus 3) for the following Russian words and phrases.

    1. постоянное место в программе передач радио или телевидения

    2. непочтительный, неуважительный

    3. программа новостей

    4. материал, данные

    5. упадок

    6. непристойный

    7. ряд газет

    8. неожиданно появиться

    9. пятнать престиж

    10. дерзкий

    11. кричащий

    12. повышенная конкуренция

    13. возвышенные цели

5.3.2. Find English equivalents in texts (Focus 4) for the following Russian words and phrases.

  1. забастовки

  2. несгибаемый и упрямый

  3. тонкое издание

  4. снизиться на 2,3 %

  5. взволнованный, возбужденный

  6. утверждать

  7. незаконно использовать

  8. двигаться против течения

  9. корпоративное братство

  10. волновой эффект

  11. молва

  12. бегло просматривать

  13. подробные сведения

  14. здравый смысл

  15. так называемые, мнимые эксперты

  16. вездесущность, повсеместность

5.4.1. Paraphrase the following, using the key vocabulary of the module (Focus 2).

  1. He has appealed to Mr van den Broek to restore aid to support the democratic process.

  2. She is very modern in views.

  3. The Minister said his country would never submit to pressure.

  4. The result is that we have lots of good but not very happy employees.

  5. Although Kath was clearly unsure about the undertaking she agreed that I should give it a go.

  6. Are you the type of person who enjoys activity?

  7. This incident could cause a new round of violence.

  8. She finally urged him into action.

  9. The bus service is a great benefit to old people.

  10. The final chapter is no more than an incoherent addition with rather a lot of photographs.