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Unit 1

Imperative Mood (Повелительное наклонение)

Повелительное наклонение выражает просьбу или приказ. Обращенное! ко 2-му лицу ед. и ми. числа совпадает по форме с инфинитивом без частицы! to.


Listen to me, please.

Be careful!

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глаго-i ла to do.

Например: Don't be so stupid! Don't tell him anything!

просьба или приказ, обращенные к l-му и 3-я

Т«'<1 гт*>«» у-"*---

j .. *>-му лицу ед. и мн. числа об­ язуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола let, причем местоимение сто- рбъекгном падеже, а существительное - в общем падеже.


Let me tell you something.

Let him help you.

Let us go to a restaurant.

Let the children stay at home.







Абсолютная форма











yourself /yourselves

























Exercise 1.

Read and translate the sentences.

1. Do it yourself. 2. Tell them to come at 5 o'clock. 3. Don't be afraid. 4. Let me help you. 5. Don't disturb him, let him enjoy the film. 6. Let me introduce myself. 7. This is not your book, it's mine. 8. She cooks herself, nobody helps her. !) Whose car is it? - Ours. 10. They themselves cannot find the necessary information.

Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений употребляется самостоя­тельно без следующего за ней существительного.


This is my car. This car is mine.

Г Exercise 2.

Translate from Russian into English.

1. Пусть Марина сделает это упражнение самостоятельно, не помогай ей. 2. Расскажи им правду! Никто ничего не знает об этом. 3. Это не наш дом, это *■ их. 4. Пусть он посмотрит этот фильм сам. 5. Они сами часто делают ошиб­ки. 6. Принеси мне чашку чая. 7. Не бойся! Я с тобой. 8. Позвольте мне пред­ставить вам нашего нового директора.



I am working. You are working. She is working. He is working. It is working. We are working. They are working.

Am I working? Are you working? Is she working? Is he working? Is it working? Are you working? Are they working?

ftHMHfliMHI i п.. »„ „„„


Unit 2 The Present Continuous Tense

I am not working. You are not working. She is not working. He is not working. It is not working. We are not working. They are not working.

PresentContinuousупотребляется для выражения:

a) действия в процессе в момент речи: She is speaking on the phone now.

  1. действия в процессе в настоящее время, но не в момент речи: Wearebuildinganewhouse.

  2. ближайшего запланированного будущего: I am leaving for Paris tomorrow.

  3. временного действия:

They are staying at the Radisson Hotel until May.

e) изменяемой ситуации:

The number of people using the internet is growing.

f) недовольства, раздражения: You are always taking my things.

Ряд глаголов не употребляются во временах группы Continuous; Та­кие как: to see, to hear, to know, to believe, to want, to wish, to lov<\ to hate, to like, to have, to consist, to depend, to belong, to understand, '<> think (u значе-ний «полагать»).


Working on the text **^#

Read and translate the text. Underline Present Continuous forms and explain ilirii meanings.

livery five minutes Helen is calling Diana, but the line is either busy or in J и к Iy answers the phone. Helen decides to call Diana's home number.

The telephone rings. Diana picks up the receiver.

11: I lellol Can 1 speak to Diana, please?

I): Hello! Diana speaking.

H: It's Helen. What's the matter? Why is \n lobile switched off?

D: The battery is charging

H: I see. What are you doing?

D: I'm packing. Don't you remember I'm leaving tomorrow morning and you arc taking me to the airport?

H: Of course I do. That's why I'm calling. This is your last day in London and we're parting tin л year. By the way, what are you going to do mere all this time?

D: I'm going to work for my uncle's company, to do some marketing research and to gain some professional experience.

H: Do you mean your father's firm is going , I o penetrate the American market? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^™

D: It's difficult to say. I don't know exactly. Frankly speaking, I think there is something wrong with my uncle's company and my father wants to know what exactly is going on there.

H: Well, you have a lot of work to do then. I have a suggestion to make. Let's go out tonight and enjoy ourselves in a restaurant.

D: Settled! Call me at 7 p.m. and please don't forget to order a table in our favourite restaurant.

H: Don't worry, see you soon.

D: Bye!

At half past seven Helen picks Diana up and drives her to the restaurant. A headwaiter meets the friends at the entrance and accompanies them to their table.

To be going to do something - собираться что-либо делать.

Exercise 1.

Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. They are having lunch now. 2. My friend is coming tomorrow night. 3.1 am reading a letter from my sister. 4. They are waiting for us. 5. We are discussing the performance. 6. She is working in the garden at the moment. 7. The dollar is going down. 8. The population of the world is increasing. 9. He is getting instructions



Английский для бизнесмс

from his boss now. 10. We are listening to music. 11. Ann is looking through tho mail. 12. They are laughing at his joke.

Exercise 2.

Open the brackets and put the verb in Present Continuous.

  1. It still (to rain).Take the umbrella.

  2. We (to produce) new equipment now.

  3. Our company (to open) a new subsidiary.

  4. They (discuss) a new project.

  5. What you (to plan) now?

  6. Look! Somebody (to try) to open your car.

  7. Our secretary is busy. She (to study) a new magazine.

  8. I (to speak) on the phone now.

  9. He (to read) a newspaper.

Exercise 3.

Use Present Continuous in the second:

„,^..w ^&ги.епое. explain tne meaning. Pattern: We usually have breakfast at 9, but today we are having breakf; 1. She usually reads books, but today she... a newspaper.

  1. What he (to write)?

  2. The secretary (to make) an appointment now.

«..j juv ... a newspaper, 2. They usually have talks in the office, but today they... in the cafe.

3.1 usually drink tea in the

morning, but today I... coffee.

A. He usually meets with his friends

..,^.i им menus on Sunday, but today he ... . He is very


5.1 usually drive to the office, but today I....

а \ir м- inessmen in the morning, but today we....

•"'-• '-— ' ' le is ill. "

  1. We usually receive busii ...^.. ч. шс morning, о

  2. She usually works every day, but today she.... She

;. мм

ast at 8.

* Exercise 4.

Open the brackets using Present Simple or Preset Continuous.


1. She (to call) her friend now. 2. They always (to stay) at this hotel when they are on holiday. 3. He (to ask) for a discount now. 4. Who (to make) an appointment on the phone now? 5. They always (to get) low profits. 6. We (to produce) cars. 7. What they (to produce) at present? 8. Canada (to export) wheat? 9. He (not to know) English. He (to be going) to learn it next year. 10. She always (to speak) on the phone for hours. 11. They constantly (to produce) goods of low quality. 12. What you (to do) now? - I (to wait) for my friend. 14. You usually (to drive) to work? - Not usually, it's only today that I (to drive). 15. I (not to know) ] what he (to want). 16. What you (to look for)? - I (to look for) the key.



Possessive Case of the Nouns

Притяжательный надеж обозначает принадлежность предмета кому-либо и употребляется преимущественно с одушевленными существитель­ными и именами собственными и образуется путем прибавления -'s к суще-

(тш [ I <■..'I ыюму: my father's company.

Когда два лица или более являются обладателями одного и того же и|»-листа, окончание притяжательного падежа прибавляется к последнему п мстительному:

Nick and Kate's flat is large.

Форма притяжательного падежа множественного числа образуется Прибавлением только апострофа (') после существительного во множествен­ном числе:

These boys' father; children's toys.

Кроме одушевленных существительных притяжательный падеж может ■. потребляться:

/) с существительными, обозначающими единицы времени и расстояние, и i т-которыми наречиями: minute, hour, year, day, week, month, moment, today, \i-Middayи др.:

an hour's rest, today's news, a mile's distance, a month's holiday.

2) с существительными, обозначающими вес, стоимость, место: a kilo's weight, ten roubles' worth, at the baker's.

>) с собирательными существительными: company, union, government, finliily, army и др.:

company's annual meeting.

Working on the text «Wjfr Read and translate the text..

Diana arrives at Heathrow Airport two BOUt's before the flight. She goes to the «iil* и iiial.ion desk to ask about her flight.

Diana: Is the plane for New York leaving on time?

Clerk: Yes, Miss. There is no delay.


Английский для бизнесменов


Diana: Where can I check in for the Sight? Clerk: Over there, at the check-in desk. Diana: Thank you.

Exercise 1.

Work in pairs. Make up dialogues:

  1. Checking in for the flight.

  2. Going through the customs.

Diana queues up for the check-in desk. The queue goes very quickly and it';| her turn now.

Clerk: Are all these trunks yours? Put them on the scales. Oh, I am afraid! your luggage is too heavy. There is an overweight of 20 kilos. You must pay anj extra charge.

Clerk: Next, please. May I have your passport and your ticket, Miss? Diana: Here you are.

Exercise 2.

Diana: How much do I owe you?

Clerk: 100 pounds sterling.

Diana: All right, I have no choice.

Clerk: Are you taking this bag with you?

Diana: Yes, it's my hand luggage.

Clerk: If you have some liquid put it in a plastic bag. Here is your boardingj

'our passport and your ticket. Havp a n.>« fl;~^*i

Diana: Thank you.

pass, your passport and your ticket. Have a nice flight!

Listening СЩ)))

Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with missing information.

Soon Diana hears the announcement: "Passengers for flight 788 for New York collect your hand luggage and go to gate 4."

Now Diana is sitting comfortably in the plane and listening to the

announcement. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your . I

Qm ь-,гх~.. *~ -.-' from London to

and switch off your

Translate from Russian into English. ^^ 1. Диана обычно путешествует на поезде или на машине, но завтра она I' i и г на самолете в Нью-Йорк. 2. Она планирует пробыть в США год, чтобы и (учить американский рынок и выяснить, что происходит в компании ее дяди. \% Алло! Я могу поговорить с господином Брауном? - Да, я слушаю. 4. Что ты i опираешься делать в Париже? 5. Давайте сегодня сходим куда-нибудь. [ (I, Я могу зарегистрироваться здесь на рейс до Лондона? 7. Во сколько по рас­писанию вылетает самолет до Нью-Йорка? 8. Наш самолет вылетает вовремя? \i. Дамы и господа, пристегните ремни безопасности, наш самолет готов к in игу. 10. Мы летим на высоте 10000 метров со скоростью 750 км в час. 11 11ассажиры обычно выстраиваются в очередь, чтобы сесть в автобус. ■12. Мее эти сумки ваши? 13. Где ваша ручная кладь?

Unit 4