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Кафедра иностранных языков

Учебное пособие

по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса горно-нефтяного факультета

Уфа 2010


на учебное пособие по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса горно-нефтяного факультета

ст. преп. Кожевниковой А.И., ст. преп. Утробиной Н.А.,

ст.преп. Хильшер Г.Н.

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов всех направлений 2 курса горно-нефтяного факультета. Оно может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы, так и для внеаудиторного чтения.

Цель учебного пособия – подготовить студентов к сдаче итогового экзамена по английскому языку. Оно включает задания на развитие навыков чтения, понимания, обсуждения и пересказа текстов по специальности. Материал учебного пособия предназначен для отработки умений поискового, изучающего чтения и ознакомительного чтения. Подробный предтекстовый словарь помогает снять лексические трудности, а послетекстовые упражнения предназначены для закрепления лексики и расширения словарного запаса по специальности.

Кроме того, в приложении к пособию даются тексты по специальности на просмотровое чтение с заданием передать содержание прочитанного на русском, либо английском языке; а так же тексты более сложного уровня на письменный перевод с использованием словаря. Таким образом, пособие охватывает все виды деятельности, предусмотренные программой обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе. Каждый из 13 уроков содержит задания в тестовой форме, подготавливающие студентов к написанию итогового теста. Материалом для создания пособия являются аутентичные тексты, взятые с Интернет-сайтов.

Пособие рекомендуется как основная литература для второго курса ГНФ УГНТУ.

Рецензент Ю.В. Массальская, канд. филол. наук,

доцент кафедры ин. яз. БИСТ


на учебное пособие по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса горно-нефтяного факультета

ст. преп. Кожевниковой А.И., ст. преп. Утробиной Н.А.,

ст.преп. Хильшер Г.Н.

Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов IIкурса дневного отделения всех направлений горно-нефтяного факультета УГНТУ. Оно может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Целью пособия является научить студентов читать и переводить современные оригинальные тексты и вести устную беседу по специальности. Пособие состоит из 13 основных уроков, а также текстов для устного и письменного перевода. Каждый урок представлен отдельной темой (“Oilandgasreserves”, “Origin, migration and accumulation of oil ”,“Exploration methods and techniques”, “Drillingthewell”) и включает в себя тексты по теме раздела, подробный предтекстовый словарь и упражнения на закрепление лексики, развитие навыков устной речи, перевода и реферирования технического текста. Дополнительные тексты предназначены для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов в качестве подготовки к итоговому экзамену. В каждом уроке есть задания в тестовой форме, подготавливающие студентов к написанию итогового теста. Материалом для создания пособия являются аутентичные тексты, взятые из Интернет-сайтов.

Настоящее учебное пособие соответствует программе по иностранному языку для технических вузов и рекомендуется как основная литература для второго курса ГНФ.

Рецензент М.В. Иркабаева, канд. филол. наук, ст.научный сотрудник Центра мониторинга качества образования


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для занятий со студентами II курса горно-нефтяного факультета. Оно может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы, так и для внеаудиторного чтения.

Цель учебно-методического пособия - подготовить студентов к сдаче итогового экзамена по английскому языку. Помимо традиционных заданий к текстам в каждом уроке даются тестовые задания на закрепление лексического материала. Материалом для создания пособия являются аутентичные тесты, взятые с Интернет-сайтов. В приложении к пособию даются тексты на передачу содержания на английском либо русском языке, а также на письменный перевод со словарем.

Составители: Кожевникова А.И., ст. преподаватель

Утробина Н.А., ст.преподаватель

Хильшер Г.Н., ст. преподаватель

Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, 2010


1.1. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

to provide - снабжать, обеспечивать, предоставлять

plastics – изделия из пластмассы, полимеры

fuel – топливо

manufacturer – изготовитель, производитель

hydrogen – водород

ethanol – этанол

to charge – заряжать

fuel cell – топливная батарея, топливный элемент

by-product – побочный продукт

to recognize – признавать

reserves –запасы

pipeline – трубопровод

consuming market – потребительский рынок

to chill – охлаждать

to transport – перевозить, транспортировать

to convert - превращать

to enable – давать возможность

alternative energy sources – альтернативные источники энергии

to acknowledge – признавать

oil consumption- потребление жидкого топлива, конечное использование нефти ( на НПЗ или/и непосредственно в качестве топлива ) и нефтепродуктов (в качестве готовых продуктов и/или нефтехимического сырья)

competitive – конкурентоспособный, конкурентный

gas-to-liquids (GTL) – технология сжижения газа ( производства синтетического жидкого топлива – дизельного топлива и бензина – из природного газа)

liquified natural gas (LNG) - сжиженный природный газ.

1.2. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

Why do we Need Oil and Gas?

Oil and natural gas are an important part of your everyday life. Not only do they give us mobility, they heat and cool our homes and provide electricity. Millions of products are made from oil and gas, including plastics, life-saving medications, clothing, cosmetics, and many other items you may use daily.

In the United States, 97% of the energy that drives the transportation sector (cars, buses, subways, railroads, airplanes, etc.) comes from fuels made from oil. Auto manufacturers are developing cars to run on alternate fuels such as electricity, hydrogen and ethanol. However, the electric batteries need to be charged and the fuel to generate the electricity could be oil or gas. The hydrogen needed for fuel cells may be generated from natural gas or petroleum-based products. Even as alternative fuels are developed, oil will be crucially important to assuring that people can get where they need to be and want to go for the foreseeable future. Barring any increase in the penetration of new technologies, alternative fuels are not expected to become competitive with oil for transportation before 2025.

In areas of the world that are still developing, businesses and individuals are demanding greater mobility for themselves and their products. In China, for example, the number of cars has been growing by 20% per year. Airports are being added in these countries as well, expanding jet fuel demand. Oil is expected to remain the primary fuel source for transportation throughout the world for the foreseeable future, and transportation fuels are projected to account for almost 57% of total world oil consumption by 2020.

World population is currently around 6 billion people, but is expected to grow to approximately 7.6 billion by 2020. That will mean a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made from oil and natural gas.

Natural-gas use is growing across all economic sectors. Natural gas burns cleaner than oil or coal, and this environmental benefit has encouraged its use. While decades ago, natural gas was seen as an unwanted by-product of oil and may have been wasted, its value has been recognized. Developing nations with gas reserves are finding this resource invaluable to building their economies. Most natural gas is distributed by pipelines, which is a limiting factor for remote resources that are not near the major consuming markets. Some natural gas is chilled to a liquid state (LNG) whereby it can be transported across oceans by tanker. Similarly, there is considerable development of technology to convert natural gas to liquids (GTL) to enable transportation.

The world economy runs on oil and natural gas. These fuels improve your quality of life by providing you with transportation, warmth, light, and many everyday products. They enable you to get where you need to go, they supply products you need, and they create jobs. Without oil and natural gas, quality of life would decline and people in developing nations would not be able to improve their standard of living. Does that mean that alternative energy sources are not necessary? Of course not. But it is important to acknowledge the value of oil and gas to the world economy and recognize that it will be decades before the alternatives can replace all of things that oil and natural gas contribute to our lives.

1.3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Why are oil and gas an important part of our everyday life? 2. What can you say about the use of oil and natural gas in developing countries? 3. What alternative fuels do you know? Are they expected to become competitive with oil for transportation? Why? 4. What will account for a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made from oil and natural gas? 5. Why is natural-gas use growing across all economic sectors? 6. How is natural gas transported? 7. What do oil and gas provide us with?

1.4. Translate the following words and phrases into English:

Исключая, за исключением, кроме; спрос на транспортное топливо; важнейший, главный источник транспортного топлива; продукты на нефтяной основе; работать на альтернативных видах топлива; в ближайшем будущем; внедрение новых технологий; стать конкурентоспособным; конкурировать; технология сжижения газа; главные, крупные потребительские рынки; бесценный, неоценимый; уровень жизни; нежелательный побочный продукт.

1.5. Match a word in column A with its opposite in column B:


1. unwanted 1.quantity

2. considerable 2. unimportant

3. quality 3. necessary

4. remote 4. developed

5. heat 5. supply

6. currently 6.decrease

7. benefit 7. harm

8. increase 8.then

9. demand 9. cool

10. developing 10. near

1.6. Match a word in A with a word in B to make a word combination:

A. 1. life-saving B. 1. natural gas to liquids

2. to run 2. nations

3. become 3. the value of oil and gas

4. fuel 4. resources

5. to generate 5. on alternate fuels

6. to expand 6. products

7. consumer 7. medications

8. environmental 8. cells

9. remote 9. competitive

10. to convert 10. the electricity

11. developing 11. benefit

12. to acknowledge 12. jet fuel demand

1.7. Say whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):

1. In the United States, 97% of the energy that drives the transportation sector comes from fuels made from natural gas.

2. Auto producers are designing cars to work on electricity, hydrogen and


3. Alternative fuels are expected to compete with oil for transportation before 2025.

4. Airports are being built in developing countries, expanding jet fuel demand.

5. World population is supposed to grow to about 7.6 billion by 2020.

6. The value of natural gas was acknowledged decades ago.

7. It’s impossible to transport natural gas across oceans by tanker.

8. The world economy depends on oil and natural gas.

1.8. Retell the text, using the following phrases:

An important part of your everyday life; comes from fuels made from oil; to run on alternate fuels; penetration of new technologies; to become competitive with; to remain the primary fuel source for transportation; world oil consumption; the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made from oil and natural gas; natural-gas use; environmental benefit; an unwanted by-product of oil; to recognize; the world economy; replace.


2.1. Remember the meaning of the following words:

pore – пора

rock – горная порода

subsurface - недра

property - свойство

reservoir - коллектор ( нефти, газа, воды ), продуктивный пласт

costs – затраты, издержки

oil-in-place - нефть, предположительно находящаяся в коллекторе

gas-in-place - запасы газа в коллекторе

trap - ловушка

exploration - разведка ( месторождения )

resources - запасы

technique- техника, методика, метод, способ, технология,

(технологический) приём

to enhance – усиливать, увеличивать, повышать

recovery - добыча, отбор ( нефти, газа из коллектора), отдача ( коллектора )

marginal reservoir - истощённый пласт; малорентабельный коллектор


deposit – месторождение, (промышленная) залежь (полезных ископаемых );

отлагаться, осаждаться

explore – разведывать

drilling – бурение

extraction - добывание, извлечение

field – месторождение

production – добыча

to developразрабатывать

well - скважина

2.2. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

Oil and Gas Reserves

Oil and gas exist in the pore spaces of rock in the subsurface of the earth. How much oil or gas can be recovered from the rock is a function of rock properties, technology, and economics. Even when it is technically feasible to remove oil or gas from a specific reservoir, the costs involved in doing so may exceed the value of the oil or gas recovered at projected prices. In this case, the oil or gas is uneconomic and will not be developed.

The total amount of oil or gas in the reservoir is called original oil- or gas-in-place. For a specific reservoir, engineers estimate this amount with information about the size of the reservoir trap and properties of the rock (which can be sampled and tested). Some of the original oil and gas deposited millions of years ago has been discovered, while some remains undiscovered (the target of future exploration).

Discovered (or known) resources can be divided into proved reserves and prospective or unproved (probable and possible) resources. "Proved reserves" are the quantities of oil or gas from known reservoirs and expected to be recoverable with current technology and at current economic conditions. Prospective resources are those that may be recoverable in the future with advanced technologies or under different economic conditions.

As noted above, three factors affect the amount of oil or gas that can be recovered from a known reservoir — rock properties, technology, and economics. While the industry cannot change the properties of the rock, it can develop new techniques to remove more oil from the rock. The industry has made significant advances to enhance recovery from known reservoirs, adding to the reserves base. When prices rise, marginal reservoirs can be developed economically, adding to the reserve base.

Reserves will also grow as more oil and gas deposits are found around the world. Continental North America and much of continental Europe have already been explored heavily, and any new discoveries are likely to be small. But many areas of the globe are largely unexplored and many large new deposits are waiting to be found. Companies have experienced major success in discovering significant new oil and gas reservoirs offshore Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, off the western coast of Africa, Russia, and many areas of Asia and the Pacific. These are just a few of the current areas of growth. Most observers agree that significant deposits of oil and gas remain undiscovered in the Middle East.

The oil and gas industry uses advanced technology to aid in the search for the resources that will meet growing world energy needs. Technology advances enable more accurate drilling and extraction of a higher percentage of oil and gas from each field, extending the life of each well. Advanced technology also allows development of resources that were not previously economically viable, such as deep-sea fields, unconventional natural gas, and oil and gas in very deep reservoirs. Together, these new sources of oil and gas will replace production from existing wells as they decline, and help to assure adequate oil and gas supplies to meet world energy needs for the foreseeable future.

2.3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Where do oil and gas exist? 2. What is called original oil- or gas-in-place? 3. How do engineers estimate the amount of the original oil- or gas-in-place? 4. What types are discovered (or known) resources divided into? 5. How many factors affect the amount of oil or gas that can be recovered from a known reservoir? What are they? 6. Where have companies discovered significant oil and gas reserves? 7. What aids in the search for new oil and gas sources and development of resources that were not previously economically viable?

2.4. Translate the following words and phrases into English:

недра земли; технически осуществимо; превышать; размер ловушки; свойства породы; современная технология; в сегодняшних экономических условиях; нефть и газ, образованные миллионы лет назад; обнаруженные запасы; достоверные, доказанные запасы; возможные, вероятные запасы; передовая технология; технические достижения; стоимость; экономически выгодный; цель.

2.5. Match a word in column A with its synonym in column B:


1. reserves 1. deposits

2. to aid 2. recovery

3. known 3. amount

4. specific 4. probable

5. quantity 5. particular

6. to discover 6. resources

7. production 7.the earth

8. possible 8. to find

9. discoveries 9. to help

10. the globe 10. discovered

2.6. Make sentences using a line in A, a line in B and a line in C:




1. Some of the original oil and gas deposited millions of years ago

2. "Proved reserves"

3. The oil and gas industry

4. Prospective resources

5. Discovered resources

6.The industry

7. How much oil or gas

8. Many areas of the globe

9.Continental North America and much of continental Europe

10.Three factors

have been







the quantities of oil or gas from known reservoirs and expected to be recoverable with current technology and at current economic conditions

the amount of oil or gas

the quantities of oil or gas that may be recoverable in the future with advanced technologies or under different economic conditions.

develop new techniques to remove more oil from the rock.

explored heavily.

divided into proved reserves and unproved resources.

be recovered from the rock is a function of rock properties, technology, and economics.

advanced technology to aid in the search for the resources.

largely unexplored.

2.7. Choose the suitable word(s) in brackets. Both answers may be correct.

  1. The total amount of oil or gas in the (a. reservoir, b. reserves) is called original oil- or gas-in-place.

  2. Most observers agree that significant (a. deposits, b. wells) of oil and gas remain undiscovered in the Middle East.

  3. Even when it is technically feasible to remove oil or gas from a specific reservoir, the (a. costs, b. prices) involved in doing so may exceed the value of the oil or gas recovered at projected (c. costs, d. prices).

  4. When prices rise, marginal (a. reservoirs, b. fields) can be developed economically.

  5. New sources of oil and gas will replace (a. production, b.recovery) from existing wells as they decline, and help to assure adequate oil and gas supplies to meet world energy needs for the foreseeable future.

  6. Reserves will also grow as more oil and gas (a. deposits, b.wells) are found around the world.

  7. Oil and gas exist in the pore spaces of (a. rock, b. traps) in the subsurface of the earth.

  8. Advanced technology also allows development of deep-sea (a. properties, b. fields)

2.8. Retell the text, using the questions from exercise 3 as a plan.



3.1. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

outcrop - обнажаться, выходить на поверхность; выход ( пласта или залежи ), обнажение пород

efficiency - эффективность; продуктивность; производительность

commercial – промышленный

exploratory well – разведочная, поисковая скважина

seismic - сейсмический

grid pattern - размещение (скважин) в виде решетки, сетки

crew – бригада

formation – пласт, горная порода, геологическая формация

sound wave - звуковая волна

oil seeps – выходы нефти на поверхность

geophone – сейсмоприёмник

two-(three-)dimensional – двухмерный (трёхмерный)

2-D image -двумерное (плоское) изображение

3-D image трёхмерное (объёмное) изображение

to process – обрабатывать (данные)

to drill – бурить

seismic image - сейсмическое изображение.

3.2 Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

How does the Industry find Oil and Gas?

Through the early 1900s, finding oil and gas was largely a matter of luck. Early explorers looked for oil seeps to the surface, certain types of rock outcrops, and other surface signs that oil might exist below ground. This was a "hit or miss" process.

But science and technology quickly developed to improve the industry's ability to "see" what lies below ground. Seismic technology uses the reflection of sound waves to identify subsurface formations. A crew working on the surface sets geophones at intervals along a straight line. Then a loud noise is created at the surface. The noise moves through the ground and reflects off of underground formations. How quickly and loudly that sound is reflected to the geophones indicates what lies below ground. This process is repeated many times. Different types of formations reflect sound differently, providing a picture of the types of rocks that lie below. If the geophones are laid out in straight lines, the results are called 2-dimensional (2D) seismic. If they are in a grid pattern, the result is called 3-dimensional (3D) seismic. Reading 2D seismic images to find possible traps and reservoir rocks was as much art as science. Today, sophisticated technology and high-speed computers help geophysicists process massive amounts of seismic data. From these data, they can develop three-dimensional underground maps that significantly improve the industry's ability to locate possible oil or gas deposits. But until a well is drilled, it is impossible to know for certain whether the resource is there, whether it is oil or gas, and whether it can be recovered in commercial quantities.

Once a company identifies where the oil or gas may be located, it then begins planning to drill an exploratory well. Drilling a well is expensive; shallow offshore wells or deep onshore wells can cost more than U.S.$10 million each to drill. In deep water offshore, or in remote areas such as the Arctic, wells can cost substantially more. Companies must analyze all of the available information in determining whether, and where, to drill an exploration well.

Even with the best technology, drilling a well does not always mean that oil or gas will be found. If oil or gas is not found in commercial quantities, the well is called a dry hole; it will be plugged with cement. Sometimes, the well encounters oil or gas, but the reservoir is determined to be unlikely to produce in commercial quantities.

New and better technology has made it possible for the industry to continue finding oil and gas with fewer wells, less waste, less surface disturbance, and greater efficiency.

3.3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. How did early explorers find oil and gas? 2. What is seismic technology? 3. What results do geophysicists get if the geophones are laid out in straight lines? 4. How can geophysicists develop three-dimensional underground maps? 5. When does a company begin planning to drill an exploratory well? 6. Is drilling a well expensive? How much does it cost to drill a well? 7. What is a dry hole? 8. What has enabled the industry to find oil and gas with fewer wells, less waste, less surface disturbance, and greater efficiency?

3.2 Translate the following words and phrases into English:

определённые типы обнажения пород; распознать подземные пласты; установить сейсмоприёмники; отражать; расположены вдоль прямых линий; расположены в форме решётки, сетки; сложная технология; обрабатывать большие объёмы сейсмических данных; обнаружить возможные залежи нефти и газа; в промышленных количествах; бурить разведочную скважину; морская скважина; определить; потеря, убыток; устанавливать цементную пробку.

3.5 Match a verb in A with a word combination in B to make a phrase:


1. to analyze 1. subsurface formations

2. to develop 2. sound

3. to provide 3. massive amounts of seismic data

4. to drill 4. possible oil or gas deposits

5. to locate 5. all of the available information

6. to process 6. three-dimensional underground maps

7. to read 7. a picture of the types of rocks

8. to reflect 8. an exploratory well

9. to produce 9. 2D seismic images to find possible traps

10. to identify 10. in commercial quantities

3.6. Complete the sentences using information from the text:

  1. At the beginning of the 20th century finding oil and gas was largely…

  2. Early explorers looked for…

  3. Seismic technology uses…

  4. A crew working on the surface sets ...

  5. The noise reflects off...

  6. If the geophones are laid out in straight lines, the results are …

  7. If the geophones are in a grid pattern, the result is…

  8. Today, sophisticated technology and high-speed computers help geophysicists…

  9. Once a company identifies where the oil or gas may be located, it then begins planning…

  10. Shallow offshore wells or deep onshore wells can cost…

  11. Sometimes, the well encounters oil or gas, but the reservoir is determined to be….

  12. Companies must analyze all of the available information in…

3.7. Retell the text, using the plan:

  1. Finding oil and gas through the early 1900s

  2. Seismic technology

  3. Drilling an exploration well

  4. Dry holes

  5. Technology advances in finding oil and gas


    1. Remember the meaning of the following words:

depth - глубина

vegetable remains – растительные остатки

hydrocarbon - углеводород

complexity - сложность

infinite - бесконечный

distinguish - различать

property - свойство

chain - цепь

series – цепь, ряд

determine - определять

mercury - ртуть

ceresine - церезин

sulphur -сера

nitrogen - азот

embrace - охватывать

restrict - ограничивать

crude oil – сырая нефть

wax - воск

solution - раствор

release – (зд.)понижение

refining – переработка (нефти)

recover - добывать

gas cap – газовая шапка

smell=odour - запах

quantity - количество

impurity - примесь

specific gravity – удельный вес

dissolve - растворяться

rainbow film - радужная пленка

combustible - горючий

4.2. Read and translate the text using a dictionary:

What is Oil?

All over the world, at various depths beneath land and sea, there are accumulations of hydrocarbons formed long ago by decomposition of animal and vegetable remains. Hydrocarbons are compounds of hydrogen (11-14%) and carbon (84-86%) that, at normal temperatures and pressure, may be gaseous, liquid or solid according to the complexity of their molecules. There is an infinite number of hydrocarbons; they are all distinguished by their internal structure, carbon-hydrogen proportion and, therefore, by their chemical and physical properties.

The oil of most oil fields consists of methane and saturated hydrocarbons. The molecules of methane hydrocarbons are a chain of series-connected atoms of carbon with atoms of hydrogen added. Their structure is determined by the formula CnH2n+2, where n shows the number of atoms in a molecule beginning with one.

Hydrocarbons with a small number of carbon atoms from CH4 to C4H10 are gases under standard conditions (a pressure of 760 mm of mercury and a temperature of +20 degrees Centigrade). Heavier hydrocarbons, from C5H12 to C16H34, are liquids under these conditions. Methane hydrocarbons with a still greater content are solids called paraffines and ceresines.

Oil also has a small quantities of organic substances containing sulphur – hydrosulphuric compounds, oxygen – asphaltic and tarry compounds and nitrogen.

In its widest sense “petroleum” embraces all hydrocarbons occurring naturally in the earth. In its narrower, commercial sense, “petroleum” is usually restricted to the liquid deposits – crude oil, the gaseous ones being known as “natural gas” and the solid ones as “bitumen”, “asphalt” or “wax” according to their composition.

Most crude oils, although liquid as such, contain gaseous and solid hydrocarbons in solution. The gases come out of solution either on the release of pressure as the crude oil is produced or during the first stages of refining, and contribute to the total gas production. Some of the solids are recovered during refining as bitumen and wax, some stay in solution in the liquid oil products. Natural gas is also found associated with crude oil as a gas cap above the oil or on its own, unassociated with oil.

Petroleum is a substance with a characteristic smell. The odour of petroleum depends on the nature, composition and quantity of hydrocarbons and different impurities. Its colour varies from light brown to dark brown, nearly black. Specific gravity of oil determines its colour. The heavier the oil the darker is the colour. Oil is much lighter than water. It doesn’t dissolve in water and forms a thin rainbow film on its surface. All sorts of oil are combustible.

4.3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What are hydrocarbons? 2. How were they formed? 3. How are hydrocarbons distinguished? 4. What formula determines the structure of methane hydrocarbons? 5. What do we usually mean by the word “petroleum”? 6. Do most oils contain gaseous or solid hydrocarbons in solution? 7. When do gases come out of solution? 8. What happens during the first stages of refining? 9. What is called a gas cap? 10. What does the odour of petroleum depend on? 11. What determines its colour? 12. What is the dependence of the colour of oil on its specific gravity? 13. Is water lighter or heavier than oil?

14. Are all sorts of oil combustible?

4.4. Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations from the


во всем мире, разложение животных остатков, при обычной температуре, в зависимости от сложности, соответственно, как таковые, в самом широком смысле, в более узком смысле слова, во время добычи сырой нефти, способствуют, оставаться в растворе, попутно с сырой нефтью, сам по себе, чем тяжелее.

4.5. Match the words in the left column (A) with their equivalents on the right



1) stage 2) various 3) beneath 1) limit 2) ordinarily 3) discover

4) normal 5) liquid 6) sense 4) part 5) produce 6) different

7) proportion 8) embrace 9) restrict 7) over 8) decrease 9) meaning

10) above 11) find 12) manufacture 10) fluid 11) cover 12) below

13) usually 14) release 13) step 14) common

4.6. Match the words in the left column (A) with their opposites on the right (B):


1) various 2) wide 3) complexity 1) artificially 2) absent 3) light

4) most 5) present 6) naturally 4) external 5) finite 6) last

7) first 8) internal 9) heavy 7) narrow 8) least 9) decompo-

10) infinite 11) composition sition 10) simplicity 11)the same

4.7. State whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F):

1. Hydrocarbons formed long ago by composition of an animal and vegetable

remains at a definite depth beneath land and sea.

2. Hydrocarbons never occur naturally in the earth.

3. Most crude oils contain gaseous and solid hydrocarbons.

4. Bitumen and wax form separate deposits.

5. Natural gas forms separate deposits or is associated with crude oil.

6. The colour of petroleum determined by its specific gravity varies.

4.8. Complete the sentences in column A choosing the proper ending from column B:


1) Hydrocarbons are compounds of …. 1) solution

2) Most crude oils contain … 2) water

3) Some of the solids are recovered during… 3) crude oil

4) The gases come out of …. 4) gaseous and solid hyd-

5) Gas cap is formed above … rocarbons in solution

6) Petroleum doesn’t dissolve in… 5) hydrogen and carbon

6) refining

4.9.Retell the text using the following word combinations as a plan:

Accumulation of hydrocarbons, various composition, infinite number, natural deposits, to consist of, small quantities, to contain in solution, to recover during refining, to find associated with crude oil, the odour of oil, the colour of oil, lighter than, combustible.


5.1. Remember the meaning of the following words:

origin - происхождение

migration – движение нефти через породы

accumulation – залежь, скопление

exist - существовать

decomposition – разрушение

marine - морской

mud - грязь

silt - ил

constituent – составная часть

derive from – происходить от

shallow - мелкий

settle - осаждаться

decay -разложение

content - содержание

source beds – нефтематеринская порода

transform – преобразовывать

overburden – наносы, покров

associated water – попутная вода (добываемая вместе с нефтью)

squeeze out - выдавливать

adjoining – смежный

layer = bed = formation – пласт, слой

permeable - проницаемый

pore - пора

fracture = crack – разлом, трещина

evidence – признак, доказательство

evaporate – испаряться,

subsoil – подземный

impervious - непроницаемый

trap – улавливать (о жидкости); ловушка

capacity – вместимость

interstices - пустоты

reservoir rock – коллекторская порода

seal = cap rock – покрывающая порода

seep - просачиваться

5.2. Read and translate the text using a dictionary:

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