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1) stubborn - упрямый

2) arrogant - надменный

3) a special friends - лучший друг

4) well-built - крепкий, хорошо сложенный

5) to be on a diet - сидеть на диете

6) to take after - унаследовать от •

7) stern - суровый

8) complexion - цвет лица

9) forehead – лоб

10) bulging eyes - глаза навыкате

11) prying eyes - любопытные глаза

12) aquiline - орлиный

13) auburn - темно-рыжий

14) to give a touch - затронуть, коснуться (в беседе)

15) sociable - общительный

16) easy-going - легкий в общении

17) to be keen on - увлекаться

18) to be life and soul - быть душой

Текст № 11.


An engineer is one of the most ancient1 professions. From the old ages humanity2 tries to make its life easy. For example people invented3 a mill, because they did not want to grind4 grain5 by hands. This people were ancient engineers. So the contribution6 of engineers to improving7 of our life is hard to exaggerate8.

In our time science and technique develop by great temps and this progress can not be stopped. Mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics, mathematics, genetics, robot building - all this and other sciences help us make our life more comfort.

On this conditions development and modernization engineer's profession become not only important, but required9. An engineer makes investigations10, improvements and control. An engineer must know market for the results of his activity were maximum good11 in each field of his work. An engineer must learn market, before he makes investigations and offer new methods. On this aspect he looks like on economist. This is needed for his work to be useful and it has demand12. Let's take, for example, such field as robot building. This branch of industry develops especially with high temps in our times, trying to automate different production processes more as it can. An engineer of automation is among those who is in this field. His task is to decide problems with minimum expenses13 and with maximum results.

Besides learning of market can help in installation14 of new technology in production more successfully.

For example, when first automobiles have been produced, people hadn't trust15 new kind of transporting. But soon automobiles became popular and demand on them began to grow, and it is growing in our time too. This has obliged16 to develop the technology of their building. And so many years later automotive conveyer substituted17 hard work, robots work instead of people, and each of them make it's own function.

For example, let's take the development of computer techniques. A man always wanted to make his work easier on complex calculations. The steps of improving of calculations are abacus18, calculator and computer. Computer can make millions of operations to second but a man can't. And engineers invented a computer. So an engineer depends on market, and market depends on an engineer. That is why the profession of an engineer valuable19 in the modern world.


1) ancient-древний

2) humanity-человечество

3) to invent-изобретать

4) to grind-молоть, измельчать

5) grain-зерно

6) the contribution-вклад

7) to improve-улучшать

8) to exaggerate-преувеличивать

9) to require-требовать

10) to make investigations-делать исследование

11) An engineer must know market for the results of his activity were maximum good – Инженер должен знать рынок, чтобы результаты его деятельности были предельно хорошими

12) to have demand-быть востребованным

13) minimum expenses-минимальные затраты

14) installation-внедрение

15) trust-доверять

16) to oblige-обязывать

17) to substitute-заменять

18) abacus-счеты

19) is valuable-быть ценным

Текст № 12.