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Министерство образования Российской Федерации Ярославский государственный университет им. П.Г. Демидова Кафедра иностранных языков

Методические указания по развитию навыков устного высказывания

по специальности

для студентов юридического факультета

Ярославль 1999

ББК Ш143.21я73 Ч93

Составитель Е.А. Чурина

Методические указания по развитию навыков устного высказывания по специальности (англ. яз.) / Сост. Е.А. Чурина; Яросл. гос. ун-т. Ярославль, 1999. 28 с.

Данные методические указания могут служить в качестве материала по развитию навыков устного высказывания на материале текстов, которые имеют профессиональную направленность. Тексты сопровождаются заданиями на активизацию тематического словаря и заданиями, стимулирующими самостоятельное высказывание по теме.

Предназначены для студентов 1 – 2-го курсов юридического факультета.

Рецензент: кафедра иностранных языков Ярославского государственного университета.

©Ярославский государственный университет, 1999

©Е.А. Чурина, 1999

Методические указания по развитию навыков устного высказывания

по специальности (англ. яз.)

Составитель Чурина Елена Андреевна

Редактор, корректор А.А. Антонова Компьютерная верстка И.Н. Ивановой

Лицензия ЛР № 020319 от 30.12.96.

Подписано в печать 27.07.99. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага тип. Усл. печ. л. 1,6. Уч.-изд. л. 1,4. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ

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ООО "Рио-Гранд". Ярославль, ул. Чкалова, 2.


Text 1. The Department of Law

The Department of Law is one of the nine departments of the Yaroslavl State University with a current enrollment of more than 5000 students. The faculty educates students for Russian Law offices.

The teaching staff of the department is academicaly strong and teaching is maintained at a high level . There are about 30 members of the staff. 19 of whom are professors and assistant professors.

All educational, methodical and scientific research work is conducted and guided by the chairs of the department. They are: the chair of the History and the Theory of State and Law? The Chair of Civil Law and Procedure and the Chair of Criminal Law and Procedure. A professor or an assistant professor holds each of them.

Selection of staff and students, scheduling of classes, distribution of grants are the tasks of the Dean’s Office.

The course of study at the department is five years. Serious attention is given to socio-political and aesthetic subjects as well as physical training. They include political economy, philosophy and foreign languages. Besides, law students study many special subjects as well. Among them: Labour Law, covering the legal rules that regulate labour relations; Criminal Low which examines crime and treatment of criminals; Criminology which deals with crime and its various aspects and studies the types of aims and the types of people who commit crimes. Knowledge of all these laws will enable those studying them to understand the role of Russian laws, to intensify the struggle against crime and breaches of law.

Though the curriculum is very intense, the students are left time for private study. In the course of their study at the faculty students concentrate on the subjects in which they are going to major. They also have an opportunity to devote themselves to the special study of different subjects by which they are greatly attracted in the scientific groups. All students of the department are members of the Students Scientific Society.

The undergraduates of the department gain practical experience in their field practicing as lawyers at procurator’s offices and courts.

Therefore the whole course of study is aimed at preparing highly qualified specialists prossessing a wide range of knowledge. The course is concluded by presentation of a thesis requiring independent research. In addition, students must pass state examinations to earn their diploma. All graduates get jobs in their fields, personal desires and inclinations being taken into account.


The graduates who show the greatest ability are invited to enter postgraduate courses.

The social life of the department includes a large number of students societies and clubs. Some of these societies have an athletic purpose, others are concerned with topics of professional or cultural interest such as politics, drama, music and so on.

Exercises to the text

1. Learn the words and expressions:

legal rules

правовые нормы

to regulate labour relations

регулировать трудовые отношения



to commit crimes

совершать преступления


воздействие (режим)

to deat (dealt, dealt) with smth

иметь дело с чем-то

struggle against smth.

борьба против чего-то

breaches of law


to gain practical experience

приобретать практический опыт

procurator’s office




2. Make up correct combinations out of the following and translate:

1) labour - enrollment

2) to commit - specialists

current - research

to enter - the struggle

scientific - staff

to intensify - the post-graduate courses

practical - groups

to regulate - attention

independent - experience

to give - crime

teaching - relations


3.Translate the following word-combinations: educational; methodical and scientific research work; to cover the legal rules; to study the types of aims and the types of people; to enable those who; to study the laws; in the course of study; to be going to major; to have an opportunity; to gain practical experience; to take into account personal desires and inclinations; to be concerned with; private study; scheduling of classes.

4.Find in the text the equivalents of the following: текущая числен-

ность; преподавательский состав; научно-исследовательская работа; усилить борьбу против; проходить практику в качестве юристов; обладать широким кругом знаний; сосредоточиться на предметах; проявлять особые способности; поступить в аспирантуру; учебный план; самостоятельное исследование.

5.Find the answers in the text.

1.What is the current enrollment of the Department of Law?

2.What does it educate students for?


3.What can you say about the teaching staff of the Department?

4.How many chairs are there at the Department? What are they?

5.What are the tasks of the Dean’s Office?

6.How long does the course of study last?

7.What can you say about the subjects studied by the students of the Department?

8.What branches of law do they study?

9.What does the knowledge of all the laws help students to understand?

10.The curriculum is very intense at the Department, isn’t it?

11.What opportunities do students have at the Department of Law?

12.In what way do the undergraduates of the Department gain practical experience in their field?

13.What is the whole course of study aimed at?

14.How is the course of study concluded?

15.What do graduates get after earning their diploma?

16.What students are invited to enter the post-graduate courses?

17.What can you say about the social life of the Department?

6.Finish the following sentences using the text.

1.All educational, methodical and scientific research work is conducted and guided by...

2.The course of study at the department lasts...

3.Criminal Law examines...

4.Criminology studies the types of aims and the types of people who...

5.Knowledge of all the branches of laws helps to intensify...

6.At the scientific groups the students study different subjects by which they..

7.Practicing as Lawyers at different law offices the undergraduates of the department gain...

8.The course of study is concluded by...

9.The diploma thesis requires...

10.Personal desires and inclinations are taken into account when the graduates of the department...

11.Some of the students societies and clubs are concerned with...

12.Those graduates who have the greatest ability enter...

7.Correct the following wrong statements. Use the phrases: “You are

wrong” or “I can’t agree with you” and “As far as I know...” or “According to the text...”.

1.The current enrollment of the Department of Law is about 500 students.

2.The department educates students for industrial enterprises.

3.There are four chairs at the department.

4.Distribution of grants, scheduling of classes are the tasks of the chairs.


5.The course of study at the department is four years.

6.Special subjects include political economy and philosophy.

7.Labour Law examines crime and treatment of criminals.

8.Law students have no time for private study because the curriculum is very intense.

9.The course of study is concluded by state examinations.

10.All graduates are invited to enter post-graduate cources.

8.Be ready to speak on the topic. Use the questions as a plan.

Text 2. US Government

The form of the Government of the USA is based on the Constitution of the 17th September 1787, to which 27 amendments were added within the period of 1791-1992. Ten amendments added collectively were called “The Bill of Rights”. By the Constitution the Government of the nation is composed of three coordinate branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial.

The executive power is vested in a president, who holds office for four years, and is elected together with a vice-president chosen for the same period, by electors from each state. The president may be re-elected and serve eight years altogether but no longer than that. The President must be a nativeborn citizen, resident in the country for 14 years and at least 35 years old. The presidential elections are held every fourth year on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The president is assisted by the Cabinet which consists of the following: Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Attorney-General, Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labour and Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare.

The legislative power is vested by the Constitution in a Congress, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate consists of two members from each state, chosen for six years, one-third retiring or seeking re-election every two years. House of Representatives consists of 437 members elected every second year. They all finish their terms of office at the same time so that the House is elected every other year. There is no limit to the number of times a senator or representative may be re-elected. The number of each state’s representatives depends on the number of people in this particular state.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country and the head of the judicial branch. It has one chief justice and eight associate justices. The President appoints these men for life, but his choice must be approved by the Senate. There are about 90 district courts in different parts of the United States.


Each state has a Constitution, patterned after the national Constitution. The head of each state is the governor; the state legislatures are in charge of the legislative work; and the state courts take care of judicial business. The governor is chosen by direct vote of the people. His term of office varies from 2 to 4 years.

Exercises to the text

1. Learn the words and expressions:

to add amendment

вносить поправки







to vest


to hold (held, held) office

занимать должность

to elect


to hold (held, held) elections

проводить выборы



to appoint


to approve





законодательный орган

2. Make up correct combinations out of the following and translate:

1) legislative - elections

2) to approve - elections

judicial - court

to chose - amendments

direct - power

to add - a governor

presidential - branch

to hold - one’s choice

direct - vote


3.Translate the following word-combinations: to add amendments collectively; co-ordinate branches; to vest the power; the same period; secretary of treasury; a native-born citizen; for life; to be in charge of; Secretary of State; Secretary of Treasury; to seek re-election.

4.Find in the text the equivalents of the following: по конституции;

выборщики; находиться в должности 8 лет подряд; генеральный прокурор; уходить в отставку; срок полномочий; одновременно; отвечать за судебную работу; председатель суда; члены суда; прямое голосование; одобрить чей-то выбор.

5.Find the answers in the text.

1.When was the US Constitution adopted?

2.What is “the Bill of Rights”?

3.What branches is the US Government composed of?

4.What can you say about the executive power?

5.For what period is a president elected?


6.What person may become a president?

7.When do elections take place?

8.What does the Cabinet consist of?

9.What are the Senate and House of Representatives?

10.How many members are there in the Senate and House of Representatives?

11.How many times may a senator or a representative be re-elected?

12.What is the Supreme Court of the US?

13.What can you say about its composition?

14.Whom are its members appointed by?

15.What other courts are there in the US?

16.What can you say about the government of each state?

6.Finish the following sentences using the text.

1.The Constitution of the USA was adopted in...

2.The Bill of Rights is...

3.The USA President hold office no longer than...

4.The President must be...

5.The Presidential elections are held...

6.The Congress consist of...

7.The number of times a senator or representative may be re-elected is not...

8.The head of the judicial branch is...

9.The Supreme Court is composed of...

10.The governor is chosen by...

11.The state legislatures are in charge of...

7.Correct the following wrong statements. Use the phrases: “You are

wrong” or “I can’t agree with you” and “As far as I know...” or “According to the text...”.

1.Ten amendments were added to the Constitution of the US within the period of 1791 - 1992.

2.The US president may serve four years altogether and no longer than that.

3.The legislative power is vested by the Constitution in a Cabinet consisting of different secretaries.

4.A senator or representative may be re-elected only once.

5.Justices of the Supreme Court are appointed by the senate.

6.The governor of the state is in charge of the legislative work.

7.The governor of the state is elected by people for life.

8.Be ready to speak on the topic. Use the questions as a plan.


Text 3. Political System of Great Britain

The United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary monarchy. It means that there are two rulers in the country - a sovereign (Queen at present) and Parliament. The executive power belongs to the Sovereign. But in fact, it is entrusted to the Cabinet of Ministers.

The legislative power belongs to the Parliament consisting of two houses - the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The seats in the House of Lords are hereditary. Sometimes the members of the House of Lords are appointed by the Queen. The members to the House of Commons are elected every five years from the rival candidates to the main parties of Britain - Labour, Conservative and Liberal. The party which obtains the majority of seats in the House forms the Government, and the others are called the Opposition. The Queen calls the leader of the party to become Prime Minister and form a Cabinet of Ministers. There are 800 peers in the House of Lords and about 630 members in the House of Commons.

Nowadays the ruling party in Great Britain is the Labour Party with its leader Anthony Blair as the Prime Minister.

If the Government is defeated in the House of Commons on a major issue, it must resign or call the Sovereign to dissolve Parliament and hold a new election.

Any M.P. may introduce a bill to the Parliament. After passing three readings in the House of Commons the Bill is sent to the House of Lords and then it is put before the Queen. After receiving the royal assent it becomes an Act of Parliament. The Bill originating in the House of Commons may become an Act of Parliament even if Lords oppose it.


Exercises to the text

1. Learn the words and expressions:

to rule








to empower




to appoint


to elect


to defeat

наносить поражение


спорный вопрос

to introduce a bill

представить на рассмотрение законопроект



2. Make up correct combinations out of the following and translate:

to obtain – elections

to appoint - the power


to entrust – members

to hold - a bill

to introduce - seats


3.Translate the following word-combinations: рarliamentary monarchy; two rulers; to consist of; rival candidates; to obtain the majority of seats; to defeat the Government; the royal assent; to oppose the bill; to dissolve Parliament.

4.Find in the text the equivalents of the following: два правителя;

фактически; вверить кабинету министров; наследственные места; выбирать из; правящая партия; по главному спорному вопросу; пройти три чтения; представить перед; стать актом парламента.

5.Find the answers in the text.

1.What kind of political system is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

2.Whom does the executive power belong to?

3.Whom does the legislative power belong to?

4.What houses does the Parliament consist of?

5.In what House are the seat hereditary? Who sometimes appoints the members of the House?

6.How often are the members of the House of Commons reelected?

7.What party forms the Government and the Opposition?

8.What rival parties are there in Great Britain?

9.How is the leader of the Government called?

10.What happens to the Government if it is defeated on a major issue?

11.What is the ruling party today?

12.Who may introduce a bill to the Parliament?

13.How many readings does it usually pass?

14.When does it become an Act of Parliament?

6.Finish the following sentences using the text.

1.The legislative power in Great Britain belongs to...

2.A sovereign and Parliament are two...

3.The British Parliament consist of...

4.Sometimes the Queen appoints the members of...

5.The main parties of Britain are..

6.The members of the House of Commons are elected every...

7.The leader of the ruling party becomes...

8.Parliament may be dissolved and a new election held if the Government..

9.A bill to the Parliament may be introduced by...

10.A bill passes three readings in...

11.A bill becomes an Act of Parliament after...