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Exercise 4: Translate into English paying attention to the tense-forms of the predicate.

1. Сейчас у нас урок английского языка. Преподаватель стоит у доски и объясняет новый грамматический материал. Студенты внимательно слушают и записывают. 2. Где вы были вчера после обеда? Я был дома весь день. Я писал письмо другу. 3. Что ты делал 5 минут назад? 4. На нашей улице произошел несчастный случай. Я смотрел в окно, когда он произошел. 5. Что будет делать твоя сестра в 8 часов вечера? Она будет выполнять домашнее задание? 6. Какие вопросы будут обсуждаться сегодня на собрании? – Приходите в 12 часов. Будет обсуждаться очень интересный вопрос.7. Когда мы приехали в город, там строился новый спортклуб.

Text B. Read and translate the text without a dictionary:

The First Stations

In 1916 an amateur operator and engineer for Westinghouse Electric began broadcasting programs from his garage on amateur station 8XK in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. The broadcasts were enthusiastically received by other Radio amateurs who liked hearing wireless music. The broadcasts resulted in a newspaper article which generated such interest, that Westinghouse decided to build a station for the purpose of broadcasting. The station, KDKA, was rushed to launch its first broadcast for the election returns of the Harding-Cox presidential race. It was the first programming to reach a sizable audience (perhaps 1,000 persons mainly ham and amateur Radio operators). The returns were read by Leo Rosenberg, who later claimed to be the first professional Radio announcer. KDKA also hired the first fulltime announcer Harold W. Arlin, who became the first sportscaster to do play-by- play football. The newspapers (2,000 across the country) having not yet realized that they were promoting a competitor, were so enamored with the medium that they printed daily broadcast schedules. KDKA broadcast the first remote, the first religious service, the first broadcast from a theater, and the first prizefight, all in 1921.


The first commercial was claimed to be sent out over WEAF in New York City in 1922, however that is disputed because in KDKAs initial broadcasts announcers mentioned a record store in exchange for records to play on the air, as did KQW announcers in San Jose, California. (It's interesting to note that Westinghouse, which owned KDKA, was founded by George Westinghouse, the first owner of an electric company to employ the principles of alternating current. These principles were obtained through a relationship with Nikola Tesla who held the patent, and also had the patent on wireless transmission.)

But was KDKA the first station? Though its November 2, 1920 debut is considered the official start of Radio broadcasting, others were doing the same prior to KDKA. Earlier that same year, in Detroit, WWJ using call letters 8MK began regular broadcasts. And much earlier, in 1912, Charles David Herrold began regular, continuous broadcasts of music and information in San Jose. The amateur station was well-known around the Bay area. It eventually became KQW and then KCBS.

In 1913 the physics department at Iowa State University began wireless demonstrations and is documented by a newspaper article to have done one such demonstration at the Iowa State Fair in 1915. It became station 9YI and later WOI. With groundwork dating back to 1904, the University of Wisconsin in Madison experimented with voice and music transmission in 1917. Their calls were 9XM, and later WHA.

Exercise 1: Put five questions to the text.

Exercise 2: Divide the text into logical parts. State the subject of each part and entitle it:

Exercise 3. Translate the given words into Russian paying attention to the suffixes:

1.SHIP - friendship, leadership, membership

2.AGE - carriage, marriage, passage,

3.ISM - capitalism, heroism, socialism


4.ANT - assistant, consultant,

5.ENCE - conference, difference, science

6.URE - agriculture, picture, culture, nature

7.ING - building, meeting, reading, saying, understanding

8.DOM - freedom, kingdom, wisdom

9.SION/SSION - decision, precision, session, discussion, impression

10.NESS - darkness, illness, happiness

Exercise 4. Say the following numbers in English:

a) 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 22,

23, 28, 51, 69, 80, 326, 1005, 530 435, 3 857 925, 8 274 597 330, 12 545 600 208.

b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 15, 23, 37,

52, 85, 149, 207, 1008, 2 000 325.

Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1) Два миллиарда тонн, 2) триста восемьдесят пять страниц, 3) миллионы книг, 4) одна четвертая территории, 5) двадцать первое декабря 1991 года, 6) двенадцатое марта 1800 года, 7) три пятых пути, 8) ноль целых двадцать пять сотых, 9) четыре целых одна треть, 10) двадцать пять целых пять шестых, 11) одиннадцать целых сто восемь тысячных, 12) 7 часов ровно, 13) без четверти семь, 14) половина десятого, 15) десять минут десятого.