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16.Заполните пропуски (a, some, или any).

Complete the five air travel conversations. Use a, some, or any.

a.Check-in clerk: Have you got any luggage to check in?

Passenger: Yes. There’s…… case and …….. sports bag.

b.Flight attendant : Would you like….newspaper to read?

Passenger: It’s all right, thanks. I’ve got….magazines.

с.Passenger: I’d like to buy….perfume, but I haven’t got….

cash. Can you take…….credit card?

Flight attendant : Certainly. No problem at all.

d.Flight attendant : Would you like …… drink from the bar?

Passenger: Could I just have ……water, please?

e.Flight attendant : Cream and sugar with your coffee, madam?

Passenger: …. cream, please, but I don’t need…..sugar.

17.Выберите правильный вариант.

Underline the correct alternative.

1.Did you have a good weather/good weather in Australia?

2.Sydney has ‘a wonderful climate/wonderful climate.

3.This computer is using a new program/new program.

4.That computer has an expensive software/expensive software.

5.The airline lost all my luggage/luggages on the flight to New York.

6.They sent some of my bag/bags to Chicago.

7.The tourist guide has information/informations about interesting things to see.

8.The magazine gives advice/advices about the best cars to buy.

9.The fashion business is often a hard work/hard work.

10.It’s a difficult job/difficult job.

18.Заполните диалог much, many, и a lot of.

Ann telephoned Martyn after a business trip to America. Complete the telephone conversation. Use much, many, or a lot of.

Ann Martyn? It’s Ann here.

Martyn Oh, hi, Ann. Welcome back. How are you feeling?

Ann Tired. I didn’t get much sleep on the plane.

Martyn Did you meet…. useful contacts?

Ann Yes, I did. I didn’t make ….sales, but I met…. people.

Martyn Was there….. interest in our services?

Ann Yes, there was. They wanted…. information.

Martyn Great! Are you free for a meeting this afternoon?

Ann How….. time do we need?

Martyn Oh, about three hours. There are…… things to discuss.

Ann Today’s very busy. I’ve got….. letters to write.

Martyn OK, how about tomorrow morning?

Ann Yes, that’s fine. I haven’t got…….other work tomorrow.

Mass and Count nouns: general and specific meaning

19.Заполните пропуски в парах предложений, обращая внимание на значение существительных.

Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the singular or plural form of the nouns in the box.









1.James writes about wine.

The wines from this region are often excellent.

2.The …..in the Well-being program help to reduce tiredness.

………keeps you healthy.

3.She has….. of a variety of jobs.

The flight to New York was an…….. he never forgot.

4.How much…… does it take to drive to Naples? How many…. did you check the figures?

5.Something’s wrong with the car. There are strange…… coming from

the engine.

………..is sometimes a problem in large, crowded offices.

6.Could I have a…… of water, please?

I broke a window this morning. There was…… everywhere!

7.Fatty….. , like cheese and butter, are bad for the heart.

That cafe serves hot…… all day.

8.The manager is away on…… this week.

Small …..are making better profits this year.