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Memorial MGU.doc
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B) The un Security Council did not obligate the eni Member States to terminate oud after March 1, 2011

By “call[ing] upon the ENI Member States to end the Operation”107UNSC did not affect the legality of OUD after March 1, 2011. The obligation of the UN Member States to carry out the decisions of UNSC108does not extend to resolutions which, as the March 1 Resolution, are intended by UNSC to be merely a recommendation.109Firstly, the fact that UNSC does not refer to Chapter VII or Art.39 of the UN Charter in the March 1 Resolution isper sestrong evidence as to its non-binding character.110Secondly, the use of the term “call upon” instead of stronger terms such as “demand” or “decide” further suggests, in the light of the practice of UNSC,111that UNSC did not exercise its power to adopt a binding decision with respect to OUD. So long as no obligation to terminate the Operation was imposed, Rantania legitimately continued the air strikes after March 1, 2011.

III. Since the exercise of jurisdiction by Rantanian courts in theTurbandocase was consistent with international law, Rantanian officials may execute the judgment in that case

A. Rantania exercised jurisdiction in theTurbandocase in accordance with international law

The assertions of the Applicant as to the illegality of exercise of jurisdiction by Rantanian courts112are without merit. Firstly, the waiver clause in Art. XV of the 1965 Treaty113did not preclude the exercise of jurisdiction(1). Secondly, Rantania did not encroach on immunity of Aprophe(2).

1) The waiver clause in 1965 Treaty did not preclude the exercise of jurisdiction by Rantanian courts in theTurbandocase a) The waiver clause is void as conflicting with ajus cogensnorm

It is a basic principle of the law of treaties that a treaty conflicting with a peremptory norm of international law is void.114The waiver clause effectively contradicts thejus cogensprohibition of forced labor and thus has no legal force.

The prohibition of forced labor is indeed of jus cogens status, because forced labor is a modern form of slavery115while the norm outlawing slavery has been consistently recognized as ajus cogensnorm.116The opinion of the International Labour Organization supports the conclusion that there exists a “peremptory norm prohibiting any recourse to forced labour”.117

Since a right is meaningless without a remedy (ubi jus ibi remedium), denial of any possibility of redress to victims ofjus cogensbreaches effectively deprives peremptory norms of their “intransgressible”118character.119Accordingly, the waiver clause, insofar as it denies an effective remedy to victims of forced labor, is in conflict with thejus cogensrule and is therefore void.

B) Alternatively, the waiver clause is inapplicable since it is incompatible with the provisions of the subsequent treaties to which both Aprophe and Rantania are parties

The waiver clause is inapplicable under the well-established principle lex posteriori derogat lex priori.120This rule applies even where the subject-matter of the treaties is not identical.121

At the time when the Turbandocase was decided both Aprophe and Rantania were parties to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights122(“ICCPR”)123and the Eastern Nations Charter.124The waiver clause is incompatible with a number of provisions of ICCPR125and the Eastern Nations Charter,126and thus does not apply.

Aprophe may claim that it was unlawfully subjected to the jurisdiction of the ENI Court127which determined that the application of the waiver clause amounted to a denial of justice.128However, the Court merely interpreted the Charter and did not decide upon the rights and obligations of Aprophe. In any event, the fact that Rantania followed the ENI Court’s decision did not constitute a wrong against Aprophe because exercise of jurisdiction was conditional upon entitlement or otherwise of Aprophe to sovereign immunity.

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