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Книги по МРТ КТ на английском языке / MRI for Orthopaedic Surgeons Khanna ed 2010

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360 V Special Considerations


Fig. 14.8 Axial (A) and sagittal (B) FSE images after a left patellar dislocation in a 15-year-old boy show an osteochondral fracture of the medial facet (arrow). This injury can be distinguished from an isolated chondral shear injury because there is a displaced osteochondral fragment (arrowhead) with the presence of high signal intensity bone

MRI to an invasive procedure.32–34 Mintz et al.35 evaluated 92 patients with noncontrast imaging before hip arthroscopy and concluded that an optimized protocol can identify labral and chondral abnormalities. The authors’ protocol includes a screening examination of the whole pelvis, acquired with the use of coronal inversion recovery and axial proton-density sequences. This procedure is followed by the use of a surface coil over the hip joint, with high-resolution, cartilage-sensitive images acquired in three planes (sagittal, coronal, and oblique axial) with the use of an FSE pulse sequence and intermediate TE.

Acute isolated traumatic articular surface injuries most commonly occur from impact loading across the hip joint. The type and degree of injury vary depending on the amount and direction of the impact load. A posteriorly directed force can lead to hip subluxation, in which the femoral head is forced against the labrum and rim of the posterior wall. This subluxation can lead to shear injuries at the level of the articular cartilage and associated fractures of the subchondral bone (Fig. 14.10). Moorman et al.36 described the pathognomonic MRI triad of posterior acetabular lip fracture, hemarthrosis, and iliofemoral ligament disruption. In addition, MRI is useful for monitoring for the detection of subsequent osteonecrosis that can help determine whether an athlete may return to play.

The concept of femoroacetabular impingement as a source of anterosuperior chondral and labral damage was introduced by Ganz et al.37 Abnormal contact between the

marrow, a low signal intensity subchondral plate, and intermediate signal intensity cartilage in the displaced fragment. (From Potter HG, Foo LF. Articular cartilage. In: Stoller D, ed. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007:1099–1130. Reprinted by permission.)

femoral head–neck junction and the anterior acetabulum during terminal hip flexion leads to a reproducible pattern of anterosuperior labral and chondral injury. Based on anatomic features, they classified femoroacetabular impingement into two distinct entities: cam and pincer. Cam impingement results from pathologic contact between an abnormally shaped femoral head and neck with a morphologically normal acetabulum. During hip flexion, this abnormal region engages the anterior acetabulum and results in the characteristic anterosuperior chondral injury with a relatively untouched labrum.38 Pincer impingement is the result of contact between a typically normal femoral head–neck junction and an abnormal acetabular rim. This abnormal anterior acetabular “over-coverage” can be the consequence of di erent anatomic variants, including the following:

Acetabular retroversion

Coxa profunda (protrusio)

Deformity after trauma or periacetabular osteotomies

This type of impingement can lead to degeneration, ossification, and tears of the anterosuperior labrum as well as a characteristic posteroinferior contre-coup pattern of cartilage loss over the femoral head and corresponding acetabulum. Despite the two types of distinct anatomic variants of femoroacetabular impingement, most cases involve a combination of femoral-side and acetabular-side lesions38–40 (Fig. 14.11) (see Chapter 7 for additional details).

14 Articular Cartilage 361



Fig. 14.9 Sagittal fat-suppressed (A) and coronal non–fat-suppressed

(B) FSE images of the knee showing a small, stable OCD lesion (arrowhead on each). In comparison, sagittal fat-suppressed (C) and coronal non–fat-suppressed(D)FSEimagesshowalarge,unstablelesion(arrow on each), with low signal intensity sclerosis at the margins of the


underlying bone, indicating the presence of a “mature” bed. (From Shindle MK, Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in the athlete: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:27–46. Reprinted by permission.)

362 V Special Considerations






Fig. 14.10 Posterior hip subluxation sequelae in an 18-year-old




patient. (A) Axial body coil FSE image shows an intact right poste-




rior hip capsule (arrowhead) attached to a posterior wall fracture.




(B) Sagittal surface coil FSE image shows a large full-thickness chon-




dral shear injury (black arrow) of the femoral head. (C) Sagittal sur-




face coil FSE image shows cartilaginous debris (white arrow) within




the anteroinferior dependent recess of the joint. (From Shindle MK,




Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in


the athlete: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint

Surg Am 2006;88:27–46. Reprinted by permission.)


Smaller Joints

thickness loss of the joint surface. In chronic osteoarthritis, a


Cartilage imaging in the elbow and smaller joints such as

bone marrow edema pattern may develop secondary to sub-


chondral osseous remodeling in the presence of substantial


those in the hands and feet is also possible, but superior sur-


cartilage loss. This pattern should not be misinterpreted as


face coil design and meticulous attention to pulse sequence


tumor infiltration of bone or osteonecrosis, especially in the


parameters are necessary to have the ability to detect


absence of a segmental subchondral fracture or demarca-


partial-thickness defects in the thinner cartilage lining these


tion of a necrosis–viable bone interface. Associated findings


joints6–8 (Fig. 14.12).


of osteoarthritis may include the following:







• Subchondral sclerosis


Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory

• Osteophyte formation


• Subchondral cysts



• Bone marrow changes

In osteoarthritis, articular cartilage becomes thinner and degenerates, with fissuring, ulceration, and eventually full-

However, the bone marrow edema pattern is a nonspecific MRI finding; it does not necessarily indicate a traumatic


14 Articular Cartilage 363




cartilage injury, but it may indicate that patients are at in-

from conventional radiographs.43 MRI has clinical applica-

creased risk for additional cartilage degeneration.6,7,41

tions in the diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis and in the

In contrast to osteoarthritis, cartilage thinning is uniform

prediction of prognosis, which has the potential to influence

and di use in inflammatory arthritis and usually does not

management decisions in early disease.44

have focal chondral defects, except where the pannus erodes



the cartilage and subchondral bone.41 In a rheumatoid joint,



to 12 months after the onset of symptoms.42 MRI studies of

Cartilage Imaging After Repair

conventional radiographs may remain normal for at least 6



the hand and wrist in patients with RA have shown that os-

Articular cartilage injuries are common and di cult to treat

seous erosions also develop much earlier than hypothesized

because there is little to no inherent capacity for spontaneous


Fig. 14.11 FSE images and sketches of a 41-year-old patient with


combined femoroacetabular impingement of the right hip. (A)


The segment prescription (©2009 Hospital for Special Surgery,


New York, NY). The coronal image (©2009 Hospital for Special Sur-


gery, New York, NY) (B) and associated artist’s sketch (C) show a


torn superior labrum (arrowhead on each) and a cam lesion at the


neck–shaft junction (arrow on each). (Adapted from Shindle MK,


Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in


the athlete: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint


Surg Am 2006;88:27–46. Adapted by permission.) (Continued on


page 364)



Cam ossified superior lesion labrum

Acetabular cartilage

Femoral head cartilage




364 V Special Considerations





Femoral head Acetabulum cartilage











Fig. 14.11 (Continued) The oblique axial view (©2009 Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY) (D) and associated artist’s sketch (E) (arrow on each) accentuate the osseous defect (cam lesion). The sagittal image (©2009 Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY) (F) and associated artist’s sketch (G) show full-thickness cartilage loss

over the anterior acetabular dome (arrow on each) and an ossified labral tear (arrowhead on each). (Adapted from Shindle MK, Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in the athlete: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:27–46. Adapted by permission.)

14 Articular Cartilage 365

Fig. 14.12 Sagittal FSE image of the elbow in a professional baseball player, showing a partial-thickness cartilage injury overlying the capitellum (arrow). (From Shindle MK, Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in the athlete: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:27–46. Reprinted by permission.)

repair secondary to the avascular nature of hyaline cartilage. Several techniques have been described for the repair of articular injuries, but the clinical outcomes and results have varied widely. To evaluate these techniques, most studies have relied on second-look surgery combined with biopsies.45 However, with advances in imaging techniques, MRI has become a noninvasive alternative for the evaluation of the results of articular cartilage repair procedures.7

After a cartilage repair procedure, several variables should be assessed on MRI46:

Degree of defect filling

Relative signal intensity of the regenerated cartilage as compared with the surrounding native tissue

Absence or presence of displacement

Degree of peripheral integration to adjacent cartilage or underlying bone

Surface geometry and morphology of the repaired tissue

Presence of proud subchondral bone formation

Presence of any reactive synovitis

One of the most popular articular cartilage repair techniques is microfracture, which entails creating perforations in the underlying subchondral bone using a drill or pick.47,48 This procedure relies on the release of multipotential stem cells from the bone marrow that create a covering of largely


Fig. 14.13 Sagittal FSE images of the knee in a 32–year-old patient after microfracture. (A) At 5 months after surgery, there is irregularity of the subchondral plate (black arrow) adjacent to the repair cartilage that is hyperintense. (B) At 13 months after surgery, the mature reparative cartilage is now partially hypointense (white arrow)

compared with the adjacent hyaline cartilage. Note the presence of subtle osseous overgrowth of the subchondral bone. (From Shindle MK, Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in the athlete: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:27–46. Reprinted by permission.)

366 V Special Considerations



Fig. 14.14 Images of the knee in a 52–year-old patient after the transfer of two autologous osteochondral plugs. Sagittal fatsuppressed (A) and non–fat-suppressed (B) FSE images show osseous incorporation of the plugs. Although the cartilage surface remains flush over the anterior plug, there is slight depression of the subchondral bone (black arrow in B). (C) There is slight sclerosis in the side walls of the plugs in the axial plane (white arrowheads), reflecting the

reparative fibrocartilage (type I collagen). At short-term follow-up, this reparative tissue created from the microfracture technique appears hyperintense compared with native hyaline cartilage (type II collagen) because it is less organized and has a higher water content.7,49 Over time, the signal intensity of reparative cartilage decreases as it matures (Fig. 14.13). Osseous overgrowth of the underlying subchondral bone has been reported after microfracture50; it may result in a thinner layer of reparative tissue, but it has not been shown to be a negative clinical prognostic factor.50

“press-fit” technique. (D) A fissure at the lateral interface with the native cartilage (white arrow) is shown on the coronal image. The medial tibial plateau has a degenerative pattern of partial-thickness cartilage loss. (From Shindle MK, Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in the athlete: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:27–46. Reprinted by permission.)

Another cartilage repair technique is the use of autologous or allograft osteochondral plugs.51 The advantages of these plugs are that they can be used for a large defect and that they contain hyaline cartilage rather than a reparative fibrocartilage. Autologous osteochondral plugs are harvested from a non–weight-bearing portion of the knee, usually the side of the intercondylar notch or anterior margin of the femoral condyle. Allograft plugs are harvested from a cadaver and usually are inserted with use of a press-fit technique in which the plug and the recipient site are prepared to match-

14 Articular Cartilage 367



Fig. 14.15 Postoperative sagittal FSE images of the knee in a 46–


year-old patient with progressive collapse of an allograft osteochon-


dral transfer. (A) Incomplete osseous incorporation of the graft (black


arrow) is seen at early follow-up. (B) Nine months after surgery,


there is sclerosis of the bone at the graft–host bone interface (white


arrow). The low-signal intensity subchondral bone (white arrowhead)


indicates devitalized bone with partial collapse. (C) This scenario sub-


sequently led to graft failure. (From Shindle MK, Foo LF, Kelly BT, et al.


Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage in the athlete: current tech-


niques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:27–46.

Reprinted by permission)

ing sizes. Evaluation of these procedures on MRI should in-

arthrotomy, injected into a periosteum cover harvested from

clude assessment of the integration of the osseous portion

the patient.19,53 Similar to microfracture, the reparative tis-

of the plug and the accuracy of the restoration of the surface

sue remains disorganized, with increased water content and

morphology and radius of curvature (Fig. 14.14). Because of

hyperintense signal on MRI. In contrast, the overlying peri-

the press-fit technique, there is usually a hypointense signal

osteum appears hypointense and allows di erentiation from

at the osseous interface. A hyperintense signal at the native

the reparative tissue.41 Complete integration may take up to

bone–graft interface may indicate failure of integration7 (Fig.

2 years, during which a decline in the signal intensity of the

14.15). Although the osseous portion of the plug typically

reparative tissue occurs as it becomes increasingly organized

shows excellent incorporation, persistent gaps at the carti-

and incorporated. A hyperintense fluid signal between the

laginous level have been reported between the graft and the

reparative tissue and the underlying bone may indicate de-

native tissue.52

lamination of the reparative tissue because of incomplete

Autologous chondrocyte implantation is another car-

integration.41,54 Compared with microfracture, autologous

tilage restoration technique. In this procedure, a patient’s

chondrocyte implantation has been found to provide a bet-

native chondrocytes are harvested arthroscopically, grown

ter defect fill, but hypertrophy of the periosteum at early

in tissue culture for 3 to 5 weeks, and then, via an open

follow-up intervals has been problematic.

368V Special Considerations


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