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практикум для дизайнеров.doc
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1. Correct the false sentences

1) The Renaissance is assumed to have reinitiated classical details.

2) The Renaissance succeeded the Baroque.

3) The Renaissance was characterized by the use of asymmetrical composition.

4) It is stated that Bramante was the initiator of the Renaissance.

5) It was Filippo Brunelleschi who formulated linear perspective.

6) St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome is assumed to represent the High Renaissance.

2. Choose the right words and complete the following sentences

1) The Renaissance developed in…

a) France b) Italy c) Russia

2) The treatise “De architectura” was a handbook of the … architects.

a) Renaissance b) Baroque c) Gothic

3) The Renaissance is characterized by measured expression and definition of…

a) pointed arches b) architectural space c) curved surfaces

4) Linear perspective was formulated in the early … century.

a) 14th b) 15th c) 16th

5) The plans for St. Peter’s Cathedral were prepared by…

a) Brunelleschi b) Pope Julius II c) Bramante

3. Answer the following questions

1) When and where did the Renaissance begin?

2) What were the main sources of knowledge of the classical style in architecture?

3) What was the basic element of Renaissance art?

4) Who was the first to formulate and show the Renaissance system of perspective?

5) What was the first building in the Renaissance manner?

6) What is the largest Church in the Christian world?

7) What phase of the Renaissance does the St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome represent?

4. Translate the sentences into English. Use words and phrases from the text “The Renaissance” and ex.3, p.7

1) Представители этого стиля использовали в архитектуре рифленые пилястры, гладкие своды, колонны, поддерживающие арки.

2) Данный стиль утверждает принципы классического, античного искусства.

3) Архитектурными образцами, спроектированными в этом стиле, являются церкви, дворцы, хорошо организованные городские пространства.

4) Лучшими традициями этого стиля являются классические ордеры, круглые арки, симметричная композиция, линейная перспектива.

5) Гармония между пропорциями человеческого тела и архитектурой отличает данный стиль.

6) Самым ярким свидетельством данного стиля является Собор св. Петра в Риме.

7) Типичными чертами стиля являются архитектурные пропорции и перспектива.

8) Представителями Ренессанса в архитектуре являются Филиппо Брунеллески и Донато Браманте.

5. Use the following clichés and write the retelling of the text “The Renaissance”

This text is about …

This topic (subject, problem) presents some (much) interest for those who study…

This topic (subject, problem) presents some importance for those who are interested in …

The author points out / mentions / says / emphasizes / draws our attention to the fact that …

It is necessary to say / mention / emphasize that …

It should be said / mentioned / pointed out / stressed / emphasized that…

Firstly / secondly / finally

Besides / also / moreover / then / after that

On the one hand…, on the other hand… / however

The author gives some interesting / useful examples of …

There are some interesting / useful examples illustrating …

To sum it up / In conclusion, I’d like to say that …

The author arrives to the following conclusions…

Text 2