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The Picture of Dorian Gray

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supernatural, ghastly, shadowy, insubstantial, eerie, cadaverous speculation: (n) guess, venture, reflection, meditation, guesswork, gamble, supposition, theory, surmise, adventure, conjecture. ANTONYM: (n) fact

spell: (n) magic, fascination, bout, conjuration, period, incantation, sorcery, enchantment, turn, span, bewitchment. ANTONYM: (n) alertness

sphere: (n) region, range, province, domain, realm, area, department, round, ball, circle, globe

spider: (n) spiders, tarantula, arachnid, mussuk, chatti, lota, schooner, wedge ring, spinner, star handle, terrine

spikenard: (n) cream, ointment, emollient

spirited: (adj) animated, frisky, energetic, racy, bold, gritty, quick, enthusiastic, dashing, peppy, brave. ANTONYMS: (adj) spiritless, lifeless, feeble, cowardly, apathetic, lethargic, spineless, dull, solemn, sluggish, lackluster

spiritual: (adj) religious, holy, immaterial, incorporeal, pious, ethereal, mental, psychic, divine, metaphysical, unworldly. ANTONYMS: (adj) physical, worldly, secular, earthly, tangible, uncommitted

spirituality: (n) inwardness, incorporeity, church property, otherworldliness, benefice, religion, spiritualty, beneficiary, devoutness, belongings, religious studies spiritualize: (v) spiritualise, disembody, glorify, sanctify, interpret, civilize, construe, transfigure, metamorphose

spite: (n) malice, grudge, hatred, malevolence, rancour, venom, rancor, maliciousness, ill will, animosity; (n, v) pique. ANTONYMS: (v) please; (n) benevolence, goodwill, love, affection, harmony

splashed: (adj) dabbled, bespattered, besplashed, spattered, marked, unclean, dirty, splattered, distributed, showy, dotted splendid: (adj, n, v) illustrious, glorious; (adj) gorgeous, beautiful, royal, gallant, proud; (adj, n) magnificent, noble, grand; (adj, v) brilliant. ANTONYMS: (adj) unimpressive, modest, humble, ordinary, undistinguished, meager,

The Picture of Dorian Gray

awful, dire, lowly, inglorious, shabby

splendidly: (adv) gallantly, brilliantly, famously, beautifully, gloriously, gorgeously, resplendently, superbly, sumptuously, excellently, grandly. ANTONYMS: (adv) badly, terribly, abysmally, modestly, simply, meagerly

splendour: (n) pomp, magnificence, lustre, splendor, luster, brilliancy, resplendence, luxury, grandeur, grandness, brilliance

splintered: (adj) shattered, broken, pixilated, split, soaked, blind drunk, soused, blotto, sozzled, cracked, plastered

spoil: (n, v) ruin; (v) rot, corrupt, mar, deface, sack; (adj, v) impair, damage, injure, harm, indulge. ANTONYMS: (v) improve, conserve, enliven, help, abuse, beautify, deny, neglect, correct, respect, clean

spoiled: (adj) bad, rotten, stale, spoil, coddled, pampered, corrupt, damaged, spoilt, putrid, rancid. ANTONYM: (adj) unspoiled spoken: (adj) verbal, expressed, speaking, speak, unwritten, vocal, voiced, talk, said, informal, conversational. ANTONYMS: (adj) written, unspoken, tacit, formal, silent

spoon: (n) spoonful, ladle, shovel, soup spoon, tablespoon, trowel, teaspoon, dipper; (v) smooch, dally, bill and coo

spots: (n) damp, drifter, floater, floating policy, muscae volitantes, Musca volitans

spotted: (adj) mottled, speckled, dappled, piebald, blotchy, dotted, flyblown, multicolored, stained, spotty, flecked. ANTONYM: (adj) uniform

sprawled: (adj) sprawling sprawling: (adj) sprawled, roomy, sizeable, untidy, straggling, expansive, sprawly, wide, extensive; (adv) asprawl; (n) attitude. ANTONYM: (adj) narrow

spray: (n) mist, froth, aerosol, atomizer, foam, branch; (n, v) spout, spurt; (v) splash, shower, atomize. ANTONYM: (v) trickle

sputtering: (n) splutter, splatter, spattering, spatter, splattering, dab, splashing, splash; (adj) spluttering, noisy; (v) sizzle

squabble: (n, v) quarrel, brawl, row,

bicker, feud, scrap, hassle, fuss, fight; (n) contention, spat. ANTONYM: (n) agreement squander: (v) fritter, dissipate, exhaust, lavish, blow, expend; (adj, v) consume, spend, desolate; (n) prodigality, dissipation. ANTONYMS: (v) conserve, manage squares: (n) square

squat: (adj) short, chunky, stumpy, squatty, thick, low; (v) crouch, perch, sit, hunker down, bend. ANTONYMS: (adj) slender, tall, slight

stabbing: (adj) piercing, acute, incisive, cutting, keen, penetrating, poignant, trenchant, knifelike, excruciating; (adj, n) shooting. ANTONYM: (adj) dull

stable: (adj, adv) firm; (adj) reliable, stationary, fixed, fast, lasting, constant, durable, secure, solid, sound. ANTONYMS: (adj) shaky, wobbly, dangerous, volatile, precarious, rickety, tenuous, temperamental, fickle, temporary; (adv) loosely

staccato: (adj) disconnected, split, confused, disjointed, disordered, disunited, fragmented, garbled, illogical; (adv) legato, affettuoso staggering: (adj) astounding, amazing, incredible, inconceivable, prodigious, marvelous, startling, ghastly, shocking, remarkable, extraordinary. ANTONYMS: (adj) unremarkable, normal, lovely, comforting

staginess: (n) theatricality

stagnate: (v) laze, loll, idle, stand still, drag, lie around; (n) halt, abide, stand, pause; (adj) stagnant. ANTONYMS: (v) rise, boom, change stagnation: (n) recession, depression, stagnancy, deadlock, stasis, delay, inaction, inactivity, backwater, slump, congestion

stain: (n, v) spot, blemish, tarnish, blot, dye, smear, disgrace, mark, soil, dirt, defile. ANTONYMS: (v) enhance, dignify, clean

stained: (adj) besmirched, dirty, colored, tarnished, soiled, tainted, sullied, flyblown, discolored, painted; (v) polluted. ANTONYMS: (adj) unspoiled, unstained, unblemished, clean

staining: (n) maculation, dyeing, dirtying, tarnish, dapple, stain, soiling, detection, bleeding, catching, patch

stainless: (adj) spotless, immaculate,

chaste, faultless, clean, unblemished, guiltless, innocent, clear, unstained, white

staircase: (n) stair, ladder, flight, steps, flight of steps, stairs, backstairs, escalator, companionway, way, entrance stalk: (n) stem, shank; (v) pursue, walk, march, follow, shadow, tail, track, trail, hunt

stalls: (n) auditorium, auditory, horse barn, boxes, pit, stables, seating, seats, seating room, seating area, parquet

stamp: (n, v) print, imprint, mark, seal, brand, impress, cast, punch, shape; (v) trample; (n) impression stamped: (adj) beaten, marked, pressed, printed; (v) fixed, engraved stamping: (n) impression, blocking, coin, postage, stamping of rail stanch: (adj) firm, resolute, constant, robust, tough, sturdy, vigorous, trusty; (adj, v) staunch; (v) stop, stem. ANTONYMS: (adj) uncommitted, unreliable, irresolute, unfaithful, acquiescent, disloyal; (v) accelerate

stands: (n) bleachers, stood, grandstand, standing, stop, covered stand, standpoint, stall, sales booth, reviewing stand, rack

staring: (adj) conspicuous, garish, agaze, vivid, noisy, showy, fixed, opened, glassy; (adv) staringly starlit: (n) starlight

starred: (adj) marked

starry: (adj) sidereal, starlike, radiant, showy, gleaming, bright, lustrous, shiny, lucid, stellar, fulgent. ANTONYMS: (adj) starless, dull startled: (adj) dumbfounded, dismayed, distressed, aghast, frightened, astonished, amazed, terrified, afraid, shocked, astounded starve: (v) fast, crave, lust, hunger, thirst, perish, be hungry, deprive, benumb; (adj, v) pinch; (adj) gripe. ANTONYMS: (v) feed, eat

stated: (adj) set, declared, explicit, regular, certain, established, settled, avowed, alleged, definite; (adv) given

stateliness: (n) loftiness, magnificence, dignity, nobility, splendor, grandeur, greatness, grandness, starched stateliness, impressiveness, decorum. ANTONYM: (n) simplicity stately: (adj) solemn, imposing, elegant; (adj, v) noble, dignified,

grand, proud, great; (adj, adv) regal,

Oscar Wilde

majestic, royal. ANTONYMS: (adj) boisterous, humble, modest, lowly statue: (n) figure, monument, statuette, effigy, idol, sculpture, carving, bust, sphinx, icon, representation

statuette: (n) statue, figure, model, effigy, bust, sculpture

staying: (n) stays, arrest; (adj) continual, old, left

steadfastly: (adv) steadily, solidly, unwaveringly, resolutely, unfalteringly, unswervingly, determinedly, faithfully, persistently, permanently, staunchly. ANTONYMS: (adv) unreliably, irresolutely, unfaithfully steady: (adj, v) steadfast, even, secure, resolute, regular, calm, sedate; (adj, adv) stable; (adj) constant, continual, fixed. ANTONYMS: (adj) shaky, wobbly, intermittent, unreliable, irregular, fluctuating, inconsistent, unbalanced, unstable, unfaithful; (adv) unsteadily

steal: (v) purloin, abstract, sneak, filch, pinch, creep, misappropriate, rob, pilfer; (n) bargain; (n, v) snatch stealing: (n) pilferage, larceny, theft, steal, burglary, misappropriation, embezzlement, stolen, thievery, pilfering, thieving

steals: (adj) stolen; (n) stealing stealthy: (adj) clandestine, secret, surreptitious, sneaky, covert, private, backstairs, concealed, feline; (adj, v) sly, insidious. ANTONYM: (adj) blatant

steam: (n, v) mist, smoke, fume; (v) exhale, evaporate, cook, pull; (n) fog, haze, cloud; (adj, n) vapor steamer: (n) steamship, boat, liner, ship, Mya Arenaria, steam engine, sports car, roadster, clam, paddle steamer, cruise ship

steaming: (adj) hot, sweltering, roasting, baking, hot under the collar, hazy, scorching; (adv) piping;

(n) fumigation

steel: (n) blade, brand, foil, sword, case harden; (n, v) nerve, brace, fortify; (adj) iron, adamant; (v) temper

steeplechase: (n) ski jump, run, foot race, footrace, horse race stellated: (adj) starlike, stelliform, bright, illustrious, shining

stem: (n) root, bow, branch, stalk, bole, stick, shank, handle; (v) originate, block, arrest. ANTONYMS: (v) encourage,



stepped: (v) advanced, gone, stopen stepping: (n) steps

stereotyped: (adj, v) commonplace, stock, trite; (adj) hackneyed, banal, stale, corny, stereotypical; (v) established, familiar, incontrovertible. ANTONYMS: (adj) original, unconventional, fresh sterile: (adj) infertile, barren, effete, antiseptic, futile, vain, poor, arid, aseptic; (adj, v) fruitless; (v) abortive. ANTONYMS: (adj) fertile, unhygienic, dirty, productive, fruitful, exciting, creative

stern: (adj) rigid, rigorous, austere, hard, strict, grim, solemn, rough; (adj, v) harsh; (n) back; (adj, n) rear. ANTONYMS: (adj) friendly, approving, lenient, funny, genial, gentle, kindly, lax, liberal, cheerful, flexible

sternly: (adv) severely, strictly, austerely, harshly, rigidly, grimly, rigorously, stringently, seriously, relentlessly, solemnly. ANTONYMS: (adv) leniently, lightheartedly, kindly, warmly, cheerfully

sticks: (n) backwoods, firewood, frontier, outskirts, suburb, town, wilderness, brushwood, high sticks; (adj) distant

stiff: (adj) hard, formal, inflexible, difficult, rigorous, numb, firm, sturdy; (adj, n) stark, severe; (n) corpse. ANTONYMS: (adj) soft, supple, flexible, floppy, pliable, free, easy, loose, informal, mild, pliant stifled: (adj) strangled, suppressed, muffled, deafened, completely covered, dead, deadened, weak, deaf corn, regardless, decayed stifling: (adj) close, oppressive, sweltering, stuffy, heavy, hot, torrid, sticky; (n) crushing, quelling, suppression. ANTONYMS: (adj) fresh, airy, cool, temperate stillness: (n) hush, calmness, immobility, serenity, silence, quietness, peacefulness; (adj, n) calm, quiet, peace, still. ANTONYMS: (n) bustle, movement, uproar, motion, turbulence, turmoil, vigor, disturbance, chaos, agitation stir: (adj, n, v) move, bustle; (v) rouse, arouse, affect, agitate, inspire; (adj, n) movement; (n) commotion, excitement, disturbance. ANTONYMS: (v) dampen, retire, stultify, bore, steady, stifle, suppress; (n) quiet, peace; (n, v)



stirred: (adj) excited, agitated, moved, affected, aroused, emotional, aflame, Stirn, horny, susceptible, stirred up

stirring: (adj) lively, exciting, alive, rousing, spirited, touching, thrilling, active; (n) agitation; (v) eventful, brisk. ANTONYMS: (adj) depressing, boring, inactive, dull, conciliatory, asleep, uninspiring, unimpressive; (n) suppression stitched: (adj) sewed, bound in paper covers, seamed

stocks: (n) stock, bilboes, provisions, securities, whipping post, inventory, store, supplies, supply, bonds, instrument of punishment

stolen: (adj) stealed, stole, stealing, steal, steals, furtive, stealthy, secret, taken, misbegotten, sly

stomacher: (n) garment, package, hang, truss, bundle

stones: (n) shingle, grit

stooping: (adj) hunched, crooked, asymmetrical, not erect, not straight, corrupt; (n) patronage

stopping: (n) stoppage, cessation, shutdown, padding, fillet, suspension, stay, discontinuance, abeyance, interruption; (adv) haltingly

stored: (adj) saved, freighted, laden, filled, fraught, charged

storm: (n, v) rush, tempest, hail, attack, assault, charge; (v) fume; (n) shower, blizzard, hurricane, gust. ANTONYM: (n) trickle

stout: (adj, n) sturdy, stocky, hearty; (adj) hardy, strong, robust, obese, husky, bold, corpulent, fleshy. ANTONYMS: (adj) thin, slim, flimsy, cowardly, slight, skinny, fragile, weak

stoutness: (n) fatness, corpulence, fleshiness, robustness, obesity, plumpness, sturdiness, toughness, force, courage, brawniness. ANTONYMS: (n) thinness, weakness

stove: (n) cooker, hearth, heater, furnace, fireplace, kiln, oven, cooking stove, cookstove, kitchen stove, kitchen range

straggling: (adj) rambling, straggly, spread, few, trailing, untidy, vagabond, sprawly, sprawled. ANTONYM: (adj) compact strain: (n, v) stretch, sift; (adj, n, v) tax; (v) screen, filter, try, exert; (n) effort, breed, exertion, song. ANTONYMS: (v) laze; (n) ease,

The Picture of Dorian Gray


strained: (adj) tense, labored, intense, constrained, laboured, unnatural, nervous, affected, taut, artificial, tight. ANTONYMS: (adj) natural, calm

straining: (n) effort, push, exertion, distortion, overrefinement, tension, endeavor, torture, twisting; (adj) arduous; (v) tighten

strangely: (adv) curiously, queerly, unusually, funnily, peculiarly, weirdly, marvelously, uncommonly, extraordinarily, singularly, bizarrely. ANTONYMS: (adv) typically, ordinarily, harmoniously strangeness: (n) oddity, oddness, quaintness, peculiarity, curiousness, abnormality, weirdness, foreignness, queerness, singularity, quirk. ANTONYMS: (n) familiarity, nativeness

stranger: (n) foreigner, outsider, newcomer, outlander, immigrant, intruder, unknown, tramontane, trespasser; (adj) foreign, strange. ANTONYMS: (n) pal, native, associate, resident, familiar strangle: (v) smother, stifle, asphyxiate, scrag, tighten, repress, constrict, pinch, strangulate; (adj, v) throttle; (n) strangling

strangled: (adj) smothered, completely covered, muffled, suppressed; (v) bowstringed strawberries: (n) genus Fragaria, Fragaria

strawberry: (n) hemangioma simplex, strawberries, wild strawberry, strawberry mark, scarlet strawberry, nevus, herbaceous plant, herb, beach strawberry, cultivated strawberry, blonde

straw-coloured: (adj) straw-colored stray: (v) wander, ramble, range, digress, straggle, meander, depart, deviate, rove, drift, err. ANTONYM:

(v) settle strayed: (v) stray

straying: (n) digression, departure, error; (adj) errant, mistaking, containing error, incorrect, misleading, astray, mistaken, erroneous

streaming: (adj) flowing, flapping, detached, incoherent, baggy, slack, relaxed, loose, lax; (n) cyclosis; (v) disheveled

stretched: (adj) extended, stiff, tight, tense, stretched out, strained, expanded, outstretched, elongated, outspread, prolonged.

ANTONYMS: (adj) loose, short strewn: (adj) spread, distributed, disordered, strewed, confused, covered, diffuse, disconnected, disjointed, circulated, dispersed striking: (adj) outstanding, dramatic, spectacular, salient, imposing, conspicuous, vivid, remarkable, notable, astonishing; (n) strike. ANTONYMS: (adj) ugly, ordinary, unimpressive, unremarkable, inconspicuous, unattractive, uninteresting, plain, insignificant, humble, obscure

strings: (n) string, string section, sway, control, dealings, domination, jurisdiction, terms, condition, command, provision

strip: (v) deprive, despoil, peel, rifle, plunder, divest, denude, ransack, pillage; (n) band, slip. ANTONYMS:

(v) decorate, cover, add striped: (adj) stripy, brindled,

variegated, lined, banded, virgated, zoned, paled, with stripes

strive: (v) endeavor, contend, contest, struggle, fight, attempt, combat, strain, work, aspire, aim

stroke: (adj, n) blow; (n, v) touch, caress, mark, buffet, lick, pat; (n) beat, hit, knock, bang

stroking: (v) caress, strike, blow; (n) cam stroke, feeling, effleurage, diagonal, CVA, commendation, glide, slash

stroll: (n, v) ramble, saunter, walk, amble, wander, promenade, tramp, hike; (v) roam, go for a walk, range stronger: (adj) reprobate, insensible, reproof, iniquity, hardening, shameless, graceless, immoralities, ministry; (v) Milman, misery struck: (adj, v) smitten; (v) stroke; (adj) affected, afflicted, doting, dotty, enamored, gaga, hurt, in love, infatuated

struggling: (v) strive; (adj) harassed, hostile, under pressure, stressed, aggressive, agonizing, rebellious, belligerent, careworn; (n) colluctation

stuck: (adj) stranded, jammed, delayed, fast; (adj, adv) aground; (n) stuck ware, thrust, sticking; (v) sticked, fasten, attach. ANTONYMS: (adj) unstuck, loose

studded: (adj) muricated, bristling, peopled, crowded, manifold, multinominal, multiple, multiplied, multitudinous, populous; (v) freckled

studying: (n) poring over, perusal,

study, learning, reading, speculation stung: (adj) sting, bit, annoyed, roiled, irritated, nettled, peeved, pissed, riled, stings, thrust

stupid: (adj, n) foolish, silly, simple, absurd; (adj, adv, n) dull; (adj) idiotic, ridiculous, senseless, fatuous, crass, insane. ANTONYMS: (adj) wise, clever, bright, intelligent, shrewd, prudent, responsible, smart, great, sensitive, useful

stupidity: (n) foolishness, nonsense, obtuseness, dullness, fatuity, absurdity, stolidity, slowness, denseness, idiocy, imbecility. ANTONYMS: (n) sense, logic, cleverness, shrewdness, wisdom, ability

subaltern: (adj, n) subordinate, sub; (adj) secondary, lower, menial, dependent, petty, underling, lowly, subject; (n) ensign

submission: (n) compliance, obedience, acquiescence, bid, offer, deference, entry, presentation, conformity; (adj, n) resignation, surrender. ANTONYMS: (n) defiance, divergence, disobedience substance: (adj, n) subject; (n) body, significance, import, material, matter, meaning, amount, means, gist, core. ANTONYMS: (n) meaninglessness, lightness, surface substitute: (n) deputy, backup, delegate; (n, v) alternate, shift, surrogate; (adj, n) alternative, makeshift; (v) change, replace, fill in substitution: (n) replacement, exchange, substitute, interchange, switch, permutation, commutation, replacing, swap; (n, v) change, shift subtle: (adj) delicate, sharp, nice, acute, astute, insidious, exquisite, elusive; (adj, v) shrewd, sly, crafty. ANTONYMS: (adj) loud, bright, considerable, tactless, overpowering, harsh, concrete, dark subtlety: (n) refinement, elegance, nuance, delicacy, craft, finesse, nicety, niceness, penetration, polish, cunning. ANTONYMS: (n) tactlessness, coarseness, heaviness, vulgarity

succeeding: (adj) following, subsequent, after, consecutive, posterior, ensuing, consequent, successive, consequential; (adj, adv) later; (v) succeed. ANTONYMS: (adj) outgoing, preceding

suck: (v) nurse, drink, imbibe, suckle, absorb, lactate, puff, drain, pull, suck up; (n) sucking. ANTONYM:

Oscar Wilde

(v) rock

sucking: (n) suck, intake, uptake, aspiration, ingestion, consumption suffer: (v) encounter, stand, accept, undergo, brook, experience, have, endure, abide, sustain; (adj, v) allow. ANTONYMS: (v) enjoy, rejoice, flourish

suffering: (n) distress, agony, affliction, anguish, torture, grief, torment, misery, hardship; (adj, n) hurt; (adj) miserable. ANTONYMS: (adj, n) content; (n) peace, ecstasy, joy, pleasure

sugar: (n) darling, saccharide, carbohydrate, love, beloved, jaggary; (adj, n) dear; (v) saccharify, sweeten, dulcify, edulcorate suggestion: (n) advice, intimation, proposal, counsel, allusion, sign, trace, proposition, recommendation; (n, v) touch, dash. ANTONYMS: (n) warning, practice

suicide: (n) harikari, killer, suttee, putting to death, Juggernaut, assisted suicide, slayer; (adj) suicidal suited: (adj, v) proper, fit, fitted, adapted, convenient; (adj) appropriate, good, apt, eligible, capable, useful. ANTONYMS: (adj) incompatible, wrong, inappropriate sulkily: (adv) morosely, glumly, peevishly, crossly, grumpily, petulantly, moodily, gloomily, surly, resentfully, angrily. ANTONYMS: (adv) cheerily, gladly

sulks: (n) mood, sullen, doldrums, dudgeon, dumps, hermit, moroseness, mumps

sulky: (adj) gloomy, grouchy, morose, surly, peevish, moody, dismal, cross, petulant, crabby; (adj, v) glum. ANTONYMS: (adj) resigned, cheerful; (n) cheeriness sullen: (adj, n) morose, sulky, sour; (adj) gloomy, gruff, glum, moody, dark, cross, surly; (adj, v) grim. ANTONYMS: (adj) bright, cheery;

(n) cheeriness

sullenly: (adv) sulkily, sourly, grumpily, morosely, moodily, dourly, somberly, peevishly, surly, crossly, petulantly. ANTONYMS: (adv) graciously, contentedly, gladly, cheerily

sulphurous: (adj) stifling, acerb, hot, sulphureous, infernal, brimstony, virulent, caustic, containing acid, sultry, burning hot

sunbeams: (n) sunshine, light, daylight, rays

sunburnt: (adj) brown, burnt,


gloomy, fiery, sallow, adust sunless: (adj) cloudy, dark, cheerless, clouded, lightless, gloomy, tenebrous, mentally disordered, blurred

sunlight: (n) sunshine, daylight, the sun, positive, solar, sunbeam, brightness, sunbeams, rays, shaft, beam

sunset: (n) dusk, sundown, nightfall, twilight, night, sunsetting, periodic event, crepuscule, atmospheric phenomenon, hour, recurrent event. ANTONYMS: (n) sunrise, daybreak sunstone: (n) moonstone, alexandrite, bloodstone, hematite, jasper, quartz, aventurine feldspar, goldstone superb: (adj) beautiful, brilliant, magnificent, exquisite, gorgeous, super, rich, marvelous, grand, excellent, glorious. ANTONYMS: (adj) poor, inferior, terrible, meager, abysmal, dire, humble, inglorious, ugly, unattractive, unimpressive superbly: (adv) magnificently, gloriously, beautifully, wonderfully, brilliantly, grandly, gorgeously, excellently, splendidly, marvellously, outstandingly. ANTONYMS: (adv) badly, incompetently, poorly, abysmally, meagerly, slightly

supercargo: (n) visitor, husband, aedile, ranger, officer, inspector supercilious: (adj) proud, haughty, disdainful, lofty, contemptuous, contumelious, cavalier, lordly, arrogant, scornful, high and mighty. ANTONYMS: (adj) modest, affable superficial: (adj) shallow, external, sketchy, slight, outward, frivolous, exterior, surface, apparent, outer, flimsy. ANTONYMS: (adj) innate, deep, real, profound, permanent, inner, weighty, authentic, genuine, intense, serious

supper: (n) meal, tea, lunch, repast, reception, mealtime, siesta, social affair; (v) dejeuner, bever, whet supplies: (n) food, stores, resources, provender, cache, ways and means, wherewithal, stocks; (n, v) equipment, outfit; (v) furniture supports: (n) ropes, chains, rigging supreme: (adj, n) maximum, utmost; (adj) dominant, sovereign, chief, principal, superlative, uppermost, consummate, preeminent; (adj, v) head. ANTONYMS: (adj) inferior, vulnerable, lowly, poor, secondary, worst, abysmal, powerless, provisional, weak


surcoat: (n) chesterfield, capote, greatcoat, tunic, coat, great coat, Ulster, hooded coat, overcoating, raincoat, topcoat

surpass: (v) beat, outdo, exceed, surmount, better, excel, outstrip, overcome, overrun, best, go beyond. ANTONYMS: (v) fail, lose, follow, trail

surrender: (v) concede, abandon, give up, capitulate, submit, deliver; (adj, n) resignation; (n, v) resign, render, release; (n) capitulation. ANTONYMS: (v) conquer, appropriate, persevere, subdue, enforce; (n, v) fight, win; (n) capture, confrontation, conquest, victory surrendered: (adj) given surrendering: (n) yielding; (v) giving up

surroundings: (n) atmosphere, environment, environs, setting, neighborhood, habitat, milieu, neighbourhood, scene, background, ambiance

survival: (n) existence, relic, subsistence, life, aliveness, living, selection, natural selection, endurance, remnant, hangover. ANTONYM: (n) death

survive: (v) live, outlast, outlive, endure, exist, pull through, remain, continue, breathe, last, be. ANTONYMS: (v) succumb, perish, cease, stop, crumble

suspect: (v) mistrust, suppose, distrust, conjecture, guess, surmise, divine, disbelieve; (adj) fishy, questionable, shady. ANTONYMS: (adj) trustworthy, trusted, innocent, reliable, credible, aboveboard; (n) plaintiff; (v) know, believe suspected: (adj) supposed, doubted, suspicious, suspicion, inspiring distrust, distrusted

suspended: (adj) hanging, dormant, pendulous, abeyant, dangling, in abeyance, inactive, pendant, in suspension, pensile, suspensory suspense: (n) doubt, expectancy, anticipation, indecision, insecurity, unrest, expectation, irresolution, suspension, tension; (adj, n) hesitation. ANTONYM: (n) knowledge

suspicions: (adj) entertain doubts, have doubts; (n) doubts, misgivings, reservations, qualms, worries, fears, uncertainties

swallowed: (adj) engulfed, gulped, inundated, overcome, overwhelmed, flooded,

The Picture of Dorian Gray

overpowered, enclosed swallows: (n) sparrows, rooks,

robins, Passeriformes, Hirundinidae, etc, order Passeriformes

swarthy: (adj) dusky, black, swart, sable, somber, dun, tawny, coloured, colored, atramentous; (n) brunette. ANTONYMS: (adj) fair, light

sway: (n, v) command, rule, control, rock, stagger, roll; (v) oscillate, reel, lurch, shake; (n) reign.

ANTONYMS: (v) stay, dissuade, discourage

swayed: (adj) persuaded, susceptible, touched, convinced. ANTONYM: (adj) doubtful

swear: (v) declare, assure, assert, affirm, curse, pledge; (n, v) promise, avow, depone, depose, aver. ANTONYMS: (v) distrust, refute, deny, compliment

sweat: (n, v) work, toil, struggle; (v) perspire, drudge, exude; (n) perspiration, lather, sudor, effort; (adj) perspiring. ANTONYMS: (v) ignore; (n) entertainment, ease, relaxation

sweep: (adj, v) brush, rake; (n, v) range, reach, sway; (n) compass, expanse, scope, field; (v) sail; (adj, n) curve

sweet: (adj) fresh, mellow, lovable, dear, pleasant, musical, melodious, pleasing, sugary; (adj, v) lovely; (adj, n) beloved. ANTONYMS: (adj) discordant, bitter, acid, sharp, acidic, pungent, salty, harsh, detestable, cacophonous, dry

sweetness: (n) sugariness, sweet, redolence, pleasantness, fragrance, aroma, charm, perfume, amenity, niceness, kindness. ANTONYMS:

(n) sourness, sharpness, unpleasantness, harshness, tastelessness, unkindness sweet-smelling: (adj) aromatic, fragrant, sweet, odorous swell: (n, v) rise, heave, increase,

wave, billow; (v) enlarge, expand, puff, grow, bloat; (adj, n) dandy. ANTONYMS: (v) deflate, desiccate, shrink, compress, concentrate, wane; (n, v) decline; (adj) bad, horrible, shabby, awful

swept: (adj) clean

swift: (adj, adv, v) fast; (adj) quick, fleet, speedy, alert, nimble, hasty, prompt, sudden, hurried; (adj, v) rapid. ANTONYMS: (adj) considered, leisurely, sluggish, gradual, delayed, clumsy swiftness: (n) speed, haste, rapidity,

celerity, acceleration, quickness, promptness, pace, velocity, agility, dispatch. ANTONYM: (n) clumsiness

swinger: (n) rake, playboy, wanton, tramp, bum, philanderer, athlete, jock, debauchee; (adj, n) nonconformist; (adj) single swinging: (adj) swaying, excessive, lilting, inordinate, hanging, exorbitant, pendulous, outrageous, preposterous, extravagant; (n) slewing

swoon: (adj, n, v) faint; (adj, n) collapse; (n) fainting, syncope, prostration, deliquium; (v) conk, black out, pass out, die; (adj) puff symbol: (n) emblem, number, badge, mark, stamp, numeral, type, insignia, token, image, indication symbolical: (adj) emblematic, emblematical, representative, figurative, sign, symbolics, allusive, exemplary

symbolize: (v) represent, typify, stand for, signify, symbolise, personify, exemplify, mean, embody, indicate; (n, v) illustrate sympathetic: (adj, v) compassionate, tender, affectionate; (adj, n) kindly, congenial, humane, gentle, favorable; (adj) merciful, agreeable, friendly. ANTONYMS: (adj) hardhearted, unfeeling, callous, uncaring, unsociable, unforgiving, unfriendly, negative, sarcastic, opposed, unhelpful

sympathize: (v) pity, understand, condole, compassionate, feel, sympathise, identify with, empathize, have compassion, feel sorry for, feel for. ANTONYMS: (v) disapprove, disregard

sympathy: (n) compassion, kindness, commiseration, mercy, feeling, understanding, rapport, benevolence, agreement; (adj, n) humanity, charity. ANTONYMS: (n) indifference, cruelty, coldness, disdain, incompatibility, thoughtlessness, mercilessness, callousness, incomprehension, inhumanity, insensitivity symphonic: (adj) harmonious, symphonious, musical, melodious, accordant

tabernacle: (n) church, synagogue, dwelling, chapel, meetinghouse, abode, address, subtectacle, sojourn, seat; (v) tent

tableau: (n) scene, prospect, scenery, perspective, spectacle, landscape,

lookout, act, outlook; (v) painting, piece

tail: (n, v) shadow, trail; (v) follow, track, pursue, dog, tag, chase; (n) behind, posterior, butt.

ANTONYMS: (n, v) head, front; (v) lead

tailor-made: (adj) appropriate taint: (n, v) blemish, disgrace, corrupt, spot, blot; (adj, v) defile, sully, pollute, contaminate; (n) pollution, contamination. ANTONYMS: (v) enhance, right, respect, disinfect, clean; (n) perfection, cleanliness; (adv) cheerfully

tainted: (adj, v) rotten, rancid, bad, musty, reasty, vitiated; (adj) rank, contaminated, faulty, putrid, dirty. ANTONYMS: (adj) unadulterated, unchanged, untarnished, clean tale: (n) account, narrative, narration, recital, fib, fable, report, fiction, lie, relation, yarn. ANTONYM: (n) fact tangled: (adj) involved, complex, knotted, intricate, complicated, entangled, knotty, convoluted, disheveled, tousled, matted. ANTONYMS: (adj) tidy, straightforward, untangled, neat, simple

taper: (n) candle, taper hole, bougie, rushlight, taper ratio; (v) sharpen, point, acuminate, diminish, lessen, reduce. ANTONYMS: (v) rise, widen

tapestry: (n) arras, tapis, textile, embroidery, hanging, carpet, cloth, complexness, fabric, material, mending

tapped: (adj) poor, powerless, helpless. ANTONYM: (adj) untapped

tarnished: (adj) stained, tainted, dim, besmirched, spotted, imperfect, damaged, flyblown, dull, messy, maggoty. ANTONYMS: (adj) clean, unblemished, famous

tarry: (v) linger, loiter, stay, remain, delay, lag, dally, dawdle, bide, rest; (adj) pitchy. ANTONYMS: (v) complete, finish

tartuffe: (n) phony, dissembler, phoney, hypocrite

tasselled: (adj) decorated

tasting: (n) degustation, gustation, savoring, relishing, sample, gustatory sensation, gustatory perception, discernment, drinking, eating, feeding

tattered: (adj) shabby, ragged, scruffy, dilapidated, threadbare,

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frayed, seedy, worn out, torn, shattered; (adj, v) bedraggled. ANTONYMS: (adj) elegant, smart, new

taught: (adj) instructed, educated, schooled, instruct, well-bred, scholarly, provided; (v) firm, fast, close, taut

taunt: (n, v) ridicule, gibe, flout, insult, mock, deride, sneer, twit, quip; (n) scoff; (v) bait. ANTONYMS: (n, v) respect, compliment; (v) applaud, comfort tavern: (n) hotel, saloon, bar, inn, pub, public house, pothouse, taphouse, cabaret, khan, hostelry tawdrily: (adv) garishly, tackily, loudly, cheaply, showily, tastelessly, flashily, trashily, meretriciously, shoddily, sleazily

tawdry: (adj) cheap, shoddy, meretricious, showy, flashy, garish, loud, tasteless, trashy, tacky, brassy. ANTONYMS: (adj) sophisticated, nice, quality

tawny: (n) tan, buff; (adj, n) brown, auburn; (adj) luteous, golden, sallow, russet, chestnut, creamy, moderately black

teach: (v) enlighten, educate, instruct, coach, indoctrinate, drill, learn, lecture, school; (adj, v) guide, show tear: (n, v) rip, break, split, rupture, crack, run, slit; (v) pull, rend, lacerate; (adj, v) rush. ANTONYMS:

(v) wait, mend, idle, fix, amble, dawdle

tearing: (adj) fierce, violent, vehement, furious, ripping, ferocious; (n) lachrymation, lacrimation, riving ahead, tear, lancination

tedious: (adj) tiresome, boring, dreary, slow, heavy, humdrum, irksome, lifeless; (adj, v) monotonous, arid, dry. ANTONYMS: (adj) exciting, varied, easy, readable, lively, entertaining, enthralling, brisk, concise, exotic, pleasant

tediously: (adv) tiresomely, slowly, dully, monotonously, heavily, irksomely, wearisomely, uninterestingly, drearily, laboriously, verbosely. ANTONYMS: (adv) briskly, animatedly

telegram: (n) cablegram, wire, telegraph, message, letter telegram, report, overseas telegram, news, marconigram, embassy, conducting wire


temper: (adj, v) moderate, soften, mitigate, harden; (n) character, disposition, humor, nature; (v) modify, season, qualify. ANTONYMS: (n, v) upset; (v) soften, agitate, excite, flex, bend, increase; (n) composure, happiness, wrath, equanimity

temperament: (n) character, nature, disposition, constitution, personality, quality, spirit, humor, equanimity, composure, mettle tempered: (adj) attempered, temperate, moderated, toughened, subdued, set, enured, proportioned, properly adapted, emotionally hardened, treated. ANTONYM: (adj) untempered

tempest: (adj, n) storm, gust; (n) gale, hurricane, squall, disturbance, cyclone, typhoon, agitation, tornado, blizzard. ANTONYM: (n) serenity temple: (n) church, place of worship, shrine, Fane, house of worship, pantheon, pagoda, synagogue, brow, sanctuary, mosque

tempt: (adj, v) attract, allure; (v) entice, decoy, charm, inveigle, invite, coax, seduce, fascinate, attempt. ANTONYMS: (v) discourage, appall, repel temptation: (n, v) lure, enticement, bait; (n) attraction, allurement, invitation, seduction, inducement, allure, appeal, pull. ANTONYMS:

(n) dislike, discouragement tenderness: (n) fondness, soreness, love, affection, sympathy; (adj, n) clemency, mildness, compassion, gentleness, softness, delicacy. ANTONYMS: (n) pleasure, dryness, hatred, strength, detachment terrace: (n) veranda, bench, porch, balcony, yard, ledge, platform, portico, backyard, area, accommodation

terribly: (adv) horribly, awfully, terrifically, very, badly, awful, appallingly, atrociously, terrificly; (adj, adv) frightfully, shockingly. ANTONYMS: (adv) wonderfully, slightly, superbly, fortunately, happily, laudably, little, marvelously, pleasantly, hardly, honorably

terrify: (n, v) frighten, alarm, fright, affright; (v) panic, dismay, startle, horrify, intimidate, terrorize, daunt. ANTONYMS: (v) please, delight, calm, soothe, comfort

terror: (n, v) alarm, scare; (adj, n) dread, awe; (n) fear, dismay,


consternation, horror, panic, apprehension, scourge. ANTONYMS: (n) peace, security, delight, calm, confidence terror-stricken: (adj) afraid, scared textile: (n) fabric, cloth, stuff, tapestry, drapery, linen, webbing, chintz, doeskin, plaid, dimity texture: (adj, n) grain; (n) fabric, constitution, weave, tissue, web, woof, roughness, marbleizing; (n, v) finish, make

theatrical: (adj) melodramatic, dramatic, histrionic, stagy, theatric, stilted, artificial, pretentious, spectacular, pedantic, full of affectation. ANTONYMS: (adj) undramatic, restrained, real, quiet thickened: (adj) calloused, concentrated, incrassated, spissated, stiff, tough, becoming thicker, inspissated

thicket: (n) brake, coppice, brush, grove, spinney, bush, brushwood, cluster, underbrush, undergrowth, underwood

thickly: (adv) deeply, heavily, thick, viscously, thicksetly, solidly, dully, dumbly, compactly, closely, turbidly. ANTONYMS: (adv) thinly, finely, slightly, sparsely, loosely, distinctly

thief: (n) burglar, bandit, pirate, plunderer, filcher, stealer, pickpocket, pilferer, crook, brigand, despoiler

thinning: (n) dilution, press clipping, press cutting, singling, tapering, newspaper clipping, slip; (adj) receding, retreating, withdrawing, moving back

thirst: (n, v) hunger, lust, wish; (n) longing, yen, craving, hankering, dryness, appetite; (v) starve, crave. ANTONYM: (n) dislike

thirteen: (n) long dozen, large integer thorn: (n) barb, prickle, bramble, spike, point, brier, pricker, needle, sticker, fang; (adj, n) sting thoroughly: (adv, v) fully; (adv) entirely, totally, soundly, exhaustively, carefully, absolutely, perfectly, deeply, utterly, exactly. ANTONYMS: (adv) superficially, incompletely, negligently, partially, partly, barely, halfheartedly, deficiently, inadequately, insufficiently, hastily

thou: (n) chiliad, grand, m, g, one thousand, gramme, gram, gm, gigabyte, Gb, curtilage thoughtful: (adj, v) serious, solemn,

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grave; (adj) kind, careful, pensive, heedful, attentive, discreet, sensible, courteous. ANTONYMS: (adj) thoughtless, careless, heedless, uncaring, unkind, tactless, superficial, stupid, negligent, idiotic, unthinking

thoughtless: (adj, v) careless, heedless, rash, improvident; (adj) reckless, inattentive, hasty, unthinking, negligent, neglectful, imprudent. ANTONYMS: (adj) considerate, considered, heedful, prudent, kind, cautious, mindful, responsible, attentive, observant, sensible

thousandth: (adj) millesimal; (n) simple fraction

thread: (n) screw thread, yarn, rope, wire, twine, ligature; (adj, n, v) line, file; (n, v) string together; (adj, v) range; (v) penetrate

threadbare: (adj, v) stale, shabby, dilapidated, bald, frayed, faded; (adj) hackneyed, worn, banal, trite, tattered. ANTONYMS: (adj) new, unused, reliable, fresh, unworn, pristine, original

threads: (n) duds, clothing, apparel, clothes, wear, vesture, coat, cords, dress, garb, garment

threatened: (adj) vulnerable, in jeopardy, exposed, endangered, doomed, at risk

thrift: (n) economy, parsimony, husbandry, frugalness, prosperity, prudence, thriftiness, parsimoniousness, sea pink, welfare;

(v) gain. ANTONYMS: (n) generosity, spending, waste

thrill: (n, v) delight, shudder, quiver, shiver; (v) excite, exhilarate, exalt, stir; (n) shake, excitement, chill. ANTONYMS: (v) dishearten, discourage, disappoint, displease;

(n) depression, calm, boredom, agony, sorrow; (n, v) bore throat: (n) orifice, pharynx, gorge, mouth, muzzle, nozzle, sucker, shaft, quarl, throat depth, nostril throb: (n, v) quiver, ache, pulse, pound, thrill, tingle; (v) pulsate, palpitate, flutter, shudder; (n) pulsation

throbbing: (adj, n) beating; (n) pounding, pulsation, pulse, ache, palpitation, sting; (adj) painful, pulsatile, palpitating, palpitant. ANTONYM: (n) pleasure throne: (v) enthrone; (n) can, stool, place, fecal matter, potty, chair, cathedra, lavatory, crapper, pot

throw: (n, v) cast, pitch, push; (v) shed, hurl, heave, chuck, flip, pass, hurtle; (n) shot. ANTONYMS: (v) explain, help, receive, clarify, encourage

thrown: (adj) puzzled, confused, thrown and twisted, upset, disconcerted, unnerved, terrified, scared out of your wits, mystified, frightened; (n) reminder. ANTONYM: (adj) calm

thrush: (n) mavis, ouzel, Whiterumped thrush, candidiasis, blackbird, bluethroat, fieldfare, merl, moniliasis, ousel, philomel thrust: (n, v) poke, stab, jab, drive, shove, force, punch, boost, cast, dig;

(v) ram. ANTONYM: (n) inertia thunderstruck: (adj) astonished, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, amazed, stupefied, stunned, speechless, dumfounded, aghast, dazed; (v) awestruck

tiara: (n) crown, coronet, circlet, miter, triple crown, cap of maintenance, jewelled headdress, jewelry, tiar

tiberius: (n) Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar Augustus

ticking: (n) tick, cloth, fabric, ticken; (adj) living

tied: (adj) bound, connected, laced, united, fixed, even, liable, tight, spiked, responsible, attached. ANTONYMS: (adj) untied, unlaced tier: (n) layer, floor, stratum, grade, level, degree; (adj, n) rank, row, line, range, file

tight: (adj, v) narrow, parsimonious, compact, stingy; (adj, adv, v) fast, firm; (adj) mean, taut, secure, snug, tense. ANTONYMS: (adj) generous, baggy, slack, wide, easy, open, leaky, giving, free, floppy; (adv) loosely

tightened: (adj) secure, securer, firm tightening: (n) clamping, thinning, tapering, alteration, modification, narrowing, reduction, adjustment. ANTONYM: (n) expansion

tightly: (adv) closely, steadily, tautly, strictly, securely, densely, stiffly, solidly, tipsily, stably, parsimoniously. ANTONYMS: (adv) loosely, insecurely, sparsely

tiled: (adj) paved, lined, smooth, cemented

tilt: (n, v) slant, slope, lean, list, rock, careen, sway; (v) pitch, tip, cant, lurch. ANTONYMS: (n, v) surrender; (n) agreement; (v) yield tilting: (adj) slanting, leaning,

sloping, oblique, lopsided, fighting;

(n) single wheel tilting, shearing, overturning

timidly: (adv) fearfully, timorously, cautiously, shyly, diffidently, anxiously, nervously, shily, gingerly, modestly, apprehensively. ANTONYMS: (adv) confidently, bravely, daringly, brashly, fearlessly, decisively, brazenly tingling: (n) tingle, itch, thrill, pins and needles, tickle, somesthesia, somatic sensation; (adj) stinging, tickling, tickly; (v) turn

tiptoe: (v) tip, tippytoe, creep, patter, skirt, skip, tilt, sidle, lean; (adj) alert;

(n) quieter. ANTONYM: (v) clump tire: (n, v) bore, jade; (adj, n, v) fatigue; (v) exhaust, harass, fag, weary, wear, pall, prostrate; (n) tyre. ANTONYMS: (v) interest, invigorate, energize

tired: (adj, v) fatigued, weary, exhausted, stale; (adj) threadbare, commonplace, trite, banal, haggard, stock, jaded. ANTONYMS: (adj) invigorated, alert, refreshed, energetic, original, strong, awake, energized, lively, rested, relaxed titan: (n) colossus, heavyweight, monster, behemoth, Goliath, Hyperion, Ahriman, hulk, cocus, atlas; (adj) gigantic

tithe: (adj, n) tenth; (n) gavel, excise, custom, assessment, octroi, benevolence, tithing, disme; (n, v) tax; (adj) decimal

titter: (n, v) laugh, chuckle, snigger, chortle, twitter, gurgle, snort, guffaw; (v) snicker; (n) laughter, quiet laughter

toad: (n) batrachian, anuran, salientian, crapaud, sneak, sheep frog, robber frog, spadefoot, spadefoot toad; (v) toady; (adj) satyr tokyo: (n) Yeddo, Tokio, Japanese capital, Edo, capital of Japan

tomb: (n) sepulchre, sepulcher, crypt, pit, sepulture, vault, monument, entomb, mausoleum; (n, v) bury; (v) inter

tongue: (n) lingua, speech, idiom, dialect, clapper, glossa, natural language, striker, talk; (v) lick; (adj) flowing

tonic: (n) stimulant, restorative, keynote, soda pop, medicine, corroborant, tonic water; (adj) brisk, refreshing, fresh, invigorating. ANTONYM: (n) sedative

topic: (n) theme, question, matter, affair, issue, text, point, business,

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subject matter, substance, area torch: (n) brand, light, flambeau, burner, great mullein, blowlamp, Verbascum Thapsus, flannel mullein, common mullein, blowtorch; (v) burn

tore: (v) tare; (n) moulding, molding tories: (n) liberals, socialists

torn: (adj, prep) lacerated, rent, mangled; (adj) ripped, tattered, blasted, lacerate, shabby, goddamned, infernal, made uninhabitable. ANTONYMS: (adj) pristine, sure, resolute, healed, decided, mended

torpid: (adj) inactive, sluggish, indolent, dull, slow, dormant, lazy, dead, lifeless, flat, supine. ANTONYMS: (adj) energetic, lively tort: (n) civil wrong, wrongdoing, crime, wrong, offence, injury, presumption, invasion of privacy, encroachment, assumption; (adj) violation

torture: (n, v) pain, distress, agonize, afflict; (n) agony, anguish, suffering, excruciation, grief; (v) rack, excruciate. ANTONYMS: (n) relief, alleviation, content, ecstasy, joy, pleasure; (v) relieve, alleviate

tory: (n) conservative; (adj) reactionary, right

tossing: (n) cast; (adj) moving touched: (adj) insane, cracked, tinged, not right, daft, crazy, nutty;

(v) compassionate, sympathetic, pitiful, mucid. ANTONYMS: (adj) untouched, sane, unemotional, unmoved, well

touching: (adj, v) affecting; (adj) poignant, pitiful, pathetic, adjacent, adjoining, emotional; (n) touch, contact; (prep) concerning, about. ANTONYMS: (adj) unaffecting, everyday, heartwarming, unmoving, heartbreaking, emotionless, unemotional, impassive

tout: (v) bluster, brag, advertise, boast, canvass, blow, gas, bespeak, gasconade, swash; (n) hotel runner. ANTONYMS: (v) conceal, understate

tower: (n) column, spire, steeple, pinnacle, pylon, castle; (adj, n) pillar;

(v) ascend, rise, loom, arise toying: (n) flirtation, coquetry, flirting, flirt, tease, romp, prickteaser, play, minx, gambol, frolic

trace: (n, v) line, shadow, spot, hunt, trail; (n) dash, clue, indication,


suggestion, sign; (v) pursue. ANTONYMS: (v) ignore; (n) lot, overtone

traced: (adj) graphic

tracing: (n) trace, copy, design, model, chase, drafting, action of tracing, blueprint, cast, draftsmanship, ghost tradesmen: (n) fellow tradesmen tragedy: (n) calamity, disaster,

misfortune, play, cataclysm, drama, bad luck, bale, apocalypse, farce, tragic. ANTONYMS: (n) humor, blessing, joy, boon, advantage, comedy

tragic: (adj) calamitous, disastrous, dreadful, grievous, catastrophic, unlucky, unfortunate, woeful, tragical, comic, heartbreaking. ANTONYMS: (adj) humorous, heartwarming, blessed, advantageous, lucky, fortunate, joyous

trailing: (n) tracking, drift, pursuit, streaminess, hunt, heeling; (adj) following, rambling, sprawling, prone, procumbent

tramping: (adj) moving trampled: (adj) crushed, damaged,

flattened, compressed, packed down trampling: (n) trample; (adj) moving transaction: (n) dealing, business, dealings, proceeding, trade, concern, matter, bargain, negotiation, action, affair. ANTONYMS: (n) refusal, rejection, denial

transformed: (adj) changed, malformed, rehabilitated, bewitched, misshapen, distorted, reformed

transparency: (n) clearness, clarity, slide, limpidity, pellucidness, lucidity, diaphaneity, translucency, overhead, foil, pellucidity. ANTONYMS: (n) ambiguity, opacity, dirtiness, impurity

trap: (n, v) net, catch, ambush, mesh, trick; (v) entrap, ensnare, entangle;

(n) gin, noose, entanglement. ANTONYM: (v) release trappings: (n) equipment, rigging, caparison, embroidery, trapping, tackle, suit, skirt, accouterment, lappet, flap

travail: (n, v) labor, toil, labour, grind, childbirth, confinement; (v) drudge, moil; (n) effort, sweat, exertion

travelled: (adj) cosmopolitan tray: (n) plate, salver, dish,

cheeseboard, tray bar, server, waiter, Cran, inkstand, icetray, jardiniere


treacherous: (adj) unfaithful, deceitful, false, perfidious, dangerous, disloyal, unreliable, unsafe, Punic, fraudulent, faithless. ANTONYMS: (adj) faithful, loyal, honest, safe, true, genuine, forthright, stable, harmless, dependable, open

tread: (n, v) pace, walk, rate, march, tramp; (n) gait, stride, footstep, footfall, track; (v) trample

treat: (n, v) feast, manage, administer, regale; (v) process, deal, heal, nurse;

(n) luxury, delicacy, tidbit. ANTONYMS: (v) harm, hurt, injure, neglect, exacerbate, deprive, deny, contaminate, cloud; (n) necessity trellis: (n) lattice, grille, espalier, treillage, train, grate, net, network, grill; (v) plait, wattle

tremble: (adj, n, v) shiver; (n, v) quiver, shudder, thrill, palpitate; (adj, v) totter, quake; (n) throb; (v) flutter, quail, falter. ANTONYMS:

(v) steady, calm

trembles: (n) animal disease, nervousness

trembling: (adj, n) shaking; (adj, n, v) tremor; (adj) shaky, quaking, shivering, flutter; (n) palpitation, quiver, vibration, shiver, quake. ANTONYMS: (adj) stable, steady tremulous: (adj) shaky, trembling, shaking, fearful, apprehensive, quavering, fidgety, shivering; (n) nervous, diffident, coy. ANTONYMS: (adj) stable, confident, steady

tremulously: (adv) fearfully, shiveringly, tremblingly, shakingly, quiveringly, quaveringly, fidgetily, vibratingly

triangular: (adj) tripartite, trilateral, trigonal, deltoid, triangled, angular, multilateral, angulate

trickle: (n, v) dribble, drip, distill, drool; (v) percolate, ooze, seep, flow, leak, filter, leach. ANTONYMS: (n) throng, deluge, onslaught; (v) gush, flow, flood

trimmed: (adj) down, slashed, shortened, neat, mown, level, gelded, emasculated, demure, cunning, sly

tripos: (n) test, examination, exam triumph: (v) exult, prevail, crow, rejoice, succeed; (n, v) glory, win, joy; (n) victory, conquest, exultation. ANTONYMS: (n) failure, defeat, sorrow, unhappiness, dud, sadness, loss, flop; (v) fail, lose, forfeit trivial: (adj) trifling, frivolous, little,

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small, commonplace, superficial, petty, paltry, inconsiderable, piddling, slight. ANTONYMS: (adj) important, vital, major, urgent, profound, crucial, consequential, considerable, enormous, mature, serious

troop: (n) group, corps, gang, crowd, band, brigade, crew, herd, swarm, horde; (n, v) flock

troubled: (adj, v) concerned, solicitous; (adj) distressed, anxious, worried, uneasy, uncomfortable, disconcerted, upset, apprehensive, restless. ANTONYMS: (adj) unconcerned, composed, calm, easy, relaxed, tranquil, assured, carefree, brave, stable, unaffected

troubling: (adj) worrying, disquieting, distressing, distressful, disconcerting, alarming, perturbing, bad, annoying, sad, worrisome. ANTONYM: (adj) reassuring trousers: (n) breeches, knickers, pantaloons, trews, bellbottoms, chinos, cords, denim, flannel, gabardine, knickerbockers truculent: (adj) fierce, savage, gruff, aggressive, fell, belligerent, boorish, ferocious, tameless, frightening, rude. ANTONYM: (adj) peaceable trumpet: (n) horn, cornet, bugle, clarion, trump, brass, trombone; (v) proclaim, promulgate, show off, blare

trunks: (n) short pants, pants, luggage, Jockey shorts, Jamaica shorts, Bermuda shorts, bathing trunks, bathing suit, costume, drawers, swimming trunks tumbling: (adj) falling, billowing, dropping, rolled; (adj, adv) plunging; (n) gymnastics, acrobatics, stunting, stunt flying, rumbling; (adv) headfirst

turban: (n) peruke, pelt, periwig, pillbox, toque, front, caftan, chignon, turbant, headgear, millinery

turbid: (adj, v) thick; (adj) murky, opaque, cloudy, dirty, misty, foggy, mirky, feculent, vaporous, nebulous. ANTONYM: (adj) clear

turkish: (adj) turkeys turmoil: (n, v) commotion; (n)

disturbance, agitation, disorder, hubbub, confusion, excitement, flurry, mess, hullabaloo, disruption. ANTONYMS: (n) order, calm, peace, accord

turquoise: (n) turquois, peacock blue, greenish blue, blue, aquamarine,

aqua, blueness, opaque gem, turkois; (adj) sapphire, lapis lazuli tussock: (n) tuft, bunch, cluster, wisp, tussuck, clump, hassock, hexenbesen, staghead

twilight: (n) nightfall, night, sunset, gloaming, evening, sundown, eventide, fall, decline, evenfall; (adj) aurora. ANTONYMS: (n) daybreak, sunrise

twisted: (adj) perverted, deformed, bent, distorted, misshapen, coiled, twined, curved, wry, contorted; (adj, v) winding. ANTONYMS: (adj) tidy, normal, perfect, wholesome

twitch: (n, v) twinge, pull, yank, pluck, tug, tweak, wrench, pinch, start; (v) draw, nip

tyranny: (adj, n) dictatorship, autocracy; (n) absolutism, despotism, oppression, cruelty, monocracy, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, autarchy, Caesarism. ANTONYMS: (n) democracy, liberty

ugliness: (n) eyesore, offensiveness, hideousness, garishness, gaudiness, grotesqueness, grotesquery, repulsiveness, homeliness, unsightliness; (adj, n) unpleasantness. ANTONYMS: (n) beauty, attractiveness, pleasantness ugly: (adj, adv) surly; (adj) nasty, repulsive, frightful, forbidding, disagreeable, hideous, gruesome, evil, offensive, shocking. ANTONYMS: (adj) attractive, flowing, ornamental, nice, lovely, pleasant, safe, kind, gentle, appealing, agreeable

ulster: (n) coat, wraprascal, overcoat, topcoat, pelerine, greatcoat, dreadnought, cardinal, poncho ultimately: (adv) finally, lastly, in the end, at long last, at last, in the long run, conclusively, latterly, elementally, extremely, in the last analysis. ANTONYMS: (adv) never, directly

unadulterated: (adj) clean, simple, genuine, sheer, absolute, perfect, unsophisticated, true, authentic, real, neat. ANTONYMS: (adj) diluted, hidden, imitation, provisional

unadvised: (adj) unwary, inconsiderate, mistaken, uninformed; (v) unwarned. ANTONYMS: (adj) advised, wise unbarred: (adj) unlocked, unlatched, unbolted, open

unbearable: (adj) insufferable,

excruciating, insupportable, unendurable, hateful, unacceptable, repugnant, impossible, grievous, enormous, dreadful. ANTONYMS: (adj) bearable, manageable, imperceptible, tolerable, wonderful, lovable, nice, pleasant unbecoming: (adj) indecorous, unseemly, inappropriate, indecent, indelicate, untoward, unworthy, unsuitable, shameful, unbefitting, incongruous. ANTONYMS: (adj) dignified, becoming, fitting, proper, seemly, correct, decent, suitable uncertain: (adj) changeable, dubious, questionable, indistinct, equivocal, chancy, unsure, unsafe; (adj, v) indefinite, vague; (adj, n) doubtful. ANTONYMS: (adj) definite, clear, decisive, sure, decided, unquestionable, inevitable, safe, unreserved, sealed, determined uncertainty: (n) doubtfulness, suspicion, distrust, indecision, suspense, irresolution, hesitation, incertitude, dubiety, question, dubiousness. ANTONYMS: (n) certainty, decisiveness, confidence, clarity, sureness, definiteness, resolution, predictability, security, certitude, understanding unchanged: (adj) regular, undeviating, unalterable, unchanging, invariable, unvarying, unvaried, unmoved; (adj, v) identical, same; (v) like. ANTONYMS: (adj) reformed, distorted, affected, changed, altered, varied, fluid

uncivilized: (adj) savage, barbarian, barbarous, wild, barbaric, brutal, coarse, rude, rustic, ferocious, impolite. ANTONYMS: (adj) sophisticated, civilized, polite, cultured, pleasant

uncle: (n) father's younger brother, elder uncle, father's older brother, father's sister's husband, husband of paternal aunt, maternal uncle, niece, benefactor, EME, helper, kinsman unclean: (adj) foul, impure, nasty, dirty, grubby, muddy, squalid, grimy, sordid, dingy, soiled. ANTONYMS: (adj) clean, hygienic, pure, uncontaminated

uncomely: (adj) unbecoming, indecent, improper, unsightly, indecorous, unattractive; (adj, adv, n) homely; (adj, adv) unlovely, ugly; (adj, n) plain; (adv) improperly unconscious: (adj) involuntary, unaware, ignorant, unwitting,

Oscar Wilde

subconscious, oblivious, automatic, insensible, unintentional, instinctive, senseless. ANTONYMS: (adj) conscious, awake, deliberate, aware, voluntary, intentional, alive, wary unconsciously: (adv) instinctively, unintentionally, unthinkingly, unwittingly, ignorantly, innocently, comatosely, automatically, obliviously, unsuspectingly, inadvertently. ANTONYMS: (adv) consciously, deliberately, knowingly, purposely uncontrollable: (adj) unruly, incontrollable, ungovernable, unmanageable, intractable, undisciplined, disobedient, indocile, overwhelming, boisterous; (adj, v) uncontrolled. ANTONYMS: (adj) controllable, imperceptible, orderly, biddable, weak

uncouth: (adj) rough, rude, barbarous, vulgar, crude, awkward, clumsy, gross, unrefined, ungainly, common. ANTONYMS: (adj) refined, couth, polite, sophisticated, pleasant, proper, genteel undergrowth: (n) brush, brushwood, underwood, groundcover, thicket, scrub, copse, ground cover, coppice, wood, grove

underneath: (adv, prep) below, under; (adj) down, inferior, supporting; (n) bottom, base, underside; (adv) under that, under it; (prep) unbecoming. ANTONYMS: (n) top; (adv) up, over, above, apparently underrate: (v) underestimate, depreciate, misjudge, disparage, undervalue, play down, detract, decry, belittle, disdain, slight. ANTONYMS: (v) overrate, emphasize

undisturbed: (adj) peaceful, quiet, tranquil, serene, placid, still, easy, smooth, uninterrupted, untroubled, composed. ANTONYMS: (adj) tense, anxious, agitated, bothered, disordered, disturbed, noisy, scared uneducated: (adj) illiterate, unschooled, uninstructed, rude, unlearned, uninformed, uncultivated, untaught, unread, uncivilized, unenlightened. ANTONYMS: (adj) trained, literate, learned, intelligent, informed unfair: (adj) unjust, dishonest, inequitable, foul, deceitful, wrongful, undeserved, dishonorable, fraudulent, underhand, unsporting.


ANTONYMS: (adj) just, reasonable, balanced, rightful, honest, sporting, impartial, evenhanded, unbiased, innocent, justified

unfortunate: (adj) inauspicious, sad, hapless, bad, inopportune, disastrous, adverse, deplorable, infelicitous, untoward, lamentable. ANTONYMS: (adj) lucky, auspicious, good, opportune, joyous, timely, appropriate, successful, easy, privileged ungainly: (adj) clumsy, gawky, unwieldy, inelegant, inept, maladroit, uncouth, graceless, stiff, wooden, unmanageable. ANTONYMS: (adj) graceful, manageable, adroit, fitting, elegant unhappy: (adj) gloomy, dismal, depressed, melancholy, sad, miserable, sorrowful, distressed, disconsolate, infelicitous, low. ANTONYMS: (adj) happy, cheerful, satisfied, pleased, glad, euphoric, fortunate, contented, joyful, timely, lucky

unheeded: (adj) unnoticed, neglected, disregarded, ignored; (v) unthought of, unseen, unperceived, unobserved, unnoted, unmarked, unmissed

unhook: (v) liberate, loosen, release, unlink, detach, separate, undo, disconnect. ANTONYM: (v) fasten uninteresting: (adj) insipid, dreary, tedious, bland, commonplace, flat, stupid, tame, tasteless, humdrum; (adj, n) dull. ANTONYMS: (adj) exciting, fascinating, scandalous, eventful, impressive, charming, brilliant, animated, colorful, lively, special

unison: (n) agreement, union, accord, coincidence, accordance, concord, unity, unisonance, concurrence, consonance, concordance. ANTONYMS: (n) discord, disharmony, disarray

universal: (adj) general, global, ecumenical, international, common, worldwide, public, ubiquitous, comprehensive, widespread, oecumenical. ANTONYMS: (adj) local, specific, idiosyncratic, confined, isolated, narrow, rare unjust: (adj) partial, injurious, wrong, inequitable, unrighteous, wicked, foul, wrongful, improper, unmerited, unjustified. ANTONYMS: (adj) just, equitable, rightful, reasonable, good

unkind: (adj) cruel, harsh, unfeeling,

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