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The Picture of Dorian Gray

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fawn: (v) crawl, creep, grovel, cringe, cower, crouch, bootlick, kowtow, blandish, flatter; (n) deer. ANTONYMS: (v) insult, despise, ignore, domineer

fearful: (adj, n) afraid; (adj, v) dreadful, cowardly; (adj) terrible, apprehensive, awful, timid, anxious, craven, frightful, eerie. ANTONYMS: (adj) rational, calm, confident, bold, unimpressed, charming, fearless, courageous, reassuring, unafraid, wonderful fears: (n) worries, uncertainties, doubts, qualms, misgivings

feast: (n, v) junket, fete; (n) entertainment, dinner, binge, spread, celebration, jamboree, carousal; (v) feed, eat. ANTONYMS:

(v) abstain, starve; (n) snack feather: (n) pen, feathering, pinion, nib, plumage, quill, kind, spline; (n, v) plume; (adj, n, v) fringe; (v) fledge feed: (v) eat, dine, browse, encourage, board, diet, nourish, fatten; (n, v) nurture, provender; (n) aliment. ANTONYMS: (v) thwart, crave, desire, sap

feeding: (n) alimentation, eating, nourishment, grazing, dining, browsing, feed supply, banqueting, supplying, ingestion, intake feigned: (adj) false, affected, assumed, dummy, unnatural, fictitious; (adj, v) sham, counterfeit, spurious, mock, pretended. ANTONYMS: (adj) sincere, genuine, natural, wholehearted, heartfelt, real felicity: (n) happiness, bliss, blessedness, beatitude, luck, felicitousness, joy, fortune, ecstasy, enjoyment, appropriateness. ANTONYM: (n) infelicity

fellow: (adj, n) comrade, associate;

(n) boy, equal, brother, peer, chap, colleague, compeer, buddy; (adj, n, v) concomitant. ANTONYMS: (n) female, woman, girl, foe, enemy, antagonist, competitor

fellows: (n) fellow, membership, faculty

fetid: (adj) foul, putrid, malodorous, noisome, stinking, rank, mephitic, rotten, disgusting, rancid, foetid. ANTONYMS: (adj) fragrant, fresh, clean, sweet, aromatic

fever: (n) malaria, delirium, pyrexia, heat, frenzy, feverishness, febricity, Bilious typhoid fever, Levant fever, Hectic infantile fever, Typhoid fever feverishly: (adv) excitedly, hotly, febrilely, hecticly, feverously,

The Picture of Dorian Gray

hysterically, passionately, frantically, fanatically, heatedly, frenziedly. ANTONYMS: (adv) indifferently, peacefully, sluggishly fewer: (n) not as much as, negative amount, deficiency, defect, lesser amount

fiasco: (n) disaster, failure, flop, disappointment, catastrophe, washout, breakdown, abortion, farce; (adj, n) mess; (v) fizzle. ANTONYMS: (n) success, hit fibre: (n) fiber, character, string, fibril, filament, strand, coir, byssus, bristle, bassine, beard

fiction: (n) falsehood, fable, invention, story, lie, fantasy, romance, falsity, figment, novel, sham. ANTONYMS: (adj) factual;

(n) fact

fidelity: (n) constancy, devotion, faithfulness, adherence, allegiance, loyalty, faith, dedication, exactness; (adj, n) honesty, truth. ANTONYMS: (n) infidelity, unfaithfulness, disloyalty, inaccuracy, faithlessness, dishonesty, unreliability

fiend: (n) monster, devil, fanatic, brute, deuce, incubus, goblin, ogre, enthusiast, daemon, addict. ANTONYM: (n) angel

fierce: (adj) bitter, acute, cruel, ferocious, brutal, grim, nasty, intense, ardent; (adj, v) savage, furious. ANTONYMS: (adj) gentle, mild, calm, quiet, tame, docile, weak, peaceful, pleasant

fiery: (adj, n) burning, passionate, glowing; (adj) fervent, ablaze, hot, fervid, impassioned, peppery; (adj, v) fierce, violent. ANTONYMS: (adj) calm, passionless, dispassionate, indifferent, placid, gentle, cool; (adv) easygoing

figured: (adj) figurative, glyptic, conjectural, implied

figurine: (n) doll, figure, model, waxwork, mammet, manikin, dummy, marionette, fantoccini, bust, image

filled: (adj) replete, packed, fraught, teeming, laden, abundant, congested, charged, stuffed; (adj, adv) crowded; (n) fuller. ANTONYMS: (adj) lacking, clear finely: (adv) delicately, beautifully, magnificently, splendidly, exquisitely, rarely, excellently, lovely, slightly, nicely, bravely. ANTONYMS: (adv) roughly, coarsely, intensely, poorly

finer: (adj) superior, advanced, bigger, higher, more, greater finest: (adj, n) elite; (adj) top, select, excellent, most favorable, most excellent, most advantageous, exclusive, classic, best possible; (n) cream

finger: (v) feel, handle, touch, thumb, indicate, point; (n) digit, dactyl, forefinger, pointer; (n, v) hand. ANTONYM: (v) clear

fired: (adj) discharged, unemployed, passionate, interested, heated, enthusiastic, ablaze, zealous

firing: (n, v) discharge, explosion; (n) dismissal, fire, combustion, sack, lighting, dismission, release; (adj) combustible; (v) burst

fist: (n, v) hand; (n) duke, clenched fist, feist, manus, grip, index; (v) finger, paw, neif, neaf

fits: (v) epilepsy, bustle, racket, fuss, hubbub, megrims, rout, subsultus, staggers

flaccid: (adj) limp, soft, loose, lax, weak, slack, languid, baggy, downy, drooping; (v) weakly. ANTONYMS: (adj) stiff, taut, upright, proactive flake: (n) bit, splinter, scale, fleck, snowflake, slice, scrap, piece; (v) peel, fragment, flake off

flame: (adj, n) fire, sweetheart; (adj, v) burn, glow; (n, v) flash; (n) ardour, burning, fervor, enthusiasm, combustion, sheen

flamelike: (adj) blazing, flamy flapping: (adj) loose, detached, baggy, streaming, flying, slack; (n) fluttering, flutter, flaps, dither, disturbance

flared: (adj) aflare, increasing flaring: (adj) flared, flaming, burning, blazing, tawdry, ablaze, garish, fiery; (v) glaring; (n) flare; (adv) flaringly

flash: (n, v) flicker, blaze, shimmer, glitter, gleam, glimmer, blink, flame; (adj, n, v) twinkle; (n) instant; (v) coruscate. ANTONYMS: (adj) tasteful; (n) age; (v) dawdle flashing: (adj) bright, sparkling, blinking, meteoric, scintillating, light, brilliant, dazzling, gleaming;

(n) flare, flashes

flattened: (adj) planate, packed down, trodden, unconscious, depressed, compressed

flatter: (v) fawn, adulate, wheedle, cajole, soap, kowtow, blandish, grovel, butter up; (n, v) court; (n) caress. ANTONYMS: (v) insult, disparage, criticize, discourage

flattered: (adj) pleased

flaunt: (v) display, flash, show off, show, boast, swank, wave, strut, brandish; (n, v) flourish; (n) glitter. ANTONYMS: (v) conceal, understate

flawless: (adj) faultless, ideal, complete, consummate, finished, good, impeccable, blameless, unimpeachable, correct, unflawed. ANTONYMS: (adj) faulty, blameworthy, corrupt, fallible, imperfect, shameful

fleck: (n, v) dot, speckle, blot, mark;

(n) speck, stigma, dapple, splotch, flake, bit; (v) tarnish

fleet: (adj) fast, expeditious, quick, agile, brisk, rapid, speedy; (n) armada, float, navy; (v) flit flemish: (n) Flemish dialect

flesh: (adj) carnality, concupiscence;

(n) mortality, beef, form, figure, frame, person, mankind, humanity, meat

fleshly: (adj) animal, bodily, sensual, physical, corporeal, voluptuous, lustful, lascivious; (adv) carnally, sensually; (adj, adv) worldly. ANTONYM: (adv) spiritual flicker: (n, v) waver, flare, blaze, sparkle, glimmer, shine, flash; (v) shake, blink, flick, shimmer flickering: (adj) sparkling, aflicker, desultory, capricious, glistening, shimmering, glittering; (n) twinkling, flicker, fluttering; (adv) flickeringly

fling: (n, v) toss, throw, pitch, slam, hurl; (v) chuck, shoot, dash, rush, discard; (n) crack. ANTONYM: (v) collect

flinging: (n) casting, cast

flirt: (n, v) coquette; (v) dally, coquet, toy, romance, trifle, spoon; (n) dalliance, vamp, tease, flirting flirtation: (n) flirt, coquetry, flirting, romp, trifling, tease, play, frolic, gambol, amour, gallantry

flirting: (n) flirtation, dalliance, flirt, coquetry, flirtingly, dawdling, coquette, toying, caper, frivolity floating: (adv) afloat; (adj, v) buoyant; (adj, adv) aimless; (adj) current, loose, moving, fluid, in circulation, going about, flying, light flooded: (adj) swamped, inundated, engulfed, afloat, submerged, waterlogged, soaked, busy, weak, teeming, swarming. ANTONYMS: (adj) idle, clear

florence: (n) Firenze

florid: (adj) flamboyant, fancy,

Oscar Wilde

flowery, aureate, flashy, fresh, figurative, gorgeous; (adj, v) ornate, gaudy; (adj, n) ruddy. ANTONYMS: (adj) pale, plain

flower: (n, v) blossom, blow; (v) effloresce, flourish; (adj, n) prime;

(n) efflorescence, elite, cream, bouquet, floret, florescence. ANTONYMS: (n) residue; (v) wither flowered: (adj) flowering, flowery fluid: (adj) flowing, unsettled, changeable, smooth, fluent, mobile, runny, versatile, juicy, uncertain, unstable. ANTONYMS: (adj) unchangeable, ugly, fixed, defined, set, constant, stilted, jerky

flush: (adj, n, v) blush, glow; (adj) flat, affluent, rich; (adj, v) even, smooth, level; (n) bloom; (n, v) color;

(v) redden. ANTONYMS: (n) pallor;

(v) blanch, blench; (adj) empty, low, poor

flushed: (adj, n) red, sanguine; (adj) feverish, glowing, aroused, aflame, burning, exultant, exulting; (n) flush, elated. ANTONYM: (adj) cool flushing: (n) rinsing, blush, flashing, Flushing process, Flushing system, histamine flush, hushing, water Flushing

flute: (n) wineglass, furrow, groove, fluting, tooth gap, champagne flute, corrugation, plow, wood, woodwind; (v) channel

fluted: (adj) corrugated, grooved, gadrooned, canaliculated; (v) ribbed, sulcated

flutter: (adj, n, v) bustle, flurry; (n, v) beat, palpitate, flap, wave, waver, quiver; (v) flit, flitter; (n) excitement fluttering: (adj) flying, palpitating, flittering, flaring, aflare, waving; (n) flutter, flapping, flicker, flitting; (adv) flutteringly

flying: (adj) fast, quick, rapid, swift, moving, flaring, aflare; (n) fly, flight, aviation, ballooning

foam: (n, v) froth, bubble, spume; (adj, v) boil, seethe; (v) effervesce, suds, fizz, ferment; (n) lather, bubbles

foggy: (adj) hazy, misty, brumous, murky, blurred, bleary, fuzzy, opaque, thick, indefinite, nebulous. ANTONYMS: (adj) precise, sunny folded: (adj) plaited, pleated, doubled, artful, braided, corrugated, doubled over, fluted

folds: (n) laps

folk: (n) family, common people, nationality, nation, country, clan, tribe, race, persons, man; (adj)



folly: (n) fatuity, foolishness, silliness, tomfoolery, nonsense, stupidity, craziness, density, freak; (adj, n) irrationality, trifling. ANTONYM:

(n) sense

fond: (adj) affectionate, caring, devoted, tender, loving, amorous, delicate, adoring, doting, ardent, attached. ANTONYMS: (adj) aversion, cold, rough

fool: (n) blockhead, dunce, clown, idiot, ass, booby, buffoon; (v) deceive, bamboozle; (n, v) joke, gull. ANTONYM: (n) savant

foolish: (adj) childish, fool, crazy, dumb, daft, fatuous, stupid, unwise, preposterous, dopey; (adj, n) silly. ANTONYMS: (adj) wise, sensible, shrewd, prudent, visionary, diplomatic, levelheaded, sane, rational, mature, judicious foolishly: (adv) idiotically, ridiculously, stupidly, indiscreetly, silly, insanely, injudiciously, preposterously, absurdly, senselessly; (adj, adv) madly. ANTONYMS: (adv) sensibly, solemnly, shrewdly, prudently, responsibly, judiciously, carefully, rationally

footlights: (n) footlight, stage, proscenium, arena, theatre, platform, limelight, ramp, show business, klieg light

footsteps: (n) road, footprints, way, trail, path, track, footpath forbidden: (adj) banned, taboo, illegal, prohibited, contraband, illicit, verboten, proscribed, outlawed, illegitimate; (adj, adv) offlimits. ANTONYMS: (adj) allowed, permitted, permissible, legal, open ford: (n, v) cross, pass; (n) crossing, tunnel, rift, deep fording, crossway;

(v) surpass, span, defile, condition forehead: (n) brow, front, foreland, lineament, mut, phiz, physiognomy, visage, eyebrow, skull; (adv) foremost

forests: (n) country forgave: (v) to excuse

forgetfulness: (n) neglect, amnesia, obliviousness, inattention, memory loss, omission, unknowingness, unawareness, Lethe, carelessness, loss of memory. ANTONYMS: (n) awareness, concentration, remembering, attention

forgive: (v) absolve, excuse, acquit, remit, pardon, justify, to forgive, exonerate, overlook, clear, to excuse.


ANTONYMS: (v) condemn, punish, castigate

forgiven: (v) conciliatory, placable forgiveness: (n) mercy, condonation, clemency, kindness, pity, remission, leniency, absolution, grace, compassion; (n, v) pardon. ANTONYMS: (n) condemnation, cruelty, harshness

formless: (adj) shapeless, unformed, indistinct, unstructured, unbodied, nebulous, vague, indistinguishable, soft, fuzzy, rude. ANTONYMS: (adj) organized, clear, distinct

forth: (adv) away, along, onward, ahead, before, on, off, on the high road, on the road, on the way, under way

fortnight: (n) two weeks, period, amount of time

fortunate: (adj) favorable, lucky, auspicious, advantageous, favored, happy, prosperous, fortuitous, well, successful; (adj, n) blessed. ANTONYMS: (adj) unlucky, disadvantaged, disastrous, unfavorable, underprivileged, inauspicious, unenviable, unsatisfactory

fortunately: (adv) happily, prosperously, propitiously, fortuitously, providentially, successfully, auspiciously, opportunely, felicitously, blessedly, advantageously. ANTONYMS: (adv) disastrously, unluckily, inauspiciously, negatively fortune: (n) estate, fate, fluke, destiny, luck, accident, means, assets, riches, abundance, doom. ANTONYM: (n) design

forwards: (adv) ahead, forth, onwards, onward, before, fore, forrader, forrad, forrard, on, in advance. ANTONYMS: (adv) back, behind

foul: (adj, v) nasty, base, corrupt, coarse; (adj) filthy, disgusting, evil, unclean, putrid; (n, v) defile, soil. ANTONYMS: (adj, v) clean, pure; (adj) pleasant, fair, inoffensive, humane, attractive, honest, pleasing, fragrant; (v) unclog

foulness: (n) filthiness, dirtiness, corruption, contamination, dirt, squalor, squalidity, impurity, pollution, nastiness, indecency. ANTONYMS: (n) cleanness, luxury, cleanliness, purity, attractiveness founder: (v) fail, collapse, crumple, cave in; (n) laminitis, patriarch, creator, promoter, originator; (n, v)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

break down, sink

fragile: (adj, v) frail; (adj) delicate, dainty, breakable, flimsy, brittle, weak, faint, slim, fine, feeble.

ANTONYMS: (adj) strong, substantial, sturdy, permanent, robust, indestructible, stable fragment: (n) fraction, crumb, morsel, part, division, rag; (n, v) chip, scrap, splinter; (v) shiver, crumble. ANTONYM: (n) chunk

fragrant: (adj) spicy, odorous, balmy, sweet, odorant, scented, redolent, savory, fragrance, odoriferous, scent. ANTONYMS: (adj) smelly, putrid, malodorous, odorless frame: (n, v) construct, design, fabricate, make, fashion, border, build, forge; (v) draft, erect, contrive framed: (adj) counterfeit, prepared, orderly, methodical, spurious. ANTONYM: (adj) unframed frangipanni: (n) shrub, bush frankincense: (n) incense, mastic, gum, gum olibanum, thus, musk frantic: (adj) desperate, crazy, excited, distraught, frenetic, distracted; (adj, v) frenzied, furious, wild, raging; (n) maniac. ANTONYMS: (adj) mellow, composed

fratricide: (n) slaying, liquidator, homicide, murderer, friendly fire, feticide; (v) uxoricide, vaticide, infanticide, matricide, parricide fraught: (v) replete; (adj) pregnant, laden, frantic, anxious, worried, distressed, filled, plenary, charged, distracted. ANTONYMS: (adj) relaxed, carefree, devoid, calm freckled: (adj) speckled, mottled, discolored, freckly, flecked, lentiginose, lentiginous, marked, blemished, pitted; (v) studded. ANTONYM: (adj) plain

freed: (adj) disentangled, emancipated, disengaged, liberated, extricated, freer, unchained, untied, loosened, disillusioned, not tied up freely: (adv) loosely, frankly, openly, generously, independently, gratuitously, voluntarily, liberally, free, sparely; (adj, adv) spontaneously. ANTONYMS: (adv) reluctantly, deceitfully, accurately, meagerly, parsimoniously, secretly, stingily, unwillingly; (adj) restricted frenchman: (n) French person, Gaul, frog, Norman, Parisian, Frenchwoman, savoyard, Breton, Angevine, Angevin, monsieur frequent: (adj, v) customary, usual,

ordinary, incessant; (adj) everyday, many, familiar, continual, habitual;

(v) patronize, haunt. ANTONYMS: (adj) infrequent, occasional, intermittent, spasmodic, unusual, few; (v) shun, boycott, avoid friendship: (n) association, familiarity, affection, companionship, friendliness, intimacy, company, attachment, relationship; (n, v) amity, concord. ANTONYMS: (n) hostility, animosity, antagonism, conflict, formality, rivalry, hatred, detachment, distance, isolation frieze: (n) architrave, textile, sconce, pediment, material, zoophorus, freeze, architectural ornament, capital, coping stone, entablature frighten: (v) cow, alarm, daunt, terrify, appall, scare, affright, intimidate, terrorize, appal; (n, v) fright. ANTONYMS: (v) comfort, reassure, soothe, calm

frightened: (adj) fearful, timid, startled, terrified, scared, alarmed, anxious, apprehensive, horrified, intimidated, restless. ANTONYMS: (adj) unimpressed, confident, brave, fearless, reassured

fringed: (adj) fibrillated, bounded, feathered, bushy, decorated, fimbriate, fimbricate, laciniate, befringed, rough, laciniated frock: (n) dress, gown, clothing, attire, robe, kirtle, habit, clothes, coat, chemise, caftan

frost: (n, v) freeze, chill; (n) cold, hoarfrost, icing, hoar, Robert lee frost, failure; (adj, n) rime; (v) ice; (adj) frozen. ANTONYMS: (n) hot, heat, warmth

frown: (adj, v) lower; (adj, n) scowl; (n, v) pout, grimace, glower, glare; (adj) black looks, gloam, glout; (v) sulk, gnash. ANTONYM: (v) approve

frowning: (adj) dismal, dark, gloomy, lowering, scowling, frowny, clouded; (adv) frowningly; (n) austere, boisterous, coarse

fruitful: (adj) fertile, copious, profitable, abundant, plentiful, rich, fecund, good, fat, productive, lucrative. ANTONYMS: (adj) unproductive, barren, infertile, unfruitful, unprofitable, sterile, fruitless, destructive

fruits: (n) revenue

fulfilled: (adj) complete, finished, done, satisfied, accomplished, completed, whole, delighted,

concluded, happy, full of pride. ANTONYMS: (adj) incomplete, unfulfilled, frustrated, ashamed, dissatisfied

full-length: (n) unabridged; (adj) whole

fumes: (n) gas, exhaust, exhaust fumes, smokes, smog, vapor, exhalation, steam, smoke, toxic waste, contamination

fuming: (adj) enraged, incensed, boiling, irate, livid, mad, furious, violent; (v) wild, raving, ready to burst. ANTONYM: (adj) pleased furious: (adj, v) fierce, violent, vehement, wild, rampant; (adj) frantic, enraged, ferocious, boisterous, raging, frenzied. ANTONYMS: (adj) happy, mild, gentle, pleased, mellow, quiet, slow furrow: (n, v) fold, crinkle, crease, groove, line, chamfer, rut; (n) channel, cut, ditch, trough. ANTONYMS: (n) ridge; (v) smooth furry: (adj) furred, hirsute, soft, velvety, downy, shaggy, bushy, fuzzy, smooth, like velvet, covered with hair. ANTONYM: (adj) rough fuss: (n, v) flurry, bicker, fidget, hubbub; (adj, n) stir; (n) flap, commotion, ado, bother, disturbance; (v) fret. ANTONYM:

(n) peace

gable: (n) pediment, gable end, wall, gable wall, William Clark gable, bell gable, corbie gable, gavel, Clark gable

gaiety: (n) fun, cheerfulness, exhilaration, mirth, glee, merriment, hilarity, happiness, joy, joviality, jollity. ANTONYMS: (n) seriousness, misery, sadness gained: (adj) extrinsic

gaining: (n) acceptance, acquisition, attainment, capture; (adj) ahead, fortunate. ANTONYM: (n) loss gallop: (v) speed, dart, dash, race, spring, tear, hasten, sprint; (adj, v) fly; (n, v) trot; (n) gait

galloping: (v) flying

gambling: (adj, n) gaming; (n) play, speculation, recreation, vice, hazardry, bid; (adj) betting, dissipated, sporting, clean gamekeeper: (n) steward, keeper, warden, custodian, warrener gape: (v) gawk, yawn, open, glare,

goggle, split, dehisce, ogle, see; (adj, n) stare; (n, v) look

gaping: (adj, n) agape; (adj) vast, yawning, cavernous, discontinuous, wide, ajar, drowsy, hollow, wide

Oscar Wilde

open; (adj, v) oscitant. ANTONYMS: (adj) cramped, narrow

gardener: (n) horticulturist, farmer, florist, employee, hedger, husbandman, transplanter garments: (n) attire, clothing, dress, apparel, raiment, outfit, costume, garb, array, gear, anything worthless

garnet: (n) essonite, almandine, peridot, opal, lapis lazuli, pyrope, cinnamon stone, chrysolite, allochroite, andradite; (adj) dark red garrulous: (adj) talkative, chatty, gabby, verbose, wordy, conversational, glib, talky, windy, voluble, effusive. ANTONYMS: (adj) taciturn, concise, reticent garter: (n) cestus, halter, running knot, surcingle, noose, knot, lasso, suspender, star, wreath, crown gasping: (adj) panting, winded, blown, out of breath, thirsty, pursy;

(v) spavined, touched in the wind gate: (n) door, mouth, entry, doorway, port, exit, goal, barrier, approach, inlet, threshold

gates: (n) bill Gates

gather: (n, v) fold, tuck; (v) convene, garner, congregate, compile, assemble, accumulate, collect, meet, flock. ANTONYMS: (v) disperse, scatter, spread, distribute, disband, decrease, part, smooth

gathering: (n) collection, accumulation, concourse, congregation, assemblage, crowd, compilation, meeting, crew, gather, throng. ANTONYMS: (n) dismantling, scattering

gaudy: (adj) flashy, loud, showy, garish, flamboyant, tasteless, colorful, tacky, brassy, tawdry, florid. ANTONYMS: (adj) tasteful, restrained, muted, drab, modest, dull, quality

gaunt: (adj) lean, thin, cadaverous, desolate, bleak, dreary, meager, bony, angular, lanky, sullen. ANTONYMS: (adj) fresh, rounded, obese

gauze: (n) film, curtain, blind, bandage, mask, mantle, muslin, screen, gauze bandage, shutter, daze gaze: (n, v) stare, regard, look, behold; (v) gape, see, contemplate, face, pry, view, glance. ANTONYMS: (v) glance, peek gazette: (n) magazine, journal, newspaper, gazetteer, organ, public press, list, the press, tract, catalogue;

(v) publish


gazing: (adj) fixed

generosity: (n, v) charity, liberality; (adj, n) bounty, kindness, beneficence, favor; (n) benevolence, bounteousness, chivalry, nobility, munificence. ANTONYMS: (n) stinginess, greed, meanness, thrift, thriftiness, avarice, unfriendliness, bareness, malevolence, miserliness, nastiness

generous: (adj) ample, abundant, copious, benevolent, bountiful, kind, charitable, flush, fair, liberal; (adj, n) free. ANTONYMS: (adj) meager, tightfisted, miserly, measly, mean, small, ungenerous, avaricious, greedy, petty, pitiful

genial: (adj) cheerful, bright, affable, cordial, amiable, nice, friendly, convivial, warm, agreeable, suave. ANTONYMS: (adj) disagreeable, hostile, mean, discourteous, frosty, gloomy, reserved, unapproachable, abominable

genius: (adj, n) capacity, ability, endowment, faculty, gift, cleverness;

(n) flair, brain, prodigy, bent, aptitude. ANTONYM: (n) amateur gentle: (adj) easy, friendly, soft, kind, affable, balmy, mild, feeble, compassionate; (adj, adv) calm; (adj, v) tame. ANTONYMS: (adj) harsh, loud, fierce, caustic, violent, rough, hardhearted, abrupt, heavy, steep, sheer

gentlemen: (n) sirs, messieurs germ: (n) beginning, bacterium, bud, sprout, kernel, microbe, embryo, egg, bacillus, root, seed

gesture: (n, v) sign, signal, motion;

(n) beck, gesticulation, indication, movement; (v) gesticulate, beckon, wave, bless

ghastly: (adj) awful, fearful, cadaverous, dreadful, grisly, gruesome, macabre, hideous, appalling, atrocious; (adv) gruesomely. ANTONYMS: (adj) wonderful, lovely, attractive, delightful

ghostly: (adj) uncanny, eerie, weird, spiritual, spectral, ghostlike, supernatural, macabre, phantasmal; (adj, adv) ghastly; (adv) spectrally. ANTONYMS: (adj) tangible, natural gigantic: (adj) colossal, enormous, large, huge, giant, stupendous, monstrous, vast, big, immense, massive. ANTONYMS: (adj) small, tiny, little, insignificant, short, miniature

gilded: (adj, v) gilt; (adj) rich, gold,


golden, deluxe, gilden, fortunate, garish, advantageous, aurated, luxurious

gilt: (n) gilding, plating, money, decoration; (adj) aureate, golden, gold, florid; (v) tesselated, ornate, rich

gilt-edged: (adj) elite, fine

girdle: (v) encircle, circle, compass, gird, enclose, encompass; (n, v) zone, ring; (n) cincture, cummerbund, sash

gladstone: (n) William Ewart Gladstone, William Gladstone, blend, portmanteau

glamour: (n, v) charm; (n) allure, enchantment, appeal, beauty, spell, glamor, attraction; (v) fascinate, enchant, bewitch. ANTONYMS: (n) attractiveness, ugliness

glance: (n, v) look, peek, flash, peep;

(n) gaze, glimpse, coup d'oeil, gander; (v) bounce, glint, ricochet. ANTONYMS: (n, v) study; (n) examination, perusal; (v) stick, stare glancing: (adj) passing

glare: (n) glance, brilliance, radiance, brightness; (n, v) glower, flash, shine, scowl, beam, frown; (v) flame. ANTONYMS: (n) dullness, dimness glasses: (n) spectacles, eyeglasses, glass, specs, spectacle, eyeglass, barnacles, lens, pair of glasses, mirror, goggles

glasslike: (adj) vitriform, vitric, glazen

glazed: (adj) glossy, glassed, glazen, vitreous, vitrified, icy, lustrous, shiny, empty, slippery, glasslike. ANTONYMS: (adj) unglazed, alert, dull

gleam: (n, v) glance, beam, blaze, shine, glimmer, glow, flash, flicker, sparkle, glitter; (v) twinkle glimmering: (n) inkling, ghost, luminosity, light, hint, apparition, radiance; (adj) glittering, glimmery, crepusculous, sciolism

glimpse: (n, v) look, peek; (v) blink, see, notice, spy, spot, espy; (n) coup d'oeil, view, peep. ANTONYMS: (n) scrutiny, observation, perusal; (v) scrutinize, survey, Miss, study glistening: (adj) shining, glossy, shiny, glisten, brilliant, beaming, sleek, lustrous, sparkling, reflecting light, gleaming. ANTONYM: (adj) dull

globe: (n) earth, world, orb, circle, eyeball, round, planet, bolus, fireball, bulb; (adj, n) sphere

gloom: (n) desolation, dark, darkness,

The Picture of Dorian Gray

blackness, depression, dimness, dusk, dreariness, despair, dejection; (n, v) cloud. ANTONYMS: (n) brightness, happiness, cheerfulness, glee, ecstasy, joy, optimism, cheer gloomy: (adj) black, desolate, dejected, cheerless, depressing, dismal, downcast, disconsolate, melancholy, funereal, downhearted. ANTONYMS: (adj) encouraging, cheery, cheerful, bright, hopeful, light, promising, uplifting, joyful, sunny, clear

glossy: (adj, v) sleek; (adj) smooth, bright, glazed, brilliant, flat, glistening, burnished, resplendent, lustrous, glassy. ANTONYMS: (adj) dull, rough, coarse, shoddy

glove: (n) boxing glove, gloves, mitt, mitten, baseball mitt, baseball glove, handwear, wristband, sleeve, mittens, batting glove

gloves: (n) gauntlet, mitten, mittens, gauntlets, scarf, ornament, handbag, belt, batting glove, boxing glove, baseball mitt

gnaw: (v) chew, fret, crunch, corrode, nibble, eat, erode, to bite, munch, masticate; (n, v) chafe

gnawed: (v) gnow, eroded godlike: (adj) celestial, heavenly,

seraphic, holy, angelic, godly, divine worship, deified, elysian, foreboding, divine songs

gods: (n) gallery golds: (n) gold shares

gondola: (n) boat, coracle, catamaran, basket, hydroplane, compartment, auto, hovercraft, gundelet, gondola lift, elevator car

good-bye: (n) bye, farewell, goodbye, goodby, vale, adios, cheerio good-looking: (adj) beautiful, comely, handsome, pretty, fine, fair, lovely, gorgeous, charming, bonny, graceful

good-natured: (adj) kindly, friendly, kind, obliging, gracious, kindhearted, genial, good, bland, sweet, good-tempered

goodness: (adj, n) generosity, kindness, gentleness; (n) good, excellence, benefit, virtue, worth, morality; (adj) favor, beneficence. ANTONYMS: (n) evil, wickedness, badness, corruptness, bad, immorality, corruption

gorgeous: (adj) luxurious, gaudy, attractive, brilliant, wonderful, glorious, gay, florid, palatial, dressy; (adj, v) rich. ANTONYMS: (adj) ugly, unattractive, detestable,


gothic: (adj) barbaric, mediaeval, doggerel, rude, outlandish, tramontane, unclassical, truculent, brutal, heathenish, barbarous govern: (n, v) direct, control, reign, rule; (v) administer, dictate, dominate, manage, check, bridle, regulate. ANTONYM: (v) deregulate governed: (adj) subject; (n) citizenry; (adv) under

gown: (n) robe, clothing, cassock, vestment, wrapper, overclothes, outerwear, uniform, tunic, clothes;

(v) clothe

grace: (adj, v) adorn; (v) garnish, deck, embellish, beautify, decorate, embroider; (adj, n, v) favor; (n) elegance, beauty; (adj, n) clemency. ANTONYMS: (n) unseemliness, awkwardness, disfavor, inelegance, heaviness, unkindness; (v) deface, demean

graceful: (adj) beautiful, delicate, amiable, easy, fine, charming, fair, airy, becoming, lovely, lithe. ANTONYMS: (adj) inelegant, stocky, awkward, vigorous, jerky, ugly, stilted, heavy, coarse, strenuous

gracious: (adj) genial, benign, good, courteous, compassionate, kind, accommodating, civil; (adj, n) benevolent, congenial, gentle. ANTONYMS: (adj) ungracious, boorish, discourteous, reserved, rude, abrupt, critical, unkind, hardhearted, harsh, poor grandfather: (n) gramps, grandad, grandpapa, grandpa, grandsire, granddaddy, ancestor, father's father, paternal grandfather, father, forefather

granite: (n) firmness, pluton, steadiness, batholite, limestone, stonework, batholith; (adj) flint, crystal, fossil, crag

grapes: (v) clam, chupatty, compote, damper, fish, frumenty, chowder;

(n) vintage

grasp: (adj, n, v) catch; (n, v) clutch, clasp, hold, clinch; (v) comprehend, embrace, grapple, apprehend, conceive, cling. ANTONYMS: (n, v) Miss; (v) overlook, lose, give; (n) ignorance

grasshopper: (n) goat, frog, chamois, orthopteron, orthopteran, cricket, locust, cocktail, acridid, flea gratification: (adj, n) delight; (n, v) content; (n) enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction, fruition, complacency,

joy, luxury, treat, fulfillment. ANTONYMS: (n) dissatisfaction, disenchantment, dismay, discontent, anxiety

gratified: (adj) glad, satisfied, pleased, delighted, happy, thankful, grateful, content, complacent, comfortable, cheerful

gratifying: (adj) agreeable, pleasant, enjoyable, delightful, pleasurable, rewarding, welcome, satisfying, nice; (adj, v) grateful; (v) gratify. ANTONYMS: (adj) disappointing, unwelcome, unrewarding, frustrating, disagreeable, heartbreaking, annoying, unpleasant grating: (adj) hoarse, strident, harsh, discordant, gravelly, raspy, gruff, raucous; (n, v) lattice; (n) grate, grid. ANTONYMS: (adj) pleasing, soothing, smooth, harmonious grave: (adj) solemn, serious, critical, earnest, dangerous, sedate, sad, grand; (adj, v) severe, acute; (v) engrave. ANTONYMS: (adj) frivolous, funny, cheerful, carefree, slight, nonchalant, trivial, stable, minor, insignificant, favorable gravel: (adj, v) nonplus, bother; (v) bedevil, rag, chevy, flummox, bewilder, puzzle; (adj) grating; (adj, n) dirt; (n) grit

gravely: (adv) seriously, soberly, severely, solemnly, badly, staidly, momentously, heavily, earnestly, weightily, grievously. ANTONYMS: (adv) lightheartedly, mildly, slightly; (adj) soft

gray: (adj) dull, dim, bleak, gloomy, pale, grizzled, hoary, leaden, old, overcast; (n) grizzle. ANTONYMS: (adj) sunny, cheerful, clear, youthful greasy: (adj) fatty, dirty, oily, tallowy, slick, sebaceous, unclean, unctuous, slippery, adipose, oleaginous. ANTONYM: (adj) lean

greatly: (adv) badly, enormously, considerably, extremely, highly, vastly, immensely, mightily, hugely; (adj, adv) far, deeply. ANTONYMS: (adv) mildly, hardly, superficially, poorly, lightly, insignificantly, barely, moderately

greedy: (adj) avid, gluttonous, desirous, grasping, acquisitive, glutton, piggish, voracious, selfish; (adj, v) avaricious, covetous. ANTONYMS: (adj) temperate, ascetic, unconcerned, abstemious, moderate

greek: (adj, n) Grecian; (n) Hellene, Greece, Achaian, blackleg, welsher,

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leg, eolian, drivel; (adj) Hebrew, incomprehensible

greene: (n) Graham Greene greenroom: (n) dressing room, coulisses, foyer

greeting: (n) welcome, salutation, address, greet, compliments, acknowledgment, accost, hello, hullo, nod; (v) salute. ANTONYM:

(n) goodbye

grief: (adj, n, v) affliction; (n) dolor, anguish, distress, agony, pain, wound, chagrin, concern; (n, v) regret; (adj) sore. ANTONYMS: (n) joy, happiness, comfort, content, peace

grievance: (n) injustice, wrong, grudge, affliction, protest, objection, disaffection, discontentment, dissatisfaction; (adj) annoyance; (adj, n) distress. ANTONYMS: (n) justice, praise

grimy: (adj) dirty, filthy, grubby, dingy, unclean, impure, nasty, begrimed, squalid, messy, muddy. ANTONYMS: (adj) pure, pleasant grinning: (n) grin, smile, facial expression, facial gesture, smiling; (adj) beaming

groan: (n, v) grumble, murmur, cry, sigh, mutter, squeak, rumble, scrape;

(v) howl, complain; (n) complaint groom: (n) equerry, bridegroom, stableman, hostler; (v) prepare, dress, arrange, train, coach, tidy, curry

gross: (adj) coarse, boorish, big, crude, fat, common, blunt, disgusting, bulky; (n) aggregate; (adj, v) foul. ANTONYMS: (adj) attractive, small, remaining, refined, tiny, partial, delicate, cultivated, chaste, sensitive; (v) lose

grossly: (adv) rudely, roughly, commonly, heavily, bluntly, disgustingly, shamefully, rankly, totally, uncouthly, obscenely. ANTONYM: (adv) appealingly grotesque: (adj) fantastic, bizarre, funny, antic, absurd, droll, strange, baroque, weird, ugly, hideous. ANTONYMS: (adj) lovely, normal, commonplace, attractive grotesqueness: (n) grotesquery, grotesquerie

grumble: (n, v) mutter, gripe, growl, moan, rumble, mumble, groan, roar;

(v) complain, grouch; (n) complaint. ANTONYMS: (n, v) praise; (v) compliment, rejoice

grumbling: (n) grumble, growling, murmur, murmuring, mutter,


muttering; (adj, n) rumbling; (adv) grumblingly; (adj) grouchy, grumpy, irritable

guard: (n) defense, protection, escort, bulwark, watchman, custody, fender; (n, v) care, shield, cover; (adj, n, v) ward. ANTONYMS: (v) endanger, expose, neglect, reveal;

(n) attacker

guarded: (adj) wary, careful, chary, circumspect, cagey, vigilant, watchful, conditional, discreet, gingerly, conservative. ANTONYMS: (adj) frank, careless, trusting, reckless, open, unwary, natural

guess: (n, v) surmise, estimate, forecast; (v) suppose, deem, reckon, divine, believe, foretell; (n) assumption, supposition

guessed: (adj) rude, inscrutable guest: (n) caller, visitor, customer, alien, foreigner, client, invite, foreign, company, guests, houseguest

guests: (n) guest, visitors

guinea: (n) greaseball, Republic of Guinea, poultry, change, shilling, penny, doit, domestic fowl, farthing, fowl, French Guinea

guns: (n) weapons, weaponry, arms, arsenal, armaments, artillery gusty: (adj) blustery, stormy, windy, blowy, tempestuous, squally, dirty, blustering, blusterous, airy,

inclement. ANTONYMS: (adj) calm, airless

habit: (n) clothing, practice, dress, garb, attire, convention, character, ritual, addiction, clothes; (n, v) use. ANTONYM: (n) innovation habits: (n) behavior, decorum, pratique

haggard: (adj) emaciated, gaunt, cadaverous, careworn, tired, worn, lean, thin, wasted, pinched, squalid. ANTONYMS: (adj) relaxed, carefree, healthy

hairs: (n) hair

hamilton: (n) William rowan Hamilton, sir William rowan Hamilton, Amy Lyon, Alexander Hamilton, lady Emma Hamilton hammer: (v) strike, beat, knock, bang, tap, forge, thrash, hit; (n, v) pound, club; (n) gavel

hammered: (adj) drunk handful: (n) smattering, armful, mouthful, capful, containerful,

lump; (adj) thimbleful, company, several, maniple, strong handiwork: (n) handicraft, creation,


production, handcraft, product, handwork, work, produce, design, performance; (v) workmanship handkerchief: (n) hankie, kerchief, bandanna, cravat, hanky, wipe, bandana, collar, shawl; (n, v) napkin; (v) sudary

handsome: (adj) fair, beautiful, fine, generous, charming, comely, attractive, bountiful, considerable, bonny, prepossessing. ANTONYMS: (adj) ugly, unattractive, meager, ungenerous, measly, plain

hang: (adj, n, v) suspend; (v) dangle, depend, drape, float, fall, hover, append, string up; (n, v) delay; (adj) hung

hanging: (n) execution, curtain, arras, wall hanging; (adj) suspended, pendent, pendant, pendulous, hung, pending; (n, v) suspension hangings: (n) long curtains

hansom: (n) cab, car, fly, cabriolet, rig, droshki, growler, drosky, equipage, stage wagon, omnibus happily: (adv) fortunately, joyously, joyfully, merrily, luckily, gladly, blissfully, cheerfully, felicitously, providentially, successfully. ANTONYMS: (adv) miserably, unhappily, sadly, unfortunately, unsuccessfully, reluctantly, gloomily, discontentedly, despondently, negatively, grudgingly

happiness: (n) delight, merriment, ecstasy, welfare, gladness, luck, cheerfulness, blessedness, bliss, felicity, contentment. ANTONYMS:

(n) sadness, despair, grief, misery, dissatisfaction, seriousness, dullness, discontent, dejection, gloominess, displeasure

harden: (adj, v) habituate, inure; (n, v) strengthen; (v) season, consolidate, freeze, congeal, coagulate, calcify, petrify; (n) brace. ANTONYMS: (v) soften, liquefy, dissolve, weaken, melt

hardy: (adj, n) hard, fearless, rugged, daring; (adj) sturdy, manly, audacious, brave, strong, robust, gallant. ANTONYMS: (adj) weak, delicate, tender, feeble

hare: (n) leporid, cony, puss, doe, jackrabbit, coney; (adj) antelope, courser, eagle, gazelle, greyhound harlot: (n) courtesan, fancy woman, strumpet, tart, whore, drab, moll, hooker, streetwalker, wanton, bawd harm: (adj, n, v) damage, hurt; (adj, n) evil, detriment, injury; (n, v)

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abuse, wound, blemish, disadvantage; (n) bruise; (adj, v) injure. ANTONYMS: (n, v) benefit, respect, help; (n) reparation, service;

(v) enable, spoil, protect, defend, repair

harmony: (n) accord, consonance, agreement, correspondence, accordance, congruity, consistency, amity; (n, v) concord, peace; (v) concert. ANTONYMS: (n) discord, disagreement, argument, conflict, bitterness, harshness, incongruity, uproar, hostility, misery, upheaval harsh: (adj, v) sharp, bitter; (adj, n) grating, coarse, austere, discordant; (adj) grim, cruel, crude, unkind, stern. ANTONYMS: (adj) gentle, soft, harmonious, pleasant, lenient, kind, melodious, sweet, mild, lush, friendly

harshly: (adv) roughly, severely, sternly, sharply, cruelly, hoarsely, strictly, pitilessly, rigorously, rigidly; (adj, adv) piercingly. ANTONYMS: (adv) softly, harmoniously, quietly, gently, elaborately, leniently, smoothly, tolerantly, cheerfully, loosely, pleasantly

harvest: (n, v) fruit; (v) gain, glean, gather, amass, get, reap, pick; (n) ingathering, profit, produce hastened: (adj) careless

hastily: (adv) hurriedly, rapidly, quickly, rashly, promptly, suddenly, thoughtlessly, impetuously, swiftly, imprudently, speedily. ANTONYMS: (adv) carefully, unhurriedly, industriously, sensibly, prudently, late, calmly, thoroughly, patiently, gradually, cautiously hate: (v) abhor, detest, loathe, abominate; (n) enmity, abhorrence, detestation, hatred, animosity, antipathy, aversion. ANTONYMS: (n, v) like; (v) adore, cherish, admire; (n) attraction, liking, delight, adoration

hated: (adj) despised, disliked, not liked, reviled, scorned, unloved, unpopular. ANTONYM: (adj) precious

hateful: (adj) disgusting, execrable, nasty, abominable, hideous, despicable, repulsive, distasteful, foul; (adj, v) odious, obnoxious. ANTONYMS: (adj) delightful, kind, nice, benign, desirable

hatred: (n, v) detestation, enmity, animosity; (n) aversion, antipathy, disgust, abhorrence, grudge, anger,

abomination, hostility. ANTONYMS: (n) liking, adoration, affection, attraction, goodwill, kindness, delight, friendliness, admiration

haunted: (adj) ghostly, ghostlike, phantom, taken up, preoccupied, possessed, unearthly, magical, mad, infatuated, concerned

hautboy: (n) hautbois, corno di bassetto, basset horn, hoboe, serpent, basset oboe, bassoon, contrafagotto, cor anglais, corno Inglese, double bassoon hazard: (n, v) chance, venture, endanger, peril, adventure, bet, wager; (n) danger, fortune,

jeopardy, accident. ANTONYMS:

(n) safety, security; (v) protect

heap: (n, v) pile, aggregate, amass; (n) collection, accumulation, mound, mass, group, lot; (v) bank, collect. ANTONYM: (v) tidy

heaps: (adj, n) lots, much; (n) masses, oodles, piles, stacks, many, tons, plenty, lot, accumulation. ANTONYM: (adj) inadequate hears: (v) hear

hearth: (n) fire, oven, fireside, stove, chimney, focus, furnace, dwelling, kiln, home, abode

heartless: (adj) hardhearted, ruthless, cruel, pitiless, obdurate, merciless, unfeeling, unkind, stony, insensitive, grim. ANTONYMS: (adj) kind, caring, hearted, warmhearted, compassionate, softhearted, merciful, sympathetic, concerned, flattering, generous hearts: (n) Black Maria, spades heated: (adj) fierce, burning, excited, ardent, fevered, passionate, hot, furious, fiery, fervent; (v) heat. ANTONYMS: (adj) friendly, cooled, mild, apathetic, quiet, impassive heaven: (n) Eden, firmament, bliss, Elysium, sky, nirvana, glory, Elysian Fields, Garden of Eden, utopia; (adj) celestial. ANTONYM: (n) misery heavens: (n) firmament, heaven, sky, welkin, sphere, atmosphere, celestial sphere, space, skies, area, vault of heaven

hebrew: (n) Israelite, Rabbist, rabbinist, kike, Pharisee, redeemer, savior; (adj) Hebraic, Greek, Jewish, dominical

hectic: (adj) frantic, frenzied, agitated, busy, hurried, chaotic, exciting, fevered, furious, febrile; (n) fever. ANTONYMS: (adj) idle, leisurely, quiet, empty, dull, mellow

hedonism: (adj, n) hedonics; (n) animal gratification, bodily enjoyment, sensuality, morals, morality, indulgence, overindulgence, decadence, enjoyment, ethical motive. ANTONYM: (n) moderation heel: (n) blackguard, dog, counter, cad, villain, scoundrel, shoe, sole, bounder, tree rest; (v) lean heiress: (n) inheritress, inheritrix,

inheritor, heritor, owner, beneficiary hellenic: (adj) Grecian, classical, Hellenistic, Hellenistical; (n) Hellenic language, Hellene

helmet: (n, v) headpiece; (n) casque, helm, hood, armet, basinet, heaume, hard hat, Galea, cowl; (v) pickelhaube

helping: (n) portion, share, plateful, serving, part, quota, drumstick; (adj) auxiliary, assistant, aiding, assisting herbert: (n) Victor Herbert

hermit: (n) anchorite, ascetic, solitary, anchoret, eremite, monk, troglodyte, solitaire, loner, caveman, cave man hero: (n) character, protector, leader, demigod, warrior, protagonist, combatant, fighter, defender, bomber; (adj, n) worthy. ANTONYMS: (n) coward, loser, villain

heroine: (n) woman, persona, brave woman, role, protagonist, part, leading lady, heroess, role model, female lead, character

hers: (pron) she, his; (adj) own hesitate: (adj, n, v) pause, delay; (adj, v) linger; (v) fluctuate, halt, waver, vacillate, demur, boggle, procrastinate; (n, v) doubt. ANTONYMS: (v) rush, decide hesitating: (adj) indecisive, irresolute, undecided, doubtful, hesitate, reluctant, faltering, unwilling, hesitancy, backward, hesitatingly hesitation: (n, v) falter, fear; (n) hesitance, faltering, delay, hesitate, diffidence, hesitancy, qualm, reluctance; (v) hesitating. ANTONYMS: (n) certainty, resolution, confidence, decisiveness, enthusiasm, inclination, willingness hidden: (adj) clandestine, concealed, obscure, dark, secret, latent, covert, invisible, arcane, covered; (adj, v) confidential. ANTONYMS: (adj) exposed, open, active, noticeable, overt, revealing, known, explicit, mainstream, transparent, visible hide: (n, v) cover, disguise, shelter, veil; (adj, v) obscure; (n) fur, fell,

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coat; (v) bury, mask; (adj, n, v) darken. ANTONYMS: (v) show, expose, express, divulge, unearth, amplify, advertise, clarify hideous: (adj) dreadful, frightful, fearful, ghastly, horrid, ugly, repulsive, lurid, horrible, grisly, grim. ANTONYMS: (adj) lovely, pleasant, beautiful, wonderful hideousness: (adj) ugliness; (n) awfulness, eyesore, vileness,

ghastliness, deformity, horribleness, misery, repulsiveness, gruesomeness, unattractiveness. ANTONYM: (n) attractiveness hiding: (n) covering, concealment, concealing, beating, screening, thrashing, flogging, rout, burial, drubbing, ambush

highwayman: (n) footpad, brigand, bandit, robber, outlaw, hijacker, road agent, highjacker, padder, freebooter, sturdy beggar

hills: (n) home, dry land, foothills, earth, ground

hinder: (v) impede, resist, check, hamper, obstruct, curb, handicap, delay; (n, v) bar; (adj) posterior, hind. ANTONYMS: (v) help, facilitate, assist, prompt, encourage, promote, allow, support, accelerate hinted: (adj) veiled, roundabout, not explicit, implicit, coded, oblique hissing: (adj) sibilant, sibilous, sibilatory; (n) whistling, heckling, scoffing, sibilance, taunts, sibilation, white noise; (v) fizzle. ANTONYM:

(n) applause

hitting: (n) striking, collision, header, grounder, smash, beating, thrashing, contact, contusion, drumming; (adj) convincing. ANTONYM: (n) victory hoarse: (adj) gruff, husky, raucous, grating, strident, guttural, rough, throaty; (v) coarse; (adj, v) hollow, sepulchral. ANTONYMS: (adj) smooth, mellow, velvety, high holes: (n) cavity, holes tow

holiness: (n) sanctity, godliness, piety, religion, righteousness, goodness, devotion, divinity, faithfulness, halidom; (adj, n) religiousness. ANTONYMS: (n) wickedness, unholiness hollow: (adj, n) blank; (n) cavity,

depression, cave, dell; (adj) empty, false; (adj, n, v) concave; (n, v) excavate, dent, scoop. ANTONYMS: (adj) convex, sincere, true, full, meaningful, cramped, valid; (n) hump, bump, hill, lump

hollowed: (adj) concave


hollowness: (n) hollow, concavity, insincerity, cavity, futility, blank, concaveness, void, nothingness, vacuum, vacuity. ANTONYMS: (n) solidity, validity

holy: (adj) devout, divine, heavenly, religious, blessed, hallowed, spiritual, devotional, pure; (adj, adv) saintly; (adv) sacredly. ANTONYMS: (adj) irreligious, unholy

homburg: (n) Stetson, felt hat, lid, trilby, hat, chapeau

honey: (n) dear, love, beloved, nectar, sweetheart, dearest, duck, molasses, sugar, baby; (v) sweeten honeycombed: (adj) pitted, cavitied, faveolate, alveolate, cellular, cavernous; (v) follicular, cribriform, infundibular, riddled

honour: (n) fame, award, dignity, homage, celebrity, accolade, reputation; (n, v) honor; (v) respect, celebrate, dignify. ANTONYMS: (n, v) dishonor; (v) disrespect

hood: (n) bonnet, cowl, hat, headdress, coif, hoodlum, thug, lid, kerchief, malefactor; (n, v) cover hooded: (v) cucullate, encuirassed, dermatoid, squamiferous, tectiform; (adj) covered, capistrate, cucullated, draped, enclosed, kerchieft hooked: (adj) bent, curved, aquiline, addicted, infatuated, obsessed, enamored, dependent, dependant, engrossed, uncinate. ANTONYM: (adj) unenthusiastic

hopeless: (adj) incurable, despondent, forlorn, disconsolate, desperate, impossible, useless, abject, despair, dismal, irreparable. ANTONYMS: (adj) cheerful, competent, promising, optimistic, encouraging, helpful, useful, successful, practical, laudable, effective

horn: (n) car horn, antler, klaxon, cornet, French horn, ivory, foghorn, cornu, alarm, trumpet, arm

horned: (adj) cornuted, somm, horny, sharp, cuckolded, cornigerous, bearing horns, having horns. ANTONYM: (adj) hornless horrible: (adj) awful, fearful, frightful, abominable, grisly, formidable, dire, ghastly, dreadful, fearsome; (adj, v) horrid. ANTONYMS: (adj) wonderful, lovely, nice, lovable, fair, delightful, slight, appealing, minor, attractive, great

horribly: (adv) horrifically, awfully,


terrifically, hideously, atrociously, appallingly; (adj, adv) frightfully, terribly, fearfully, shockingly; (adj) ghastly. ANTONYMS: (adv) pleasantly, wonderfully, kindly, sweetly

horrid: (adj) grisly, ghastly, ugly, gruesome, grim, fearful, dreadful, direful, dire, horrible, fearsome. ANTONYMS: (adj) lovely, nice, appealing, attractive, kind

horror: (n) abomination, abhorrence, dismay, fear, fright, revulsion, alarm, repulsion, anxiety; (adj, n) dread, terror. ANTONYMS: (n) delight, attraction, proclivity, bravery, calm, confidence, security horrors: (adj) pessimism, vapors, spleen, megrims; (n) delirium tremens

hose: (n) stocking, pipe, tights, hosepipe, hosiery, fire hose, airline, trunk hose; (v) water, cheat; (n, v) wash

hospitable: (adj) affable, receptive, gracious, cordial, generous, amiable, convivial, genial, pleasant, warm, to enjoy having guests. ANTONYMS: (adj) unwelcoming, inhospitable, sinister, hostile

host: (n) horde, flock, army, mob, troop, multitude, throng, emcee, mass, swarm; (adj, n) legion.

ANTONYMS: (n) guest, few hostess: (n) mistress, air hostess, flight attendant, housewife, steward, innkeeper, landlady, prostitute, host huddled: (adj) crouched, crouching, hunkered down, hunkered humanity: (n) benevolence, mankind, flesh, human race, human, humankind; (adj, n) compassion, charity, kindness, benignity, gentleness. ANTONYMS: (n) severity, inhumanity, nastiness, selfishness

humble: (v) demean, humiliate, mortify; (n, v) disgrace, debase; (adj, n, v) abase; (adj) base, lowly, unassuming, docile, low. ANTONYMS: (adj) impressive, arrogant, haughty, imposing, conceited, pompous, snooty, overbearing, presumptuous, proud, exalted

humbug: (n) deceit, cheat, claptrap, fake, faker, deception, boloney; (n, v) hoax, cant, duplicity; (v) hum humiliation: (n) degradation, disgrace, chagrin, abjection, comedown, indignity, embarrassment, mortification,

The Picture of Dorian Gray

dishonor, discredit; (adj, n) shame. ANTONYMS: (n) glorification, aggrandizement, pride, success, making

humility: (n) diffidence, modesty, submission, shyness, meekness, lowliness, timidity, trait, humiliation, resignation; (adj) veneration. ANTONYMS: (n) haughtiness, affectation, conceit, arrogance

humped: (adj) gibbous, hunchbacked, gibbose, crookback, crookbacked, humpy, bent, curved, hunchback, kyphotic, unfit

hung: (n) hanging; (v) Heng; (adj) fatigued, puzzled, decorated hungary: (n) Republic of Hungary, Magyarorszag

hunger: (n, v) thirst, want, wish, itch;

(n) craving, appetite, eagerness, famine; (v) crave, ache; (adj) hungry. ANTONYMS: (n) moderation, aversion, dislike, apathy

hungry: (adj) eager, avid, famished, starving, esurient, greedy, ravenous, desirous, meager, starveling; (v) starve. ANTONYMS: (adj) full, satiated, sated, thirsty, unconcerned, moderate, healthy, disinterested hunted: (adj) coursed, afraid, wanted, required, sought, sought after; (n) victim

hurried: (adj) fast, sudden, speedy, rapid, quick, swift, headlong, abrupt, cursory, precipitate, prompt. ANTONYMS: (adj) unhurried, leisurely, considered, patient, meticulous, thorough

hurriedly: (adv) rapidly, quickly, swiftly, abruptly, promptly, fast, in haste, suddenly, speedily, rashly, precipitately. ANTONYMS: (adv) calmly, unhurriedly, patiently, carefully, gradually, thoroughly hurry: (n) haste; (n, v) bustle, hasten, dispatch, flurry, rush; (v) scurry, dash, accelerate, expedite, run. ANTONYMS: (n) slowness, calmness, patience, unimportance;

(v) dawdle, delay, linger, crawl, amble; (intj) wait

hurrying: (n) hastening, speed, quickening, rushing, early, speeding, speeding up, stepping up, amphetamine, forward, eager

hurt: (adj, n, v) damage, detriment; (adj, n) evil; (n, v) wound, pain, ache, distress; (n) disadvantage, lesion; (v) afflict; (adj, v) injure. ANTONYMS: (adj) unhurt, unaffected, healed; (v) encourage,

please, protect, repair, defend; (n, v) help; (n) reparation, pleasure

hush: (adj, n, v) calm, silence, quiet, still, lull; (n) peace; (v) shut up, gag, quieten, muffle; (adj, v) soothe.

ANTONYMS: (n) noise, turmoil; (v) Louden

hushed: (adj) calm, silent, still, subdued, placid, muffled, noiseless, soft, soundless, tranquil, gentle. ANTONYM: (adj) noisy

huskily: (adv) raucously, gruffly, harshly, throatily, stoutly, strongly, roughly, strappingly, beefily, sturdily, powerfully. ANTONYMS: (adv) softly, gently

husky: (adj) hoarse, gruff, burly, big, dry, raucous, beefy, strapping, brawny, sturdy; (n) Eskimo dog. ANTONYMS: (adj) high, puny, small, smooth, soft

hyacinth: (n) zircon, amethyst, cape hyacinth, carbuncle, common hyacinth, hyacine

hypocrisy: (n, v) insincerity; (n) cant, dissimulation, falsity, deception, falseness, sanctimony, deceit, lip service; (v) double dealing; (adj) hypocritical. ANTONYMS: (n) sincerity, honesty

hypocrite: (n) impostor, pretender, trickster, fraud, deceiver, fake, cheat, charmer, bigot, whited sepulcher, smoothie

hysterical: (adj, n) feverish; (adj) wild, violent, eccentric, frenzied, emotional, fitful, febrile, erratic; (n) fanatical, hysterics. ANTONYMS: (adj) relaxed, composed, restrained ibises: (n) genus ibis, order Ciconiiformes, flamingos, family Threskiornithidae, Ciconiiformes, Threskiornithidae

iced: (adj) frozen, chilled, cold, icy, refrigerated, cooled, frosted, still, silent, speechless, restrained ideality: (n) vision, idealism ideals: (n) morality, principle, standard, standards, ethics, principles

idiot: (n) dolt, blockhead, dunce, dimwit, moron, cretin, ass, imbecile, oaf, changeling, idiocy. ANTONYM:

(n) intellectual

idle: (adj) lazy, indolent, inactive, free, unfounded, fruitless, baseless, groundless, frivolous, empty, disengaged. ANTONYMS: (adj) active, employed, industrious, energetic, meaningful, productive, worthwhile, diligent; (v) change, run, work

idolatrous: (adj) loving, profane, heathen, heretical, idolatrical, idolish, idolous, pagan idolatry: (adj, n) devotion; (n)

worship, veneration, idol worship, iconolatry, bibliolatry; (adj) infatuation, fervor, flame, enthusiasm, enchantment

idyll: (n) eclogue, idyl, pastoral, haven, composition, Eden, Garden of Eden, heaven, interlude, paradise, pastorale

ignoble: (adj) contemptible, abject, base, dishonorable, disgraceful, beggarly, mean, humble, degraded, despicable, caddish. ANTONYMS: (adj) honorable, glorious ignorance: (n) illiteracy, nescience, folly, unwisdom, innocence, denseness, ignorancy, stupidity, obtuseness, tabula rasa, unawareness. ANTONYMS: (n)

intelligence, acquaintance, education ignorant: (adj) unconscious, unwitting, rude, illiterate, uneducated, blind, dull, unaware, uninformed, unlearned, innocent. ANTONYMS: (adj) conscious, versed, cultured, educated, informed, wary, literate, aware, polite

ill-famed: (adj) infamous ill-fitting: (adj) baggy

ill-omened: (adj) ill-fated, ominous, inauspicious, infelicitous, doomed illusion: (n, v) delusion; (n) fantasy, apparition, deception, magic, fancy, deceit, dissimulation, phantom, trick, vision. ANTONYMS: (n) reality, fact

illusions: (n) fantasy illustrated: (adj) embellished,

decorated, distinguished, graphic imaginary: (adj) fictitious, unreal, false, mythical, illusory, ideal, hypothetical, visionary, fictional, notional, chimerical. ANTONYMS: (adj) real, palpable, actual, concrete, prosaic, normal, true

imagination: (n) vision, fancy, image, dream, conceit, imagery, originality, invention, resource, reflection, phantasy

imagining: (n) conception, daydream, fantasy, opinion; (v) imagine; (adj) imaginant imitative: (adj) mock, counterfeit, derivative, fake, false, fictitious,

bogus, bastard, onomatopoeic, base, sham. ANTONYMS: (adj) genuine, real, nonimitative

immense: (adj) vast, enormous, great,

Oscar Wilde

gigantic, immeasurable, colossal, boundless, big, large, giant, infinite. ANTONYMS: (adj) tiny, small, insignificant, miniature, slight, negligible, compact, narrow, short, minor

immensely: (adv) highly, infinitely, greatly, enormously, tremendously, extremely, mightily, hugely, massively, immeasurably, monstrously

immobile: (adj) firm, stagnant, stationary, inactive, motionless, inert, fast, static, steadfast, still, unmoving. ANTONYMS: (adj) mobile, working

immoral: (adj) evil, bad, depraved, indecent, dissolute, corrupt, criminal, unprincipled, dirty, unfair, lewd. ANTONYMS: (adj) moral, decent, honest, ethical, principled, good, restrained, amoral, right, righteous, pure

immorality: (n) iniquity, degeneracy, corruption, evil, vice, sin, evilness, wickedness, debauchery, devilry, wrong. ANTONYMS: (n) righteousness, decency, piety, morality, restraint, honesty, good immortality: (n) sempiternity, perpetuity, athanasia, glory, aye, fame, everness, immortal, permanency, deathlessness, undying. ANTONYM: (n) mortality impassive: (adj) expressionless, calm, cool, stolid, stoic, callous, impervious, quiet, peaceful, emotionless, dull. ANTONYMS: (adj) expressive, mobile, involved, demonstrative, affected, passionate, sympathetic, spirited, knowing, enthusiastic

impatiently: (adv) petulantly, restlessly, keenly, intolerantly, hastily, avidly, uneasily, enthusiastically, edgily, fidgetily, restively. ANTONYMS: (adv) uncomplainingly, calmly, unenthusiastically, lightly impecuniosity: (n) hand to mouth existence, low water, embarrassment

imperial: (adj) majestic, grand, dignified, imperious, purple, stately, August, regal, noble, lordly; (adj, n) beard

implicated: (adj) involved, involve, associated, caught up, occupied, mixed up, interested, allied to, culpably involved, affiliated imploring: (adj) appealing, begging, suppliant, pleading, entreating,


piteous, importunate, entreating urgently; (v) supplicate, plead; (n) prayer

import: (n, v) matter, sense, denote;

(n) meaning, effect, connotation, implication, moment, significance, value; (v) imply. ANTONYMS: (n, v) export; (n) insignificance, inconsequence, triviality imprison: (v) cage, incarcerate, jail, immure, commit, prison, restrain, gaol, detain, lock up, shut. ANTONYMS: (v) release, free, liberate

improbable: (adj) implausible, impossible, incredible, unbelievable, fishy, questionable, inconceivable, impractical, unthinkable, absurd; (adj, n) marvelous. ANTONYMS: (adj) probable, certain, plausible, truthful, ordinary, on, practical improvisation: (n) extemporization, extemporisation, invention, performance, temporary expedient, figment, expedient, device, construction, stopgap, fiction impulse: (n) pulse, urge, impulsion, force, motive, whim, drive, goad, motivation, momentum, incentive. ANTONYMS: (n) aversion, disincentive, disinclination inartistic: (adj) artless, inartificial, guileless, ordinary, rude, unornamental, ignorant, honest incapable: (adj) impotent, inadequate, unable, helpless, powerless, unqualified, inept, insufficient, inapt, ineffectual, unfit. ANTONYMS: (adj) able, competent, strong, powerful, effective incarnation: (n) avatar, personification, epitome, byword, impersonation; (adj, n) quintessence; (adj) essential part, quiddity, lifeblood, marrow, pith

incense: (v) enrage, anger, provoke, irritate, infuriate, aggravate, rile, cense, inflame; (n) fragrance, aroma. ANTONYMS: (v) please, pacify inclined: (adj, v) given; (adj) prone, willing, oblique, apt, predisposed, ready, minded, likely, liable, bowed. ANTONYMS: (adj) reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, horizontal, unbiased, vertical, impervious incoherence: (n) incoherency, disconnectedness, disjointedness, nonsensicality, nonsense, meaninglessness, incoherentness, inconsistency; (adj) frenzy, wandering, incoherent. ANTONYM:

(n) coherence

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