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The Picture of Dorian Gray

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practical. ANTONYMS: (adj) illogical, anxious, biased, untenable, unreasonable, unrealistic, unconvincing, physical, intuitive, foolish, delirious

rattle: (n, v) jingle, jangle, clatter; (n) click, clang, clack; (v) bang, confuse, shake, patter, disconcert

rattled: (adj) hot and bothered, perturbed, upset, unsettled, puzzled, disconcerted, discomposed, bewildered, beside oneself, abashed, addled. ANTONYM: (adj) calm

ravenous: (adj) hungry, greedy, avid, famished, gluttonous, voracious, rapacious, insatiable, edacious, covetous, predatory. ANTONYM: (adj) moderate

reaching: (n) reach, arrival, coming, accomplishment, outreach, advent, achievement, grasp, arriver, getting; (adj) suspicious

realism: (n) reality, fact, actuality, naive realism, Platonism, verisimilitude, philosophical theory, realness, slice of life, philosophical doctrine, pragmatism. ANTONYMS:

(n) inaccuracy, romanticism, unreality

realization: (n) accomplishment, awareness, fulfillment, implementation, comprehension, realisation, fruition, actualization, completion, grasp, performance. ANTONYMS: (n) failure, unconsciousness, abandonment, ignorance

realize: (v) achieve, perform, discover, attain, appreciate, make, execute, complete, accomplish, know, sense. ANTONYMS: (v) fail, neglect

realized: (adj) accomplished, realised, completed, effected, fulfilled, caught, done, finished, highly skilled, established

reappear: (v) recur, come back, appear, repeat, be restored, get back, happen again, haunt, persist, revert, resume. ANTONYM: (v) disappear reasoned: (adj) coherent, rational, sound, logical, valid, reasonable, carefully considered, intelligent, heavy, healthy, good. ANTONYM: (adj) confused

rebel: (v) mutiny, disobey, arise; (adj, n) nonconformist, insurgent; (adj, n, v) renegade; (n, v) revolt; (adj) mutineer; (n) traitor, insurrectionist, anarchist. ANTONYMS: (adj, n) conformist; (n) stalwart; (adj)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

compliant, content, obedient; (v) agree, obey

rebellion: (n) revolt, insurrection, mutiny, disobedience, uprising, unrest, revolution, outbreak, defiance, insurgency, commotion. ANTONYMS: (n) consent, compliance

rebellious: (adj) insubordinate, mutinous, disaffected, defiant, disobedient, contrary, contumacious, insurgent, stubborn, unruly, malcontent. ANTONYMS: (adj) docile, conventional, obedient, conformist, content, conforming, cooperative, loyal, meek, submissive, obliging

rebuke: (n, v) reprimand, rebuff, reproach, chide, blame, reproof, lecture, check; (v) castigate, berate;

(n) admonition. ANTONYMS: (n, v) praise, compliment; (v) commend, acknowledge, approve; (n) approval rebuked: (adj) reproved, admonished, chastened

recall: (adj, v) reverse; (v) revoke, rescind, recognize, recollect, remember, repeal, countermand; (n) memory, anamnesis; (n, v) return. ANTONYMS: (v) issue, dissolve recite: (v) relate, enumerate, describe, narrate, recount, repeat, say, rehearse, detail, lecture; (n, v) declaim

reckless: (adj) careless, rash, foolhardy, hasty, incautious, extravagant, daring, desperate, brash; (adj, v) imprudent, wanton. ANTONYMS: (adj) cautious, prudent, sensible, wise, responsible, parsimonious, considered, safe, guarded, dutiful, discreet recklessness: (n, v) imprudence; (n) rashness, carelessness, desperation, extravagance, heedlessness, negligence, temerity, adventurism, audacity, neglect. ANTONYMS: (n) care, carefulness, consideration, forethought, parsimony, deliberation, discretion, regard, restraint, thoughtfulness

reclining: (adj, v) leaning; (adj) recumbent, decumbent, accumbent, lying, lying down, obligatory, idle, prone, prostrate; (n) relaxation recognize: (n, v) know, discern; (v) acknowledge, identify, distinguish, admit, discover, confess, realize, allow, appreciate. ANTONYMS: (v) deny, diminish, forget, ignore, disregard

recognized: (adj) accepted, noted,

recognised, established, illustrious, distinguished, standard, known, notorious; (adj, v) received; (v) ascertained. ANTONYMS: (adj) unofficial, concealed, dubious, informal

recollection: (n, v) mind; (n) reminiscence, recall, anamnesis, remembrance, recognition, memento, memorial, commemoration, memoir, retrospect recommended: (adj) registered, advisable, favored, not compulsory, optional, required

recovered: (adj) cured, retrieved, well, well again, healthier, aged, improved, whole, better, corned. ANTONYM: (adj) worse

recreate: (n, v) divert; (v) reconstruct, play, animate, refresh, renew, renovate, amuse, enliven, reanimate, entertain

red-faced: (adj) abashed

reed: (adj) thread, rope of sand; (n) triangle, surgeon, xylophone, woodwind, tuning fork, sawbones, arrow, pipe, dart

reedlike: (adj) fistulose, lean, thinner, hollow, thin

refine: (v) cultivate, clear, polish, purify, civilize, elaborate, improve, smelt, chasten; (adj, v) clarify; (adj) purge. ANTONYMS: (v) spoil, cloud, dilute, contaminate, brutalize refined: (adj) delicate, cultured, graceful, polite, gentle, urbane, courteous, courtly, cultivated; (adj, n) polished, pure. ANTONYMS: (adj) unrefined, raw, uncouth, rough, careless, crude, brute, boorish, plain, lowly, inelegant refinement: (n) culture, cultivation, purification, gentility, polish, finish, civilization, nicety, courtesy, grace; (adj, n) elegance. ANTONYMS: (n) vulgarity, adulteration, tackiness, uncouthness, tastelessness, inelegance, coarseness, clumsiness, awkwardness, crudeness

reflected: (adj) reflecting, reverberant, reflectent reflection: (n) contemplation, thought, deliberation, meditation, musing, cogitation, idea, notion, introspection; (n, v) observation, reflexion. ANTONYMS: (n) impulsiveness, confirmation reformation: (n) correction,

amendment, improvement, redress, reclamation, rectification, conversion, innovation, repair, renewal, reassembly

refreshed: (adj) invigorated, rejuvenated, reinvigorated, new, novel, revived, impudent, energizing, overbold, energising, clean. ANTONYM: (adj) tired refuge: (n) sanctuary, asylum, safety, retreat, cover, harborage, haven, shelter, harbor; (n, v) recourse, resort

refuse: (v) deny, reject, decline, disallow, rebuff, turn down; (adj, n) waste, trash; (n) offal, litter; (n, v) dross. ANTONYMS: (v) allow, receive, permit, offer, dedicate, approve, agree, admit, choose, pass, affirm

refusing: (adj) negative, dismissive, denying, recusative, noncompliant regent: (n) trustee, experrection, protector, viceregent, vizier, vicar, superintendent, curator, governor, viceroy; (adj) regnant

regiment: (n) corps, battalion, legion, host, brigade, division, multitude, cohort; (v) control, organize, regulate

regret: (n, v) grieve, sorrow; (v) bewail, lament, mourn, bemoan, deplore; (n) remorse, penitence, compunction, contrition. ANTONYMS: (v) welcome, praise;

(n) idealism, shamelessness, joy, satisfaction

regretfully: (adv) remorsefully, repentantly, sadly, contritely, apologetically, penitently, unhappily, sorrily, mournfully, sorrowfully, ashamedly. ANTONYMS: (adv) unrepentantly, joyfully

regrets: (n) regret, declination, RSVP regrets only, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, celestial latitude, excuse, Dec

rehearsal: (n) narration, dry run, practice, preparation, repetition, dress rehearsal, repeat, description, drill, exercise, narrative

rein: (n) bridle, curb, restraint, check, strap; (v) leash, harness, contain, rule, rein in, confine

reins: (n) bridle, Reins of a vault, reins of government, wheel, gearshift, joystick, pedals, potency, power, powerfulness

rejection: (n) dismissal, repulse, denial, refusal, rebuff, abandonment, renunciation, exception, disavowal, negation, repudiation. ANTONYMS: (n) approval, recognition, amalgamation, belief, receipt,

Oscar Wilde

welcome, permission, agreement rejoinder: (n) reply, comeback, response, riposte, return, reaction, demurrer, plea, replication, retort, objection

reliable: (adj, v) trustworthy, credible; (adj) honest, firm, dependable, safe, trusty, true, certain, authentic, faithful. ANTONYMS: (adj) fallacious, inconsistent, false, careless, unpredictable, unsafe, disreputable, doubtful, shaky, senseless, irresponsible

remake: (v) redo, make over, refashion, remodel, recast, reform, rebuild, reforge, rewrite, restructure, rework

remaking: (n) refabrication, reformation, remake, reassembly remark: (n, v) comment, notice, note, mention, regard, mind; (adj, n, v) observe; (v) perceive, mark, discern;

(n) observation

remarkable: (adj) notable, odd, noteworthy, exceptional, distinguished, conspicuous, phenomenal, famous, illustrious, curious; (adj, n) memorable. ANTONYMS: (adj) insignificant, unremarkable, commonplace, usual, average, unimpressive, normal, inconspicuous, dreadful, dire, awful remembering: (n) recollection, recall, memory, identification, recognition, remember, association, connection, connexion, reminiscence, remembrance

remembrance: (n, v) recollection, mind; (n) commemoration, memorial, recall, relic, monument, keepsake, reminiscence, recognition; (adj, n) memento

remind: (v) recollect, prompt, recall, commemorate, call up, memorialize, hint, jog, inform, think; (n, v) mind reminiscences: (n) memoirs remorse: (n) penitence, contrition, repentance, regret, guilt, penance, sorrow, grief, qualm, ruefulness, compassion. ANTONYM: (n) shamelessness

remote: (adj) aloof, inaccessible, outside, detached, faint, alien, unapproachable, secluded, far, foreign, isolated. ANTONYMS: (adj) near, nearby, accessible, likely, strong, neighboring, central, close, friendly, relevant, approachable renaissance: (n) rebirth, revival, renewal, renascence, regeneration, second youth, instauration,


resurrection, resurgence, restoration, renovation. ANTONYMS: (n) disappearance, decline

renewed: (adj) changed, born again, new, fresh, redintegrate, rehabilitated, transformed, regenerate, reformed, Renate renunciation: (n) denial, resignation, abnegation, disclaimer, rejection, renouncement, abandonment, waiver, desertion, defection, relinquishment. ANTONYMS: (n) confirmation, assertion, reassertion, acceptance

reparation: (n) redress, recompense, atonement, indemnity, correction, restoration; (n, v) indemnification, compensation, repair, remuneration, restitution

repeat: (v) copy, recapitulate, reduplicate, reiterate, rehearse, return, say, double, renew, iterate, duplicate

repeated: (adj) continual, recurrent, frequent, persistent, repeat, double, habitual, chronic, again, common, continuous. ANTONYMS: (adj) temporary, rare, unique, alternate, unusual, spasmodic

repeating: (n) repeat, iteration, renewal, repetition, redundancy, copying, reduplication; (adj) repetitious, iterating, iterative, repetitive

repentance: (n) contrition, penance, remorse, regret, compunction, sorrow, guilt, contriteness, grief, attrition, atonement. ANTONYMS:

(n) shamelessness, brazenness repetition: (n) gemination, reiteration, recurrence, replication, iteration, return, repeating, renewal, duplication, rehearsal, reduplication. ANTONYM: (n) disappearance

representative: (n) delegate, agent, deputy, proxy, assemblyman, member, emissary, ambassador; (adj) typical, characteristic; (adj, n) substitute. ANTONYMS: (adj) nonrepresentative, unconventional, uncharacteristic

represented: (adj) delineate, depicted, representing, drawn, painted, pictured, diagrammatic representing: (adj) representative, represented, representant; (n) representation, imitation; (v) mock, pseudo, simulating; (prep) in place of, in lieu of, instead of

represents: (v) represent reproach: (n, v) blame, rebuke,


charge, abuse, disgrace, reprimand, invective; (v) accuse, chide, condemn; (n) condemnation. ANTONYMS: (n, v) praise; (v) commend, approve; (n) compliment, commendation, approval reproaching: (adj) opprobrious reproduce: (n, v) copy, duplicate; (v) breed, repeat, generate, regenerate, procreate, replicate, multiply, reflect, propagate

rescue: (n, v) release, ransom, salvage; (n) deliverance, delivery, relieve; (v) extricate, recover, free, save, redeem. ANTONYMS: (n) involvement, loss, abandonment, downfall; (n, v) capture; (v) endanger, lose, aggravate resemblance: (n) affinity, parallel, similarity, comparison, correspondence, likeness, conformity, appearance, analogy, semblance, resemble. ANTONYMS:

(n) dissimilarity, contrast

reserve: (adj, v) save; (n) reservation, backup, modesty, bank; (adj, n) substitute; (v) keep back, maintain, book, withhold, appropriate. ANTONYMS: (n) warmth, friendliness, informality, approachability, arrogance, boldness, brashness; (v) show, use; (adj) active

reserved: (adj, n) cold, distant, frigid; (adj) coy, reticent, diffident, bashful, aloof, retiring, quiet, shy.

ANTONYMS: (adj) open, forthcoming, uninhibited, relaxed, warm, communicative, talkative, free, definite, cordial, forward resigned: (adj) patient, acquiescent, yielding, pessimistic, abject, passive, forbearing, obedient; (adj, v) subdued; (v) bowed down, content. ANTONYMS: (adj) resentful, optimistic, intolerant

resist: (n, v) oppose, confront; (v) rebel, defy, revolt, endure, reject, protest, refuse, impede, fight back. ANTONYMS: (v) surrender, yield, assent, agree, suppress, favor, accept, attract, obey, welcome resolved: (adj, v) resolute, firm, certain; (adj) fixed, definite, set, decided, conclusive, intent, solved, positive. ANTONYMS: (adj) undecided, flexible, irresolute, unconfirmed, uncertain respectability: (n) reputation, propriety, reputability, decorum, honesty, honourableness, gentility, dignity, repute, politeness; (adj)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

respectableness. ANTONYMS: (n) decadence, indecency, immorality respectable: (adj) considerable, decorous, fair, estimable, decent, honorable, good, proper, creditable, passable, honest. ANTONYMS: (adj) bad, small, sordid, scruffy, inadequate, unrespectable, paltry, discourteous, inappropriate, sinful, unacceptable

responsive: (adj) amenable, receptive, susceptible, delicate, agreeable, impressionable, respondent, responsible, conscious, interested, perceptive. ANTONYMS: (adj) indifferent, unresponsive, unconscious, insensitive, slow, reserved, clumsy

restaurant: (n) canteen, bistro, coffeehouse, buffet, cafe, lunchroom, diner, chophouse, coffee shop, refectory, grill

rested: (adj) comfortable restless: (adj) fidgety, uneasy,

impatient, restive, agitated, fretful, turbulent, feverish; (adj, n) nervous, apprehensive; (adj, v) unquiet. ANTONYMS: (adj) relaxed, peaceful, lethargic, unbroken, still, contented

restored: (adj) new, healthy, comfortable, convalescent resume: (v) restart, regain,

summarize, continue, revert, adopt, recapitulate; (n, v) outline; (n) digest, synopsis, summary. ANTONYMS: (v) abandon, suspend, die, discontinue, expand retain: (v) keep, reserve, preserve, have, maintain, continue, hold, employ, engage, hire, own. ANTONYMS: (v) expel, dismiss, release, relinquish, fire, destroy, lack retired: (adj) obscure, secluded, sequestered, solitary, emeritus, secret, lonely, withdrawn, superannuated, close; (adj, v) covert retreat: (v) retire, withdraw, depart;

(n) refuge, departure, asylum, den, lair, retirement; (n, v) resort, return. ANTONYMS: (n) raid, development, extension, arrival, company; (v) progress, remain returning: (adj) regressive, return, reversive, recurrent, coming back, ebbing, flowing back, new, newly appointed, newly elected, next. ANTONYMS: (adj) outgoing, unique, occasional

reveal: (v) divulge, expose, disclose, impart, betray, detect, convey, exhibit, display, discover, express.

ANTONYMS: (v) conceal, hide, cover, suppress, withhold revealed: (adj) exposed, disclosed, discovered, open, naked, manifest, unveiled, bare, detected, shown, observed. ANTONYM: (adj) concealed

revelation: (n) discovery, exposure, display, revealing, manifestation, betrayal, apocalypse, expose, inspiration, publication; (v) reveal. ANTONYM: (n) concealment reverie: (n) dream, fantasy, air castle, brown study, revery, trance, abstraction, castle in Spain, castle in the air; (adj) preoccupation, distraction. ANTONYM: (n) reality revival: (n, v) restoration; (n) resurgence, renewal, resurrection, recovery, renaissance, rally, regeneration, revitalization, rebirth, renascence. ANTONYMS: (n) disappearance, deterioration, downturn, slump

revivalist: (n) evangelist, preacher, missionary, propagandist, Jesuit, gospeller, gospeler, sermonizer, field preacher, preacher man, moody

revolt: (n, v) mutiny, rebellion, insurrection; (v) sicken, nauseate, rebel, repel, repulse, offend; (adj, v) shock; (n) uprising. ANTONYMS:

(n) attraction; (v) please, delight revolted: (adj) sickened, sick, shocked, horrified, disgusted, appalled

revolver: (n) gun, pistol, colt, handgun, firearm, shooter, rod, Saturday night special, revolving door, repeater

reward: (n, v) recompense, return, compensation, guerdon, wage, meed, prize, bribe; (v) repay, requite; (n) payment. ANTONYMS:

(n) penalty, sentence; (v) dishonor, penalize

rewarded: (v) crowned, honored, excessive, consummated; (adj) salaried, pleased, paid, happy, satisfied, remunerated, content. ANTONYM: (adj) frustrated rewrite: (n) rescript, revision, writing;

(v) transliterate, decode, correct, redraft, write, reform, adapt, copy rewriting: (n) rescript, revisal, revise, revising, rewrite, rephrasing, redaction, recasting, editing, rewording

riband: (n) ribbon, fascia, band, ribband, spill, slip, shred, strip, wreath, medal, list

ribbed: (v) sulcated, striated; (adj) ridged, grooved, canaliculated, having ribs, unsmooth, corrugated. ANTONYMS: (adj) smooth, ribless ribbons: (n) cavesson, hackamore, jaquima, lines, streamer, streamers, ticker tape, paper chain, decoration, decorations, bunting

richness: (adj, n) opulence, abundance, affluence, riches; (n) fruitfulness, profusion, fecundity, fullness, luxury, exuberance, cornucopia. ANTONYMS: (n) infertility, poverty, narrowness, shabbiness, weakness, bareness rickety: (adj) unstable, wobbly, decrepit, dilapidated, insecure, ramshackle, rachitic, flimsy, precarious, cranky, wonky. ANTONYMS: (adj) stable, sturdy, firm, secure

ride: (n, v) outing; (adj, v) bestride;

(n) run, lift, jaunt; (v) mount, bait, float, rag, tease, harass ridiculous: (adj) foolish, preposterous, funny, laughable, ludicrous, inane, nonsensical, comical, farcical, amusing, comic. ANTONYMS: (adj) reasonable, inspiring, ordinary, sensitive, acceptable, generous, normal, possible, impressive, sane, worthwhile

riding: (n) ride, horseback riding, travel, hundred, tithing, soke, travelling, manege, athletics; (v) horsemanship; (adj) awheel ringing: (n) buzz, peal, resonance, ring, sound; (adj) reverberant, jingling, loud, resounding, tinkling, hollow

rings: (n) ornaments, necklaces, jewels, costume jewelry, charms, bracelets

ripening: (n) ageing, maturement, development, mellowing, aging, maturing, mature, growing, growth, gestation, organic process

riposte: (n, v) retort, return; (n) answer, response, rejoinder, comeback, repartee, replication, quip; (v) rejoin, respond

ripple: (v) bubble, murmur, gurgle, billow, surge, burble, cockle; (n, v) wave, swell, riffle, purl

rising: (n) revolt, rebellion, mutiny, ascent, ascension, climb, rise, outbreak, insurrection; (adj) climbing, uphill. ANTONYMS: (adj) plummeting, plunging, decreasing, falling, setting, downward, content;

(n) fall

Oscar Wilde

risking: (n) daily double, gaming, perfecta, place bet, exacta ritual: (n) rite, ceremony, custom,

formality, form, observance, liturgy, habit, celebration; (adj) ceremonial, formal

rival: (n) competitor, enemy, foe, contestant; (adj, n, v) emulate; (n, v) match, contest, corrival; (adj, v) competitive; (v) compete, contend. ANTONYMS: (adj) allied; (n) partner, friend, supporter

roar: (n, v) bellow, cry, shout, howl, bark, clatter, holler; (adj, n, v) thunder; (v) bawl; (adj, v) bluster; (adj, n) peal. ANTONYMS: (v) cry, week

robbed: (adj) plundered, rubato, fleeced, borrowed, bereft robber: (n) highwayman, bandit,

mugger, outlaw, plunderer, pillager, burglar, pirate, crook, filcher, spoiler robe: (n, v) dress, array, vest, garb, apparel; (v) clothe, attire, rig; (n) gown, cloak, garment

robed: (adj) garmented, habilimented, dressed, appareled, clothed, garbed, fixed, dolled up, clad, polished, vested

robes: (n) garb, fine clothes, costume, best clothes

rocks: (n) sunken rocks, family jewels, coral reef

romance: (n) love affair, fiction, story, figment, intrigue, affair, tale, vagary;

(v) flirt, court, exaggerate romantic: (adj) amorous, impractical, fanciful, quixotic, unrealistic, utopian, loving, amatory, fictitious; (adj, n) visionary, romanticist. ANTONYMS: (n) realist, classicist; (adj) commonplace, graphic, unromantic, unsentimental, unhappy, prosaic, disapproving, cool, realistic

rome: (n) Eternal City, Italian capital, capital of Italy

romeo: (n) lover, love, Don Juan roots: (n) heredity, family, origin, line, extraction, ancestry

rope: (n, v) lasso, leash, tie, tape; (n) lariat, noose, hawser, line, string, cord, thread

rosary: (n) beads, relics, chaplet, thurible, bead, string of beads, garland, censer, cross, Agnus Dei, crucifix

rotting: (adj) rotten, decaying, decayed, moldering, mouldering, decomposing, putrid; (n) rot, putrefaction, decomposition, deep etching


rouge: (adj, v) redden; (n) blusher, face powder, eye shadow, iron oxide; (v) flush, blush, color, raddle, glow, ruddle

rough: (adj, n) hard, grating, jagged; (adj, n, v) harsh; (adj) raw, gross, cruel, crude, gruff; (adj, v) hoarse; (n, v) draft. ANTONYMS: (adj) gentle, silky, soft, sophisticated, refined, polished, precise, exact, pleasant, glossy, even

roughly: (adv) coarsely, harshly, violently, rudely, unevenly, hardly, severely, crudely; (adj, adv) nearly; (adv, prep) about; (adj, adv, prep) just about. ANTONYMS: (adv) softly, gently, smoothly, exactly, finely, lovingly, precisely, well, evenly

roundly: (adv) bluntly, fully, roundedly, wholly, bluffly, spherically, plumply, entirely, round, completely, globularly rounds: (n) patrol, beat, route, patient rounds

roused: (adj) excited, awake, susceptible, emotional, elated, interested

rubbed: (adj) polished, refined, terse, attrite, marked, accomplished, fretten

rubbing: (n) friction, abrasion, grinding, detrition, rub, grip, resistance, chafe, sweat, travail, massage. ANTONYM: (n) smoothness

rubbish: (adj, n) refuse, trash, litter, garbage, trumpery; (n) nonsense, junk, offal, debris, waste, drivel. ANTONYMS: (n) fact; (adj) valuable, helpful

rubinstein: (n) Arthur Rubinstein, Artur Rubinstein

ruby: (adj, n) red, crimson; (adj) jewel, ruddy, scarlet, diamond, pearl, precious stone, bijou; (n) carbuncle, deep red

rude: (adj, n) rough, impudent, coarse, abrupt, bold; (adj) blunt, discourteous, impolite, brutal, crude, mean. ANTONYMS: (adj) polite, refined, courteous, chivalrous, civil, proper, decent, exact, clean, gentle, inoffensive ruff: (n, v) ruffle, trump, disturbance;

(n) collar, neckband, fraise, blacktail, choker, neck ruff, sandpiper; (v) crossruff

rugby: (n) rugger, Rugby football, football

rugged: (adj, n) rough, jagged, ragged; (adj) difficult, rocky, tough,


broken, robust, hilly, strong, craggy. ANTONYMS: (adj) delicate, easy, smooth, flimsy, fragile, soft, weak, feeble

ruin: (n) devastation, desolation; (adj, n) downfall; (v) break, consume, demolish, destroy; (n, v) doom, ravage, destruction, damage. ANTONYMS: (v) conserve, enhance, save, restore, improve; (n, v) respect;

(n) making, success, triumph, rise, preservation

ruined: (adj, v) lost; (adj) dilapidated, desolate, broke, broken, bankrupt, finished, devastated, desolated, insolvent, spoiled. ANTONYMS: (adj) solvent, pure, rich, whole rumble: (n, v) murmur, roll, roar, grumble, mutter, bang, brawl, sound; (v) growl; (n) peal, noise rush: (n, v) charge, flood, dash, flow, gush, race, run, speed, attack; (adj, n, v) burst; (n) onrush. ANTONYMS: (v) delay, dawdle, linger, wander, amble, hesitate, crawl, trickle; (n) shortage, slowness, unimportance

rushed: (adj) hurried, rush, precipitate, rapid, unexpected, hassled, immediate, instant, instantaneous, quick, speedy. ANTONYMS: (adj) unhurried, slow, considered, gradual

rushing: (adv) rushingly; (n) haste, hurry, hurrying, running, hastening, flush, movement; (adj) flowing, headlong, moving

rustle: (n, v) whisper; (v) lift, buzz, steal, pilfer, whiz, pinch, abstract, thieve, purloin; (n) rustling sacking: (n) dismissal, burlap, sack, firing, discharge, release, sackcloth, gunny, dismission, removal, inactivation

sacrament: (n) token, penance, rite, ritual, liturgy, symbol, communion, baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, ceremony

sacred: (adj) holy, hallowed, dedicated, consecrated, divine, religious, pious, spiritual, inviolable, blessed; (adj, v) solemn. ANTONYMS: (adj) profane, unconsecrated, cursed, breakable sacrifice: (n, v) oblation, forfeit; (v) offer, immolate, offer up, give, give up, relinquish; (n) immolation, loss, forfeiture

sacrifices: (n) holocaust

saddened: (adj) sorry, sad, depressed, dejected, upset, dismayed, unhappy, dissatisfied, troubled, disillusioned,

The Picture of Dorian Gray

in a state. ANTONYM: (adj) satisfied

saddle: (v) charge, load, burden, encumber, adjure, bear down, blame; (n) pillion, seat, saddleback, bicycle seat. ANTONYM: (v) relieve sadly: (adv) pitifully, dolefully, unfortunately, mournfully, sorrowfully, woefully, dejectedly, pathetically, wretchedly, forlornly; (adj, adv) seriously. ANTONYMS: (adv) cheerfully, contentedly, gladly, joyfully, fortunately, luckily, enthusiastically

sadness: (n, v) melancholy, despondency; (adj, n) grief, distress;

(n) misery, sorrow, desolation, regret, gloom, mourning, affliction. ANTONYMS: (n) joy, amusement, cheerfulness, laughter, contentment, comfort, cheer, hopefulness

sail: (n, v) cruise, float, voyage, sheet;

(v) navigate, run, glide, drift, cross, sweep, travel. ANTONYM: (v) struggle

sailor: (n) seaman, seafarer, tar, bluejacket, gob, boatman, navigator, navy man, lascar, Panama, leghorn saint: (v) canonize; (n) holy man, evangelist, apostle, jimdandy, jimhickey, crackerjack, holy person, ideal, apotheosis; (adj) sacred

sake: (n, v) interest, reason, motive, ground; (v) advantage, cause; (n) object, account, design, purpose, saki

salad: (n) coleslaw, sauce, pasta salad, mash, gallimaufry, fruit salad, mingled yarn, dish, miscellany, herring salad, crab Louis

sallow: (adj) pasty, pallid, bloodless, sickly, wan, ashen, fair, white, tawny, sandy; (n) osier. ANTONYMS: (adj) dark, glowing salon: (n) parlour, living room, beauty parlour, saloon, hall, sitting room, beauty salon, lounge, drawing room, parlor, beauty shop salt: (adj) salty, saline, briny, brackish, pungent; (v) cure, pickle;

(n) salinity, common salt, alkali; (adj, n) spice

sang: (n) panax quinquefolius, sing, herb, herbaceous plant

sanguine: (adj) hopeful, optimistic, bloody, rubicund, confident, crimson, cheerful, buoyant, sanguineous; (adj, n) red, florid. ANTONYMS: (adj) pessimistic, gloomy, doubtful

sapphire: (adj, n) azure; (n) cerulean, lazuline, corundom, corundum,

blueness; (adj) lapis lazuli, turquoise, cobalt, navy, chromatic sardius: (n) sardine, sard, pilchard, calcedony, chalcedony

satin: (adj) glossy, sleek, velvet, down, silky, silklike, silken, satiny, velure; (n) cloth, fabric

satinwood: (n) wood, tree, satinwood tree, West Indian satinwood, angiospermous yellowwood

satire: (n) sarcasm, lampoon, mockery, parody, ridicule, caricature, burlesque, quip, spoof, derision; (v) squib

satisfied: (adj) happy, content, full, pleased, confident, complacent, persuaded, fulfilled; (adj, v) certain, sure; (v) convinced. ANTONYMS: (adj) frustrated, anxious, disgruntled, hungry, insistent, pensive, unsure, dissatisfied, ashamed

satisfying: (adj) satisfactory, pleasant, enjoyable, gratifying, pleasurable, welcome, good, comforting, hearty, delightful, satisfy. ANTONYMS: (adj) unrewarding, disappointing, trying, light, frustrating, unwelcome, unflattering, insufficient, disagreeable

saturnine: (adj) dour, moody, morose, sullen, dark, glum, gloomy, heavy, dismal; (v) melancholic, bilious

satyr: (adj) faun, sylvan, forestlike, specter; (n) goat, forest God, fornicator, gallant, intrigant, whoremonger, adulterer

saucers: (n) tableware, plates, cups, dishware

savage: (adj, v) fierce, wild, furious; (adj) ferocious, brutal, cruel, bloodthirsty, rough, pitiless; (adj, n) brute; (n) vandal. ANTONYMS: (adj) civilized, gentle, nice

saved: (adj) protected, economized, rescued, blessed

scandal: (n) disgrace, dishonor, gossip, outrage, discredit, rumor, infamy, disrepute, ignominy, detraction, shame

scanning: (n) search, scan, photography

scarcely: (adv) narrowly, rarely, hardly, just, scarce, uncommonly, insufficiently, scantily, scantly, only just, seldom. ANTONYMS: (adv) easily, liberally

scarf: (n) neckerchief, handkerchief, stole, necktie, cravat, kerchief, mantilla, shawl, wrap, tie, stock scarlet: (adj) crimson, ruddy,

carmine, ruby, sanguine, rubicund, reddish, cerise; (n) vermilion, orange red, redness

scatter: (n, v) spread, spray; (v) disperse, dispel, disseminate, distribute, break up, dissipate, sprinkle, circulate, diffuse.

ANTONYMS: (v) collect, reform, attract, concentrate

scenery: (n) scene, prospect, panorama, landscape, outlook, nature, picture, vista, set, backdrop, background

scent: (n, v) fragrance, smell, odor, essence, nose; (n) aroma, bouquet, redolence, odour; (adj, n) savor, flavor. ANTONYMS: (n) stench, stink

scented: (adj) fragrant, perfumed, aromatic, balmy, sweet, redolent, odoriferous, spicy, savory, smelling, angelical. ANTONYMS: (adj) scentless, smelly

sceptic: (n) doubter, skeptic, atheist, pessimist, infidel, incredulous, distrustful, disbeliever, sceptical, unbeliever, skeptical

scepticism: (n) disbelief, incredulity, agnosticism, doubt, mistrust, distrust, atheism, unbelief, misgiving, suspicion, sceptical scholar: (n) learner, academic, student, pundit, apprentice, intellectual, brain, exhibitioner, academician, professor, disciple. ANTONYM: (n) teacher schoolboy: (n) lad, scholar, pupil, student, disciple, learner, schoolchild, youngun, younker, youth, school child

schoolgirl: (n) girl, pupil, scholar, teenager, student, young woman, female child, lass, little girl, minor, miss

schoolroom: (n) nursery, class, lecture room, room scolding: (n) rebuke, lecture,

castigation, admonition, reproof, objurgation, chiding, dressing, jobation, scold, rating. ANTONYMS:

(n) compliment, approval scoundrel: (n, v) rascal; (n) knave, blackguard, cad, villain, ruffian, miscreant, crook, rapscallion, varlet, scalawag

scourging: (n) flagellation

scramble: (v) clamber, beat, strive; (n, v) climb, struggle, bustle, jumble, scrabble, rush; (adj, n) hurry; (n) haste. ANTONYMS: (v) descend; (n) descent

scratched: (adj) hurt, abraded,

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sgraffito, raw, dented, spoiled, damaged, injured

scrawled: (adj) scribbled, hard to decipher, incomprehensible, written, unreadable, indecipherable, impossible to read

screaming: (adv) screamingly; (n) shrieking, shriek, screeching, screech, vociferation; (adj) garish, loud, uproarious, showy, noisy scribbled: (adj) hard to decipher, illegible, indecipherable, impossible to read, unreadable, incomprehensible

scrupulous: (adj) careful, punctilious, exact, conscientious, particular, painstaking, accurate, prudent, meticulous, rigorous, cautious. ANTONYMS: (adj) sloppy, unscrupulous, slapdash, relaxed, guilty, deceitful

sculpture: (v) carve, sculpt, mold, model, shape; (n, v) engrave, grave, cut; (n) carving, statue, engraving scurf: (n) scale, dander, scruff, flake, scrap, scurfiness, bit, musical scale, ordered series, scaliness, scale of measurement

searching: (adj) piercing, inquisitive, probing, acute, exhaustive, curious, inquiring, profound, exploratory; (adj, v) cutting; (v) excruciating seared: (adj) arid, dry as a bone, recusant, parched. ANTONYM: (adj) wet

seated: (adj) sat, sedentary second-rate: (adj) second-class, mediocre, secondary, mean, ordinary, lousy, unimportant, shoddy, low, poor; (n) second best secrecy: (adj, n, v) privacy; (n) concealment, silence, confidentiality, darkness, seclusion, retirement, mystery, secretiveness, privateness, mum

secret: (adj, v) mysterious, hidden, covert, secluded, confidential; (adj) concealed, furtive, occult, obscure; (adj, n) privacy, secrecy. ANTONYMS: (adj, n) known, public; (adj) open, overt, apparent, unrestricted, external, visible, outermost, transparent, blatant secrets: (n) secrecy

seeded: (adj) seedy, planted, seedless. ANTONYM: (adj) unseeded seething: (v) ebullient; (adj) irate, raging, enraged, spitting mad, beside yourself, teed off, packed; (n) ebullition, tumult, digestion

seine: (n) fishnet, purse Seine, Seine river; (v) fish


seized: (adj) confiscate, appropriated, condemned, apprehended, grasped, taken, held, seised, detained, obtained, arraught

seizing: (v) seize; (n) seizure, clutches, prehension, taking, apprehension, capture, infection; (adj) catching, galling, controlling seldom: (adj) scarce, rare, few, infrequent; (adv) occasionally, infrequently, uncommonly, hardly, scarcely, not often, once in a blue moon. ANTONYMS: (adv) often, seldom

selected: (adj) chosen, preferred, choice, elected, elect, designate, premium, to be, designated, elite; (adj, n) best. ANTONYM: (adj) all self: (n) ego, person, me, individual, being; (pron) myself, herself, itself; (adj) same; (v) own; (adv) personally self-conscious: (adj) shy, abashed, bashful, sheepish, diffident, modest, conscious, self-consciously, inhibited, uncomfortable, mannered self-contained: (adj) reserved, closed, uncommunicative, reticent, taciturn, impassive

self-denial: (n) renunciation, abstinence, austerity, restraint, temperance

selfish: (adj) mean, greedy, mercenary, egotistical, egotistic, egoistic, self-interested, stingy, egocentric, self-centered, covetous. ANTONYMS: (adj) selfless, altruistic, generous, altruism, considerate, philanthropic, thoughtful, constructive, concerned, abstemious, kind

selfishness: (n) greed, egotism, greediness, meanness, individuality, opportunism, expedience, individualism, self, selfness, selfish. ANTONYMS: (n) altruism, selflessness, sensitivity, thoughtfulness, conformity, generosity

self-reproach: (n) regret, repentance, shame, penitence, contrition, guilt self-sacrifice: (n) martyrdom, renunciation

sensation: (n, v) feeling, impression, sense; (v) affection; (n) emotion, feel, perception, wonder, sensibility, sensitivity, thrill. ANTONYMS: (n) deadness, flop, dud, calm, failure sensations: (n) feelings, vibrations, ambiance

senses: (adj) sober senses, sound mind; (n) reason, mind, conception, consciousness, judgment, faculties,


mother wit, right mind, sanity sensible: (adj) aware, sagacious, prudent, rational, judicious, perceptible, sane, wise, intelligent, appreciable, sage. ANTONYMS: (adj) ludicrous, crazy, unreasonable, stupid, silly, ridiculous, reckless, idiotic, outrageous, imprudent, mad sensual: (adj, v) luxurious, voluptuous; (adj, adv) fleshly; (adj) animal, lascivious, sexy, sexual, libidinous, lewd, gross, licentious sensuous: (adj) sensitive, sensual, lush, luxurious, voluptuous, epicurean, carnal, sensational, sexy, esthetic, esthetical

sentimental: (adj) maudlin, mushy, romantic, tender, soft, mawkish, schmaltzy, sappy, schmalzy, bathetic, slushy. ANTONYMS: (adj) hardhearted, cool

separated: (adj, prep) separate, isolated, disjoined, distinct; (adj, adv) apart; (adj) detached, divided, disjointed, free, disjunct, discrete. ANTONYMS: (adj) attached, connected

separation: (n) disjunction, detachment, disunion, seclusion, disconnection, rift, isolation, divorce, parting, departure; (n, v) division. ANTONYMS: (n) unification, closeness, marriage, union, unity, connection, bond, integration, synthesis, inclusion, meeting

serpent: (n) snake, ophidian, viper, snake in the grass, reptile, rattlesnake, colubrid, contrafagotto, cor anglais, hautboy; (v) goose servant: (n) manservant, domestic, lackey, maid, employee, flunkey, retainer, boy, footman, flunky, menial. ANTONYMS: (n) master, mistress

servants: (n) staff, suite servility: (n) sycophancy, obsequiousness, subservience, meanness, abjectness, flattery, obedience, humility,

submissiveness, servileness, yoke settled: (adj) definite, set, firm, permanent, certain, calm, established, decided, formed, defined, finished. ANTONYMS: (adj) unsettled, exciting, temporary settling: (n) settlement, subsidence, defecation, dregs, clearing, sinking, dreg, remission, cave in; (adj) determining, definitive

seventeen: (n) large integer seventh: (n) common fraction,

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sewn: (adj) stitched, sew, sewen, seamed

shabbily: (adv) grubbily, abjectly, scruffily, raggedly, shoddily, meanly, threadbarely, tattily, sordidly, tackily; (adj, adv) paltrily. ANTONYMS: (adv) brightly, respectfully, smartly

shabby: (adj) poor, abject, mean, mangy, low, sorry, decrepit, worn, sordid, ragged; (adj, v) frayed. ANTONYMS: (adj) pristine, elegant, opulent, honorable, decent, new, neat, comfortable, tasteful, strong, respectful

shade: (n, v) screen, tinge, shadow, tint, color, cloud; (n) ghost, hue, blind, conceal, tone. ANTONYMS:

(n) brightness, glare; (v) brighten, clarify, expose

shadow: (n) ghost, darkness, apparition, follower, gloom, reflection; (n, v) eclipse, trace, tail, hint; (v) follow. ANTONYMS: (v) brighten, lead; (n) brightness, pallor shadowed: (adj) shady, shaded, shadowy, queer, dim, louche, funny, incensed, indignant, faint, fishy shadows: (n) dark, darkness, night, dimness, dusk, fogginess, mistiness, gloom, cloudiness. ANTONYM: (n) brightness

shake: (n, v) jolt, beat, jar, quiver, wave; (v) agitate, excite, disturb; (adv, v) brandish; (adj, v) quake, totter. ANTONYMS: (v) soothe, steady

shaken: (adj) jolted, agitated, dilapidated, frayed; (v) passe, lame, broken, threadbare, wilted, shaky, vibrate

shakespeare: (n) the bard, William Shakspere, William Shakespeare shaking: (adj, n) quivering, tremor, jarring; (n) quiver, palpitation, quake; (adj) quaking, shaky, flutter, unsteady, shivering

shallow: (adj) superficial, low, cursory, petty, little, sketchy, flimsy, frivolous, simple, surface, perfunctory. ANTONYMS: (adj) bottomless, profound, intense, pensive, serious, inner, weighty shallowness: (n) frivolity, glibness, ignorance, trivia, triviality, commonplace, depth, shoaliness. ANTONYMS: (n) profundity, substance

sham: (adj, adv, n, v) counterfeit; (adj, n, v) fake; (adj, v) pretend, put on; (adj, n) imitation, phony; (v) feign;

(adj) false; (n) fraud, impostor, falsehood. ANTONYMS: (adj, v) real; (n) original, truth, truthfulness, honesty; (adj) valid

shambles: (n) disorder, confusion, mess, butchery, abattoir, chaos, muddle, bedlam, hash, tangle; (n, v) slaughterhouse. ANTONYM: (n) order

shame: (n, v) disgrace, dishonor, discredit, humiliate, degrade, chagrin; (n) humiliation, modesty, scandal, insult; (v) abash. ANTONYMS: (n) pride, glorification, making, worthiness;

(v) acknowledge, glorify, respect, dignify

shameful: (adj) scandalous, dishonorable, opprobrious, shocking, ignominious, disreputable, despicable; (adj, v) foul, base, gross, black. ANTONYMS: (adj) honorable, noble, dignified, admirable, faultless, reputable, glorious, compassionate, praiseworthy, commendable, excellent shaped: (adj) formed, fashioned, shapen, made, created, beaten,

educated, featured, having features, built, constructed

sharing: (n) communion, dispensation, allotment, generosity, apportionment, pooling, allocation, division, show and tell, sharing out; (adj) sexual

sharpness: (n, v) keenness, edge; (n) severity, bitterness, asperity, acumen, poignancy, pungency, quickness, perspicacity; (adj, n) roughness. ANTONYMS: (n) dullness, haziness, softness, slowness, indistinctness, gentleness, evenness, courtesy, blandness, stupidity, kindness

shawl: (n) wrap, mantle, cape, muffler, scarf, pall, mantlet Mantua, wrapper, kerchief, headscarf, stole sheer: (adj) pure, filmy, bold, transparent, gauzy, simple, diaphanous, gossamer; (adj, n) complete, mere, perfect. ANTONYMS: (adj) thick, gentle, opaque, heavy, gradual, robust, partial

shell: (n) rind, sheath, case, casing, bullet, bark, shot, crust; (n, v) bomb, pod; (v) bombard. ANTONYM: (n) middle

shelves: (n) shelf, rack, shelving sherry: (v) rye, schnapps, highball, peg, rum, whisky, xeres, sling,

usquebaugh; (n) sherris, manzanilla shield: (n, v) shelter, screen, cover, guard, safeguard, buffer; (v) preserve, secure, defend, hide; (n) protection. ANTONYMS: (n) danger, exposure; (v) endanger, attack, reveal

shimmering: (adj) glittering, sparkling, gleaming, dazzling, lustrous, bright, iridescent, shimmery, flashing, glittery, glowing. ANTONYMS: (adj) dull, dim

shine: (n, v) light, sheen, flash, glitter, sparkle, polish, rub; (v) burnish, gleam, blaze; (n) radiance

shiny: (adj, v) lustrous; (adj) glossy, smooth, sleek, slick, brilliant, glistening, clear, shining, sheeny, polished. ANTONYMS: (adj) rough, unglazed, matt, coarse

shirt: (n) Jersey, chemise, blouse, hair shirt, dress shirt, evening shirt, polo shirt

shivering: (adj) quivering, shaking, trembling, shaky, quaking, tremulous, shuddering, chilled; (n) chill, cold, shiver. ANTONYM: (adj) composed

shoot: (v) discharge, flash, drive, dart, dash, send, photograph; (n) scion, branch; (n, v) sprout, hunt. ANTONYM: (v) trickle shooting: (v) shoot, hunting, coursing; (n) gunfire, killing,

gunshot, shot, murder; (adj) sharp, acute, piercing

short-sighted: (adj) shortsighted, unwise, stupid, narrow-minded, crazy, ill-advised, half-baked, foolish, improvident shouldering: (n) assumption shouted: (adj) screamed, loud

shouting: (adj, n) yelling; (adj) crying, howling, vociferous; (n) clamor, calling, noise, cheering, vociferation, tumult; (v) bawl

shrank: (v) minify

shred: (n) rag, piece, scintilla, iota, bit, strip, remnant, sliver; (adj, n) scrap; (v) rip, tear

shrill: (adj) piercing, penetrating, strident, keen, shrewd; (v) shriek, screech, scream, yell; (adj, v) high, sharp. ANTONYMS: (adj) low, quiet, resonant

shrug: (n) motion, nod, leer, nudge, glance, gesture, gesticulation, tip the wink; (v) gesticulate, to shrug one's shoulders; (n, v) signal

shudder: (adj, n, v) shake, quake, tremble; (n, v) quiver, twitch, thrill;

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(n) quivering, shivering, chill, frisson; (v) flutter shuddering: (adj, n) quivering,

shaking; (adv) shudderingly; (n) cold sweat, tremor; (adj) rough, shaky, jumpy, quaking, shivery, bumpy. ANTONYM: (adj) smooth shun: (v) evade, escape, elude, dodge, flee, refuse, shirk, ostracize, banish, parry; (adj, v) eschew. ANTONYMS: (v) befriend, invite, seek, welcome, woo, court, participate, include

shutting: (n) closing, conclusion, end, closure, ending, finish, mop up, culmination, closedown; (adj) confining, claudent. ANTONYM: (n) opening

shyly: (adv) timidly, shily, coyly, diffidently, timorously, with reserve, embarrassedly, clumsily, uncertainly, tentatively, unremarkably. ANTONYMS: (adv) boldly, brashly, brazenly, urbanely, conspicuously, confidently, decisively

sibyl: (n) oracle, clairvoyant, sorceress, pythoness, prophetess, spiritualist, seer, telepathist, psychic, prophet, mystic

sick: (adj) ill, queasy, poorly, ailing, weary, diseased, sickly, morbid; (adj, v) indisposed, unwell; (adj, n) invalid. ANTONYMS: (adj) healthy, fond, wholesome

sicken: (v) repel, nauseate, revolt, disgust, pall, shock, offend, appall, scandalize, get sick, languish. ANTONYMS: (v) attract, delight sickened: (adj) aghast, horrified, appalled, shocked

sickly: (adj, adv) poorly; (n) invalid; (adj) sick, ailing, pale, sallow, indisposed, morbid, diseased; (adj, n, v) infirm; (adj, v) faint. ANTONYMS: (adj) healthy, bitter, robust

sickness: (n, v) disease, indisposition, malady, disorder, distemper, ailment; (n) complaint, qualm, nausea, disgust, queasiness

siege: (n) blockade, envelopment, encirclement, investment, besieging;

(v) beleaguer, encompass, environ, envelop, encircle, beset

sigh: (n, v) groan, suspire, murmur;

(v) breathe, languish, pine; (n) breath, wail, whimper, whine, suspiration

silently: (adv) mutely, stilly, quietly, noiselessly, soundlessly, taciturnly, wordlessly, secretly, speechlessly,


placidly, tacitly. ANTONYMS: (adv) loudly, audibly, openly, brazenly silenus: (n) forest God, satyr

silk: (adj) silky, down, silken, velure, velvet; (n) silks, satin, cloth, animal fiber, fabric, dental floss

silken: (adj) glossy, silk, sleek, soft, satiny, satin, shiny, smooth, slick, downy, mild. ANTONYMS: (adj) coarse, dull, rough

silks: (n) garment

silliness: (n) absurdity, foolishness, folly, nonsense, giddiness, fatuousness, fatuity, lunacy, idiocy, inanity, stupidity. ANTONYMS: (n) logic, maturity, wisdom, responsibility, sensibleness

silly: (adj) ridiculous, absurd, childish, fatuous, irrational, frivolous, idiotic, preposterous, unreasonable; (adj, n) fool; (n) imbecile. ANTONYMS: (adj) mature, wise, rational, clever, advisable, profound, reasonable, responsible, significant

silver: (n) money, gold, bullion, precious Metals; (adj) silvery, argent, white, silvern, gray, neutral tint; (v) plate

simile: (n) figure of speech, analogy, comparison, compare, resemblance, likeness, similarity, allegory, similitude, parable; (adj) metalepsis simplicity: (n) plainness, simpleness, easiness, ease, clarity, austerity, gullibility, severity, artlessness, ignorance; (adj, n) inexperience. ANTONYMS: (n) difficulty, complexity, ambiguity, magnificence, sophistication, dishonesty, clutter, warmth sincerity: (adj, n) candor, honesty, integrity, probity, faithfulness; (n) earnestness, heartiness, genuineness, candour, frankness, cordiality. ANTONYMS: (n) dishonesty, hypocrisy, flippancy, frivolity, affectedness, caution, reticence, deceit, doubt

sing: (v) hymn, hum, chirp, drone, intone, vocalize, pipe, carol, snitch; (n, v) twitter, squeak

singeing: (n) gassing singing: (v) sing; (n) chanting,

caroling, crooning, hymnody, humming, intonation, scat, psalmody, harmonization; (adj) cantabile. ANTONYM: (adj) silent singleness: (n) sincerity, bachelorhood, bachelorship, unmarried, single, loyalty, oneness, spinsterhood, concentration, unity,


straightforwardness singleton: (n) one, entity, nonce word, individual, set, ace

singly: (adv) one by one, separately, independently, severally, solely, respectively; (adj, adv) alone, only, merely; (adj) single, particularly. ANTONYM: (adv) multiply singular: (adj, n) extraordinary; (adj) odd, individual, particular, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, queer, single, quaint, exceptional. ANTONYMS: (adj) ordinary, normal, together, usual, customary

sinking: (n) sinkage, settling, fall, descent, foundering, depression, immersion, submersion, submergence; (v) decrease, decline. ANTONYM: (adj) rising

sinner: (n) criminal, miscreant, culprit, sinful, trespasser, transgressor, evildoer, magdalen, rascal, villain, sinners

sipping: (n) imbibing, imbibition; (adj) libant

sits: (n) sat

sitter: (n) babysitter, model, nurse, janitor, baby sitter, Willem de sitter, superintendent, keeper, guardian, custodian, caretaker

sixteen: (n) large integer

sixth: (n) common fraction, interval, musical interval, simple fraction sketch: (n, v) plan, outline, draft, scheme, picture, project; (n) drawing, cartoon, plot; (v) paint, draw

sketching: (n) art, cartographic sketching

skies: (n) heavens, firmament, expanse

skilfully: (adv) skillfully, adroitly, cunningly, proficiently, deftly, adeptly, expertly, handily, artfully, goodly, ably

skins: (n) cash, folding money skull: (n) noddle, sconce, pericranium, brainpan, cranium, head, upper story, shell, noggin, skeleton, skullcap

slain: (v) slay; (adj) overthrown, mat, fallen, dejected, cast down

slander: (n, v) scandal, insult, calumniate; (adj, v) defame, asperse;

(n) defamation, aspersion, obloquy, disparagement; (adj, n) abuse; (v) denigrate. ANTONYMS: (n, v) acclaim; (v) compliment; (n) acclamation

slanting: (adj) oblique, sloping, diagonal, askew, slanted, aslant, aslope, awry, leaning, sloped; (adj,

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adv) sideways. ANTONYMS: (adj) upright, direct

slashed: (adj) gashed, torn, split, mown, cut down, decreased, down, emasculated, fringed, gelded, cheap slaughter: (n, v) murder, butcher, defeat; (n) carnage, butchery, bloodshed, drubbing, homicide; (v) kill, assassinate, slay. ANTONYMS:

(n) preservation, victory; (v) lose, revive

slavery: (adj, n) bondage, involuntary servitude; (n) servitude, drudgery, thraldom, thrall, yoke, travail, vassalage, thralldom, toil. ANTONYMS: (n) liberty, freedom slaves: (n) helotry, bondsmen

slay: (n, v) murder, assassinate; (v) dispatch, execute, slaughter, destroy, massacre, put to death, remove, finish, butcher

sleeping: (adj) asleep, inactive, latent, sleepy, vegetive, vegetative; (n) dormancy, noctambulism, quiescence, quiescency, short sleep. ANTONYMS: (adj) active; (n) waking

sleepless: (adj) insomniac, lidless, vigilant, wakeful, awake, watchful, disturbed, alert, unquiet, uneasy, restive

sleeve: (n) arm, liner, cover, cuff, wristband, collar, socket, skin, sheath; (v) plexus, skein

slew: (n) wad, turning, sight, heap, stack, lot, flock; (v) rotate, slue, swerve, veer

slight: (adj, adv) light; (adj) thin, flimsy, slender, fragile, petty, little; (adv, n, v) neglect; (n, v) insult, scorn; (v) ignore. ANTONYMS: (adj) considerable, major, obvious, thickset, severe, wide, fat, intense, heavy, likely; (v) acknowledge slightest: (adj) minimal, first, smallest amount

slim: (adj, v) thin; (adj) slight, narrow, lean, remote, fine, skinny, tiny, meager; (v) reduce, lose weight. ANTONYMS: (adj) heavy, hefty, plump, stocky, wide, considerable, substantial, strong, stout; (v) gain

slimy: (adj) greasy, slippery, muddy, sludgy, squalid, oily, oozy, ropy, viscous, slimed, sordid. ANTONYM: (adj) reputable slinking: (adj) stealthy, surreptitious, furtive

sloping: (adj, v) oblique, slope; (adj) slanting, inclined, slanted, diagonal, leaning, sloped; (adj, adv) aslope,

aslant; (v) slant. ANTONYMS: (adj) horizontal, upright

sluggish: (adj) inert, indolent, inactive, idle, slow, torpid, slack, languid; (adj, n) lazy, drowsy, heavy. ANTONYMS: (adj) energetic, fast, brisk, lively, alert, speedy, industrious

slumberous: (adj) soporific, somnolent, drowsy, sleepy, lethargic, quiet, somniferous, heavy, soporiferous, sluggish, torpid smallest: (adj) least, minimal, littlest, lowest, last, first, negligible, smallest number of, bottom, littler. ANTONYM: (adj) maximum

smart: (adj, n) sharp, quick, bright; (n, v) pain; (adj) shrewd, crafty, sly, dapper, prompt, astute, intelligent. ANTONYMS: (adj) stupid, scruffy, unkempt, dim, shabby, slow, naive, unfashionable, unstylish, unintelligent, thick

smeared: (adj) smudged, unclean, soiled, grubby, smirched, muddy, messy, smudgy, grimy, greasy smell: (n, v) odor, scent, savor, perfume, stink, stench; (v) nose; (n) fragrance, bouquet, savour, odour smelling: (n) smell, flavor, scent, olfactory modality, sensing, sense of smell; (adj) redolent, scented, odorous, stinking, rotten

smiling: (adv) smilingly; (adj) bright, cheerful, jolly, joyful, of good cheer, twinkly, fair, sunny; (n) grinning, grin. ANTONYMS: (adj) sad, gloomy

smite: (v) strike, hit, buffet, bang, clout, knock, smash, thrash, thump, batter, affect

smitten: (adj, v) stricken; (adj) in love, crazy, enamored, struck, nuts, dotty, besotted, gaga, taken with, affected smoke: (n) fumes, cigarette, cigar, smog, fog; (n, v) reek, fumigate, puff; (v) exhale, cure; (adj) tobacco smoking: (n) fume, marijuana, respiration, roll of tobacco, sens; (v) candent, ebullient, glowing; (adj) smoky, rabid; (adv) on a roll smooth: (adj, v) quiet, level, facilitate; (adj) calm, oily, facile, fluent, flowing, flat, fluid, graceful. ANTONYMS: (adj) rough, uneven, wrinkled, peeling, jerky, ridged, flaking, abrasive, coarse, prickly; (v) wrinkle

snake: (n) serpent, ophidian, viper, constrictor, hydra, elapid; (v) wind, twist, curl, weave; (n, v) sneak snakes: (n) Ophidia, suborder

Serpentes, subclass Lepidosauria, suborder Ophidia, Lepidosauria snap: (v) bite, nip, snarl; (adj, v) break; (n, v) photograph, fracture, clack, go; (n) pushover, picnic, catch. ANTONYMS: (adj) roundabout, considered

snapped: (adj) torn

snatched: (adj) hasty, speedy, brief, hurried, quick, rapid, short, sudden, swift. ANTONYM: (adj) slow sneer: (n, v) deride, jeer, scorn, flout, ridicule, scoff, mock, leer, grimace, gird; (n) smirk

snowed: (adj) drugged, fooled sobbing: (adj) crying, weeping, weepy, tearful; (n) lamentation, shortness of breath, shit, prick, motherfucker, tear, lament sober: (adj, v) grave, sedate; (adj) sane, earnest, quiet, solemn, moderate, modest, serene, dull, somber. ANTONYMS: (adj) intoxicated, unrestrained, drunk, playful, sensational, emotional,

cheerful, frivolous, funny, muddled, delirious

sociology: (n) criminology, demography, Zogenic sociology, social science, social engineering, psephology, human ecology, criminological, cosmopolitanism utilitarianism, common weal, behavioral science

socket: (n) cavity, receptacle, outlet, alveolus, hole, pit, dent, sleeve, hollow, pocket, depression sodden: (adj, v) soaking, dripping;

(adj) damp, wet, saturated, sopping, soggy, muddy, drenched, sloppy, soppy

sofa: (n) couch, lounge, divan, bench, davenport, seat, squab, chair, form, convertible, daybed

softened: (adj) diffused, muffled, muted, quiet, slow, touched, sluggish, soften, pultaceous, subdued, low-key

softly: (adv) quietly, mildly, lightly, tenderly, delicately, gently, soft, quiet, silently, kindly, slowly. ANTONYMS: (adv) hoarsely, roughly, loudly, clearly, harshly, forte, severely, strongly, heavily, convincingly, brightly

soiled: (adj) grubby, dirty, nasty, grimy, unclean, filthy, muddy, black, mucky, polluted, foul.

ANTONYMS: (adj) pure, immaculate

sojourn: (adj, v) reside, inhabit; (n) residence, abode; (adj, n, v) stay; (v)

Oscar Wilde

remain, lodge, abide, live; (n, v) delay, domicile

solemnly: (adv) earnestly, gravely, majestically, stately, sternly, staidly, thoughtfully, soberly, formally, ceremoniously, importantly. ANTONYMS: (adv) cheerfully, flippantly

solitary: (adj) forlorn, only, alone, single, lonely, lone, sole, unaccompanied, isolated; (adj, n) recluse; (n) hermit. ANTONYMS: (adj) sociable, combined, common, outgoing

solitude: (n) desolation, loneliness, seclusion, privacy, aloneness, isolation, retirement, lonesomeness, retreat, desert, solitariness. ANTONYMS: (n) companionship, closeness

solve: (adj, v) interpret, loosen; (v) decipher, dissolve, answer, crack, clear up, riddle, explain, elucidate, decide. ANTONYMS: (v) encode, exacerbate

sombre: (adj) dismal, dreary, dark, shadowy, mournful, morose, murky, gloomy, sober, dull, glum sonorous: (adj) rotund, resonant, clear, rich, resounding, harmonious, round, full, ringing, vibrant, sonant. ANTONYMS: (adj) shrill, thin sooner: (adj, adv) rather, earlier, before, preferably, instead; (adv) first, before now, faster, previously, beforehand; (adj) prior

soothed: (adj) composed sordid: (adj) ignoble, nasty, foul, filthy, grimy, base, cheap,

despicable, dishonorable, mucky, low. ANTONYMS: (adj) respectable, pleasant, wholesome, reputable, honorable, clean, attractive, humane sorrow: (n, v) regret, lament, grieve;

(v) mourn; (n) mourning, heartache, repentance, remorse; (adj, n) sadness, misery; (adj, n, v) distress. ANTONYMS: (n) joy, delight, happiness, peace, hopefulness, cheerfulness, shamelessness, calm, content; (v) rejoice

sorts: (n) varieties, sorting, running pi, batter

sought: (adj) required, quest, seeking, popular

soul: (n) creature, human, person, personification, ghost, individual, mind, essence, life, self; (adj, n) heart. ANTONYMS: (n) surface, body

sounded: (adj) measured, oral sovereign: (n) ruler, king, lord,


emperor; (adj) independent, autonomous, imperial, royal, free, regal; (adj, n) prince. ANTONYMS: (adj) dependent, ineffective, useless sovereignty: (n) reign, empire, rule, realm, power, autonomy, independence, dominion, majesty, monarchy, control. ANTONYMS:

(n) restriction, subjugation spade: (v) grub, delve, scoop, excavate; (n) nigger, coon, nigra, jigaboo, boy, black person, spit

spanish: (n) Spanish people, romance language, Castilian

spare: (adj, v) free, reserve, save, thin; (adj) slender, slight, additional, lean; (adj, n) extra, excess; (v) exempt.

ANTONYMS: (n) shortfall, original; (adj) principal, fat, basic, abundant, stout; (v) need, include

sparks: (n) fire

sparrows: (n) sparrow, finches, order Passeriformes, Passeriformes, robins, rooks, etc

spasm: (n) fit, outburst, cramp, attack, twitch, paroxysm, convulsion, pain, pang, start, tic spear: (n) harpoon, lance, pike, fizgig, prick, gig, javelin, shaft, halberd; (v) stab, spike

specially: (adv) especially, peculiarly, specifically, extraordinarily, exceptionally, unusually, exclusively, expressly, in particular, particular, distinctively. ANTONYM: (adv) generally specimen: (n) exemplar, instance, example, copy, pattern, person, representative, individual, model, illustration, type

speck: (adj, n) point, atom, particle;

(n) blot, flaw, smudge, blotch, blemish, grain, mote, dot. ANTONYM: (n) lot

spectacle: (n) scene, pageant, display, exhibition, phenomenon, appearance, spectacles, view, wonder; (n, v) sight, parade. ANTONYM: (n) understatement spectacles: (n) glasses, specs, spectacle, eyeglass, goggles, lorgnette, monocle, bifocals, dark glasses, optical instrument, shades spectator: (n) eyewitness, observer, onlooker, witness, audience, beholder, viewer, watcher, spectators, looker, ogler. ANTONYM: (n) player

spectators: (n) spectator, gallery, viewer, viewers, attendance spectral: (adj) ghostly, phantasmal, apparitional, unearthly, ghostlike,

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